28,464 research outputs found

    Designing the Business Conversation Corpus

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    While the progress of machine translation of written text has come far in the past several years thanks to the increasing availability of parallel corpora and corpora-based training technologies, automatic translation of spoken text and dialogues remains challenging even for modern systems. In this paper, we aim to boost the machine translation quality of conversational texts by introducing a newly constructed Japanese-English business conversation parallel corpus. A detailed analysis of the corpus is provided along with challenging examples for automatic translation. We also experiment with adding the corpus in a machine translation training scenario and show how the resulting system benefits from its use


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    This paper is intended to expose the importance of cross-cultural competenc to improve English oral communication effectively. The background of this paper is due to my teaching experience in English Department of School of Bumiayu Islamic Teacher Training. (CCU)course is offered to the students in the sixth semester. To know the students’ knowledge about cross-culture, in the begining of semester session, before they got the materials, the writer instructed them to make a group of two or three, then practiced communicating in English. The number of the students in a class is thirty five, so there are about twelve groups. Each group was then extended one topic to perform in the role play. The writer took several topics from the guidance book entitled ‘Business Across Culture: Effective Communication Straegies’. Based on practicing to communicate in English with foreigners through role plays, most students still performed/showed Javanese or moslem attitude in which are not appropriate with foreign’s culture. Meanwhile, the cultural competence will affect practically some aspect of language use. It can influence the foreigners’ respond whether or not they accept the communicator’s attitude. Negative or inappropriate impression of English learners of course can inhibit the effective communication


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    Constructivism approach is the newest way to teach Language as foreign language. Mostly, many Vocational high schools in Indonesia use behaviorist approach which the students have to say what the teacher says and what the book says. The problems are; is the method appropriate? Is it works effectively or not? Does it give some benefits for the students or will become the parts of his life? These questions must be considered to achieve success in language acquisition not only as something that is accomplished in the classroom during the particular course, but also as a life-long activity, considering the graduates of Vocational high school students are prepared for the business world . This paper attempts to give a scratch of constructivism approach in teaching English as foreign language which might be a great necessity for the teacher of vocational high school. The content also involves Curriculum in order to be accuracy with the materials. Several points should be taken into consideration to apply the best method in classroom teaching


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    Learning strategies are used to help students understand any information and solve any language learning problems. A learning strategy is a learner’s approach to learning and using information. The learning strategies include strategies for learning how to paraphrase critical or important or main information, picture information to promote understanding and remembering, ask questions and make predictions about text information and identify unknown words in the text. They also help students study information for developing memories or mnemonics and other devices to aid memorization of facts as well as strategies for learning new vocabulary, write sentences and paragraphs, monitor their work for errors and confidently approach. For example : reading strategies that help students figure out what a word is, comprehend what they are reading , acquire vocabulary and understand the structure of text. All of these strategies are essential for a well – integrated, balanced reading program. In other words, an order or array of strategies in other areas is necessary for students success. In this observation, the theory of learning strategies in the second language literature is adapted from Wenden and Rubin (1987 : 72) that can be classified into three strategies. Firstly, meta cognitive strategies are thinking about learning process, planning for learning, monitoring of comprehension and self evaluation after learners have completed their activities. While cognitive strategies related to individual learning tasks. The last type of strategy is social or affective strategies which concern with influence of social learning and process on learning. The writer found out that students who do not know or use good learning strategies often learn passively and ultimately fail in school. A teacher has an important role in learner’s learning strategy, therefore a teacher should be able to give instruction which focuses on making the students more active learners by teaching them how to learn and use what they have learned to overcome problems and successful . Such problems can occur in second language classes, in which students are learning a new language in an environment where that language is widely used for everyday communicatio


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    Language is tool of humanity. It is suggested that learning language should begin from the very beginning in our lives because the ability to learn a language is restricted to the years before puberty. The tendency to use more prestigious and modern languages will make the condition of life of local language which is regarded as low relative prestige and less valuable in economic field will be threatened with extinction. When there are various languages in the life condition, the languages will influence one another and the most prestigious one will dominate the others. In Indonesia besides Local language (vernacular) we have several languages, Indonesian, English, and also Japanese and Chinese. Indonesian is the official language for instruction in our school in Indonesia, so all the teachers and pupils have to use Indonesian language during school hours. In this condition, children are faced the condition to have become accustomed to have very limited knowledge of the local language because they have never had the chance to use local language in their school. If parents and teachers don’t actively encourage maintenance of the local language, the children are in danger of losing it. Unfortunately a lot of them never have the chance to use the local language at home; and this will make the children never be able to use the language. The language ability isn’t as the same as a skill like swimming or biking. So if all Indonesian families don’t want to keep the language skill sharp and exposure to it the extinction of the local language is definitely will happen. The strategy to maintain the local language to the generation responsible for continuing is certainly concentrated to the increasing of using local language by the local language speaker. The language which is inherited for generations will live longer and it is in keeping with the objective to maintain the local language. The research to one family shows that by using vernacular as interaction medium to their children from the very beginning, give a good results. Their children are able to hear and speak their vernacular until they are grown up although they always use Indonesian language during their school hours and for academic purposes


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    The concern on learners’ competence to communicate in English culturally has been attaining multitude attention within attention to make learner be able to communicate effectively in English as part of the international society while learners have limited conceptualization upon cultural issues. On the other hand, the indigenous language(s) is also threatened by the improvement of interests and practices of learning English. Learners, along with the language policy in education, tend to move aside or to give less attention onto the indigenous languages and give more to English. Departed from the purpose of improving learners’ cultural understanding in English and at the same time to encourage the existence of indigenous language, this paper presents language cultural background of English compared with Javanese and Sasak Languages by employing contrastive analysis and ethnography study

    Reply With: Proactive Recommendation of Email Attachments

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    Email responses often contain items-such as a file or a hyperlink to an external document-that are attached to or included inline in the body of the message. Analysis of an enterprise email corpus reveals that 35% of the time when users include these items as part of their response, the attachable item is already present in their inbox or sent folder. A modern email client can proactively retrieve relevant attachable items from the user's past emails based on the context of the current conversation, and recommend them for inclusion, to reduce the time and effort involved in composing the response. In this paper, we propose a weakly supervised learning framework for recommending attachable items to the user. As email search systems are commonly available, we constrain the recommendation task to formulating effective search queries from the context of the conversations. The query is submitted to an existing IR system to retrieve relevant items for attachment. We also present a novel strategy for generating labels from an email corpus---without the need for manual annotations---that can be used to train and evaluate the query formulation model. In addition, we describe a deep convolutional neural network that demonstrates satisfactory performance on this query formulation task when evaluated on the publicly available Avocado dataset and a proprietary dataset of internal emails obtained through an employee participation program.Comment: CIKM2017. Proceedings of the 26th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management. 201
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