69 research outputs found

    Longitudinal performance analysis of machine learning based Android malware detectors

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    This paper presents a longitudinal study of the performance of machine learning classifiers for Android malware detection. The study is undertaken using features extracted from Android applications first seen between 2012 and 2016. The aim is to investigate the extent of performance decay over time for various machine learning classifiers trained with static features extracted from date-labelled benign and malware application sets. Using date-labelled apps allows for true mimicking of zero-day testing, thus providing a more realistic view of performance than the conventional methods of evaluation that do not take date of appearance into account. In this study, all the investigated machine learning classifiers showed progressive diminishing performance when tested on sets of samples from a later time period. Overall, it was found that false positive rate (misclassifying benign samples as malicious) increased more substantially compared to the fall in True Positive rate (correct classification of malicious apps) when older models were tested on newer app samples

    An Efficient Multistage Fusion Approach for Smartphone Security Analysis

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    Android smartphone ecosystem is inundated with innumerable applications mainly developed by third party contenders leading to high vulnerability of these devices. In addition, proliferation of smartphone usage along with their potential applications in diverse field entice malware community to develop new malwares to attack these devices. In order to overcome these issues, an android malware detection framework is proposed wherein an efficient multistage fusion approach is introduced. For this, a robust unified feature vector is created by fusion of transformed feature matrices corresponding to multi-cue using non-linear graph based cross-diffusion. Unified feature is further subjected to multiple classifiers to obtain their classification scores. Classifier scores are further optimally fused employing Dezert-Smarandache Theory (DSmT). Strength of suggested model is assessed both qualitatively and quantitatively by ten-fold cross-validation on the benchmarked datasets. On an average of outcome, we achieved detection accuracy of 98.97% and F-measure of 0.9936.&nbsp

    DroidFusion: A Novel Multilevel Classifier Fusion Approach for Android Malware Detection

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    The file attached to this record is the author's final peer reviewed version. The Publisher's final version can be found by following the DOI linkAndroid malware has continued to grow in volume and complexity posing significant threats to the security of mobile devices and the services they enable. This has prompted increasing interest in employing machine learning to improve Android malware detection. In this paper, we present a novel classifier fusion approach based on a multilevel architecture that enables effective combination of machine learning algorithms for improved accuracy. The framework (called DroidFusion), generates a model by training base classifiers at a lower level and then applies a set of ranking-based algorithms on their predictive accuracies at the higher level in order to derive a final classifier. The induced multilevel DroidFusion model can then be utilized as an improved accuracy predictor for Android malware detection. We present experimental results on four separate datasets to demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed approach. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the DroidFusion method can also effectively enable the fusion of ensemble learning algorithms for improved accuracy. Finally, we show that the prediction accuracy of DroidFusion, despite only utilizing a computational approach in the higher level, can outperform stacked generalization, a well-known classifier fusion method that employs a meta-classifier approach in its higher level

    Dynamic behavior analysis of android applications for malware detection

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    Android is most popular operating system for smartphones and small devices with 86.6% market share (Chau 2016). Its open source nature makes it more prone to attacks creating a need for malware analysis. Main approaches for detecting malware intents of mobile applications are based on either static analysis or dynamic analysis. In static analysis, apps are inspected for suspicious patterns of code to identify malicious segments. However, several obfuscation techniques are available to provide a guard against such analysis. The dynamic analysis on the other hand is a behavior-based detection method that involves investigating the run-time behavior of the suspicious app to uncover malware. The present study extracts the system call behavior of 216 malicious apps and 278 normal apps to construct a feature vector for training a classifier. Seven data classification techniques including decision tree, random forest, gradient boosting trees, k-NN, Artificial Neural Network, Support Vector Machine and deep learning were applied on this dataset. Three feature ranking techniques were usedto select appropriate features from the set of 337 attributes (system calls). These techniques of feature ranking included information gain, Chi-square statistic and correlation analysis by determining weights of the features. After discarding select features with low ranks the performances of the classifiers were measured using accuracy and recall. Experiments show that Support Vector Machines (SVM) after selecting features through correlation analysis outperformed other techniques where an accuracy of 97.16% is achieved with recall 99.54% (for malicious apps). The study also contributes by identifying the set of systems calls that are crucial in identifying malicious intent of android apps

