21 research outputs found

    Neural visualization of network traffic data for intrusion detection

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    This study introduces and describes a novel intrusion detection system (IDS) called MOVCIDS (mobile visualization connectionist IDS). This system applies neural projection architectures to detect anomalous situations taking place in a computer network. By its advanced visualization facilities, the proposed IDS allows providing an overview of the network traffic as well as identifying anomalous situations tackled by computer networks, responding to the challenges presented by volume, dynamics and diversity of the traffic, including novel (0-day) attacks. MOVCIDS provides a novel point of view in the field of IDSs by enabling the most interesting projections (based on the fourth order statistics; the kurtosis index) of a massive traffic dataset to be extracted. These projections are then depicted through a functional and mobile visualization interface, providing visual information of the internal structure of the traffic data. The interface makes MOVCIDS accessible from any mobile device to give more accessibility to network administrators, enabling continuous visualization, monitoring and supervision of computer networks. Additionally, a novel testing technique has been developed to evaluate MOVCIDS and other IDSs employing numerical datasets. To show the performance and validate the proposed IDS, it has been tested in different real domains containing several attacks and anomalous situations. In addition, the importance of the temporal dimension on intrusion detection, and the ability of this IDS to process it, are emphasized in this workJunta de Castilla and Leon project BU006A08, Business intelligence for production within the framework of the Instituto Tecnologico de Cas-tilla y Leon (ITCL) and the Agencia de Desarrollo Empresarial (ADE), and the Spanish Ministry of Education and Innovation project CIT-020000-2008-2. The authors would also like to thank the vehicle interior manufacturer, Grupo Antolin Ingenieria S. A., within the framework of the project MAGNO2008-1028-CENIT Project funded by the Spanish Government

    IDS Based on Bio-inspired Models

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    Unsupervised projection approaches can support Intrusion Detection Systems for computer network security. The involved technologies assist a network manager in detecting anomalies and potential threats by an intuitive display of the progression of network traffic. Projection methods operate as smart compression tools and map raw, high-dimensional traffic data into 2-D or 3-D spaces for subsequent graphical display. The paper compares three projection methods, namely, Cooperative Maximum Likelihood Hebbian Learning, Auto-Associative Back-Propagation networks and Principal Component Analysis. Empirical tests on anomalous situations related to the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) confirm the validity of the projection-based approach. One of these anomalous situations (the SNMP community search) is faced by these projection models for the first time. This work also highlights the importance of the time-information dependence in the identification of anomalous situations in the case of the applied methods

    IDS Based on Bio-inspired Models

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    Unsupervised projection approaches can support Intrusion Detection Systems for computer network security. The involved technologies assist a network manager in detecting anomalies and potential threats by an intuitive display of the progression of network traffic. Projection methods operate as smart compression tools and map raw, high-dimensional traffic data into 2-D or 3-D spaces for subsequent graphical display. The paper compares three projection methods, namely, Cooperative Maximum Likelihood Hebbian Learning, Auto-Associative Back-Propagation networks and Principal Component Analysis. Empirical tests on anomalous situations related to the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) confirm the validity of the projection-based approach. One of these anomalous situations (the SNMP community search) is faced by these projection models for the first time. This work also highlights the importance of the time-information dependence in the identification of anomalous situations in the case of the applied methods

    MOVICAB-IDS: Visual Analysis of Network Traffic Data Streams for Intrusion Detection

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    MOVICAB-IDS enables the more interesting projections of a massive traffic data set to be analysed, thereby providing an overview of any possible anomalous situations taking place on a computer network. This IDS responds to the challenges presented by traffic volume and diversity. It is a connectionist agent-based model extended by means of a functional and mobile visualization interface. The IDS is designed to be more flexible, accessible and portable by running on a great variety of applications, including small mobile ones such as PDA’s, mobile phones or embedded devices. Furthermore, its effectiveness has been demonstrated in different tests

    The Importance of Time in the Identification of Anomalous Situations by Means of MOVICAB-IDS

