1,002 research outputs found

    Innovation in Mobile Learning: A European Perspective

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    In the evolving landscape of mobile learning, European researchers have conducted significant mobile learning projects, representing a distinct perspective on mobile learning research and development. Our paper aims to explore how these projects have arisen, showing the driving forces of European innovation in mobile learning. We propose context as a central construct in mobile learning and examine theories of learning for the mobile world, based on physical, technological, conceptual, social and temporal mobility. We also examine the impacts of mobile learning research on educational practices and the implications for policy. Throughout, we identify lessons learnt from European experiences to date

    Networked experiments and scientific resource sharing in cooperative knowledge spaces

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    Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugĂ€nglich.This publication is with permission of the rights owner freely accessible due to an Alliance licence and a national licence (funded by the DFG, German Research Foundation) respectively.Cooperative knowledge spaces create new potentials for the experimental fields in natural sciences and engineering because they enhance the accessibility of experimental setups through virtual laboratories and remote technology, opening them for collaborative and distributed usage. A concept for extending existing virtual knowledge spaces for the means of the technological disciplines (“ViCToR‐Spaces” ‐ Virtual Cooperation in Teaching and Research for Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Engineering) is presented. The integration of networked virtual laboratories and remote experiments (“NanoLab Approach”), as well as an approach to community‐driven content sharing and content development within virtual knowledge spaces (NanoWiki) are described

    Chapter 1 : Learning Online

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    The OTiS (Online Teaching in Scotland) programme, run by the now defunct Scotcit programme, ran an International e-Workshop on Developing Online Tutoring Skills which was held between 8–12 May 2000. It was organised by Heriot–Watt University, Edinburgh and The Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen, UK. Out of this workshop came the seminal Online Tutoring E-Book, a generic primer on e-learning pedagogy and methodology, full of practical implementation guidelines. Although the Scotcit programme ended some years ago, the E-Book has been copied to the SONET site as a series of PDF files, which are now available via the ALT Open Access Repository. The editor, Carol Higgison, is currently working in e-learning at the University of Bradford (see her staff profile) and is the Chair of the Association for Learning Technology (ALT)

    Usage of instructional multimedia to enhance interactivity through Web-based learning in P--12 settings

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    The purpose of this study was to analyze multiple media as instructional technologies used to enhance interactivity in a web-based environment and to illustrate the potential for improved learning with interactive multimedia. This study identified instructional media that teachers use, the level of engagement with the media, and determined that there was a correlation between the types and use of instructional media and cognitive level of learning.;Research shows that web-based instruction has the ability to engage learners in real-world tasks. This type of authentic learning has the potential to promote higher order thinking provided students are properly skilled in the use of instructional technologies and confident in the use of the web. This study examines the types and use of instructional media integrated in web-based lessons of P-12 study participants.;The correlation between types and use of instructional media and cognitive levels of learning are examined with Bloom\u27s Taxonomy of Educational Objectives and Tomei\u27s Instructional Technology Taxonomy. These two taxonomies were customized to reflect integrated instructional media and associated instructional strategies based on web-units completed by study participants.;An in-depth analysis of an intensity sampling who exhibited high use of active instructional media was conducted to corroborate results gathered through quantitative methods, to add validity to this study, and to examine participants\u27 perceptions of instructional media and their use.;The study shows a correlation between the types and use of specific instructional media. Specific instructional media were integrated more frequently at low levels on each taxonomy than others. In-depth analysis corroborated findings and analysis of emergent themes yielded additional insight regarding the types and ways in which instructional media were integrated

    Designing the Sakai Open Academic Environment: A distributed cognition account of the design of a large scale software system

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    Social accounts of technological change make the flexibility and openness of interpretations the starting point of an argument against technological determinism. They suggest that technological change unfolds in the semantic domain, but they focus on the social processes around the interpretations of new technologies, and do not address the conceptual processes of change in interpretations. The dissertation presents an empirically grounded case study of the design process of an open-source online software platform based on the framework of distributed cognition to argue that the cognitive perspective is needed for understanding innovation in software, because it allows us to describe the reflexive and expansive contribution of conceptual processes to new software and the significance of professional epistemic practices in framing the direction of innovation. The framework of distributed cognition brings the social and cognitive perspectives together on account of its understanding of conceptual processes as distributed over time, among people, and between humans and artifacts. The dissertation argues that an evolving open-source software landscape became translated into the open-ended local design space of a new software project in a process of infrastructural implosion, and the design space prompted participants to outline and pursue epistemic strategies of sense-making and learning about the contexts of use. The result was a process of conceptual modeling, which resulted in a conceptually novel user interface. Prototyping professional practices of user-centered design lent directionality to this conceptual process in terms of a focus on individual activities with the user interface. Social approaches to software design under the broad umbrella of human-centered computing have been seeking to inform the design on the basis of empirical contributions about a social context. The analysis has shown that empirical engagement with the contexts of use followed from conceptual modeling, and concern about real world contexts was aligned with the user-centered direction that design was taking. I also point out a social-technical gap in the design process in connection with the repeated performance challenges that the platform was facing, and describe the possibility of a social-technical imagination.Ph.D

    Innovation in aquaculture teaching and learning

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    This report has been prepared by the Workpackage 5 working group on innovation in learning. It aims to summarise the main findings of the group, and serve as an introduction to the topic for teachers and learners in aquaculture and aquatic resources management. The main focus of the group is the use of Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) in teaching and learning. The increasing power of computers and particularly their interconnections through the Internet, is changing the social and economic landscape and presenting new opportunities and challenges for learners, educators and academic institutions. This document has been developed from presentations and discussions between the group members. It aims to identify the key technologies and trends affecting higher education in Europe and potential responses by the aquaculture and aquatic resource community. The aim is to briefly introduce key themes, technologies and state of the art. Most of the topics can be explored in much greater detail through the Internet links that are provided at the end of each section

    Open Educational Practices and Resources. OLCOS Roadmap 2012

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    As a Transversal Action under the European eLearning Programme, the Open e-Learning Content Observatory Services (OLCOS) project carries out a set of activities that aim at fostering the creation, sharing and re-use of Open Educational Resources (OER) in Europe and beyond.OER are understood to comprise content for teaching and learning, software-based tools and services, and licenses that allow for open development and re-use of content, tools and services.The OLCOS road mapping work was conducted to provide decision makers with an overview of current and likely future developments in OER and recommendations on how various challenges in OER could be addressed.While the results of the road mapping will provide some basis for policy and institutional planning, strategic leadership and decision making is needed for implementing measures that are likely to promote a further uptake of open educational practices and resources.OER are understood to be an important element of policies that want to leverage education and lifelong learning for the knowledge economy and society. However, OLCOS emphasises that it is crucial to also promote innovation and change in educational practices.In particular, OLCOS warns that delivering OER to the still dominant model of teachercentred knowledge transfer will have little effect on equipping teachers, students and workers with the competences, knowledge and skills to participate successfully in the knowledge economy and society.This report emphasises the need to foster open practices of teaching and learning that are informed by a competency-based educational framework. However, it is understood that a shift towards such practices will only happen in the longer term in a step-by-step process. Bringing about this shift will require targeted and sustained efforts by educational leaders at all levels

    Gathering Momentum: Evaluation of a Mobile Learning Initiative

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