48 research outputs found

    Design of a robotic snake model

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    Cieľom tejto práce je vytvorenie simulovaného robotického hada a analýza pohybu. Následne jeho otestovanie na jednoduchých úlohách a zhodnotenie výsledkov. Prvá časť práce je zameraná na zhrnutie poznatkov biologických hadov a využitie robotických hadov v robotike. V druhej časti je opísaná unikátna návrh a konštrukcia robotického hada. Posledná časť bude testovanie limitov a prekonávanie prekážok, z ktorých vyvodíme záver.The main objective of this thesis is to create a simulated robotic snake and its motion analysis followed by its testing on the simple tasks and subsequent evaluation of the obtained results. The first part of our thesis summarises the knowledge about biological snakes and the usage of robotic snakes in robotics. The second part deals with the description of the unique design and construction of a robotic snake. The last part is concerned with testing of the limits and overcoming obstacles from which the conclusion is drawn.

    Алгоритм определения внутренней геометрии манипулятора змеевидного типа при движении лидирующего звена по наращиваемой траектории

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    In the paper, we have formulated the invariant description form for geometry of a spatial, kinematically redundant manipulator with the orthogonal non-coplanar axes of rotation of the joints. We have obtained the explicit equations for determining the angular coordinates from the condition that points of joints belong to the smooth parametrically given curve. Inequality constraints on the relative position of neighboring parts of the manipulator have been formulated. We have proposed an algorithm for solving equations and the method of planning changes for hinge coordinates for the movement of joints points along the spatial curve that is formed by incremental addition of target points for the head link positions of the manipulator. The method has been applied for planning movements of a hyper-redundant manipulator with a fixed root link and a snakelike robot when moving along the path built on the basis of current and forecasted positions of joints in the Cartesian space.Сформулированы инвариантная к системе внешних координат форма задания геометрии пространственного кинематически избыточного манипулятора с последовательно ортогональными некомпланарными осями шарниров вращения. Получены аналитические выражения для определения угловых шарнирных координат из условий принадлежности точек шарниров параметрически заданной гладкой кривой, уравнение для координат положения точек на кривой и неравенства-ограничения на взаимное положение смежных звеньев манипулятора. Предложен алгоритм решения уравнения и метод планирования законов изменения шарнирных координат, обеспечивающий перемещения точек шарниров по пространственной траектории, наращиваемой добавлением целевых точек для головного звена манипулятора. Метод применен для планирования движения гиперизбыточного манипулятора с неподвижным основанием и змеевидного робота при перемещении по траектории, выстраиваемой на основе текущих и прогнозируемых положений шарниров в декартовом пространств

    LineFORM: Actuated Curve Interfaces for Display, Interaction, and Constraint

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    In this paper we explore the design space of actuated curve interfaces, a novel class of shape changing-interfaces. Physical curves have several interesting characteristics from the perspective of interaction design: they have a variety of inherent affordances; they can easily represent abstract data; and they can act as constraints, boundaries, or borderlines. By utilizing such aspects of lines and curves, together with the added capability of shape-change, new possibilities for display, interaction and body constraint are possible. In order to investigate these possibilities we have implemented two actuated curve interfaces at different scales. LineFORM, our implementation, inspired by serpentine robotics, is comprised of a series chain of 1DOF servo motors with integrated sensors for direct manipulation. To motivate this work we present various applications such as shape changing cords, mobiles, body constraints, and data manipulation tools

    Origami-inspired soft twisting actuator

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    Soft actuators have shown great advantages in compliance and morphology matched for manipulation of delicate objects and inspection in a confined space. There is an unmet need for a soft actuator that can provide torsional motion to e.g. enlarge working space and increase degrees of freedom. Towards this goal, we present origami-inspired soft pneumatic actuators (OSPAs) made from silicone. The prototype can output a rotation of more than one revolution (up to 435{\deg}), more significant than its counterparts. Its rotation ratio (=rotation angle/ aspect ratio) is more than 136{\deg}, about twice the largest one in other literature. We describe the design and fabrication method, build the analytical model and simulation model, and analyze and optimize the parameters. Finally, we demonstrate the potentially extensive utility of the OSPAs through their integration into a gripper capable of simultaneously grasping and lifting fragile or flat objects, a versatile robot arm capable of picking and placing items at the right angle with the twisting actuators, and a soft snake robot capable of changing attitude and directions by torsion of the twisting actuators.Comment: 9 figures. Soft Robotics (2022