10 research outputs found

    Memorable Maps: A Framework for Re-defining Places in Visual Place Recognition

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    This paper presents a cognition-inspired agnostic framework for building a map for Visual Place Recognition. This framework draws inspiration from human-memorability, utilizes the traditional image entropy concept and computes the static content in an image; thereby presenting a tri-folded criterion to assess the 'memorability' of an image for visual place recognition. A dataset namely 'ESSEX3IN1' is created, composed of highly confusing images from indoor, outdoor and natural scenes for analysis. When used in conjunction with state-of-the-art visual place recognition methods, the proposed framework provides significant performance boost to these techniques, as evidenced by results on ESSEX3IN1 and other public datasets

    Interactive removal and ground truth for difficult shadow scenes

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    A user-centric method for fast, interactive, robust, and high-quality shadow removal is presented. Our algorithm can perform detection and removal in a range of difficult cases, such as highly textured and colored shadows. To perform detection, an on-the-fly learning approach is adopted guided by two rough user inputs for the pixels of the shadow and the lit area. After detection, shadow removal is performed by registering the penumbra to a normalized frame, which allows us efficient estimation of nonuniform shadow illumination changes, resulting in accurate and robust removal. Another major contribution of this work is the first validated and multiscene category ground truth for shadow removal algorithms. This data set containing 186 images eliminates inconsistencies between shadow and shadow-free images and provides a range of different shadow types such as soft, textured, colored, and broken shadow. Using this data, the most thorough comparison of state-of-the-art shadow removal methods to date is performed, showing our proposed algorithm to outperform the state of the art across several measures and shadow categories. To complement our data set, an online shadow removal benchmark website is also presented to encourage future open comparisons in this challenging field of research

    Automatic and accurate shadow detection from (potentially) a single image using near-infrared information

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    Shadows, due to their prevalence in natural images, are a long studied phenomenon in digital photography and computer vision. Indeed, their presence can be a hindrance for a number of algorithms; accurate detection (and sometimes subsequent removal) of shadows in images is thus of paramount importance. In this paper, we present a method to detect shadows in a fast and accurate manner. To do so, we employ the inherent sensitivity of digital camera sensors to the near-infrared (NIR) part of the spectrum. We start by observing that commonly encountered light sources have very distinct spectra in the NIR, and propose that ratios of the colour channels (red, green and blue) to the NIR image gives valuable information about impinging illumination. In addition, we assume that shadows are contained in the darker parts of an image for both visible and NIR. This latter assumption is corroborated by the fact that a number of colorants are transparent to the NIR, thus making parts of the image that are dark in both the visible and NIR prime shadow candidates. These hypotheses allow for fast, accurate shadow detection in real, complex, scenes, including soft and occlusion shadows. We demonstrate that the process is reliable enough to be performed in-camera on still mosaicked images by simulating a modified colour filter array (CFA) that can simultaneously capture NIR and visible images. Finally, we show that our binary shadow maps can be the input of a matting algorithm to improve their precision in a fully automatic manner

    Real-Time Inverse Lighting for Augmented Reality Using a Dodecahedral Marker

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    Lighting is a major factor in the perceived realism of virtual objects, and thus lighting virtual objects so that they appear to be illuminated by real-world light sources - a process known as inverse lighting - is a crucial component to creating realistic augmented reality images. This work presents a new, real-time inverse lighting method that samples the light reflected off of a regular, twelve-sided (dodecahedral), 3D object to estimate the light direction of a scene's primary light source. Using the light sample results, each visible face of the dodecahedron is determined to either be in light or in shadow. One or more light vectors then are calculated for each face by either using the surface normal vector of the face as a light direction vector if the face is in light, or by reflecting the face's surface normal across the normal vector of every adjacent illuminated face in the case of shadowed faces. If the shadowed face is not adjacent to any illuminated faces, the normal vector is reversed instead. These light vectors then are averaged to produce a vector pointing to the primary light source in the environment. This method is designed with special consideration to ease of use for the user, requiring no configuration stages.Computer Scienc

    Revisiting and evaluating colour constancy and colour stabilisation algorithms

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    When we capture a scene with a digital camera, the sensor generates a digital response which is the Raw image. This response depends on the ambient light, the object reflectance and the sensitivity of the camera. The generated image is processed with the the camera pipeline, which is a series of operations aiming at processing the colours of the image to make it more pleasant for the user. Further colour processing can also be performed on the pipeline output image. This said, processing the colours is not only important for aesthetic reasons, but also for various computer vision tasks where a faithful reproduction of the scene colours is needed e.g. for object recognition and tracking. In this thesis, we focus on two important colour processing operations: colour constancy and colour stabilisation. Colour constancy is the ability of a visual system to see an object with the same colour independently of the light colour; the camera processes the image so the scene looks like captured under a canonical light, usually a white light. This means that when we take two images of, let’s say, a green apple in the sunlight and indoor under a tungsten light, we want the apple to appear green in both cases. To do that one important step of the pipeline is to estimate the light colour in the scene to then discount it from the image. In this thesis we first focus on the illuminant estimation problem, in particular on the performance evaluation of illuminant estimation algorithms on the benchmark ColorChecker dataset. More precisely, we show the importance of the accuracy of the ground-truth illuminants when evaluating algorithms and comparing them. The following part of the thesis is about chromagenic illuminant estimation which is based on using two images of the scene: one filtered and one unfiltered where the two images need to be registered. We revisit the preprocessing step (colour correction) of the chromagenic method and we introduce the use of the Monge-Kantorovitch transform (MKT) that removes the need for the expensive registration task. We also introduce two new datasets of chromagenic images for the evaluation of illuminant estimation methods. The last part of the thesis is about colour stabilisation which is particularly important in video processing, where consistency of colours is required across image frames. When the camera moves or when the shooting parameters change, the same object in the scene can appear with different colours in two consecutive frames. To solve for colour stabilisation given a pair of images of the same scene we need to process the first image to match the second. We propose using MKT to find the mapping. Our novel method gives competitive results compared to other recent methods while being less computationally expensive

    Detecting Illumination in images

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    In this paper we present a surprisingly simple yet powerful method for detecting illumination determining which pixels are lit by different lights in images. Our method is based on the chromagenic camera, which takes two pictures of each scene: one is captured as normal and the other through a coloured filter. Previous research has shown that the relationship between the colours, the RGBs, in the filtered and unfiltered images depends strongly on the colour of the light and this can be used to estimate the colour of the illuminant. While chromagenic illuminant estimation often works well it can and does fail and so is not itself a direct solution to the illuminant detection problem. In this paper we dispense with the goal of illumination estimation and seek only to use the chromagenic effect to find out which parts of a scene are illuminated by the same lights. The simplest implementation of our idea involves a combinatorial search. We precompute a dictionary of possible illuminant relations that might map RGBs to filtered counterparts from which we select a small number m corresponding to the number of distinct lights we think might be present. Each pixel, or region, is assigned the relation from this m-set that best maps filtered to unfiltered RGB. All m-sets are tried in turn and the one that has the minimum prediction error over all is found. At the end of this search process each pixel or region is assigned an integer between 1 and m indicating which of the m lights are thought to have illuminated the region. Our simple search algorithm is possible when m = 2 (and m = 3) and for this case we present experiments that show our method does a remarkable job in detecting illumination in images: if the 2 lights are shadow and non- shadow, we find the shadows almost effortlessly. Compared to ground truth data, our method delivers close to optimal performance