2 research outputs found

    Underwater Pipeline Leakage Detection Using Vision Based Techniques: Semi-AUV (SAUV) Approach

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    This thesis intends to convert a Remote Operated Vehicle (ROV) to a Semi-Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (SAUV) using a vision-based control system. The SAUV was used for automatic underwater gas pipeline tracking and leakage detection. the leakages in the pipeline using Computer Vision. The SAUV was designed to operate both manually and automatically in underwater conditions. The proposed SAUV has 6 thrusters to achieve 4 degrees of freedom controlled by the controller unit and powered by LiPo battery packs. Our underwater vehicle is equipped with sensors providing continuous feedback signals to automatically control the vehicle to track predefined trajectories. The SAUV can be self-stabilized as the center of gravity and center of buoyancy of the vehicle is positioned in such a way in the predefined plan. The SAUV captures images to perform line tracking along with the pipeline and gas bubble images during its mission. The multi-core umbilical cable is used here for the video signal, the feedback signal, and battery charging lines. This will be used only for development and test purposes and will be removed during autonomous missions. For performing all operations, various control schemes such as computer vision algorithm for object detection using python programming, OpenCV, Hough Transform Theory, etc. are applied. The proposed SAUV is expected to pave the way for the development of advanced underwater oil and gas pipeline industrial applications by ocean scientists

    Método para la integración de datos de múltiples sensores de flujo en líneas de conducción de hidrocarburos refinados

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    Recientemente en Colombia, en los sistemas de transporte por ducto de hidrocarburos se han instalado medidores que reportan el estado de la operación de transporte sin un mayor análisis de la información reportada. Este trabajo presenta una estrategia metodológica para la fusionar la información de los medidores de flujo instalados a lo largo de los ductos enfocado a la identificación, aislamiento y caracterización de pérdidas o ganancias volumétricas en los diferentes segmentos limitados por estos sensores. Adicionalmente, se evaluarán diferentes condiciones operativas probables así como fallas operativas comunes en función de la operatividad de la metodología propuesta.Abstract. Recently in Colombia, at pipeline transportation systems have been installed meters that report the status of the transport operation without further analysis of the information reported. This paper presents a methodological strategy for merging the information flow meters installed along the pipelines focused on the identification, isolation and characterization of volumetric gains and losses in different segments bound by these sensors. Additionally, we evaluate different operating conditions and operational failures likely common function of the operability of the proposed methodology.Maestrí