7 research outputs found

    A spatial-temporal data mining method for the extraction of vessel traffic patterns using AIS data

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    Current traffic pattern mining methods fail to incorporate the temporal co-occurrence of traffic characteristics. To address this problem, a new spatial-temporal data mining method is developed involving three steps. Firstly, a three-dimensional traffic tensor is constructed utilizing AIS data. The AIS data is discretized and numbered so that each AIS data entry is represented by a one-dimensional array that includes region, time, ship type, and speed numbers. Then the AIS array is mapped to the three-dimensional ship traffic tensor. Second, non-negative tensor factorization (NTF) is used to break down the tensor into multiple sub-tensors (i.e., traffic patterns). The effect of the tensor rank (i.e., the number of traffic patterns) is discussed, and the appropriate value of the tensor rank is determined. Thirdly, the traffic patterns are derived from the three-dimensional traffic tensor. The ship traffic pattern is subsequently analyzed in accordance with the actual circumstances. To demonstrate the feasibility of the method, 9 traffic patterns are obtained from the AIS data of Tianjin port-Caofeidian waters. These patterns reveal the presentation of the spatio-temporal distribution of traffic activities of different ship types, and the distribution of navigation speed of different ship types in space, that are of strategic values for port planning, and maritime safety and sustainability

    Detecting Intentional AIS Shutdown in Open Sea Maritime Surveillance Using Self-Supervised Deep Learning

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    In maritime traffic surveillance, detecting illegal activities, such as illegal fishing or transshipment of illicit products is a crucial task of the coastal administration. In the open sea, one has to rely on Automatic Identification System (AIS) message transmitted by on-board transponders, which are captured by surveillance satellites. However, insincere vessels often intentionally shut down their AIS transponders to hide illegal activities. In the open sea, it is very challenging to differentiate intentional AIS shutdowns from missing reception due to protocol limitations, bad weather conditions or restricting satellite positions. This paper presents a novel approach for the detection of abnormal AIS missing reception based on self-supervised deep learning techniques and transformer models. Using historical data, the trained model predicts if a message should be received in the upcoming minute or not. Afterwards, the model reports on detected anomalies by comparing the prediction with what actually happens. Our method can process AIS messages in real-time, in particular, more than 500 Millions AIS messages per month, corresponding to the trajectories of more than 60 000 ships. The method is evaluated on 1-year of real-world data coming from four Norwegian surveillance satellites. Using related research results, we validated our method by rediscovering already detected intentional AIS shutdowns.Comment: IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation System

    Graph-based ship traffic partitioning for intelligent maritime surveillance in complex port waters

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    Maritime Situational Awareness (MSA) is a critical component of intelligent maritime traffic surveillance. However, it becomes increasingly challenging to gain MSA accurately given the growing complexity of ship traffic patterns due to multi-ship interactions possibly involving classical manned ships and emerging autonomous ships. This study proposes a new traffic partitioning methodology to realise the optimal maritime traffic partition in complex waters. The methodology combines conflict criticality and spatial distance to generate conflict-connected and spatially compact traffic clusters, thereby improving the interpretability of traffic patterns and supporting ship anti-collision risk management. First, a composite similarity measure is designed using a probabilistic conflict detection approach and a newly formulated maritime traffic route network learned through maritime knowledge mining. Then, an extended graph-based clustering framework is used to produce balanced traffic clusters with high intra-connections but low inter-connections. The proposed methodology is thoroughly demonstrated and tested using Automatic Identification System (AIS) trajectory data in the Ningbo-Zhoushan Port. The experimental results show that the proposed methodology 1) has effective performance in decomposing the traffic complexity, 2) can assist in identifying high-risk/density traffic clusters, and 3) is sufficiently generic to handle various traffic scenarios in complex geographical waters. Therefore, this study makes significant contributions to intelligent maritime surveillance and provides a theoretical foundation for promoting maritime anti-collision risk management for the future mixed traffic of both manned and autonomous ships

    Reliable Navigational Scene Perception for Autonomous Ships in Maritime Environment