    DroidDetectMW: A Hybrid Intelligent Model for Android Malware Detection

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    Malicious apps specifically aimed at the Android platform have increased in tandem with the proliferation of mobile devices. Malware is now so carefully written that it is difficult to detect. Due to the exponential growth in malware, manual methods of malware are increasingly ineffective. Although prior writers have proposed numerous high-quality approaches, static and dynamic assessments inherently necessitate intricate procedures. The obfuscation methods used by modern malware are incredibly complex and clever. As a result, it cannot be detected using only static malware analysis. As a result, this work presents a hybrid analysis approach, partially tailored for multiple-feature data, for identifying Android malware and classifying malware families to improve Android malware detection and classification. This paper offers a hybrid method that combines static and dynamic malware analysis to give a full view of the threat. Three distinct phases make up the framework proposed in this research. Normalization and feature extraction procedures are used in the first phase of pre-processing. Both static and dynamic features undergo feature selection in the second phase. Two feature selection strategies are proposed to choose the best subset of features to use for both static and dynamic features. The third phase involves applying a newly proposed detection model to classify android apps; this model uses a neural network optimized with an improved version of HHO. Application of binary and multi-class classification is used, with binary classification for benign and malware apps and multi-class classification for detecting malware categories and families. By utilizing the features gleaned from static and dynamic malware analysis, several machine-learning methods are used for malware classification. According to the results of the experiments, the hybrid approach improves the accuracy of detection and classification of Android malware compared to the scenario when considering static and dynamic information separately

    Malware Detection using Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm

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    Malware detection has become a challenging task due to the increase in the number of malware families. Universal malware detection algorithms that can detect all the malware families are needed to make the whole process feasible. However, the more universal an algorithm is, the higher number of feature dimensions it needs to work with, and that inevitably causes the emerging problem of Curse of Dimensionality (CoD). Besides, it is also difficult to make this solution work due to the real-time behavior of malware analysis. In this paper, we address this problem and aim to propose a feature selection based malware detection algorithm using an evolutionary algorithm that is referred to as Artificial Bee Colony (ABC). The proposed algorithm enables researchers to decrease the feature dimension and as a result, boost the process of malware detection. The experimental results reveal that the proposed method outperforms the state-of-the-art

    Integrated information gain with extra tree algorithm for feature permission analysis in android malware classification

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    The rapid growth of free applications in the android market has led to the fast spread of malware apps since users store their sensitive personal information on their mobile devices when using those apps. The permission mechanism is designed as a security layer to protect the android operating system by restricting access to local resources of the system at installation time and run time for updated versions of the android operating system. Even though permissions provide a secure layer to users, they can be exploited by attackers to threaten user privacy. Consequently, exploring the patterns of those permissions becomes necessary to find the relevant permission features that contribute to classifying android apps. However, with the era of big data and the rapid explosion of malware along with many unnecessary requested permissions, it has become a challenge to recognize the patterns of permissions from these data due to the irrelevant and redundant features that affect the classification performance and increase the complexity cost overhead. Ensemble-based Extra Tree - Feature Selection (FS-EX) algorithm was proposed in this study to explore the permission patterns by selecting a minimal-sized subset of highly discriminant permission features capable of discriminating against malware samples from nonmalware samples. The integrated Information Gain with Ensemble-based Extra Tree - Feature Selection (FS-IGEX) algorithm is proposed to assign weight values to permission features instead of binary values to determine the impact of weighted attribute variables on the classification performance. The two proposed methods based on Ensemble Extra Tree Feature Selection were evaluated on five datasets with various sample sizes and feature space using nine machine learning classifiers. Comparison studies were carried out between FS-EX subsets and the dataset of Full Permission features (FP) and the two approaches of the FS-IGEX method - the Permission-Binary (PB) approach and the Permission-Weighted (PW) approach. The permissions with PB were represented with binary values, whereas permissions with PW were represented with weighted values. The results demonstrated that the approach with the FS-EX was promising in obtaining the most prominent permission features related to the class target and attaining the same or close classification results in terms of accuracy with the highest accuracy mean of 96%, as compared to the FP. In addition, the PW approach of the FS-IGEX method had highly influential weighted permission features that could classify apps as malware and non-malware with the highest accuracy mean of 93%, compared to the PB approach of the FS-IGEX method and the FP