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    Intrusion Detection Systems (IDSs) are a part of the computer security infrastructure of most organizations. They are designed to detect suspect patterns by monitoring and analysing computer network events. Different areas of artificial intelligence, statistical and signature verification techniques have been applied in the field of IDSs. Additionally, visualization tools have been applied for intrusion detection, some of them providing visual measurements of network traffic. As described in previous works, MOVICAB-IDS (MObile VIsualization Cooperative Agent-Based IDS) is a bio-inspired tool based on the use of unsupervised Neural Networks (NN), and provides the network administrator with a snapshot of network traffic, protocol interactions and traffic volume. It offers a complete and more intuitive visualization of the network traffic by depicting each simple packet. To improve the accessibility of the system, the administrator may visualize the results on a mobile device (such as PDA’s, mobile phones or embedded devices), enabling informed decisions to be taken anywhere and at any time. It is a combination of a connectionist model and a multiagent system enriched by a functional and mobile visualization. The viability and effectiveness of MOVICAB-IDS has been shown in previous works. This paper focuses on the importance of the time-information dependence in the identification of anomalous situations in the case of the proposed model. Several experiments show that the connectionist method on which MOVICAB-IDS is based (that has never been applied to the IDS and network security field before the beginning of this research) can highlight the evolution of packets along time. That is, MOVICAB-IDS identifies anomalous situations by taking into account the time-related dimension among others and by using unsupervised bio-inspired models

    Deliberative Agents for Intrusion Detection.

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    This work describes a multiagent system incorporating some artificial intelligence techniques for intrusion detection. The proposed Intrusion Detection System (IDS) provides a network administrator with a comprehensive visualization of the network traffic. Thus, the network manager can supervise the network activity and detect anomalies at a glance. This paper describes the structure of the Mobile Visualization Connectionist Agent-Based IDS (MOVICAB-IDS). The system includes deliberative agents using a connectionist model to identify intrusions in computer networks. Some experiments dealing with anomalous situations related to the Simple Network Management Protocol are described

    Testing CAB-IDS Through Mutations: On the Identification of Network Scans

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    This study demonstrates the ability of powerful visualization tools (based on the use of connectionist models) to identify network intrusion attempts in an effective and reliable manner. It presents a novel technique to test and evaluate a previously developed network-based intrusion detection system (IDS). This technique applies mutant operators and is intended to test IDSs using numerical data sets. It should be made clear that some mutations were discarded as they did not all provide real life situations. As an application example of the proposed testing model, it has been specially applied to the identification of network scans and mutations of these. The tested Connectionist Agent-Based IDS (CAB-IDS) is used as a method to investigate the traffic which travels along the analysed network, detecting anomalous traffic patterns. The specific tests performed in this study were based on the mutation of one or several variables analysed by CAB-IDS

    Mutating network scans for the assessment of supervised classifier ensembles

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    As it is well known, some Intrusion Detection Systems (IDSs) suffer from high rates of false positives and negatives. A mutation technique is proposed in this study to test and evaluate the performance of a full range of classifier ensembles for Network Intrusion Detection when trying to recognize new attacks. The novel technique applies mutant operators that randomly modify the features of the captured network packets to generate situations that could not otherwise be provided to IDSs while learning. A comprehensive comparison of supervised classifiers and their ensembles is performed to assess their generalization capability. It is based on the idea of confronting brand new network attacks obtained by means of the mutation technique. Finally, an example application of the proposed testing model is specially applied to the identification of network scans and related mutationsSpanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (TIN2010-21272-C02-01 and CIT-020000-2009-12) (both funded by the European Regional Development Fund). The authors would also like to thank the vehicle interior manufacturer, Grupo Antolin Ingenieria S. A., within the framework of the MAGNO2008 - 1028.- CENIT. Project also funded by the MICINN, the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (PID 560300-2009-11) and the Regional Government of Castile-Leon (CCTT/10/BU/0002). This work was also supported in the framework of the IT4Innovations Centre of Excellence project, reg. no. (CZ.1.05/1.1.00/02.0070) supported by the Operational Program 'Research and Development for Innovations' funded through the Structural Funds of the European Union and the state budget of the Czech Republic.This is a pre-copyedited, author-produced PDF of an article accepted for publication in Logic Journal of the IGPL following peer review. The version of record: Javier Sedano, Silvia González, Álvaro Herrero, Bruno Baruque, and Emilio Corchado, Mutating network scans for the assessment of supervised classifier ensembles, Logic Jnl IGPL, first published online September 3, 2012, doi:10.1093/jigpal/jzs037 is available online at: http://jigpal.oxfordjournals.org/content/early/2012/09/03/jigpal.jzs03

    Approaching Real-Time Intrusion Detection through MOVICAB-IDS

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    This paper presents an extension of MOVICAB-IDS, a Hybrid Intelligent Intrusion Detection System characterized by incorporating temporal control to enable real-time processing and response. The original formulation of MOVICAB-IDS combines artificial neural networks and case-based reasoning within a multiagent system to perform Intrusion Detection in dynamic computer networks. The contribution of the anytime algorithm, one of the most promising to adapt Artificial Intelligent techniques to real-time requirements; is comprehensively presented in this work