2,109 research outputs found

    A Survey of Non-conventional Techniques for Low-voltage Low-power Analog Circuit Design

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    Designing integrated circuits able to work under low-voltage (LV) low-power (LP) condition is currently undergoing a very considerable boom. Reducing voltage supply and power consumption of integrated circuits is crucial factor since in general it ensures the device reliability, prevents overheating of the circuits and in particular prolongs the operation period for battery powered devices. Recently, non-conventional techniques i.e. bulk-driven (BD), floating-gate (FG) and quasi-floating-gate (QFG) techniques have been proposed as powerful ways to reduce the design complexity and push the voltage supply towards threshold voltage of the MOS transistors (MOST). Therefore, this paper presents the operation principle, the advantages and disadvantages of each of these techniques, enabling circuit designers to choose the proper design technique based on application requirements. As an example of application three operational transconductance amplifiers (OTA) base on these non-conventional techniques are presented, the voltage supply is only ±0.4 V and the power consumption is 23.5 ”W. PSpice simulation results using the 0.18 ”m CMOS technology from TSMC are included to verify the design functionality and correspondence with theory

    Biquadratic Filter Applications Using a Fully-Differential Active-Only Integrator

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    A new class of active filters, real active-only filters is described and possible implementation issues of these filters are discussed. To remedy these issues, a fully-differential active-only integrator block built around current controlled current conveyors is presented. The integration frequency of the proposed circuit is adjustable over a wide frequency range. As an application, a real active-only filter based on the classical two-integrator loop topology is presented and designed. The feasibility of this filter in a 0.35”m CMOS process is verified through SPECTRE simulation program in the CADENCE design tool

    An Extended CMOS ISFET Model Incorporating the Physical Design Geometry and the Effects on Performance and Offset Variation

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    This paper presents an extended model for the CMOS-based ion-sensitive field-effect transistor, incorporating design parameters associated with the physical geometry of the device. This can, for the first time, provide a good match between calculated and measured characteristics by taking into account the effects of nonidealities such as threshold voltage variation and sensor noise. The model is evaluated through a number of devices with varying design parameters (chemical sensing area and MOSFET dimensions) fabricated in a commercially available 0.35-”m CMOS technology. Threshold voltage, subthreshold slope, chemical sensitivity, drift, and noise were measured and compared with the simulated results. The first- and second-order effects are analyzed in detail, and it is shown that the sensors' performance was in agreement with the proposed model

    Low-Voltage Analog Circuit Design Using the Adaptively Biased Body-Driven Circuit Technique

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    The scaling of MOSFET dimensions and power supply voltage, in conjunction with an increase in system- and circuit-level performance requirements, are the most important factors driving the development of new technologies and design techniques for analog and mixed-signal integrated circuits. Though scaling has been a fact of life for analog circuit designers for many years, the approaching 1-V and sub-1-V power supplies, combined with applications that have increasingly divergent technology requirements, means that the analog and mixed-signal IC designs of the future will probably look quite different from those of the past. Foremost among the challenges that analog designers will face in highly scaled technologies are low power supply voltages, which limit dynamic range and even circuit functionality, and ultra-thin gate oxides, which give rise to significant levels of gate leakage current. The goal of this research is to develop novel analog design techniques which are commensurate with the challenges that designers will face in highly scaled CMOS technologies. To that end, a new and unique body-driven design technique called adaptive gate biasing has been developed. Adaptive gate biasing is a method for guaranteeing that MOSFETs in a body-driven simple current mirror, cascode current mirror, or regulated cascode current source are biased in saturation—independent of operating region, temperature, or supply voltage—and is an enabling technology for high-performance, low-voltage analog circuits. To prove the usefulness of the new design technique, a body-driven operational amplifier that heavily leverages adaptive gate biasing has been developed. Fabricated on a 3.3-V/0.35-ÎŒm partially depleted silicon-onv-insulator (PD-SOI) CMOS process, which has nMOS and pMOS threshold voltages of 0.65 V and 0.85 V, respectively, the body-driven amplifier displayed an open-loop gain of 88 dB, bandwidth of 9 MHz, and PSRR greater than 50 dB at 1-V power supply

