31 research outputs found


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    The incorporation of active piezoelectric elements and fluidic components into micro-electromechanical systems (MEMS) is of great interest for the development of sensors, actuators, and integrated systems used in microfluidics. Low temperature cofired ceramics (LTCC), widely used as electronic packaging materials, offer the possibility of manufacturing highly integrated microfluidic systems with complex 3-D features and various co-firable functional materials in a multilayer module. It would be desirable to integrate high performance lead zirconate titanate (PZT) based ceramics into LTCC-based MEMS using modern thick film and 3-D packaging technologies. The challenges for fabricating functional LTCC/PZT devices are: 1) formulating piezoelectric compositions which have similar sintering conditions to LTCC materials; 2) reducing elemental inter-diffusion between the LTCC package and PZT materials in co-firing process; and 3) developing active piezoelectric layers with desirable electric properties. The goal of present work was to develop low temperature fired PZT-based materials and compatible processing methods which enable integration of piezoelectric elements with LTCC materials and production of high performance integrated multilayer devices for microfluidics. First, the low temperature sintering behavior of piezoelectric ceramics in the solid solution of Pb(Zr0.53,Ti0.47)O3-Sr(K0.25, Nb0.75)O3 (PZT-SKN) with sintering aids has been investigated. 1 wt% LiBiO2 + 1 wt% CuO fluxed PZT-SKN ceramics sintered at 900oC for 1 h exhibited desirable piezoelectric and dielectric properties with a reduction of sintering temperature by 350oC. Next, the fluxed PZT-SKN tapes were successfully laminated and co-fired with LTCC materials to build the hybrid multilayer structures. HL2000/PZT-SKN multilayer ceramics co-fired at 900oC for 0.5 h exhibited the optimal properties with high field d33 piezoelectric coefficient of 356 pm/V. A potential application of the developed LTCC/PZT-SKN multilayer ceramics as a microbalance was demonstrated. The final research focus was the fabrication of an HL2000/PZT-SKN multilayer piezoelectric micropump and the characterization of pumping performance. The measured maximum flow rate and backpressure were 450 μl/min and 1.4 kPa respectively. Use of different microchannel geometries has been studied to improve the pumping performance. It is believed that the high performance multilayer piezoelectric devices implemented in this work will enable the development of highly integrated LTCC-based microfluidic systems for many future applications

    Nonreciprocity Applications in Acoustics and Microfluidic Systems

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    Breaking reciprocity in linear acoustic systems and designing a novel actuator for the nonreciprocal valveless pumps are studied in this dissertation. The first part was started by deriving the acoustic governing equations in a moving wave propagation medium. It was shown thatthe Coriolis acceleration term appears ina cross-product term with the wave vector. It means the main reason for breaking reciprocity in the circular fluid flow is the Coriolis acceleration term. Finally, the governing equations were solved numerically by COMSOL Multiphysics software. Moreover, Green`s second identity was used as a complimentary method to prove breaking reciprocityin such a system with moving medium. It is concluded that the non-reciprocity is magnified by increasing the angular velocity of the fluid system. The second part of this thesis is about achieving non-reciprocity utilizing the arrangement of a nozzle and diffuser as the inlet and outlet ports. This part’s goal is to design a novel flexible actuator design for a valveless pump. The actuation mechanism which is novel in its own term, uses liquid metal called galinstan, a non-magnetic but electrically conducting alloy. In the designed device, an alternating current (AC) is applied onto a microchannel filled with galinstan. This device is placed between two permanent magnets with opposing poles. Due to the Lorentz force law, there will be radial in-plane forces on the polymeric flexible substrate. These in-plane forces radially contract and expand the circular diaphragm to provide an upward and downward out of plane bending moment, which causes an oscillatory reciprocating movement similar to a piezoelectric actuator`s movement. Compared to the traditional piezo electric materials such as Lead Zirconate Titanate (PZT), this actuator has numerous advantages such as being flexible, having the ability to be scaled down, being formed as an integrated structure, and being fabricated by a considerably simple process. The prototype of the pump could be fabricated easily with Platinum Silicone rubber and some low-cost 3D printed elements. Although the prototype has been fabricated in a relatively large size, it is considered as a proper conceptual model representing the performance of the pump

