4,603 research outputs found

    Preliminary Candidate Advanced Avionics System (PCAAS)

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    Specifications which define the system functional requirements, the subsystem and interface needs, and other requirements such as maintainability, modularity, and reliability are summarized. A design definition of all required avionics functions and a system risk analysis are presented

    High temperature stress-strain analysis

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    The objectives of the high-temperature structures program are threefold: to assist in the development of analytical tools needed to improve design analyses and procedures for the efficient and accurate prediction of the nonlinear structural response of hot-section components; to aid in the calibration, validation, and evaluation of the analytical tools by comparing predictions with experimental data; and to evaluate existing as well as advanced temperature and strain measurement instrumentation. As the analytical tools, test methods, tests, instrumentations, as well as data acquisition, management, and analysis methods are developed and evaluated, a proven, integrated analysis and experiment method will result in a more accurate prediction of the cyclic life of hot section components

    Alice: The Rosetta Ultraviolet Imaging Spectrograph

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    We describe the design, performance and scientific objectives of the NASA-funded ALICE instrument aboard the ESA Rosetta asteroid flyby/comet rendezvous mission. ALICE is a lightweight, low-power, and low-cost imaging spectrograph optimized for cometary far-ultraviolet (FUV) spectroscopy. It will be the first UV spectrograph to study a comet at close range. It is designed to obtain spatially-resolved spectra of Rosetta mission targets in the 700-2050 A spectral band with a spectral resolution between 8 A and 12 A for extended sources that fill its ~0.05 deg x 6.0 deg field-of-view. ALICE employs an off-axis telescope feeding a 0.15-m normal incidence Rowland circle spectrograph with a concave holographic reflection grating. The imaging microchannel plate detector utilizes dual solar-blind opaque photocathodes (KBr and CsI) and employs a 2 D delay-line readout array. The instrument is controlled by an internal microprocessor. During the prime Rosetta mission, ALICE will characterize comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko's coma, its nucleus, and the nucleus/coma coupling; during cruise to the comet, ALICE will make observations of the mission's two asteroid flyby targets and of Mars, its moons, and of Earth's moon. ALICE has already successfully completed the in-flight commissioning phase and is operating normally in flight. It has been characterized in flight with stellar flux calibrations, observations of the Moon during the first Earth fly-by, and observations of comet Linear T7 in 2004 and comet 9P/Tempel 1 during the 2005 Deep Impact comet-collision observing campaignComment: 11 pages, 7 figure

    USC/AIAA student get away special project liquid droplet collector experiment

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    This experimental payload was developed in order to observe, in a micro-gravity vacuum environment, the characteristics and stability of a thin fluid film flowing across a slightly curved surface. The test apparatus was designed based upon various ground-based thin film investigations, combined with the constraints imposed by the rigors of launch and the space environment. Testing of the fluid test article at atmospheric pressure and in vacuum verified the design provisions employed concerning ultra-low inlet pressure pump construction, as well as confirming expected pressure losses in the system. During the course of hardware development and construction modifications were required; however, the overall payload configuration remained largely unchanged. This will allow for modification and reflight of the apparatus based upon the findings of the initial flight. The specific applications of this experiment include Liquid Droplet Radiator development and various forms of material transport in vacuum

    Development of advanced Czochralski growth process to produce low cost 150 kg silicon ingots from a single crucible for technology readiness

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    Six growth runs used the Kayex-Hameo Automatic Games Logic (AGILE) computer based system for growth from larger melts in the Mod CG2000. The implementation of the melt pyrometer sensor allowed for dip temperature monitoring and usage by the operator/AGILE system. Use of AGILE during recharge operations was successfully evaluated. The tendency of crystals to lose cylindrical shape (spiraling) continued to be a problem. The hygrometer was added to the Furnace Gas Analysis System and used on several growth runs. The gas chromatograph, including the integrator, was also used for more accurate carbon monoxide concentration measurements. Efforts continued for completing the automation of the total Gas Analysis System. An economic analysis, based on revised achievable straight growth rate, is presented

    Microspacecraft and Earth observation: Electrical field (ELF) measurement project

