7 research outputs found

    Inner disturbance: towards understanding the design of vertigo games through a novel balancing game

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    The design space of vertigo games is under-explored, despite vertigo underlying many unique body based game experiences, such as rock climbing and dancing. In this paper we articulate the design and evaluation of a novel vertigo experience, Inner Disturbance, which uses Galvanic Vestibular Stimulation to affect the player’s balance. Following study observations and a thematic analysis of Inner Disturbance (N=10), we present four themes and associated design sensitivities that can be used to aid designers of future digital vertigo games. With this work we aim to encourage others to experiment within this exciting new design space for digital games

    Technology and Mastery:Exploring Design Sensitivities for Technology in Mountaineering

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    The idea of man’s ’mastery over nature’ is ubiquitous in western philosophy and in western thinking and technology has been widely used in support of this end. Given the growing interaction design opportunities for personal digital technologies in supporting outdoor and recreational nature activities such as mountaineering it is timely to unpack the role that technology can play in such activities. In doing so it is important to consider the intrinsic and extrinsic motivations at play for the individual and the accepted social norms or ‘rules’ that are associated with the activity through its community and passed on through its community of practice. Technologies that may be considered as a form of ‘cheating’ when first introduced (such as handheld GPS) can later become accepted through common practice, although the rules are often nuanced. For example, it is widely regarded that GPS should not replace the skill of map reading and navigation. In this position paper we consider different forms of mastery over nature that technology can support and reflect on the design sensitivities that these provide

    Neuroscience and training in high performance sports

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    El objetivo de este estudio fue realizar una revisión sistemática de la literatura en relación a la neurociencia aplicada al deporte de alto rendimiento. Esta se realizó a través de una búsqueda en bases de datos con palabras clave como percepción visual, tiempo de reacción, tiempo de ejecución y deporte. Se identificó que existen factores mentales que determinan el éxito del deportista de alto rendimiento, estos están mediados por aspectos psiconeurofisiologicos del sistema nervioso que incrementan la actividad neuronal facilitando el aprendizaje y adaptación de gestos motores a circunstancias específicas del deporte. Como resultados, en primera instancia se determinó que existen habilidades cognitivas que son determinantes en la consecución de logros deportivos. Estas son atención sostenida, memoria verbal, velocidad de procesamiento y memoria visoespacial. Adicionalmente, existen metodologías de entrenamiento para estas habilidades que se desarrollan a través de dispositivos tecnológicos, juegos de realidad virtual y entrenamiento en campo. En conclusión, el entrenamiento de habilidades cognitivas es el camino para aumentar el rendimiento mental del deportista y generar una mejor toma de decisiones en el campo de juego que puede ser vital en la consecución de logros deportivos por parte de entidades deportivas a nivel nacional e internacional.The objective of this study was to conduct a review of the literature in relation to neuroscience applied to high performance sports. This was done through a database search with keywords such as visual perception, reaction time, execution time and sport. It was possible to see that there are mental factors that determine the success of the high performance athlete. Psychoneurophysiological aspects of the nervous system that increase neuronal activity, facilitating the learning and adaptation of motor gestures to specific sport circumstances, mediate these. As results, in the first instance it was determined that there are cognitive abilities that are determining in the achievement of sporting achievements. These are sustained attention, verbal memory, processing speed and visuospatial memory. In the second instance, it was determined that there are training methodologies for these skills that can be through technological devices, virtual reality games and field training. In conclusion, the training of cognitive skills is the way to increase the mental performance of the athlete and generate better decision making on the field of play that can be vital in the achievement of sporting achievements by sports entities at national and international level

    Biophysical Modeling of Mangrove Seedling Establishment and Survival Across an Elevation Gradient With Forest Zones

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    Mangrove forest development critically depends on the establishment and survival of seedlings. Mechanistic insights into how water levels, waves and bed level dynamics influence the establishment process of individual mangrove seedlings are increasing. However, little is known about how spatial and temporal changes in water levels, waves and bed level dynamics across elevation gradients in mangrove forests facilitate/limit seedling dynamics. For this study, a new seedling establishment and growth model was integrated into a process-based hydrodynamic and morphodynamic numerical model. This biophysical model was applied to a fringing mangrove forest located in the southern Firth of Thames, Aotearoa, New Zealand. This study quantifies the increasing establishment density and survival probability of mangrove seedlings from the lower-elevated unvegetated intertidal flat toward the higher-elevated mature mangrove forest. Three cross-shore zones with distinctive seedling dynamics were identified: (a) a zone with daily tidal inundation where seedling dynamics are episodic and limited by the dispersal of individual propagules that rapidly anchor to the substrate by root growth, (b) a zone with daily to bi-weekly tidal inundation where seedling dynamics respond to variations in spring-neap tidal cycles and, (c) a zone with less than bi-weekly inundation where seedling dynamics are governed by high propagule supply and seedling survival probability. The seedling establishment density and survival probability are dominated by annual extremes in tidal hydroperiod and bed shear stresses, respectively. The obtained parameterizations can be used to incorporate seedling dynamics in decadal-timescale mangrove forest development models that are instrumental for mangrove management and restoration