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    Due to significant advances in robotics and transportation, research on autonomous ships has attracted considerable attention. The most critical task is to make the ships capable of accurately, reliably, and intelligently detecting their surroundings to achieve high levels of autonomy. Three deep learning-based models are constructed in this thesis to perform complex perceptual tasks such as identifying ships, analysing encounter situations, and recognising water surface objects. In this thesis, sensors, including the Automatic Identification System (AIS) and cameras, provide critical information for scene perception. Specifically, the AIS enables mid-range and long-range detection, assisting the decision-making system to take suitable and decisive action. A Convolutional Neural Network-Ship Movement Modes Classification (CNN-SMMC) is used to detect ships or objects. Following that, a Semi- Supervised Convolutional Encoder-Decoder Network (SCEDN) is developed to classify ship encounter situations and make a collision avoidance plan for the moving ships or objects. Additionally, cameras are used to detect short-range objects, a supplementary solution to ships or objects not equipped with an AIS. A Water Obstacle Detection Network based on Image Segmentation (WODIS) is developed to find potential threat targets. A series of quantifiable experiments have demonstrated that these models can provide reliable scene perception for autonomous ships

    Enabling Cyber-Physical Communication in 5G Cellular Networks: Challenges, Solutions and Applications

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    Cyber-physical systems (CPS) are expected to revolutionize the world through a myriad of applications in health-care, disaster event applications, environmental management, vehicular networks, industrial automation, and so on. The continuous explosive increase in wireless data traffic, driven by the global rise of smartphones, tablets, video streaming, and online social networking applications along with the anticipated wide massive sensors deployments, will create a set of challenges to network providers, especially that future fifth generation (5G) cellular networks will help facilitate the enabling of CPS communications over current network infrastructure. In this dissertation, we first provide an overview of CPS taxonomy along with its challenges from energy efficiency, security, and reliability. Then we present different tractable analytical solutions through different 5G technologies, such as device-to-device (D2D) communications, cell shrinking and offloading, in order to enable CPS traffic over cellular networks. These technologies also provide CPS with several benefits such as ubiquitous coverage, global connectivity, reliability and security. By tuning specific network parameters, the proposed solutions allow the achievement of balance and fairness in spectral efficiency and minimum achievable throughout among cellular users and CPS devices. To conclude, we present a CPS mobile-health application as a case study where security of the medical health cyber-physical space is discussed in details


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    Maritime Situational Awareness (MSA) plays a vital role in the development of intelligent transportation support systems. The surge in maritime traffic, combined with increasing vessel sizes and speeds, has intensified the complexity and risk of maritime traffic. This escalation presents a considerable challenge to the current systems and tools dedicated to maritime traffic monitoring and management. Meanwhile, the existing literature on advanced MSA methods and techniques is relatively limited, especially when it comes to addressing multi-ship interactions that may involve hybrid traffic of manned ships and emerging autonomous ships in complex and restricted waters in the future. The primary research question revolves around the challenge faced by current collision risk models in incorporating the impact of traffic characteristics in complex waters. This limitation hampers their effectiveness in managing complex maritime traffic situations. In view of this, the research aims to investigate and analyse the traffic characteristics in complex port waters and develop a set of advanced MSA methods and models in a holistic manner, so as to enhance maritime traffic situation perception capabilities and strengthen decision-making on anti-collision risk control. This study starts with probabilistic conflict detection by incorporating the dynamics and uncertainty that may be involved in ship movements. Then, the conflict criticality and spatial distance indicators are used together to partition the regional ship traffic into several compact, scalable, and interpretable clusters from both static and dynamic perspectives. On this basis, a systematic multi-scale collision risk approach is newly proposed to estimate the collision risk of a given traffic scenario from different spatial scales. The novelty of this research lies not only in the development of new modelling techniques on MSA that have never been done by using various advanced techniques (e.g., Monte Carlo simulation, image processing techniques, graph-based clustering techniques, complex network theory, and fuzzy clustering iterative method) but also in the consideration of the impact of traffic characteristics in complex waters, such as multi-dependent conflicts, restricted water topography, and dynamic and uncertain ship motion behaviours. Extensive numerical experiments based on real AIS data in the world's busiest and most complex water area (i.e., Ningbo_Zhoushan Port, China) are carried out to evaluate the models’ performance. The research results show that the proposed models have rational and reliable performance in detecting potential collision danger under an uncertain environment, identifying high-risk traffic clusters, offering a complete comprehension of a traffic situation, and supporting strategic maritime safety management. These developed techniques and models provide useful insights and valuable implications for maritime practitioners on traffic surveillance and management, benefiting the safety and efficiency enhancement of maritime transportation. The research can also be tailored for a wide range of applications given its generalization ability in tackling various traffic scenarios in complex waters. It is believed that this work would make significant contributions in terms of 1) improving traffic safety management from an operational perspective without high financial requirements on infrastructure updating and 2) effectively supporting intelligent maritime surveillance and serving as a theoretical basis of promoting maritime safety management for the complex traffic of mixed manned and autonomous ships