26 research outputs found

    Share and reuse of context metadata resulting from interactions between users and heterogeneous web-based learning environments

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    L'intérêt pour l'observation, l'instrumentation et l'évaluation des systèmes éducatifs en ligne est devenu de plus en plus important ces dernières années au sein de la communauté des Environnements Informatique pour l'Apprentissage Humain (EIAH). La conception et le développement d'environnements d'apprentissage en ligne adaptatifs (AdWLE - Adaptive Web-based Learning Environments) représentent une préoccupation majeure aujourd'hui, et visent divers objectifs tels que l'aide au processus de réingénierie, la compréhension du comportement des utilisateurs, ou le soutient à la création de systèmes tutoriels intelligents. Ces systèmes gèrent leur processus d'adaptation sur la base d'informations détaillées reflétant le contexte dans lequel les étudiants évoluent pendant l'apprentissage : les ressour-ces consultées, les clics de souris, les messages postés dans les logiciels de messagerie instantanée ou les forums de discussion, les réponses aux questionnaires, etc. Les travaux présentés dans ce document sont destinés à surmonter certaines lacunes des systèmes actuels en fournissant un cadre dédié à la collecte, au partage et à la réutilisation du contexte représenté selon deux niveaux d'abstraction : le contexte brut (résultant des interactions directes entre utilisateurs et applications) et le contexte inféré (calculé à partir des données du contexte brut). Ce cadre de travail qui respecte la vie privée des usagers est fondé sur un standard ouvert dédié à la gestion des systèmes, réseaux et applications. Le contexte spécifique aux outils hétérogènes constituant les EIAHs est représenté par une structure unifiée et extensible, et stocké dans un référentiel central. Pour faciliter l'accès à ce référentiel, nous avons introduit une couche intermédiaire composée d'un ensemble d'outils. Certains d'entre eux permettent aux utilisateurs et applications de définir, collecter, partager et rechercher les données de contexte qui les intéressent, tandis que d'autres sont dédiés à la conception, au calcul et à la délivrance des données de contexte inférées. Pour valider notre approche, une mise en œuvre du cadre de travail proposé intègre des données contextuelles issues de trois systèmes différents : deux plates-formes d'apprentissage Moodle (celle de l'Université Paul Sabatier de Toulouse, et une autre déployée dans le cadre du projet CONTINT financé par l'Agence Nationale de la Recherche) et une instanciation locale du moteur de recherche de la fondation Ariadne. A partir des contextes collectés, des indicateurs pertinents ont été calculés pour chacun de ces environnements. En outre, deux applications qui exploitent cet ensemble de données ont été développées : un système de recommandation personnalisé d'objets pédagogiques ainsi qu'une application de visualisation fondée sur les technologies tactiles pour faciliter la navigation au sein de ces données de contexte.An interest for the observation, instrumentation, and evaluation of online educational systems has become more and more important within the Technology Enhanced Learning community in the last few years. Conception and development of Adaptive Web-based Learning Environments (AdWLE) in order to facilitate the process of re-engineering, to help understand users' behavior, or to support the creation of Intelligent Tutoring Systems represent a major concern today. These systems handle their adaptation process on the basis of detailed information reflecting the context in which students evolve while learning: consulted resources, mouse clicks, chat messages, forum discussions, visited URLs, quizzes selections, and so on. The works presented in this document are intended to overcome some issues of the actual systems by providing a privacy-enabled framework dedicated to the collect, share and reuse of context represented at two abstraction levels: raw context (resulting from direct interactions between users and applications) and inferred context (calculated on the basis of raw context). The framework is based on an open standard dedicated to system, network and application management, where the context specific to heterogeneous tools is represented as a unified and extensible structure and stored into a central repository. To facilitate access to this context repository, we introduced a middleware layer composed of a set of tools. Some of them allow users and applications to define, collect, share and search for the context data they are interested in, while others are dedicated to the design, calculation and delivery of inferred context. To validate our approach, an implementation of the suggested framework manages context data provided by three systems: two Moodle servers (one running at the Paul Sabatier University of Toulouse, and the other one hosting the CONTINT project funded by the French National Research Agency) and a local instantiation of the Ariadne Finder. Based on the collected context, relevant indicators have been calculated for each one of these environments. Furthermore, two applications which reuse the encapsulated context have been developed on top of the framework: a personalized system for recommending learning objects to students, and a visualization application which uses multi-touch technologies to facilitate the navigation among collected context entities

