1,288 research outputs found

    Detecting Anomalies From Big Data System Logs

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    Nowadays, big data systems (e.g., Hadoop and Spark) are being widely adopted by many domains for offering effective data solutions, such as manufacturing, healthcare, education, and media. A common problem about big data systems is called anomaly, e.g., a status deviated from normal execution, which decreases the performance of computation or kills running programs. It is becoming a necessity to detect anomalies and analyze their causes. An effective and economical approach is to analyze system logs. Big data systems produce numerous unstructured logs that contain buried valuable information. However manually detecting anomalies from system logs is a tedious and daunting task. This dissertation proposes four approaches that can accurately and automatically analyze anomalies from big data system logs without extra monitoring overhead. Moreover, to detect abnormal tasks in Spark logs and analyze root causes, we design a utility to conduct fault injection and collect logs from multiple compute nodes. (1) Our first method is a statistical-based approach that can locate those abnormal tasks and calculate the weights of factors for analyzing the root causes. In the experiment, four potential root causes are considered, i.e., CPU, memory, network, and disk I/O. The experimental results show that the proposed approach is accurate in detecting abnormal tasks as well as finding the root causes. (2) To give a more reasonable probability result and avoid ad-hoc factor weights calculating, we propose a neural network approach to analyze root causes of abnormal tasks. We leverage General Regression Neural Network (GRNN) to identify root causes for abnormal tasks. The likelihood of reported root causes is presented to users according to the weighted factors by GRNN. (3) To further improve anomaly detection by avoiding feature extraction, we propose a novel approach by leveraging Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN). Our proposed model can automatically learn event relationships in system logs and detect anomaly with high accuracy. Our deep neural network consists of logkey2vec embeddings, three 1D convolutional layers, a dropout layer, and max pooling. According to our experiment, our CNN-based approach has better accuracy compared to other approaches using Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) and Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) on detecting anomaly in Hadoop DistributedFile System (HDFS) logs. (4) To analyze system logs more accurately, we extend our CNN-based approach with two attention schemes to detect anomalies in system logs. The proposed two attention schemes focus on different features from CNN\u27s output. We evaluate our approaches with several benchmarks, and the attention-based CNN model shows the best performance among all state-of-the-art methods

    Anomaly Detection using Autoencoders in High Performance Computing Systems

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    Anomaly detection in supercomputers is a very difficult problem due to the big scale of the systems and the high number of components. The current state of the art for automated anomaly detection employs Machine Learning methods or statistical regression models in a supervised fashion, meaning that the detection tool is trained to distinguish among a fixed set of behaviour classes (healthy and unhealthy states). We propose a novel approach for anomaly detection in High Performance Computing systems based on a Machine (Deep) Learning technique, namely a type of neural network called autoencoder. The key idea is to train a set of autoencoders to learn the normal (healthy) behaviour of the supercomputer nodes and, after training, use them to identify abnormal conditions. This is different from previous approaches which where based on learning the abnormal condition, for which there are much smaller datasets (since it is very hard to identify them to begin with). We test our approach on a real supercomputer equipped with a fine-grained, scalable monitoring infrastructure that can provide large amount of data to characterize the system behaviour. The results are extremely promising: after the training phase to learn the normal system behaviour, our method is capable of detecting anomalies that have never been seen before with a very good accuracy (values ranging between 88% and 96%).Comment: 9 pages, 3 figure

    A Cognitive Framework to Secure Smart Cities

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    The advancement in technology has transformed Cyber Physical Systems and their interface with IoT into a more sophisticated and challenging paradigm. As a result, vulnerabilities and potential attacks manifest themselves considerably more than before, forcing researchers to rethink the conventional strategies that are currently in place to secure such physical systems. This manuscript studies the complex interweaving of sensor networks and physical systems and suggests a foundational innovation in the field. In sharp contrast with the existing IDS and IPS solutions, in this paper, a preventive and proactive method is employed to stay ahead of attacks by constantly monitoring network data patterns and identifying threats that are imminent. Here, by capitalizing on the significant progress in processing power (e.g. petascale computing) and storage capacity of computer systems, we propose a deep learning approach to predict and identify various security breaches that are about to occur. The learning process takes place by collecting a large number of files of different types and running tests on them to classify them as benign or malicious. The prediction model obtained as such can then be used to identify attacks. Our project articulates a new framework for interactions between physical systems and sensor networks, where malicious packets are repeatedly learned over time while the system continually operates with respect to imperfect security mechanisms