    Matrix Methods for the Dynamic Range Optimization of Continuous-TimeGm-CFilters

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    This paper presents a synthesis procedure for the optimization of the dynamic range of continuous-time fully differential G m - C filters. Such procedure builds up on a general extended state-space system representation which provides simple matrix algebra mechanisms to evaluate the noise and distortion performances of filters, as well as, the effect of amplitude and impedance scaling operations. Using these methods, an analytical technique for the dynamic range optimization of weakly nonlinear G m - C filters under power dissipation constraints is presented. The procedure is first explained for general filter structures and then illustrated with a simple biquadratic section

    Inductanceless high order low frequency filters for medical applications

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    In this paper, a designed circuit used for low-frequency filters is implemented and realized the filter is based on frequency-dependent negative resistance (FDNR) as an inductor simulator to substitute the traditional inductance, which is heavy and high cost due to the coil material manufacturing and size area. The simulator is based on an active operation amplifier or operation transconductance amplifier (OTA) that is easy to build in an integrated circuit with a minimum number of components. The third and higher-order Butterworth filter is simulated at low frequency for low pass filter to use in medical instruments and low-frequency applications. The designed circuit is compared with the traditional proportional integral controller enhanced (PIE) and T section ordinary filter. The results with magnitude and phase response were compared and an acceptable result is obtained. The filter can be used for general applications such as medical and other low-frequency filters needed

    Modelling, Analysis and Design of Optimised Electronic Circuits for Visible Light Communication Systems

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    This thesis explores new circuit design techniques and topologies to extend the bandwidth of visible light communication (VLC) transmitters and receivers, by ameliorating the bandwidth-limiting effects of commonly used optoelectronic devices. The thesis contains detailed literature review of transmitter and receiver designs, which inspired two directions of work. The first proposes new designs of optically lossless light emitting diode (LED) bandwidth extension technique that utilises a negative capacitance circuit to offset the diode’s bandwidth-limiting capacitance. The negative capacitance circuit was studied and verified through newly developed mathematical analysis, modelling and experimental demonstration. The bandwidth advantage of the proposed technique was demonstrated through measurements in conjunction with several colour LEDs, demonstrating up to 500% bandwidth extension with no loss of optical power. The second direction of work enhances the bandwidth of VLC receivers through new designs of ultra-low input impedance transimpedance amplifiers (TIAs), designed to be insensitive to the high photodiode capacitances (Cpd) of large area detectors. Moreover, the thesis proposes a new circuit, which modifies the traditional regulated cascode (RGC) circuit to enhance its bandwidth and gain. The modified RGC amplifier efficiently treats significant RGC inherent bandwidth limitations and is shown, through mathematical analysis, modelling and experimental measurements to extend the bandwidth further by up to 200%. The bandwidth advantage of such receivers was demonstrated in measurements, using several large area photodiodes of area up to 600 mm^2, resulting in a substantial bandwidth improvement of up to 1000%, relative to a standard 50 Ω termination. An inherent limitation of large area photodiodes, associated with internal resistive elements, was identified and ameliorated, through the design of negative resistance circuits. Altogether, this research resulted in a set of design methods and practical circuits, which will hopefully contribute to wider adoption of VLC systems and may be applied in areas beyond VLC

    CMOS design of chaotic oscillators using state variables: a monolithic Chua's circuit

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    This paper presents design considerations for monolithic implementation of piecewise-linear (PWL) dynamic systems in CMOS technology. Starting from a review of available CMOS circuit primitives and their respective merits and drawbacks, the paper proposes a synthesis approach for PWL dynamic systems, based on state-variable methods, and identifies the associated analog operators. The GmC approach, combining quasi-linear VCCS's, PWL VCCS's, and capacitors is then explored regarding the implementation of these operators. CMOS basic building blocks for the realization of the quasi-linear VCCS's and PWL VCCS's are presented and applied to design a Chua's circuit IC. The influence of GmC parasitics on the performance of dynamic PWL systems is illustrated through this example. Measured chaotic attractors from a Chua's circuit prototype are given. The prototype has been fabricated in a 2.4- mu m double-poly n-well CMOS technology, and occupies 0.35 mm/sup 2/, with a power consumption of 1.6 mW for a +or-2.5-V symmetric supply. Measurements show bifurcation toward a double-scroll Chua's attractor by changing a bias current