    Supporting the tutor in the design and support of adaptive e-learning

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    The further development and deployment of e-learning faces a number of threats. First, in order to meet the increasing demands of learners, staff have to develop and plan a wide and complex variety of learning activities that, in line with contemporary pedagogical models, adapt to the learners’ individual needs. Second, the deployment of e-learning, and therewith the freedom to design the appropriate kind of activities is bound by strict economical conditions, i.e. the amount of time available to staff to support the learning process. In this thesis two models have been developed and implemented that each address a different need. The first model covers the need to support the design task of staff, the second one the need to support the staff in supervising and giving guidance to students' learning activities. More specifically, the first model alleviates the design task by offering a set of connected design and runtime tools that facilitate adaptive e-learning. The second model alleviates the support task by invoking the knowledge and skills of fellow-students. Both models have been validated in near-real-world task settings

    Docentondersteuning bij het ontwerpen en begeleiden van gepersonaliseerde leeromgevingen

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    SIKS Dissertation Series No. 2008-07The further development and deployment of e-learning faces a number of threats. First, in order to meet the increasing demands of learners, staff have to develop and plan a wide and complex variety of learning activities that, in line with contemporary pedagogical models, adapt to the learners’ individual needs. Second, the deployment of e-learning, and therewith the freedom to design the appropriate kind of activities is bound by strict economical conditions, i.e. the amount of time available to staff to support the learning process. In this thesis two models have been developed and implemented that each address a different need. The first model covers the need to support the design task of staff, the second one the need to support the staff in supervising and giving guidance to students' learning activities. More specifically, the first model alleviates the design task by offering a set of connected design and runtime tools that facilitate adaptive e-learning. The second model alleviates the support task by invoking the knowledge and skills of fellow-students. Both models have been validated in near-real-world task settings.European Commission: - aLFanet (IST-2001-33288) - TENCompetence (IST-2004-02787

    A hybrid e-learning framework: Process-based, semantically-enriched and service-oriented

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    Despite the recent innovations in e-Learning, much development is needed to ensure better learning experience for everyone and bridge the research gap in the current state of the art e-Learning artefacts. Contemporary e-learning artefacts possess various limitations as follows. First, they offer inadequate variations of adaptivity, since their recommendations are limited to e-learning resources, peers or communities. Second, they are often overwhelmed with technology at the expense of proper pedagogy and learning theories underpinning e-learning practices. Third, they do not comprehensively capture the e-learning experiences as their focus shifts to e-learning activities instead of e-learning processes. In reality, learning is a complex process that includes various activities and interactions between different roles to achieve certain gaols in a continuously evolving environment. Fourth, they tend more towards legacy systems and lack the agility and flexibility in their structure and design. To respond to the above limitations, this research aims at investigating the effectiveness of combining three advanced technologies (i.e., Business Process Modelling and Enactment, Semantics and Service Oriented Computing – SOC–) with learning pedagogy in order to enhance the e-learner experience. The key design artefact of this research is the development of the HeLPS e-Learning Framework – Hybrid e-Learning Framework that is Process-based, Semantically-enriched and Service Oriented-enabled. In this framework, a generic e-learning process has been developed bottom-up based on surveying a wide range of e-learning models (i.e., practical artefacts) and their underpinning pedagogies/concepts (i.e., theories); and then forming a generic e-learning process. Furthermore, an e-Learning Meta-Model has been developed in order to capture the semantics of e-learning domain and its processes. Such processes have been formally modelled and dynamically enacted using a service-oriented enabled architecture. This framework has been evaluated using a concern-based evaluation employing both static and dynamic approaches. The HeLPS e-Learning Framework along with its components have been evaluated by applying a data-driven approach and artificially-constructed case study to check its effectiveness in capturing the semantics, enriching e-learning processes and deriving services that can enhance the e-learner experience. Results revealed the effectiveness of combining the above-mentioned technologies in order to enhance the e-learner experience. Also, further research directions have been suggested.This research contributes to enhancing the e-learner experience by making the e-learning artefacts driven by pedagogy and informed by the latest technologies. One major novel contribution of this research is the introduction of a layered architectural framework (i.e., HeLPS) that combines business process modelling and enactment, semantics and SOC together. Another novel contribution is adopting the process-based approach in e-learning domain through: identifying these processes and developing a generic business process model from a set of related e-learning business process models that have the same goals and associated objectives. A third key contribution is the development of the e-Learning Meta-Model, which captures a high-abstract view of learning domain and encapsulates various domain rules using the Semantic Web Rule Language. Additional contribution is promoting the utilisation of Service-Orientation in e-learning through developing a semantically-enriched approach to identify and discover web services from e-learning business process models. Fifth, e-Learner Experience Model (eLEM) and e-Learning Capability Maturity Model (eLCMM) have been developed, where the former aims at identifying and quantifying the e-learner experience and the latter represents a well-defined evolutionary plateau towards achieving a mature e-learning process from a technological perspective. Both models have been combined with a new developed data-driven Validation and Verification Model to develop a Concern-based Evaluation Approach for e-Learning artefacts, which is considered as another contribution

