4 research outputs found

    Proceedings of the International Workshop on Medical Ultrasound Tomography: 1.- 3. Nov. 2017, Speyer, Germany

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    Ultrasound Tomography is an emerging technology for medical imaging that is quickly approaching its clinical utility. Research groups around the globe are engaged in research spanning from theory to practical applications. The International Workshop on Medical Ultrasound Tomography (1.-3. November 2017, Speyer, Germany) brought together scientists to exchange their knowledge and discuss new ideas and results in order to boost the research in Ultrasound Tomography

    Untersuchung der Abbildungseigenschaften eines 3D-Ultraschall-Computertomographen zur Berechnung der 3D-Abbildungsfunktion und Herleitung einer optimierten Sensorgeometrie

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    Am Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe wird ein neues bildgebendes Verfahren zur verbesserten Diagnose von Brustkrebs entwickelt: Die 3D-Ultraschall-Computertomographie. Die Untersuchung der Abbildungseigenschaften ermittelt die Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der Bildgebung. In dieser Arbeit werden die wesentlichen Systemparameter ermittelt, hinsichtlich ihres Einflusses auf die Abbildungseigenschaften bewertet und eine Optimierung des Gesamtsystems bezüglich der erreichbaren Bildqualität durchgeführt

    Background discrimination of EDELWEISS-III cryogenic Ge-detectors for dark matter search

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    The EDELWEIS-III experiment is a direct dark matter search experiment using cryogenic Ge detectors with dual signal readout in ionization and heat for particle identification and background suppression. Within this thesis, a new data analysis framework has been developed. It features an automatic database driven processing and improved ionization signal filtering. A verification of the processing has been done and the focus of the thesis has been set on the analysis of surface backgrounds

    Laisvai pasirenkamos trukmės ir pozicijos impulsų sekos ultragarsinėms vizualizacijos ir matavimo sistemoms

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    The quality of the ultrasonic measurements is determined by the received signal energy, bandwidth and correlation properties. Ultrasonic transducers and signal propagation alters the spectral content of signals, the signal-to-noise ratio and correlation properties decrease. Conventional signals do not allow these losses to be corrected or inefficiently exploit the amplitude-time range dedicated for the excitation, excitation electronics are complex. New rectangular spread spectrum excitation signals have been proposed: arbitrary position and width pulse sequences (APWP). The novelty of the proposed APWP approach is that the optimization of the APWP sequence accounts the system transmission function, thus enhancing the desired signal properties. Signals combine the useful properties of rectangular pulses and spread spectrum signals, allow to control the correlation properties and spectral shape, do not require complex excitation electronics, and efficiently utilize the amplitude-time range dedicated for the excitation. The proposed signals provide an opportunity to improve the measurement quality when measuring flow, distance or thickness. The results of the work are also applicable in imaging, because the wider spectrum yields a better resolution, while smaller sidelobes and a higher signal-to-noise ratio allow to increase the contrast. Signals are extremely effective in spectroscopy when seeking to maximize the spectral coverage, its smoothness and uniform signal-to-noise ratio over the frequency range