405 research outputs found

    Neyman’s Smoothness Test: a Trade-off between Moment-based and Distribution-based Leakage Detections

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    Leakage detection tests have become an indispensable tool for testing implementations featuring side channel countermeasures such as masking. Whilst moment-based techniques such as the Welch’s t-test are universally powerful if there is leakage in a central moment, they naturally fail if this is not the case. Distribution-based techniques such as the χ2-test then come to the rescue, but they have shown not to be robust with regards to noise. In this paper, we propose a novel leakage detection technique based on Neyman’s smoothness test. We find that our new test is robust with respect to noise (similar to the merit of Welch’s t-test), and can pick up on leakage that is not located in central moments (similar to the merit of the χ2-test). We also find that there is a sweet-spot where Neyman’s test outperforms both the t-test and the χ2-test. Realistic measurements confirm that such a sweet-spot is relevant in practice for detecting implementation flaws

    Profiling Good Leakage Models For Masked Implementations

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    Leakage model plays a very important role in side channel attacks. An accurate leakage model greatly improves the efficiency of attacks. However, how to profile a good enough leakage model, or how to measure the accuracy of a leakage model, is seldom studied. Durvaux et al. proposed leakage certification tests to profile good enough leakage model for unmasked implementations. However, they left the leakage model profiling for protected implementations as an open problem. To solve this problem, we propose the first practical higher-order leakage model certification tests for masked implementations. First and second order attacks are performed on the simulations of serial and parallel implementations of a first-order fixed masking. A third-order attack is performed on another simulation of a second-order random masked implementation. The experimental results show that our new tests can profile the leakage models accurately

    SoK: Design Tools for Side-Channel-Aware Implementations

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    Side-channel attacks that leak sensitive information through a computing device's interaction with its physical environment have proven to be a severe threat to devices' security, particularly when adversaries have unfettered physical access to the device. Traditional approaches for leakage detection measure the physical properties of the device. Hence, they cannot be used during the design process and fail to provide root cause analysis. An alternative approach that is gaining traction is to automate leakage detection by modeling the device. The demand to understand the scope, benefits, and limitations of the proposed tools intensifies with the increase in the number of proposals. In this SoK, we classify approaches to automated leakage detection based on the model's source of truth. We classify the existing tools on two main parameters: whether the model includes measurements from a concrete device and the abstraction level of the device specification used for constructing the model. We survey the proposed tools to determine the current knowledge level across the domain and identify open problems. In particular, we highlight the absence of evaluation methodologies and metrics that would compare proposals' effectiveness from across the domain. We believe that our results help practitioners who want to use automated leakage detection and researchers interested in advancing the knowledge and improving automated leakage detection

    Practical Evaluation of Masking Software Countermeasures on an IoT processor

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    Implementing cryptography on Internet-of-Things (IoT) devices, that is resilient against side channel analysis, has so far been a task only suitable for specialist software designers in interaction with access to a sophisticated testing facility. Recently a novel tool has been developed, ELMO, which offers the potential to enable non-specialist software developers to evaluate their code w.r.t. power analysis for a popular IoT processor. We explain a crucial extension of ELMO, which enables a user to test higher-order masking schemes much more efficiently than so far possible as well as improve the ease and speed of diagnosing masking errors

    Towards Automated Detection of Single-Trace Side-Channel Vulnerabilities in Constant-Time Cryptographic Code

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    Although cryptographic algorithms may be mathematically secure, it is often possible to leak secret information from the implementation of the algorithms. Timing and power side-channel vulnerabilities are some of the most widely considered threats to cryptographic algorithm implementations. Timing vulnerabilities may be easier to detect and exploit, and all high-quality cryptographic code today should be written in constant-time style. However, this does not prevent power side-channels from existing. With constant time code, potential attackers can resort to power side-channel attacks to try leaking secrets. Detecting potential power side-channel vulnerabilities is a tedious task, as it requires analyzing code at the assembly level and needs reasoning about which instructions could be leaking information based on their operands and their values. To help make the process of detecting potential power side-channel vulnerabilities easier for cryptographers, this work presents Pascal: Power Analysis Side Channel Attack Locator, a tool that introduces novel symbolic register analysis techniques for binary analysis of constant-time cryptographic algorithms, and verifies locations of potential power side-channel vulnerabilities with high precision. Pascal is evaluated on a number of implementations of post-quantum cryptographic algorithms, and it is able to find dozens of previously reported single-trace power side-channel vulnerabilities in these algorithms, all in an automated manner

    Towards Optimal Pre-processing in Leakage Detection

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    An attacker or evaluator can detect more information leakages if he improves the Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) of power traces in his tests. For this purpose, pre-processings such as de-noise, distribution-based traces biasing are used. However, the existing traces biasing schemes can\u27t accurately express the characteristics of power traces with high SNR, making them not ideal for leakage detections. Moreover, if the SNR of power traces is very low, it is very difficult to use the existing de-noise schemes and traces biasing schemes to enhance leakage detection. In this paper, a known key based pre-processing tool named Traces Linear Optimal Biasing (TLOB) is proposed, which performs very well even on power traces with very low SNR. It can accurately evaluate the noise of time samples and give reliable traces optimal biasing. Experimental results show that TLOB significantly reduces number of traces used for detection; correlation coefficients in ρ\rho-tests using TLOB approach 1.00, thus the confidence of tests is significantly improved. As far as we know, there is no pre-processing tool more efficient than TLOB. TLOB is very simple, and only brings very limited time and memory consumption. We strongly recommend to use it to pre-process traces in side channel evaluations


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    Even today, Side-Channel Analysis attacks pose a serious threat to the security of cryptographic implementations fabricated with low-power and nanoscale feature technologies. Fortunately, the masking countermeasures offer reliable protection against such attacks based on simple security assumptions. However, the practical application of masking to a cryptographic algorithm is not trivial, and the designer may overlook possible security flaws, especially when masking a complex circuit. Moreover, abstract models like probing security allow formal verification tools to evaluate masked implementations. However, this is computationally too expensive when dealing with circuits that are not based on composable gadgets. Unfortunately, using composable gadgets comes at some area overhead. As a result, such tools can only evaluate subcircuits, not their compositions, which can become the Achilles’ heel of such masked implementations. In this work, we apply logic simulations to evaluate the security of masked implementations which are not necessarily based on composable gadgets. We developed PROLEAD, an automated tool analyzing the statistical independence of simulated intermediates probed by a robust probing adversary. Compared to the state of the art, our approach (1) does not require any power model as only the state of a gate-level netlist is simulated, (2) can handle masked full cipher implementations, and (3) can detect flaws related to the combined occurrence of glitches and transitions as well as higher-order multivariate leakages. With PROLEAD, we can evaluate masked mplementations that are too complex for existing formal verification tools while being in line with the robust probing model. Through PROLEAD, we have detected security flaws in several publicly-available masked implementations, which have been claimed to be robust probing secure

    Side Channel Attacks on IoT Applications

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