    Reader zum Workshop Standardisierung im eLearning : Begleitveranstaltung zum Förderprogramm Neue Medien in der Bildung ; 10./11. April 2002 Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt/Main

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    Bei der Entwicklung und vor allem bei der institutions- und projektübergreifenden Nutzung von eLearning Modulen oder Lernobjekten spielen Standards und Spezifikationen zu deren Beschreibung und Verwaltung eine immer wichtigere Rolle. Nur auf deren Basis können sich langfristig Verwaltungs- und Verwertungsmodelle entwickeln, die eine breite Nutzung von eLearning Modulen bis hin zur Entwicklung eines entsprechenden Marktes ermöglichen. Aufgrund allgemeingültiger Spezifikation für die Beschreibung von Lernobjekten bis hin zu standardisierten Angaben für komplette online Kurse werden Anbieter und Nachfrager in Tauschbörsen, institutionsübergreifenden Kooperationen, fachspezifischen Datenbanken und Bildungsservern eLearning Ressourcen anbieten und nutzen. Projekte und Initiativen stehen jetzt vor der Aufgabe, sich einen Überblick über vorhandene Standards und Spezifikationen zu verschaffen, um für sich selbst die geeigneten auswählen und anwenden zu können. Oft werden aufgrund der projektspezifischen Anforderungen zudem eigene Beschreibungen entwickelt. Dadurch entsteht eine Vielzahl von Beschreibungen, die den Austausch und das Auffinden von Modulen über die Projektgrenzen hinaus schwierig wenn nicht unmöglich machen. Der in diesem Band dokumentierte Workshop "Standardisierung im eLearning" hat das Ziel, die aktuelle Diskussion um die Entwicklung und Anwendung von Standards aufzugreifen, transparent zu machen und fortzuführen. Veranstalter des Workshops sind das Kompetenzzentrum für Neue Medien in der Lehre der Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt/Main und der Projektträger Neue Medien in der Bildung + Fachinformation. Die Veranstaltung setzt die Reihe von themenspezifischen Begleitworkshops im Rahmen des Förderprogramms Neue Medien in der Bildung fort. Eine Übersicht zu bereits durchgeführten und in Planung befindlichen Begleitveranstaltungen finden Sie auf dem Internet-Portal des Projektträgers (http://www.medien-bildung.net)

    Extensión de la especificación IMS Learning Design desde la adaptación e integración de unidades de aprendizaje

