302 research outputs found

    An End-User Development Perspective on State-of-the-Art Web Development Tools

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    We reviewed and analyzed nine commercially available web development tools from the perspective of suitability for end-user development to compare and contrast alternative and best-of-breed approaches for particular problem areas within web application development (Getting Started, Workflow, Level of Abstraction, Layout, Database, Application Logic, Testing and Debugging, Learning and Scaling, Security, Collaboration, and Deployment). End-user development involves the creation of dynamic websites with support for features like authentication, conditional display, and searching/sorting by casual web developers who have some experience creating static websites but little or no programming knowledge. We found that current tools do not lack functionality, but rather have a variety of problems in ease of use for end users who are nonprogrammers. In particular, while many tools offer wizards and other features designed to facilitate specific aspects of end-user development, none of the tools that we reviewed supports a holistic approach to web application development. We discuss the implications of these problems and conclude with recommendations for the design of improved web development tools that would lower the entry barrier into web programming

    Providing end-user facilities to simplify ontology-driven web application authoring

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    This is the author’s version of a work that was accepted for publication in Interacting with Computers. Changes resulting from the publishing process, such as peer review, editing, corrections, structural formatting, and other quality control mechanisms may not be reflected in this document. Changes may have been made to this work since it was submitted for publication. A definitive version was subsequently published in Interacting with Computers, Interacting with Computers 17, 4 (2007) DOI: 10.1016/j.intcom.2007.01.006Generally speaking, emerging web-based technologies are mostly intended for professional developers. They pay poor attention to users who have no programming abilities but need to customize software applications. At some point, such needs force end-users to act as designers in various aspects of software authoring and development. Every day, more new computing-related professionals attempt to create and modify existing applications in order to customize web-based artifacts that will help them carry out their daily tasks. In general they are domain experts rather than skilled software designers, and new authoring mechanisms are needed in order that they can accomplish their tasks properly. The work we present is an effort to supply end-users with easy mechanisms for authoring web-based applications. To complement this effort, we present a user study showing that it is possible to carry out a trade-off between expressiveness and ease of use in order to provide end-users with authoring facilities.The work reported in this paper is being partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology (MCyT), projects TIN2005-06885 and TSI2005-08225-C07-06

    Mavo: Creating Interactive Data-Driven Web Applications by Authoring HTML

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    Many people can author static web pages with HTML and CSS but find it hard or impossible to program persistent, interactive web applications. We show that for a broad class of CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) applications, this gap can be bridged. Mavo extends the declarative syntax of HTML to describe Web applications that manage, store and transform data. Using Mavo, authors with basic HTML knowledge define complex data schemas implicitly as they design their HTML layout. They need only add a few attributes and expressions to their HTML elements to transform their static design into a persistent, data-driven web application whose data can be edited by direct manipulation of the content in the browser. We evaluated Mavo with 20 users who marked up static designs---some provided by us, some their own creation---to transform them into fully functional web applications. Even users with no programming experience were able to quickly craft Mavo applications

    Conference Web Site Redesign

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    Sustainable Resources was a non-profit organization based out of Boulder, CO that, at the time of this project hosted yearly conferences to help find solutions to world poverty. Although, the previous web site had a professional appearance, it was not meeting their needs with regards to usability, extensibility, and maintainability, as they had been forced to rely heavily on a transient volunteer IT labor base. The aim of this project was to address their functional and maintenance problems. The application\u27s front-end was built in adherence to the Model -view-Controller (MVC) design pattern and implemented using the Jakarta Struts framework and consisted of, a JSP interface. Hibernate was used as the database persistence layer and the entire data model was completely replaced, as certain data fields were being duplicated in the former system. While giving Sustainable Resources the same functionality they had previously enjoyed, the new application enabled the site\u27s administrators to effectively maintain parts of the application without IT support and supplied them with the necessary documentation to assist future developers with upgrades

    Development of Availability and Sustainability Spares Optimization Models for Aircraft Reparables