    Microelectromechanical Systems and Devices

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    The advances of microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) and devices have been instrumental in the demonstration of new devices and applications, and even in the creation of new fields of research and development: bioMEMS, actuators, microfluidic devices, RF and optical MEMS. Experience indicates a need for MEMS book covering these materials as well as the most important process steps in bulk micro-machining and modeling. We are very pleased to present this book that contains 18 chapters, written by the experts in the field of MEMS. These chapters are groups into four broad sections of BioMEMS Devices, MEMS characterization and micromachining, RF and Optical MEMS, and MEMS based Actuators. The book starts with the emerging field of bioMEMS, including MEMS coil for retinal prostheses, DNA extraction by micro/bio-fluidics devices and acoustic biosensors. MEMS characterization, micromachining, macromodels, RF and Optical MEMS switches are discussed in next sections. The book concludes with the emphasis on MEMS based actuators

    Biomedical Application of Piezoelectric Micro Diaphragm Pumps

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    Piezoelectric Transducers Based on Aluminum Nitride and Polyimide for Tactile Applications

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    The development of micro systems with smart sensing capabilities is paving the way to progresses in the technology for humanoid robotics. The importance of sensory feedback has been recognized the enabler of a high degree of autonomy for robotic systems. In tactile applications, it can be exploited not only to avoid objects slipping during their manipulation but also to allow safe interaction with humans and unknown objects and environments. In order to ensure the minimal deformation of an object during subtle manipulation tasks, information not only on contact forces between the object and fingers but also on contact geometry and contact friction characteristics has to be provided. Touch, unlike other senses, is a critical component that plays a fundamental role in dexterous manipulation capabilities and in the evaluation of objects properties such as type of material, shape, texture, stiffness, which is not easily possible by vision alone. Understanding of unstructured environments is made possible by touch through the determination of stress distribution in the surrounding area of physical contact. To this aim, tactile sensing and pressure detection systems should be integrated as an artificial tactile system. As illustrated in the Chapter I, the role of external stimuli detection in humans is provided by a great number of sensorial receptors: they are specialized endings whose structure and location in the skin determine their specific signal transmission characteristics. Especially, mechanoreceptors are specialized in the conversion of the mechanical deformations caused by force, vibration or slip on skin into electrical nerve impulses which are processed and encoded by the central nervous system. Highly miniaturized systems based on MEMS technology seem to imitate properly the large number of fast responsive mechanoreceptors present in human skin. Moreover, an artificial electronic skin should be lightweight, flexible, soft and wearable and it should be fabricated with compliant materials. In this respect a big challenge of bio-inspired technologies is the efficient application of flexible active materials to convert the mechanical pressure or stress into a usable electric signal (voltage or current). In the emerging field of soft active materials, able of large deformation, piezoelectrics have been recognized as a really promising and attractive material in both sensing and actuation applications. As outlined in Chapter II, there is a wide choice of materials and material forms (ceramics: PZT; polycrystalline films: ZnO, AlN; polymers and copolymers: PVDF, PVDF-TrFe) which are actively piezoelectric and exhibit features more or less attractive. Among them, aluminum nitride is a promising piezoelectric material for flexible technology. It has moderate piezoelectric coefficient, when available in c-axis oriented polycrystalline columnar structure, but, at same time, it exhibits low dielectric constant, high temperature stability, large band gap, large electrical resistivity, high breakdown voltage and low dielectric loss which make it suitable for transducers and high thermal conductivity which implies low thermal drifts. The high chemical stability allows AlN to be used in humid environments. Moreover, all the above properties and its deposition method make AlN compatible with CMOS technology. Exploiting the features of the AlN, three-dimensional AlN dome-shaped cells, embedded between two metal electrodes, are proposed in this thesis. They are fabricated on general purpose Kapton™ substrate, exploiting the flexibility of the polymer and the electrical stability of the semiconductor at the same time. As matter of fact, the crystalline layers release a compressive stress over the polymer, generating three-dimensional structures with reduced stiffness, compared to the semiconductor materials. In Chapter III, a mathematical model to calculate the residual stresses which arise because of mismatch in coefficient of thermal expansion between layers and because of mismatch in lattice constants between the substrate and the epitaxially grown films is adopted. The theoretical equation is then used to evaluate the dependence of geometrical features of the fabricated three-dimensional structures on compressive residual stress. Moreover, FEM simulations and theoretical models analysis are developed in order to qualitative explore the operation principle of curved membranes, which are labelled dome-shaped diaphragm transducers (DSDT), both as sensors and as piezo-actuators and for the related design optimization. For the reliability of the proposed device as a force/pressure sensor and piezo-actuator, an exhaustive electromechanical characterization of the devices is carried out. A complete description of the microfabrication processes is also provided. As shown in Chapter IV, standard microfabrication techniques are employed to fabricate the array of DSDTs. The overall microfabrication process involves deposition of metal and piezoelectric films, photolithography and plasma-based dry and wet etching to pattern thin films with the desired features. The DSDT devices are designed and developed according to FEM and theoretical analysis and following the typical requirements of force/pressure systems for tactile applications. Experimental analyses are also accomplished to extract the relationship between the compressive residual stress due to the aluminum nitride and the geometries of the devices. They reveal different deformations, proving the dependence of the geometrical features of the three-dimensional structures on residual stress. Moreover, electrical characterization is performed to determine capacitance and impedance of the DSDTs and to experimentally calculate the relative dielectric constant of sputtered AlN piezoelectric film. In order to investigate the mechanical behaviour of the curved circular transducers, a characterization of the flexural deflection modes of the DSDT membranes is carried out. The natural frequency of vibrations and the corresponding displacements are measured by a Laser Doppler Vibrometer when a suitable oscillating voltage, with known amplitude, is applied to drive the piezo-DSDTs. Finally, being developed for tactile sensing purpose, the proposed technology is tested in order to explore the electromechanical response of the device when impulsive dynamic and/or long static forces are applied. The study on the impulsive dynamic and long static stimuli detection is then performed by using an ad hoc setup measuring both the applied loading forces and the corresponding generated voltage and capacitance variation. These measurements allow a thorough test of the sensing abilities of the AlN-based DSDT cells. Finally, as stated in Chapter V, the proposed technology exhibits an improved electromechanical coupling with higher mechanical deformation per unit energy compared with the conventional plate structures, when the devices are used as piezo-actuator. On the other hand, it is well suited to realize large area tactile sensors for robotics applications, opening up new perspectives to the development of latest generation biomimetic sensors and allowing the design and the fabrication of miniaturized devices