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    IMS Learning Design (IMS-LD) representa una corriente actual en aprendizaje online y blended que se caracteriza porque: a) Es una especificación que pretende estandarizar procesos de aprendizaje, así como reutilizarlos en diversos contextos b) Posee una expresividad pedagógica más elaborada que desarrollos anteriores o en proceso c) Mantiene una relación cordial y prometedora con Learning Management Systems (LMSs), herramientas de autoría y de ejecución d) Existe una amplia variedad de grupos de investigación y proyectos europeos trabajando sobre ella, lo que augura una sostenibilidad, al menos académica Aun así, IMS Learning Design es un producto inicial (se encuentra en su primera versión, de 2003) y mejorable en diversos aspectos, como son la expresividad pedagógica y la interoperabilidad. En concreto, en esta tesis nos centramos en el aprendizaje adaptativo o personalizado y en la integración de Unidades de Aprendizaje, como dos de los pilares que definen la especificación, y que al mismo tiempo la potencian considerablemente. El primero (aprendizaje adaptativo) hace que se puedan abordar itinerarios individuales personalizados de estudio, tanto en flujo de aprendizaje como en contenido o interfaz; el segundo (integración) permite romper el aislamiento de los paquetes de información o cursos (Unidades de Aprendizaje, UoL) y establecer un diálogo con otros sistemas (LMSs), modelos y estándares, así como una reutilización de dichas UoLs en diversos contextos. En esta tesis realizamos un estudio de la especificación desde la base, analizando su modelo de información y cómo se construyen Unidades de Aprendizaje. Desde el Nivel A al Nivel C analizamos y criticamos la estructura de la especificación basándonos en un estudio teórico y una investigación práctica fruto del modelado de Unidades de Aprendizaje reales y ejecutables que nos proporcionan una información muy útil de base, y que mayormente adjuntamos en los anexos, para no interferir en el flujo de lectura del cuerpo principal. A partir de este estudio, analizamos la integración de Unidades de Aprendizaje con otros sistemas y especificaciones, abarcando desde la integración mínima mediante un enlace directo hasta la compartición de variables y estados que permiten una comunicación en tiempo real de ambas partes. Exponemos aquí también las conclusiones de diversos casos de estudio basados en adaptación que se anexan al final de la tesis y que se vuelven un instrumento imprescindible para lograr una solución real y aplicable. Como segundo pilar de la tesis complementario a la integración de Unidades de Aprendizaje, estudiamos el aprendizaje adaptativo: Los tipos, los avances y los enfoques y restricciones de modelado dentro de IMS-LD. Por último, y como complemento de la investigación teórica, a través de diversos casos prácticos estudiamos la manera en que IMS-LD modela la perzonalización del aprendizaje y hasta qué punto. Este primer bloque de análisis (general, integración y aprendizaje adaptativo) nos permite realizar una crítica estructural de IMS-LD en dos grandes apartados: Modelado y Arquitectura. Modelado apunta cuestiones que necesitan mejora, modificación, extensión o incorporación de elementos de modelado dentro de IMS-LD, como son procesos, componentes y recursos de programación. Arquitectura engloba otras cuestiones centradas en la comunicación que realiza IMS-LD con el exterior y que apuntan directamente a capas estructurales de la especificación, más allá del modelado. Aunque se encuentra fuera del núcleo de esta tesis, también se ha realizado una revisión de aspectos relacionados con Herramientas de autoría, por ser este un aspecto que condiciona el alcance del modelado y la penetración de la especificación en los distintos públicos objetivo. Sobre Herramientas, no obstante, no realizamos ninguna propuesta de mejora. La solución desarrollada, se centra en las diversas cuestiones sobre Modelado y Arquitectura encontradas en el análisis. Esta solución se compone de un conjunto de propuestas de estructuras, nuevas o ya existentes y modificadas, a través de las que se refuerza la capacidad expresiva de la especificación y la capacidad de interacción con un entorno de trabajo ajeno. Esta investigación de tres años ha sido llevada a cabo entre 2004 y 2007, principalmente con colegas de The Open University of The Netherlands, The University of Bolton, Universitat Pompeu Fabra y del departamento Research & Innovation de ATOS Origin, y ha sido desarrollada parcialmente dentro de proyectos europeos como UNFOLD, EU4ALL y ProLearn. La conclusión principal que se extrae de esta investigación es que IMS-LD necesita una reestructuración y modificación de ciertos elementos, así como la incorporación de otros nuevos, para mejorar una expresividad pedagógica y una capacidad de integración con otros sistemas de aprendizaje y estándares eLearning, si se pretenden alcanzar dos de los objetivos principales establecidos de base en la definición de esta especificación: La personalización del proceso de aprendizaje y la interoperabilidad real. Aun así, es cierto que la implantación de la especificación se vería claramente mejorada si existieran unas herramientas de más alto nivel (preferiblemente con planteamiento visual) que permitieran un modelado sencillo por parte de los usuarios finales reales de este