749 research outputs found

    Focal Spot, Fall/Winter 2001

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    IPv6: a new security challenge

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    Tese de mestrado em Segurança Informática, apresentada à Universidade de Lisboa, através da Faculdade de Ciências, 2011O Protocolo de Internet versão 6 (IPv6) foi desenvolvido com o intuito de resolver alguns dos problemas não endereçados pelo seu antecessor, o Protocolo de Internet versão 4 (IPv4), nomeadamente questões relacionadas com segurança e com o espaço de endereçamento disponível. São muitos os que na última década têm desenvolvido estudos sobre os investimentos necessários à sua adoção e sobre qual o momento certo para que o mesmo seja adotado por todos os players no mercado. Recentemente, o problema da extinção de endereçamentos públicos a ser disponibilizado pelas diversas Region Internet registry – RIRs - despertou o conjunto de entidades envolvidas para que se agilizasse o processo de migração do IPv4 para o IPv6. Ao contrário do IPv4, esta nova versão considera a segurança como um objetivo fundamental na sua implementação, nesse sentido é recomendado o uso do protocolo IPsec ao nível da camada de rede. No entanto, e devido à imaturidade do protocolo e à complexidade que este período de transição comporta, existem inúmeras implicações de segurança que devem ser consideradas neste período de migração. O objetivo principal deste trabalho é definir um conjunto de boas práticas no âmbito da segurança na implementação do IPv6 que possa ser utilizado pelos administradores de redes de dados e pelas equipas de segurança dos diversos players no mercado. Nesta fase de transição, é de todo útil e conveniente contribuir de forma eficiente na interpretação dos pontos fortes deste novo protocolo assim como nas vulnerabilidades a ele associadas.IPv6 was developed to address the exhaustion of IPv4 addresses, but has not yet seen global deployment. Recent trends are now finally changing this picture and IPv6 is expected to take off soon. Contrary to the original, this new version of the Internet Protocol has security as a design goal, for example with its mandatory support for network layer security. However, due to the immaturity of the protocol and the complexity of the transition period, there are several security implications that have to be considered when deploying IPv6. In this project, our goal is to define a set of best practices for IPv6 Security that could be used by IT staff and network administrators within an Internet Service Provider. To this end, an assessment of some of the available security techniques for IPv6 will be made by means of a set of laboratory experiments using real equipment from an Internet Service Provider in Portugal. As the transition for IPv6 seems inevitable this work can help ISPs in understanding the threats that exist in IPv6 networks and some of the prophylactic measures available, by offering recommendations to protect internal as well as customers’ networks

    Cyber indicators of compromise: a domain ontology for security information and event management

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    It has been said that cyber attackers are attacking at wire speed (very fast), while cyber defenders are defending at human speed (very slow). Researchers have been working to improve this asymmetry by automating a greater portion of what has traditionally been very labor-intensive work. This work is involved in both the monitoring of live system events (to detect attacks), and the review of historical system events (to investigate attacks). One technology that is helping to automate this work is Security Information and Event Management (SIEM). In short, SIEM technology works by aggregating log information, and then sifting through this information looking for event correlations that are highly indicative of attack activity. For example: Administrator successful local logon and (concurrently) Administrator successful remote logon. Such correlations are sometimes referred to as indicators of compromise (IOCs). Though IOCs for network-based data (i.e., packet headers and payload) are fairly mature (e.g., Snort's large rule-base), the field of end-device IOCs is still evolving and lacks any well-defined go-to standard accepted by all. This report addresses ontological issues pertaining to end-device IOCs development, including what they are, how they are defined, and what dominant early standards already exist.http://archive.org/details/cyberindicatorso1094553041Lieutenant, United States NavyApproved for public release; distribution is unlimited

    On Detection of Current and Next-Generation Botnets.