    Insider’s Misuse Detection: From Hidden Markov Model to Deep Learning

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    Malicious insiders increasingly affect organizations by leaking classified data to unautho- rized entities. Detecting insiders’ misuses in computer systems is a challenging problem. In this dissertation, we propose two approaches to detect such threats: a probabilistic graph- ical model-based approach and a deep learning-based approach. We investigate the logs of computer-based activities to discover patterns of misuse. We model user’s behaviors as sequences of computer-based events. For our probabilistic graphical model-based approach, we propose an unsupervised model for insider’s misuse detection. That is, we develop Stochastic Gradient Descent method to learn Hidden Markov Models (SGD-HMM) with the goal of analyzing user log data. We propose the use of varying granularity levels to represent users’ log data: Session-based, Day-based, and Week-based. A user’s normal behavior is modeled using SGD-HMM. The model is used to detect any deviation from the normal behavior. We also propose a Sliding Window Technique (SWT) to identify malicious activity by considering the near history of the user’s activities. We evaluate the experimental results in terms of Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC). The area under the curve (AUC) represents the model’s performance with respect to the separability of the normal and abnormal behaviors. The higher the AUC scores, the better the model’s performance. Combining SGD-HMM with SWT resulted in AUC values between 0.81 and 0.9 based on the window size. Our solution is superior to the solutions presented by other researchers. For our deep learning-based approach, we propose a supervised model for insider’s misuse detection. Our solution is based on using natural language processing with deep learning. We examine textual event logs to investigate the semantic meaning behind a user’s behavior. The proposed approaches consist of character embeddings and deep learning net- works that involve Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) and Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM). We develop three deep-learning models: CNN, LSTM, and CNN-LSTM. We run a 10-fold subject-independent cross-validation procedure to evaluate the developed mod- els. Our deep learning-based approach shows promising behavior. The first model, CNN, presents a good performance of classifying normal samples with an AUC score of 0.85, false-negative rate of 29%, and false-positive rate of 26%. The second model, LSTM, shows the best performance of detecting malicious samples with an AUC score of 0.873, false-negative rate of 0%, and false-positive rate of 37%. The third model, CNN-LSTM, presents a moderate behavior of detecting both normal and insider samples with an AUC score of 0.862, false-negative rate 16%, and 17% false-positive rate. Moreover, we use our proposed approach to investigate networks with deeper and wider structures. For this, we study the impact of increasing the number of CNN or LSTM layers, nodes per layer, and both of them at the same time on the model performance. Our results indicate that machine learning approaches can be effectively deployed to detect insiders’ misuse. However, it is difficult to obtain labeled data. Furthermore, the high presence of normal behavior and limited misuse activities create a highly unbalanced data set. This impacts the performance of our models

    Graph Neural Networks based Log Anomaly Detection and Explanation

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    Event logs are widely used to record the status of high-tech systems, making log anomaly detection important for monitoring those systems. Most existing log anomaly detection methods take a log event count matrix or log event sequences as input, exploiting quantitative and/or sequential relationships between log events to detect anomalies. Unfortunately, only considering quantitative or sequential relationships may result in low detection accuracy. To alleviate this problem, we propose a graph-based method for unsupervised log anomaly detection, dubbed Logs2Graphs, which first converts event logs into attributed, directed, and weighted graphs, and then leverages graph neural networks to perform graph-level anomaly detection. Specifically, we introduce One-Class Digraph Inception Convolutional Networks, abbreviated as OCDiGCN, a novel graph neural network model for detecting graph-level anomalies in a collection of attributed, directed, and weighted graphs. By coupling the graph representation and anomaly detection steps, OCDiGCN can learn a representation that is especially suited for anomaly detection, resulting in a high detection accuracy. Importantly, for each identified anomaly, we additionally provide a small subset of nodes that play a crucial role in OCDiGCN's prediction as explanations, which can offer valuable cues for subsequent root cause diagnosis. Experiments on five benchmark datasets show that Logs2Graphs performs at least on par with state-of-the-art log anomaly detection methods on simple datasets while largely outperforming state-of-the-art log anomaly detection methods on complicated datasets.Comment: Preprint submitted to Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligenc
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