tipo de especificaciones, como son los profesores, los creadores de contenido y los pedagogos-didactas que diseñan la experienicia de aprendizaje. Este punto, no obstante, es ajeno a la especificación y afecta a la interpretación que de la misma realizan los grupos de investigación y compañías que desarrollan soluciones de autoría. _____________________________________________IMS Learning Design (IMS-LD) is a current asset in eLearning and blended learning, due to several reasons: a) It is a specification that points to standardization and modeling of learning processes, and not just content; at the same time, it is focused on the re-use of the information packages in several contexts; b) It shows a deeper pedagogical expressiveness than other specifications, already delivered or in due process c) It is integrated at different levels into well-known Learning Management Systems (LMSs) d) There are a huge amount of European research projects and groups working with it, which aims at sustainability (in academia, at least) Nevertheless, IMS-LD is roughly an initial outcome (be aware that we are still working with the same release, dated on 2003). Therefore, it can and must be improved in several aspects, i.e., pedagogical expressiveness and interoperability. In this thesis, we concentrate on Adaptive Learning (or Personalised Learning) and on the Integration of Units of Learning (UoLs). They both are core aspects which the specification is built upon. They also can improve it significantly. Adaptation makes personalised learning itineraries, adapted to every role, to every user involved in the process, and focus on several aspects, i.e., flow, content and interface. Integration fosters the re-use of IMS-LD information packages in different contexts and connects both-ways UoLs with other specifications, models and LMSs. In order to achive these goals we carry out a threephase analysis. First, analysis of IMS-LD in several steps: foundations, information model, construction of UoLs. From Level A to Level C, we analyse and review the specification structure. We lean on a theoretical frameword, along with a practical approach, coming from the actual modeling of real UoLs which give an important report back. Out of this analysis we get a report on the general structure of IMS-LD. Second, analysis and review of the integration of UoLs with several LMSs, models and specifications: we analyse three different types of integration: a) minimal integration, with a simple link between parts; b) embedded integration, with a marriage of both parts in a single information package; and d) full integration, sharing variables and states between parts. In this step, we also show different case studies and report our partial conclusions. And third, analysis and review of how IMS-LD models adaptive learning: we define, classify and explain several types of adaptation and we approach them with the specificacion. A key part of this step is the actual modeling of UoLs showing adaptive learning processes. We highlight pros and cons and stress drawbacks and weak points that could be improved in IMS-LD to support adaptation, but also general learning processes Out of this three-step analysis carried out so far (namely general, integration, adaptation) we focus our review of the IMS-LD structure and information model on two blocks: Modeling and Architecture. Modeling is focused on process, components and programming resources of IMS-LD. Architecture is focused on the communication that IMS-LD establishes outside, both ways, and it deals with upper layers of the specification, beyong modeling issues. Modeling and Architecture issues need to be addressed in order to improve the pedagogical expressiveness and the integration of IMS-LD. Furthermore, we provide an orchestrated solution which meets these goals. We develop a structured and organized group of modifications and extensions of IMS-LD, which match the different reported problems issues. We suggest modifications, extensions and addition of different elements, aiming at the strength of the specification on adaptation and integration, along with general interest issues. The main conclusion out of this research is that IMS-LD needs a re-structure and a modification of some elements. It also needs to incorporate new ones. Both actions (modification and extension) are the key to improve the pedagogical expressiveness and the integration with other specifications and eLearning systems. Both actions aim at two clear objectives in the definition of IMS-LD: the personalisation of learning processes, and a real interoperability. It is fair to highlight the welcome help of high-level visual authoring tools. They can support a smoother modeling process that could focus on pedagogical issues and not on technical ones, so that a broad target group made of teachers, learning designers, content creators and pedagogues could make use of the specification in a simpler way. However, this criticism is outside the specification, so outside the core of this thesis too. This three-year research (2004-2007) has been carried out along with colleagues from The Open University of The Netherlands, The University of Bolton, Universitat Pompeu Fabra and from the Department of Research & Innovation of ATOS Origin. In addition, a few European projects, like UNFOLD, EU4ALL and ProLearn, have partially supported it