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    The Republic of Singapore Air Force (RSAF) conducts Logistics Support Analysis (LSA) studies in various engineering and logistics efforts on the myriad of weapon systems. In these studies, inventory spares provisioning, availability and sustainability analyses are key focus areas to ensure asset sustenance. In particular, OPUS10, a commercial-off-the-shelf software, is extensively used to conduct reparable spares optimization in acquisition programs. However, it is limited in its ability to conduct availability and sustainability analyses of time-varying operational demands, crucial in Operations & Support (O&S) and contingency planning. As the RSAF seeks force structure expansion to include more sophisticated weapon systems, the operating environment will become more complex. Agile and responsive logistics solutions are needed to ensure the RSAF engineering community consistently pushes for deepening competencies, particularly in LSA capabilities. This research is aimed at the development of a model solution that combines optimization and sustainability capabilities to meet the dynamic requirements in O&S and contingency planning. In particular, a unique dynamic operational profile conversion model was developed to realize these capabilities. It is envisaged that the research would afford the ease of use, versatility, speed and accuracy required in LSA studies, to provide the necessary edge in inventory reparable spares modeling

    A Semantics-based User Interface Model for Content Annotation, Authoring and Exploration

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    The Semantic Web and Linked Data movements with the aim of creating, publishing and interconnecting machine readable information have gained traction in the last years. However, the majority of information still is contained in and exchanged using unstructured documents, such as Web pages, text documents, images and videos. This can also not be expected to change, since text, images and videos are the natural way in which humans interact with information. Semantic structuring of content on the other hand provides a wide range of advantages compared to unstructured information. Semantically-enriched documents facilitate information search and retrieval, presentation, integration, reusability, interoperability and personalization. Looking at the life-cycle of semantic content on the Web of Data, we see quite some progress on the backend side in storing structured content or for linking data and schemata. Nevertheless, the currently least developed aspect of the semantic content life-cycle is from our point of view the user-friendly manual and semi-automatic creation of rich semantic content. In this thesis, we propose a semantics-based user interface model, which aims to reduce the complexity of underlying technologies for semantic enrichment of content by Web users. By surveying existing tools and approaches for semantic content authoring, we extracted a set of guidelines for designing efficient and effective semantic authoring user interfaces. We applied these guidelines to devise a semantics-based user interface model called WYSIWYM (What You See Is What You Mean) which enables integrated authoring, visualization and exploration of unstructured and (semi-)structured content. To assess the applicability of our proposed WYSIWYM model, we incorporated the model into four real-world use cases comprising two general and two domain-specific applications. These use cases address four aspects of the WYSIWYM implementation: 1) Its integration into existing user interfaces, 2) Utilizing it for lightweight text analytics to incentivize users, 3) Dealing with crowdsourcing of semi-structured e-learning content, 4) Incorporating it for authoring of semantic medical prescriptions

    Managing multimedia content databases

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    The Internet provides an effective means of dissemination of information in the Humanities, and so in many cases the Internet is becoming the primary or even only form for dissemination of information. In this context, the effective management of published resources becomes essential. Management of published multimedia content on the internet must deal with not only the Content Management but issues of technological obsolescence, effective management and reuse of the digital assets, and version control of information. Sites must address the established disciplines of effective description, classification and preservation to be more than just transient sources of information. Content Management systems on their own address only one part of the problem: the workflow management of publication and separation of content from presentation. The theory toward a Content Management System design that incorporates elements of digital asset management and version control will be described and a working system that implements these principles through internal XML definition of content structures and use of relational database techniques to provide database content management.Hosted by the Scholarly Text and Imaging Service (SETIS), the University of Sydney Library, and the Research Institute for Humanities and Social Sciences (RIHSS), the University of Sydney

    User Interface Migration of Web Applications with Task continuity and Platform Adaptation Support

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    This thesis shows the work undertaken for supporting user interface migration of web applications. Interface migration occurs when a user interacting with an application switches to a different device and the application interface is transferred onto the new device. Migration must be supported by a platform aware system able to perform interface adaptation that keeps into account the different features of the devices involved, in order to keep the interface usability. Beside adaptation, continuity is the main matter. Once the interface migrates onto a new device, the interaction can be continued without having to restart the application from the beginning. Different types of migration can occur and supporting them poses different level of difficulty. This thesis analyses the various types of migration and describes the client-server architecture implemented for supporting all of them. The thesis shows how the migration service evolved starting from a first core of basic functionalities supporting the easiest situation to the most challenging one

    Platform Independent Web Application Modeling

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