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    Botnets are one of the most serious security threats to the Internet and its end users. A botnet consists of compromised computers that are remotely coordinated by a botmaster under a Command and Control (C&C) infrastructure. Driven by financial incentives, botmasters leverage botnets to conduct various cybercrimes such as spamming, phishing, identity theft and Distributed-Denial-of-Service (DDoS) attacks. There are three main challenges facing botnet detection. First, code obfuscation is widely employed by current botnets, so signature-based detection is insufficient. Second, the C&C infrastructure of botnets has evolved rapidly. Any detection solution targeting one botnet instance can hardly keep up with this change. Third, the proliferation of powerful smartphones presents a new platform for future botnets. Defense techniques designed for existing botnets may be outsmarted when botnets invade smartphones. Recognizing these challenges, this dissertation proposes behavior-based botnet detection solutions at three different levels---the end host, the edge network and the Internet infrastructure---from a small scale to a large scale, and investigates the next-generation botnet targeting smartphones. It (1) addresses the problem of botnet seeding by devising a per-process containment scheme for end-host systems; (2) proposes a hybrid botnet detection framework for edge networks utilizing combined host- and network-level information; (3) explores the structural properties of botnet topologies and measures network components' capabilities of large-scale botnet detection at the Internet infrastructure level; and (4) presents a proof-of-concept mobile botnet employing SMS messages as the C&C and P2P as the topology to facilitate future research on countermeasures against next-generation botnets. The dissertation makes three primary contributions. First, the detection solutions proposed utilize intrinsic and fundamental behavior of botnets and are immune to malware obfuscation and traffic encryption. Second, the solutions are general enough to identify different types of botnets, not a specific botnet instance. They can also be extended to counter next-generation botnet threats. Third, the detection solutions function at multiple levels to meet various detection needs. They each take a different perspective but are highly complementary to each other, forming an integrated botnet detection framework.Ph.D.Computer Science & EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/91382/1/gracez_1.pd

    Focal Spot, Summer/Fall 2005

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    Focal Spot, Summer/Fall 2005

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    Federated Agentless Detection of Endpoints Using Behavioral and Characteristic Modeling

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    During the past two decades computer networks and security have evolved that, even though we use the same TCP/IP stack, network traffic behaviors and security needs have significantly changed. To secure modern computer networks, complete and accurate data must be gathered in a structured manner pertaining to the network and endpoint behavior. Security operations teams struggle to keep up with the ever-increasing number of devices and network attacks daily. Often the security aspect of networks gets managed reactively instead of providing proactive protection. Data collected at the backbone are becoming inadequate during security incidents. Incident response teams require data that is reliably attributed to each individual endpoint over time. With the current state of dissociated data collected from networks using different tools it is challenging to correlate the necessary data to find origin and propagation of attacks within the network. Critical indicators of compromise may go undetected due to the drawbacks of current data collection systems leaving endpoints vulnerable to attacks. Proliferation of distributed organizations demand distributed federated security solutions. Without robust data collection systems that are capable of transcending architectural and computational challenges, it is becoming increasingly difficult to provide endpoint protection at scale. This research focuses on reliable agentless endpoint detection and traffic attribution in federated networks using behavioral and characteristic modeling for incident response

    Exploiting Host Availability in Distributed Systems.

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    As distributed systems become more decentralized, fluctuating host availability is an increasingly disruptive phenomenon. Older systems such as AFS used a small number of well-maintained, highly available machines to coordinate access to shared client state; server uptime (and thus service availability) were expected to be high. Newer services scale to larger number of clients by increasing the number of servers. In these systems, the responsibility for maintaining the service abstraction is spread amongst thousands of machines. In the extreme, each client is also a server who must respond to requests from its peers, and each host can opt in or out of the system at any time. In these operating environments, a non-trivial fraction of servers will be unavailable at any give time. This diffusion of responsibility from a few dedicated hosts to many unreliable ones has a dramatic impact on distributed system design, since it is difficult to build robust applications atop a partially available, potentially untrusted substrate. This dissertation explores one aspect of this challenge: how can a distributed system measure the fluctuating availability of its constituent hosts, and how can it use an understanding of this churn to improve performance and security? This dissertation extends the previous literature in three ways. First, it introduces new analytical techniques for characterizing availability data, applying these techniques to several real networks and explaining the distinct uptime patterns found within. Second, this dissertation introduces new methods for predicting future availability, both at the granularity of individual hosts and clusters of hosts. Third, my dissertation describes how to use these new techniques to improve the performance and security of distributed systems.Ph.D.Computer Science & EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/58445/1/jmickens_1.pd
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