    A reconfigurable tactile display based on polymer MEMS technology

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    This research focuses on the development of polymer microfabrication technologies for the realization of two major components of a pneumatic tactile display: a microactuator array and a complementary microvalve (control) array. The concept, fabrication, and characterization of a kinematically-stabilized polymeric microbubble actuator (¡°endoskeletal microbubble actuator¡±) were presented. A systematic design and modeling procedure was carried out to generate an optimized geometry of the corrugated diaphragm to satisfy membrane deflection, force, and stability requirements set forth by the tactile display goals. A refreshable Braille cell as a tactile display prototype has been developed based on a 2x3 endoskeletal microbubble array and an array of commercial valves. The prototype can provide both a static display (which meets the displacement and force requirement of a Braille display) and vibratory tactile sensations. Along with the above capabilities, the device was designed to meet the criteria of lightness and compactness to permit portable operation. The design is scalable with respect to the number of tactile actuators while still being simple to fabricate. In order to further reduce the size and cost of the tactile display, a microvalve array can be integrated into the tactile display system to control the pneumatic fluid that actuates the microbubble actuator. A piezoelectrically-driven and hydraulically-amplified polymer microvalve has been designed, fabricated, and tested. An incompressible elastomer was used as a solid hydraulic medium to convert the small axial displacement of a piezoelectric actuator into a large valve head stroke while maintaining a large blocking force. The function of the microvalve as an on-off switch for a pneumatic microbubble tactile actuator was demonstrated. To further reduce the cost of the microvalve, a laterally-stacked multilayer PZT actuator has been fabricated using diced PZT multilayer, high aspect ratio SU-8 photolithography, and molding of electrically conductive polymer composite electrodes.Ph.D.Committee Chair: Allen,Mark; Committee Member: Bucknall,David; Committee Member: Book,Wayne; Committee Member: Griffin,Anselm; Committee Member: Yao,Donggan

