2,042 research outputs found

    A Flipped Classroom Redesign in General Chemistry

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    The flipped classroom continues to attract significant attention in higher education. Building upon our recent parallel controlled study of the flipped classroom in a second-term general chemistry course (J. Chem. Educ., 2016, 93, 13–23), here we report on a redesign of the flipped course aimed at scaling up total enrollment while keeping discussion sizes small (i.e.,students), and maintaining equivalent contact hour load for faculty and workload for students. To that end, the course format featured lecture contact pushed outside of the classroom in the form of video lectures (mean duration 13 minutes) paired with online homework sets, and three parallel weekly one-hour discussion sections were held in adjoining lab rooms immediately prior to the three-hour laboratory session. As in our previous design, the discussion sections were led by teaching assistants; however, the weekly discussion meeting was shortened from 75 minutes to 50 minutes, and the primary instructor “floated” between the three parallel sessions. Two such sessions were held each week, affording a possible enrollment of 144; initial enrollment was 141, with students self-selecting into the course. We examine student performance in and satisfaction with the course using: (1) a pre-test/post-test design based on the paired questions American Chemical Society (ACS) first-term and second-term exams, (2) data on DFW (D, F, withdrawal) rates, and (3) student evaluations

    Blending MOOC in Face-to-Face Teaching and Studies

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    Educational Uses of Augmented Reality (AR): Experiences in Educational Science

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    Augmented Reality (AR) is an emerging technology that is gaining greater influence on teaching every day. AR, together with mobile technology, is defined as one of the most efficient pairs for supporting significant and ubiquitous learning. Purpose of the study: the Instructional Material Motivational Survey (IMMS), by Keller, was used to determine the degree of motivation possessed by the Pedagogy students on the utilization of the notes enriched with AR in the classroom, available for their didactic use through mobile devices. Methods: through an app designed for the courses Education Technology (ET) and Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) Applied to Education, the motivation gained when participating in this experience, and how it influences the improvement of academic performance, was evaluated. Results and conclusions: the most notable main result was finding a strong relationship between the motivation of the students when using the enriched notes and the increase of performance in the academic subject where it was used. Likewise, it was proved that the use of Augmented Reality benefited the learning process itself

    Urban Planning for Landscape Architects – ambitions for a good learning context of a new course

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    Scenarios of Building Information Modelling-Based Design Education in Architecture Schools

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    Due to the rapid development of computer technologies and trends in digital design, including building information modeling (BIM) and its diffusion into architectural design practice, it was necessary to introduce BIM into architectural curricula in order to prepare students for practice. This article therefore aims to identify scenarios for teaching BIM to architecture students worldwide. To achieve this objective, a thematic analysis of BIM teaching experiences in several selected academic institutions was conducted. The data studied included published articles and official university websites dealing with BIM teaching. A theoretical framework for BIM education was determined, comprising two aspects: pedagogical methods for BIM education and specifications for BIM courses in architecture programs. The document identified several scenarios for teaching BIM in multidisciplinary or architecture-specific courses. BIM teaching can be offered as part of a single course integrated with other courses, or as a separate course. It may be taught as part of related or unrelated courses. Related courses can be organized in parallel with an academic semester, or over several semesters. In addition, there are different types of input to project-based BIM teaching, such as a new design project, the results of a previous design course or an actual project. These scenarios can serve as a reference for universities wishing to integrate BIM into their programs

    Educational Computer Games and Spanish Content Learning

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    The purpose of this mixed-methods study was to determine differences in engagement, satisfaction, and Spanish language content learning among participants playing one of two dif­ferent educational computer games. Additionally, this study served as preliminary research for future research projects to detect and correct problems at the pilot stage. Participants were briefly introduced to the Spanish content material prior to using the computer games and completed pre-tests, post-tests, and satisfaction/engagement surveys as a way to obtain learning results. The small sample size acquired for the study did not yield any statistically significant difference, but the research did permit examination of the procedures used and a report of results in a more descrip­tive manner. The findings led to possible ideas for future research and the necessity to revise the pre- and post-tests


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    In the contemporary educational landscape, a significant portion of college students belongs to Generation Z, characterized by their familiarity with the Internet, mobile technology, and video games. Educators are increasingly turning to innovative solutions to address the challenge of fostering a meaningful learning environment that enhances student motivation and improves learning outcomes. Classcraft, as a notable example, offers a platform for educators to captivate students through gamified learning experiences and immersive role-playing. This study conducts a scoping review to investigate research findings about the effectiveness of Classcraft, specifically focusing on its gamification elements, within the realm of English instruction. The review encompasses articles published between 2018 and 2023, following the comprehensive five-stage framework outlined by Arksey and O’Malley (2005). The key revelation of this scoping review underscores the advantages of integrating Classcraft to establish an immersive gamified learning environment in the context of English instruction. The insights derived from this review hold particular significance for instructional designers operating in higher education settings
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