    Orchestration of learning activities through the integration of third-party services in IMS learning design

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    The range of applicable pedagogical models has increased with the adoption of the Information and Communication Technologies in the educational field. The so called educational modelling languages enable the orchestration of learning activities on distance education scenarios. It is possible, for example, to apply strategies that emphasise the relevance of an active participation of the subject and the interaction among the different actors of the learning process. Computer-mediated orchestration of learning courses can be extended beyong distance education scenarios to face-to-face experiences. The IMS Learning Design specification is the de facto standard educational modelling language. The application of the specification in the support of collaborative learning models or in the creation of adaptive learning material is a frequent topic in current research. However, the model has several limitations that hinder the practical adoption of the IMS Learning Design framework. Among these limitations, the lack of integration with thirdparty tools is an obstacle for the creation and deployment of student-centred learning courses, where the active participation implies the use of Web based tools. Distance and blended learning models are especially affected by this limitation. Another factor that prevents full adoption of the framework is the lack of flexibility of the model: the existing players play a previously created script and leave no room for teachers’ reaction to unexpected events. This dissertation proposes a solution for the previous problems without limiting the intrinsic benefits of the specification, such as interoperability and expressiveness. The adopted research methodology consists of three phases: characterisation of the problem, design and implementation of the solution, and experimental validation of the proposed model. The complete description of the problem has required a revision of the state of the art regarding IMS Learning Design and the design and deployment of several cases of study. The analysis of these cases has been centred in the study of the factors that affect the authoring, deployment and enactment phases of scripted learning courses. The documentation and publication of these experiences is one of the contributions of this dissertation. An extension of the IMS Learning Design framework is proposed as a solution of the described problem. The extension, called Generic Service Integration is platform independent and allows the integration of third-party tools in courses described by IMS Learning Design. The integration is enabled by the automation of administrative tasks such as the instantiation of external tools, and by the information exchange among the platforms that take part in the course. Thus, it is possible to include learning activities whose enactment requires the use of Web based tools without losing the intrinsic characteristics of IMS Learning Design. The framework proposed by Generic Service Integration has been implemented as an extension of GRAIL, the IMS Learning Design player in the .LRN Learning Management System. Such extension has allowed the design and deployment of cases of study in which tool integration played an essential role in the sequence of activities. The analysis of these experiences demonstrates the feasibility of the proposed model. Such feasibility tackles two facts: first, the expresiveness of the combination of IMS LD and GSI; second, the replicability and scalability with a high number of participants. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------La aplicación de las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación al ámbito del aprendizaje tiene como resultado la ampliación del abanico de posibilidades en lo que a modelos pedagógicos se refiere. La aparición de lenguajes de modelado educativo permite la orquestación de actividades en entornos de educación a distancia. Esto hace posible la ejecución de cursos en los que priman la participación activa del sujeto y la interacción entre los diferentes actores del proceso de aprendizaje. La orquestación de cursos guiada por ordenador no es exclusiva de la educación a distancia. En escenarios presenciales, por ejemplo, puede suponer una importante reducción de las tareas administrativas del profesorado. La especificación IMS Learning Design es el actual estándar de facto en el marco de los lenguajes de modelado educativo. Es frecuente la aparición de la especificación en las investigaciones más recientes, explorando su uso en el ámbito del trabajo colaborativo o en la creación de material adaptativo. Sin embargo, son varias las limitaciones que impiden una adopción práctica del esquema de trabajo propuesto por IMS Learning Design. Entre estas limitaciones, la falta de integración con herramientas de terceros dificulta la creación y el despliegue de cursos en los que el papel activo del alumno se refleje en el uso de herramientas basadas en la Web, especialmente en entornos de aprendizaje a distancia o semipresencial. Otro obstáculo importante es la falta de flexibilidad del modelo, ya que las herramientas de despliegue y ejecución de cursos se limitan a reproducir un guión previamente establecido, dejando escaso margen de actuación al profesorado. Esta tesis caracteriza los problemas mencionados y propone una solución factible que no limite las características propias de la especificación, como son su interoperabilidad y expresividad. Para ello, se ha seguido una metodología de trabajo compuesta de tres fases: caracterización del problema, definición e implementación de la solución, y validación experimental del modelo propuesto. Para la caracterización del problema se ha llevado a cabo un estudio del estado del arte con respecto a IMS Learning Design que se ha visto complementado con el diseño y despliegue de casos prácticos reales. En análisis de dichos casos prácticos se ha centrado en el estudio de los factores que afectan a las fases de autoría, despliegue y ejecución de los cursos. La documentación y posterior publicación de dichas experiencias supone por tanto una de las contribuciones de esta tesis. Tras la caracterización del problema, se propone una arquitectura que extiende la especificacióon IMS Learning Design. La arquitectura propuesta es independiente de la plataforma software que se utilice en el diseño y despliegue de cursos. Dicha arquitectura, que recibe el nombre de Generic Service Integration, permite la integración de herramientas de terceros en cursos guiados por IMS Learning Design. Esta integración se basa en la instanciación automática de herramientas externas y el intercambio de información entre las plataformas que intervienen en el curso. Así, se permite la inclusión de actividades que requieran el uso de herramientas basadas en la Web, sin que ello suponga una pérdida de las características propias de IMS Learning Design. El modelo propuesto, Generic Service Integration, ha sido implementado como una extensión de GRAIL, el reproductor de IMS Learning Design en .LRN. Dicha implementación ha permitido la puesta en marcha de casos de estudio en los que la integración de herramientas ha sido un elemento primordial de la secuencia de actividades de aprendizaje. El análisis de dichas experiencias demuestra la viabilidad del modelo propuesto. Esta viabilidad se refiere tanto a la capacidad expresiva de la combinación de IMS LD con GSI, como a su alta replicabilidad y escalabilidad con un número alto de participantes