    Towards rapid 3D direct manufacture of biomechanical microstructures

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    The field of stereolithography has developed rapidly over the last 20 years, and commercially available systems currently have sufficient resolution for use in microengineering applications. However, they have not as yet been fully exploited in this field. This thesis investigates the possible microengineering applications of microstereolithography systems, specifically in the areas of active microfluidic devices and microneedles. The fields of micropumps and microvalves, stereolithography and microneedles are reviewed, and a variety of test builds were fabricated using the EnvisionTEC Perfactory Mini Multi-Lens stereolithography system in order to define its capabilities. A number of microneedle geometries were considered. This number was narrowed down using finite element modelling, before another simulation was used to optimise these structures. 9 × 9 arrays of 400 μm tall, 300 μm base diameter microneedles were subjected to mechanical testing. Per needle failure forces of 0.263 and 0.243 N were recorded for the selected geometries, stepped cone and inverted trumpet. The 90 μm needle tips were subjected to between 30 and 32 MPa of pressure at their failure point - more than 10 times the required pressure to puncture average human skin. A range of monolithic micropumps were produced with integrated 4 mm diameter single-layer 70 μm-thick membranes used as the basis for a reciprocating displacement operating principle. The membranes were tested using an oscillating pneumatic actuation, and were found reliable (>1,000,000 cycles) up to 2.0 PSIG. Pneumatic single-membrane nozzle/diffuser rectified devices produced flow rates of up to 1,000 μl/min with backpressures of up to 375 Pa. Another device rectified using active membrane valves was found to self-prime, and produced backpressures of up to 4.9 kPa. These devices and structures show great promise for inclusion in complex, fully integrated and active microfluidic systems fabricated using microstereolithography alone, with implications for both cost of manufacture and lead time

    Rapid Prototyping of Microfluidic Devices:Realization of Magnetic Micropumps, Fuel Cells and Protein Preconcentrators

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    With the growing importance of miniaturized energy applications and the development of micro Total Analysis Systems (μTAS), we have realized microfluidic devices, namely, magnetic micropumps, microfluidic fuel cells and membrane-based protein preconcentrators, all having high application potential in future. The choice of rapid prototyping microfabrication technologies and the selection of affordable materials are important aspects, when thinking of commercialization. Thus, we have employed powder blasting, polymer molding and assembly technologies during devices fabrication throughout the thesis. The first type of microfluidic device that we present is a poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) ball-valve micropump with two different designs of the electromagnetic actuator, as optimized by the finite element method. The integration of a permanent magnet in a flexible polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) membrane, which is clamped into PMMA structure, is proposed for providing a large stroke of the pumping membrane, making the micropump bubble-tolerant and self-priming Focusing on low power consumption for μTAS integration, another type of magnetic micropump with active valves is realized. It consists of a microfluidic chamber structure in glass that is assembled with a PDMS sheet, which comprises two valving membranes and a central actuation membrane, having each an integrated permanent magnet that is peristaltically actuated by a rotating arc-shaped permanent magnets assembly. A lumped circuit model is developed to predict and describe the frequency-dependent flow rate behavior for this type of pump. Powder blasting and PDMS molding rapid prototyping technologies are employed for realization of these two types of micropumps. Fuel cells with fluid delivery and removal options, having chemical reaction sites and electrode structures that can be realized in a microfluidic format, have high potential for applications. Therefore, microfluidic direct methanol fuel cells with embedded ion- permselective medium are studied and such type of fuel cell is realized by integrating a narrow Nafion strip in a molded elastomeric structure. A mechanical clamping assembly technology enables leakage-free operation and stable performance. The characterization reveals its output power density, using H2O2-based oxidant, is among the high-performance direct methanol fuel cells in microscale. Re-using the technology of the fuel cell chip, with its particular ion-permselective Nafion membrane and assembly method, we also have developed a protein preconcentrator with high purification performance. Our device can preconcentrate negatively charged biomolecules located at the anodic compartment side of the Nafion strip within only a few minutes with a high preconcentration factor. Moreover, a complex microfluidic finite element model is proposed to study and understand the physics of the preconcentration effect. Finally, we conclude the thesis with an outlook on future developments based on our work of the project and on the assembly technologies for microfluidic device integration