5 research outputs found

    Rancangan dan Pengujian Alat Bantu Kebocoran Ban Sepeda Motor

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    Sustainable product design has a role in reducing environmental impacts and can provide economic and social benefits for stakeholders. Design is one way to make improvements and provide an overview of alternative solutions to problems. One of the problems of motorcycle users is experiencing the incidence of punctured tires. This research aims to design a tool to help users of automatic and manual motorcycles when a flat tire occurs. The tool design with dimensions of 160 mm x 190 mm x 100 mm uses a 2 mm iron plate as the mainframe, rubber-type wheels on the front and live caster on the back, and stainless steel for bolts and nuts. Testing the tire leak tool uses three motorcycles with automatic and manual types that have an engine capacity of up to 110 cc, and has a wheel size of 62.09 mm for automatic motorbikes and 65.79 mm for manual motorbikes. The test results showed it function well. The tool is stable and safe when used at a speed of 20 km/hour. The tire leak tool can be used on various types of road surfaces and can withstand passenger loads of up to 65 kg. The trial process was carried out 7 times in the environment around the Purwokerto Telkom Institute of Technology campus with up and down road surfaces and various variations of bends. The tool design is easy to install on leaking wheels and is convenient to carry on the go. A tire leak tool can be used as an alternative for motorcyclists when a flat tire occurs, especially automatic and manual motorbikes


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    ABSTRACT A new method is proposed, which is the core of parametric simulation based on complicated mechanism design. Furthermore, the connotation of parametric simulation is affirmed and the flow of parametric simulation based on complicated mechanism design is put forward. At last, taking a parallel mechanism as example, the technology of parametric simulation proposed is applied to the simulation study used ADAMS, which consist of analyzing mechanism, parametric modeling, creating GUI, creating menu and parametric simulation. The practice indicates that the method is effectual. INTRODUCTION The mechanism design is key part of the mechanical design. During the mechanism design, the rationality of the structure parameter decides the comprehensive function of the whole mechanical product directly. Therefore, how to select the structure parameter is a very important problem. Usually, these parameters will be confirmed through the calculation of the kinetics and dynamics. For the complicated construction (for example, the space parallel mechanism), these analytic calculation processes are very complicated. And we usually can't acquire ideal solution because it's hard to establish the correct analytic mathematics model. The above questions can be resolved by simulation method effectively. Simulation method is that kinematical model is set up according to mechanism kinematical theory and then researched for confirming reasonable structure parameter. However, during the practical design, the structure parameters of the model usually need to be modified constantly and simulated repeatedly for getting ideal solution. The efficiency of simulation study is decreased by fussy operation. If mechanism model and relative constraint are completely parametric, namely by building parametric model, can improve the efficiency of simulation evidently. In the paper, a new method about mechanism design is proposed, which is the core of parametric simulation. On the basis of it, a 3-TPT parallel mechanism is taken as example, the technology of parametric simulation proposed is applied to the simulation study used ADAMS. THE CONTENT OF PARAMETRIC SIMULATION The parametric simulation includes two meanings: one is the parametric model, that is the totally parameterization of the shape and constraint to make the whole simulation model completely confirming by a few parameters, so that it is easy to reconstruct the model; The other is the whole parametric simulation flow, namely in the process of simulation, dynamically change the value of parametric variables for determining the optimum parameter in the condition of satisfying constraint. It is clear that the parametric simulation model is the precondition of parametric simulation process. For the mechanical product, which has the complicated mechanism, it is usually difficult to assure suitable structure parameter at the first stage. But the application of parametric simulation technology can make the dimension as parameter, further establishing parametric simulation model to carry on simulation research. As a result, the parametric simulation is particularly suitable for the complicated mechanism design

    Nouvelles approches en conception préliminaire basée sur les modèles des actionneurs embarqués