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    The Utah State University space system design project for 1989 to 1990 focuses on the design of a global electrical field sensing system to be deployed in a constellation of microspacecraft. The design includes the selection of the sensor and the design of the spacecraft, the sensor support subsystems, the launch vehicle interface structure, on board data storage and communications subsystems, and associated ground receiving stations. Optimization of satellite orbits and spacecraft attitude are critical to the overall mapping of the electrical field and, thus, are also included in the project. The spacecraft design incorporates a deployable sensor array (5 m booms) into a spinning oblate platform. Data is taken every 0.1 seconds by the electrical field sensors and stored on-board. An omni-directional antenna communicates with a ground station twice per day to down link the stored data. Wrap-around solar cells cover the exterior of the spacecraft to generate power. Nine Pegasus launches may be used to deploy fifty such satellites to orbits with inclinations greater than 45 deg. Piggyback deployment from other launch vehicles such as the DELTA 2 is also examined

    Improving downdraft gasifier stability by robust instrumentation and control systems

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    In updraft, fluidized bed and downdraft gasifiers, tar concentrations are typically produced around the 10-20%, 1-5%, 0.1% levels respectively. If gasifiers are operated under specific conditions a clean syngas with low tar concentrations will be produced [1]. The principal objective of this research is to develop a set of robust and inexpensive instrumentation systems to measure gasification parameters and inform control systems to improve gasification performance e.g. temperature, liquid flow and biomass weight for real time mass balance calculations. In the present case nine K-type thermocouples were connected to different positions on an in-house downdraft gasifier that allowed temperature and mass balance profiling. The moisture / bio-oil flow was measured by a liquid flow sensor that gave real time flow rates (L/min) and total quantities (mL) [2]. The Arduino platform was used as the core of the instrumentation and control system and integrated with Makerplot software (GUI). These systems offered a high level of control and robustness for low cost with an open source protocol, allowing other developers to benefit and expand the core of this research. The results from preliminary runs are presented which is currently allowing ignition optimization and overall system improvements

    Water vapor radiometry research and development phase

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    This report describes the research and development phase for eight dual-channel water vapor radiometers constructed for the Crustal Dynamics Project at the Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland, and for the NASA Deep Space Network. These instruments were developed to demonstrate that the variable path delay imposed on microwave radio transmissions by atmospheric water vapor can be calibrated, particularly as this phenomenon affects very long baseline interferometry measurement systems. Water vapor radiometry technology can also be used in systems that involve moist air meteorology and propagation studies

    NASA Tech Briefs, July 2007

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    Topics covered include: Miniature Intelligent Sensor Module; "Smart" Sensor Module; Portable Apparatus for Electrochemical Sensing of Ethylene; Increasing Linear Dynamic Range of a CMOS Image Sensor; Flight Qualified Micro Sun Sensor; Norbornene-Based Polymer Electrolytes for Lithium Cells; Making Single-Source Precursors of Ternary Semiconductors; Water-Free Proton-Conducting Membranes for Fuel Cells; Mo/Ti Diffusion Bonding for Making Thermoelectric Devices; Photodetectors on Coronagraph Mask for Pointing Control; High-Energy-Density, Low-Temperature Li/CFx Primary Cells; G4-FETs as Universal and Programmable Logic Gates; Fabrication of Buried Nanochannels From Nanowire Patterns; Diamond Smoothing Tools; Infrared Imaging System for Studying Brain Function; Rarefying Spectra of Whispering-Gallery-Mode Resonators; Large-Area Permanent-Magnet ECR Plasma Source; Slot-Antenna/Permanent-Magnet Device for Generating Plasma; Fiber-Optic Strain Gauge With High Resolution And Update Rate; Broadband Achromatic Telecentric Lens; Temperature-Corrected Model of Turbulence in Hot Jet Flows; Enhanced Elliptic Grid Generation; Automated Knowledge Discovery From Simulators; Electro-Optical Modulator Bias Control Using Bipolar Pulses; Generative Representations for Automated Design of Robots; Mars-Approach Navigation Using In Situ Orbiters; Efficient Optimization of Low-Thrust Spacecraft Trajectories; Cylindrical Asymmetrical Capacitors for Use in Outer Space; Protecting Against Faults in JPL Spacecraft; Algorithm Optimally Allocates Actuation of a Spacecraft; and Radar Interferometer for Topographic Mapping of Glaciers and Ice Sheets

    Integral Glass Encapsulation for Solar Arrays

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    Work reported was performed during the period from August 1977 to December 1978. The program objective was to continue the development of electrostatic bonding (ESB) as an encapsulation technique for terrestrial cells. Economic analyses shows that this process can be a cost-effective method of producing reliable, long lifetime solar modules. When considered in sufficient volume, both material and equipment costs are competitive with conventional encapsulation systems. In addition, the possibility of integrating cell fabrication into the encapsulation process, as in the case of the preformed cell contacts discussed in this report, offers the potential of significant overall systems cost reduction
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