    Grand Challenges in SportsHCI

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    The field of Sports Human-Computer Interaction (SportsHCI) investigates interaction design to support a physically active human being. Despite growing interest and dissemination of SportsHCI literature over the past years, many publications still focus on solving specific problems in a given sport. We believe in the benefit of generating fundamental knowledge for SportsHCI more broadly to advance the field as a whole. To achieve this, we aim to identify the grand challenges in SportsHCI, which can help researchers and practitioners in developing a future research agenda. Hence, this paper presents a set of grand challenges identified in a five-day workshop with 22 experts who have previously researched, designed, and deployed SportsHCI systems. Addressing these challenges will drive transformative advancements in SportsHCI, fostering better athlete performance, athlete-coach relationships, spectator engagement, but also immersive experiences for recreational sports or exercisemotivation, and ultimately, improve human well-being

    Quality of life and physical outcomes following an exercise intervention in individuals with a traumatic brain injury : a pilot study

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    Traumatic brain injuries (TBI) are becoming one of the leading causes of long-term disability worldwide, with more than 200,000 people attending emergency departments in the UK each year following a head injury. This creates immense strain on the individual’s life as well as the healthcare system. The long-term symptoms associated with TBI include depression, anxiety, headaches, dizziness, personality changes, increased aggression, and nausea. These symptoms can lead to job losses, relationship breakdowns and even homelessness. Traumatic brain injuries cannot always be avoided so evidence-based guidelines for suitable and effective rehabilitation interventions are important. The overall aim of this thesis was to pilot an original, multi-component exercise intervention on the mental and physical outcomes in individuals following a TBI. Secondly it aimed to identify disparities in the current rehabilitation guidelines and propose future changes. Finally it intended to lay foundations for a future larger RCT to be conducted across the UK with the implementation of exercise programmes within the community. A systematic review of the literature on the effects of exercise on the quality of life (QOL) in individuals with a TBI can be found in Chapter 3. It found limited conclusive data on the best exercise modality to illicit significant QOL improvements. Therefore, this highlighted the gap in the research and the need for more robust RCTs within this area.Sixteen healthy adults (non-TBI) took part in the first empirical study (Chapter 5) investigating the effects of a 4-week multi-component exercise intervention on physical and health-related quality of life outcomes. The intervention consisted of circuit-based sessions 1x/week working on balance, strength, coordination, and dual-tasking with the second session per week involving aerobic, reaction time and agility exercises. The findings indicated significant improvements in sit-to-stand tests (p = 0.04, g = 0.34) and reaction time on the Fitlight Trainer (p = 0.00, g = 2.94) in the exercise group. This was also the case during the 15-minute cycling time-trial, where the exercise group demonstrated significant improvements in the total distance cycled and average power over the four weeks (p = 0.008, g = 0.24 and p = 0.00, g = 0.28, respectively). These results revealed the opportunity for physical improvements in a TBI population and justified the second empirical study (Chapter 6). The first part of this chapter looked at the TBI admissions into the Hull Royal Infirmary A&E department highlighting trends in patient and injury characteristics. In addition it demonstrated a wide range of potential participants and emphasised the rationale for an exercise rehabilitation programme. The findings from the audit informed the second part of this chapter, where seven participants (with a TBI) were recruited, with four individuals allocated into the novel exercise programme and three into the standard treatment (control) group. The exercise group attended two session a week for twelve weeks. Participants in the exercise group demonstrated significant improvements (decreased scores) in anxiety (p = 0.05) and depression (p = 0.04) compared to the control group as measured using the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS). Health-related QOL score as measured with the SF- 36 revealed significant improvements for role-limited physical (p = 0.02) and vitality domains (p = 0.03) as a result of the exercise intervention. Significant improvements were also recorded for total distance covered during the cycling time trials (p = 0.03), number of sit-to-stands in 30 seconds (p = 0.02), resting heart rate (p = 0.03), and maximum workload during the aerobic fitness test (p = 0.001). An isokinetic dynamometer was used to measure lower limb average power at two angular speeds (60 deg/sec and 180 deg/sec). The exercise group demonstrated significant improvements during both leg extension (p = 0.04) and flexion (p = 0.05) at 180 deg/sec. In the final study (Chapter 7), a qualitative approach was used to understand the main facilitators to exercise following TBI. These included motivation, gaining an understanding of recovery, and improving physical fitness. The barriers to exercise were also explored, such as lack of confidence/ motivation and cost.Overall this thesis demonstrated the potential benefits of a 12-week multi-component exercise intervention on QOL and physical well-being outcomes in a cohort of TBI individuals. It also identified disparities in the current TBI rehabilitation guidelines and proposed future recommendations for long-term support for TBI individuals

    Design sensitivities for interactive sport-training games

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