25 research outputs found

    How can I produce a web-accessed video to educate volunteers on how they can contribute their time at club level in special olympics?

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    This report presents an action research enquiry using the avenue of living educational theory to examine how I expanded my practice as a volunteer in Special Olympics to develop as an non formal educator within this context. I describe how I embraced my own values in education during this study and chose to be led by them as I attempted to understand how my values influenced my learning and the learning of others. I designed two action reflection cycles of enquiry from June 2010 to June 2011 whilst working with my local Special Olympics Club in Drogheda, Co. Louth, Ireland. In Cycle 1, I record my experience in the production of a commemorative DVD of the Club’s participation in the Special Olympics Ireland Games held in Limerick in June 2010. In Cycle 2, I draw on my experiential learning from Cycle 1 and focus my research enquiry on the production of an educational web accessed video called Changing Lives. This video was divided into six segments so that it could be integrated into the induction module of Special Olympics Irelands online Moodle learning management system. I show how the use of video and visual methods can provide practical, evidence based explanations of practice from the volunteer action sphere in Special Olympics

    Video Pembelajaran Feature Materi E-Book Kelas X Multimedia SMKN 10 Surabaya

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    AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kelayakan media video pembelajaran featuresebagai media pembelajaran pada materi menganalisis pembuatan e-book mata pelajaran Simulasidan Komunikasi Digital kelas X SMKN 10 Surabaya. Model pengembangan yang dipilih adalahmodel pengembangan menurut Warsita dengan 3 tahap besar, yaitu (1) tahap perancangan, (2)tahap produksi, dan (3) tahap evaluasi. Akan tetapi karena situasi dan kondisi yang tidakmemungkinkan, langkah uji lapangan dan reproduksi & penyebaran pada tahap evaluasi tidakdilakukan oleh penulis. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan oleh penulis yaitu teknikobservasi dan wawancara. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan adalah angket terbuka berupalembar validasi ahli materi dan validasi ahli media. Hasil validasi ahli materi dan ahli mediamenunjukan bahwa media termasuk dalam kategori sangat layak. Berdasarkan hasil tersebut,penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa media video pembelajaran feature layak digunakan sebagaimedia pembelajaran pada materi menganalisis pembuatan e-book mata pelajaran Simulasi danKomunikasi Digital kelas X Multimedia SMKN 10 Surabaya.Kata Kunci : media video pembelajaran, feature, e-book. AbstractThis study aims to determine the feasibility of learning feature videos in learningmaterials of analyzing the making of e-books for simulation and digital communication courcesclass X Multimedia at State Vocational High School 10 Surabaya. The development models whichchoose is Warsita development models with 3 major phases: (1) Design Phase, (2) ProductionPhase, and (3) Evaluation Phase. However due to unfavorable situations and conditions, thedeveloper did not undertake the field testing and reproduction & dissemination steps at theevaluation phase. The data collection methods used by developer is interview and observationtechniques. This research instrument used an open questionnaire in the form of material expertand media expert validation sheets. The results of the material expert and media expert validationshow that the media is included in the very feasible category. Based on these results, this studyshows that learning feature videos is suitable for use as media in the learning materials ofanalyzing the making of e-books for simulation and digital communication cources class XMultimedia at State Vocational High School 10 Surabaya.Keywords : learning video, feature, e-book

    Podcasting : vídeo para aprender e para pensar a identidade

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    An interactive OOP learning environment for teaching and learning with Java / Wan Saiful ‘Azzam Wan Ismai,Maznie Manaf and Marina Ahmad

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    Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) are said to be a form of online learning. MOOCs are a creature of the digital age and born of cloud computing. Millions of individuals have participated in thousands of these higher learning courses. The aims of MOOCs program to make the learning process are simple, easy, anywhere and anytime, and become the globalized online learning. The Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) is the subject for Diploma in Computer Science in MARA University of Technology (UiTM) which necessitate students to learn and apply the concepts of objects and classes, abstraction, encapsulation, inheritance and polymorphism. Students also learn on how to apply concept of OOP to store and retrieve data using text files. Teaching and learning quality of students in this course can be more interactive with MOOCs. In typical MOOC has specific topic to learn and discuss with incredibly large numbers of students and facilitators. The main elements used in these interactive learning is building an online system that provides an integrated environment for students doing programming activities and coursework; providing students with timely and useful feedback about programming activities without the need to have instructors and students meet at the same time and the same place

    Through the enlightened eye and I – am I bringing creativity and visual literacy into Higher Level Education?

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    Eisner (1993) explained the need to extend the forms of representation in our understandings of educational research. This special issue of EJOLTs is intended to contribute to the knowledge-base generating a new understanding of the educational influences of educators who are using ICT in e-learning and values-based self-study to enhance their own and their students’ learning. In this introduction I show how the originality of my own contribution is in the relationally dynamic meanings of my value of responsibility for others. My value of responsibility for my students includes acknowledging safety, care, honesty, creativity, enjoyment and excellence. In this introduction I also point to the epistemological significance of clarifying these meanings in an e-Learning c curriculum in Higher Education. In this paper I will discuss what I mean by visual narratives. I will show how my learning in school and Higher Education has shaped my teaching. I will explain the importance of emotions in teaching and learning and how this has influenced my emerging pedagogy. Finally, I will describe the Masters programme at Dublin City University and how I am supporting students on the M.Sc. in Education and Training Management programme. This special issue comprises four papers by students I am supporting. The papers show the values, ethos and spirit of the course I run and the influence of my own research to introduce creativity and visual literacy into Higher Education studies for practicing educators

    Marketing Strategy for New Venture in Information Technology Education (Online Tutorial – TUTON)

