25 research outputs found

    Visualizing the underlying trends of component latencies affecting service operation performance

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    This paper presents a technology agnostic method for extracting the underlying distinct patterns of variations in the overall performance of a service operation for changes to different application components supporting the service operation in a computer based service provider to consumer contract. This short paper advocates that visualizing these patterns would help in early projection of the operation's performance due to modification of the application components/processing catering to the operation, without the need of repetitive performance and load testing of the whole service. Lookup datasets against different component configurations are created to associate the variability of component processing impedances to the service operation's performance and best fit regression types are applied to enable trend extrapolation and interpolation


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    When IT service providers adapt their IT system landscapes because of new technologies or changing business requirements, the effects of changes to the quality of service must be considered to fulfill service level agreements. Analytical prediction models can support this process in the service design stages, but dependencies between quality aspects are not taken into account. In this paper, a novel approach for predicting availability and response time of an IT service is developed, which is simulation-based to support dynamic analysis of service quality. The correctness of the model as well as its applicability in a real case can be evaluated. Therefore, this work presents a step towards an analytical framework for predicting IT service quality aspects

    A Review on Software Performance Analysis for Early Detection of Latent Faults in Design Models

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    Organizations and society could face major breakdown if IT strategies do not comply with performance requirements. This is more so in the era of globalization and emergence of technologies caused more issues. Software design models might have latent and potential issues that affect performance of software. Often performance is the neglected area in the industry. Identifying performance issues in the design phase can save time, money and effort. Software engineers need to know the performance requirements so as to ensure quality software to be developed. Software performance engineering a quantitative approach for building software systems that can meet performance requirements. There are many design models based on UML, Petri Nets and Product-Forms. These models can be used to derive performance models that make use of LQN, MSC, QNM and so on. The design models are to be mapped to performance models in order to predict performance of system early and render valuable feedback for improving quality of the system. Due to emerging distributed technologies such as EJB, CORBA, DCOM and SOA applications became very complex with collaboration with other software. The component based software systems, software systems that are embedded, distributed likely need more systematic performance models that can leverage the quality of such systems. Towards this end many techniques came into existence. This paper throws light into software performance analysis and its present state-of-the-art. It reviews different design models and performance models that provide valuable insights to make well informed decisions

    Performance assessment of an architecture with adaptative interfaces for people with special needs

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    People in industrial societies carry more and more portable electronic devices (e.g., smartphone or console) with some kind of wireles connectivity support. Interaction with auto-discovered target devices present in the environment (e.g., the air conditioning of a hotel) is not so easy since devices may provide inaccessible user interfaces (e.g., in a foreign language that the user cannot understand). Scalability for multiple concurrent users and response times are still problems in this domain. In this paper, we assess an interoperable architecture, which enables interaction between people with some kind of special need and their environment. The assessment, based on performance patterns and antipatterns, tries to detect performance issues and also tries to enhance the architecture design for improving system performance. As a result of the assessment, the initial design changed substantially. We refactorized the design according to the Fast Path pattern and The Ramp antipattern. Moreover, resources were correctly allocated. Finally, the required response time was fulfilled in all system scenarios. For a specific scenario, response time was reduced from 60 seconds to less than 6 seconds

    An industrial case study of performance and cost design space exploration

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    Determining the trade-off between performance and costs of a distributed software system is important as it enables fulfilling performance requirements in a cost-efficient way. The large amount of design alternatives for such systems of-ten leads software architects to select a suboptimal solution, which may either waste resources or cannot cope with fu-ture workloads. Recently, several approaches have appeared to assist software architects with this design task. In this paper, we present a case study applying one of these ap-proaches, i.e. PerOpteryx, to explore the design space of an existing industrial distributed software system from ABB. To facilitate the design exploration, we created a highly de-tailed performance and cost model, which was instrumental in determining a cost-efficient architecture solution using an evolutionary algorithm. The case study demonstrates the capabilities of various modern performance modeling tools and a design space exploration tool in an industrial setting, provides lessons learned, and helps other software architects in solving similar problems

    Performance Prediction Upon Toolchain Migration in Model-Based Software

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    Changing the development environment can have severe impacts on the system behavior such as the execution-time performance. Since it can be costly to migrate a software application, engineers would like to predict the performance parameters of the application under the new environment with as little effort as possible. In this work, we concentrate on model-driven development and provide a methodology to estimate the execution-time performance of application models under different toolchains. Our approach has low cost compared to the migration effort of an entire application. As part of the approach, we provide methods for characterizing model-driven applications, an algorithm for generating application-specific microbenchmarks, and results on using different methods for estimating the performance. In the work, we focus on SCADE as the development toolchain and use a Cruise Control and a Water Level application as case studies to confirm the technical feasibility and viability of our technique

    Software Perfomance Assessment at Architectural Level: A Methodology and its Application

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    Las arquitecturas software son una valiosa herramienta para la evaluación de las propiedades cualitativas y cuantitativas de los sistemas en sus primeras fases de desarrollo. Conseguir el diseño adecuado es crítico para asegurar la bondad de dichas propiedades. Tomar decisiones tempranas equivocadas puede implicar considerables y costosos cambios en un futuro. Dichas decisiones afectarían a muchas propiedades del sistema, tales como su rendimiento, seguridad, fiabilidad o facilidad de mantenimiento. Desde el punto de vista del rendimiento software, la ingeniería del rendimiento del software (SPE) es una disciplina de investigación madura y comúnmente aceptada que propone una evaluación basada en modelos en las primeras fases del ciclo de vida de desarrollo software. Un problema en este campo de investigación es que las metodologías hasta ahora propuestas no ofrecen una interpretación de los resultados obtenidos durante el análisis del rendimiento, ni utilizan dichos resultados para proponer alternativas para la mejora de la propia arquitectura software. Hasta la fecha, esta interpretación y mejora requiere de la experiencia y pericia de los ingenieros software, en especial de expertos en ingeniería de prestaciones. Además, a pesar del gran número de propuestas para evaluar el rendimiento de sistemas software, muy pocos de estos estudios teóricos son posteriormente aplicados a sistemas software reales. El objetivo de esta tesis es presentar una metodología para el asesoramiento de decisiones arquitecturales para la mejora, desde el punto de vista de las prestaciones, de las sistemas software. La metodología hace uso del Lenguaje Unificado de Modelado (UML) para representar las arquitecturas software y de métodos formales, concretamente redes de Petri, como modelo de prestaciones. El asesoramiento, basado en patrones y antipatrones, intenta detectar los principales problemas que afectan a las prestaciones del sistema y propone posibles mejoras para mejoras dichas prestaciones. Como primer paso, estudiamos y analizamos los resultados del rendimiento de diferentes estilos arquitectónicos. A continuación, sistematizamos los conocimientos previamente obtenidos para proponer una metodología y comprobamos su aplicabilidad asesorando un caso de estudio real, una arquitectura de interoperabilidad para adaptar interfaces a personas con discapacidad conforme a sus capacidades y preferencias. Finalmente, se presenta una herramienta para la evaluación del rendimiento como un producto derivado del propio ciclo de vida software

    Automated Experiments for Deriving Performance-relevant Properties of Software Execution Environments

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    The execution environment can play a crucial role when analyzing the performance of a software system. However, detecting execution environment properties and integrating such properties into performance analyses is a manual, error-prone task. In this thesis, a novel approach for detecting performance-relevant properties of the software execution environment is presented. These properties are automatically detected using predefined experiments and integrated into performance prediction tools