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    L objectif de cette thèse est de proposer des approches innovantes de conceptionpréliminaire d actionneurs embarqués. Cette démarche répond à un besoin fort de l industrie,en particulier en aéronautique. Dans un premier temps, une méthode hybride de générationd architectures solutions et de sélection vis-à-vis des exigences du cahier des charges et del état de l art technologique est proposée. Dans un deuxième temps, une étude de l effet del incertitude sur les modèles de conception préliminaire a été réalisée. Une troisième pa rtie adémontré l intérêt de lier les approches et les outils de modélisation 0D/1D et 3D afin depermettre l accélération des phases de conception et afin de mieux remonter la connaissanceliée à la géométrie. Enfin, une méthode utilisant les métamodèles basées sur les lois d échellevisant à l obtention de formes mathématiques simples pour le besoin de dimensionnent descomposants mécatroniques a été développéeThe objective of this thesis is to propose an innovative approaches for embeddedactuators preliminary design. This approach responds to a strong need for the industry,particularly in aeronautics. As a first step, a hybrid method of architectures generation andselection depending on the specifications and the technological state of the art is proposed. Ina second step, a study of the effect of uncertainty in preliminary design models wascompleted. A third part demonstrated the value of combining modeling approaches tools0D/1D and 3D to enable the design phases acceleration and to have better knowledge relatedto the geometry. Finally, a method using meta-models based on scaling laws for obtainingsimple mathematical forms needed for sizing mechatronic components has been developedTOULOUSE-INSA-Bib. electronique (315559905) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Nouvelles approches en conception préliminaire basée sur les modèles des actionneurs embarqués

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    The objective of this thesis is to propose an innovative approaches for embedded actuators preliminary design. This approach responds to a strong need for the industry, particularly in aeronautics. As a first step, a hybrid method of architectures generation and selection depending on the specifications and the technological state of the art is proposed. In a second step, a study of the effect of uncertainty in preliminary design models was completed. A third part demonstrated the value of combining modeling approaches tools 0D/1D and 3D to enable the design phases acceleration and to have better knowledge related to the geometry. Finally, a method using meta-models based on scaling laws for obtaining simple mathematical forms needed for sizing mechatronic components has been developedL’objectif de cette thèse est de proposer des approches innovantes de conception préliminaire d’actionneurs embarqués. Cette démarche répond à un besoin fort de l’industrie,en particulier en aéronautique. Dans un premier temps, une méthode hybride de génération d’architectures solutions et de sélection vis-à-vis des exigences du cahier des charges et de l’état de l’art technologique est proposée. Dans un deuxième temps, une étude de l’effet de l’incertitude sur les modèles de conception préliminaire a été réalisée. Une troisième partie a démontré l’intérêt de lier les approches et les outils de modélisation 0D/1D et 3D afin de permettre l’accélération des phases de conception et afin de mieux remonter la connaissance liée à la géométrie. Enfin, une méthode utilisant les métamodèles basées sur les lois d’échelle visant à l’obtention de formes mathématiques simples pour le besoin de dimensionnent des composants mécatroniques a été développé

    DeReFrame: a design-research framework to study game mechanics and game aesthetics in an engineering design process

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    The main aim of this research is to study gaming techniques and elements that may potentially be beneficial to the future development of CAD systems for engineering design, in particular to maintain cognitive engagement. A design-research framework, called DeReFrame, was employed to construct an experimental game-based CAD framework exploring this. This research is based on reviews from the literature and experimental studies and include quantitative and qualitative data analysis methods measuring engineers’ performance and emotional responses. The thesis presents the construction process of the framework (DeReframe) to study a set of game mechanics and game aesthetics in an engineering design process and compare this with the traditional CAD. The framework was used to design and implement a game-based CAD system, called ICAD which was embedded with the following game mechanics of Directional Goals, Progression, Performance-Feedback and Rewards-Achievement. The DeReFrame and ICAD evolved through the experimental studies. In each case, selected game mechanics were at the core of each interaction and iteration which gave rise to feelings of progress, competence and mastery. The final results from the DeReFrame framework and ICAD indicated that gamified approaches should be included in engineering design with CAD: in particular the game mechanics of performance feedback and rewards-achievements influence engineers’ behaviour by supporting them within the problem-solving process creating an engaging-challenging interaction. In conclusion, this research has shown that a framework, that includes both engineering requirements and gamified aspects into consideration, cam serve as a basis for implementing game-based CAD to facilitate performance by providing engaging experiences for engineers