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    Indonesia has a rapid development in Information Technology (IT) as well as the public interest to learn it. However, to find qualified employee in IT is difficult, they often lacks proper education in IT background. IT education is not only need quality, but also follow current trends. Some negative opinions always appear in description of online education. First, Indonesian online tutorial customer had always assumed that what is available on the internet is free. Second, it is hard to get customer interest without quality customer expected. Third, the customers who will be interested of online education are university students that lack of fund. Further analysis needed in order to find the root cause of these problems.The root cause analysis used SWOT analysis that employ PEST Factor Analysis, Porter’s 5 Forces Analysis and Concept Testing result..The root cause analysis concludes that the TUTON product as online education is not strong enough to face the market. It needs new research and analysis of marketing mix.The objectives of TUTON based on the root causes are developing competitive products and promoting paid tutorial. Marketing strategies are needed to achieve these objectives. The strategies are explained with 4Ps Marketing Mix and Porter’s Generic Competitive Strategies. TUTON main marketing strategies points are make tutorial with video media (Product), focus on tutorial making (Product), consider a new distribution place (Place, Pricing), the website hosting size will be reduced (Place, Pricing), and use YouTube as promotion media (Promotion) and the differentiation strategy is use video as tutorial media.Reduced website hosting size strategy had been implemented to TUTON. Other strategies implementation will be done in this year from May 2013 to January 2014. If all the marketing strategies implemented are going well within budget and time allocation, TUTON will achieve the objectives

    An historical and comparative study of schools television in Britain and Iran: analysing the production criteria for teaching mathematics in primary school as case study to examine how to enhance the quality of schools television in Iran

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    The population growth in Iran over the last three decades has made it enormously difficult for the government to provide equality of educational opportunity. Accordingly, the government, in 2002, re-established a national education television network as one component of the solution to the problem of mass education. However, due to the scarcity of experience in the production and distribution of educational and Schools Television programming in Iran there is need to benefit from the practice of other cultures. This research explores the benefit of half a century of experience of schools broadcasting in Britain. In order to see whether or not the production criteria and models of British schools broadcasting might be useful to enhance the quality of Schools Television production in Iran, this research has employed a tripartite system of investigation. First, an extensive historical survey of the educational and school broadcasting provision in both Britain and Iran was conducted, in order to establish significant similarities and differences. Second, research was conducted into relevant pedagogical theories, cultural context, and aspects of the effectiveness of television as pedagogy to explore how learning from television takes place. Third, a comparative study was made of the production processes, values and textual strategies used by current Schools Television in Britain and in Iran. This was carried out through a case study on mathematics in primary schools in order to understand how to simplify abstract concepts in complicated areas, where ideas are difficult to illustrate. The results indicate that Schools Television in Britain benefits from the extensive educational backgrounds of programme makers, the work of education advisers, consultants, and close relations between broadcasters and educational authorities across the whole production process. However, the benefit of this history does not generally result in the direct use of any prescriptive pedagogical theory. The schools programmes of the BBC and Channel 4 use textual and televisual techniques that combine entertainment and learning materials in the style of mainstream channels, where the producers try to make the educational contents 'invisible', following the philosophy of 'learning through fun'. In contrast, Schools Television in Iran, through a long history of delivering a curriculum prescribed by the government, tends to be more rigidly influenced by the traditional, monotonic and lecturing styles of the formal classrooms. Therefore, Schools Television is being used generally as a 'container' for instructive content, delivered through 'talking head' sequences. In conclusion it is proposed that school broadcasting in Britain played a pioneering part in creating a democratic environment in the classroom, where the teaching process changed from a pyramidal into a more horizontal model. It is found that, as long as the educational system in Iran is following a teacher-centred,'banking' education policy, Schools Television cannot take full advantage of the medium. However, despite significant historical, cultural and political differences, Schools Television in Iran can learn lessons from Britain. This is not preserving a western cultural primacy but understanding and practicing whatever is best for the context of particular educational needs, social and cultural values

    Producción de material audiovisual para televisión y las redes sociales en la enseñanza de matemática en alumnos de octavo año de básica del Colegio de Bachillerato universitario UTN

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    Producir material audiovisual para televisión y las redes sociales como apoyo didáctico en la enseñanza de las matemáticas en alumnos de octavo año de básica.El uso de material audiovisual en la enseñanza de las matemáticas ha sido ampliamente estudiado en el ámbito educativo. Las potencialidades didácticas de este recurso para llamar la atención del estudiante y facilitar la comprensión del conocimiento han hecho que los videos se conviertan en una ayuda pedagógica efectiva en la enseñanza de las matemáticas. En ese sentido, los retos que se derivan del bajo rendimiento académico y del desapego hacia esta asignatura han motivado a muchos investigadores y docentes del área a desarrollar nuevas formas de enseñar con la ayuda de recursos audiovisuales y la tecnología. Esta investigación se enfoca en la producción de material audiovisual como apoyo didáctico para la enseñanza de las matemáticas en alumnos de octavo año de básica, para lo cual se realizó un diagnóstico en varios docentes de matemáticas y se identificó las principales dificultades en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje. Los resultados de este diagnóstico permitieron establecer los parámetros audiovisuales y los criterios didácticos y pedagógicos para la producción del material audiovisual. La aceptación de los videos producidos fue evaluado a través de una encuesta de aceptabilidad realizada en los alumnos de octavo año de básica del Colegio Universitario UTN. Entre los principales problemas identificados en el diagnostico destacan el temor y disgusto por las matemáticas, la dificultad de presentar contenidos abstractos de la asignatura y la falta de aplicabilidad práctica que los estudiantes perciben de ella. El material audiovisual producido fue evaluado positivamente por la mayoría de los estudiantes, quienes consideraron que los videos son útiles para su aprendizaje, presentan los contenidos de una manera fácil de entender y que además les motiva a seguir aprendiendo.MAESTRÍ