32 research outputs found

    Commande d'un robot collaboratif redondant en interaction avec des humains dans un contexte de manipulation et d'assemblage

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    Cette thèse présente deux nouvelles architectures de commande pour les interactions physiques humain-robot (pHRIs). Ces architectures sont spéciquement développées dans une vision d'implantation en industrie pour les manipulations d'assemblage. En effet, deux types de robots collaboratifs adaptés à dfférentes contraintes de l'industrie et ayant des interfaces d'interactions physiques différentes sont étudiés en utilisant chacun leur propre architecture de commande. Le premier robot collaboratif développé est un manipulateur entièrement actionné permettant des pHRIs dans son espace libre, c.-à-d., des interactions unilatérales, et des pHRIs lorsque ses mouvements sont contraints par un environnement quelconque, c.-à-d., des interactions bilatérales. Les interactions de l'humain peuvent s'effectuer sur n'importe quelles parties du robot grâce aux capteurs de couples dans les articulations. Cependant, si une amplication des forces de l'humain sur l'environnement est désirée, alors il est nécessaire d'utiliser le capteur d'efforts supplémentaire attaché au robot. Ceci permet à la commande, en combinant les lectures du capteur d'efforts à l'effecteur, d'utiliser le ratio des forces appliquées indépendamment par l'opérateur et par l'environnement an de générer l'amplication désirée. Cette loi de commande est basée sur l'admittance variable qui a déjà démontré ses bénéces pour les interactions unilatérales. Ici, l'admittance variable est adaptée aux interactions bilatérales an d'obtenir un seul algorithme de commande pour tous les états. Une loi de transition continue peut alors être dénie an d'atteindre les performances optimales pour chaque mode d'interaction qui, en fait, nécessitent chacun des valeurs de paramètres spéciques. Le cheminement et les résultats pour arriver à cette première architecture de commande sont présentés en trois étapes. Premièrement, la loi de commande est implémentée sur un prototype à un degré de liberté (ddl) an de tester le potentiel d'amplication et de transition, ainsi que la stabilité de l'interaction. Deuxièmement, un algorithme d'optimisation du régulateur pour les interactions bilatérales avec un robot à plusieurs ddls est développé. Cet algorithme vérie la stabilité robuste du système en utilisant l'approche des valeurs singulières structurées (- analysis), pour ensuite faire une optimisation des régulateurs stables en fonction d'une variable liée à la conguration du manipulateur. Ceci permet d'obtenir une loi de commande variable qui rend le système stable de façon robuste en atteignant des performances optimales peu iii importe la conguration des articulations du robot. La loi de commande trouvée utilise un séquencement de gain pour les paramètres du régulateur par admittance durant les interactions bilatérales. La stabilité et la performance du système sont validées avec des tests d'impact sur différents environnements. Finalement, la loi de commande en admittance variable optimale est implémentée et validée sur un robot manipulateur à plusieurs ddls (Kuka LWR 4) à l'aide de suivis de trajectoire pour des interactions unilatérales et bilatérales. Le deuxième robot collaboratif développé est un manipulateur partiellement actif et partiellement passif. L'architecture mécanique du robot est appelée macro-mini. Tous les degrés de liberté actionnés faisant partie du macro manipulateur sont doublés par les articulations passives du mini manipulateur. Le robot est alors sous-actionné. L'opérateur humain interagit uniquement avec le mini manipulateur, et donc, avec les articulations passives ce qui élimine tous délais dans la dynamique d'interaction. Ce robot collaboratif permet de dénir une loi de commande qui génère une très faible impédance lors des interactions de l'opérateur, et ce, même pour des charges utiles élevées. Malgré que des amplications de force ne peuvent être produites, les interactions bilatérales ont une stabilité assurée peu importe la situation. Aussi, les modes coopératif et autonome du robot utilisent les mêmes valeurs de paramètres de commande ce qui permet une transition imperceptible d'un à l'autre. La nouvelle loi de commande est comparée sur plusieurs aspects avec la commande en admittance variable précé- demment développée. Les résultats démontrent que cette nouvelle loi de commande combinée à l'architecture active-passive du macro-mini manipulateur, appelé uMan, permet des interactions intuitives et sécuritaires bien supérieures à ce qu'un système entièrement actionné peut générer. De plus, pour l'assistance autonome, une détection de collision avancée et une plani cation de trajectoire adaptée à l'architecture du robot sont développées. Des validations expérimentales sont présentées an d'évaluer la facilité à produire des manipulations nes, de démontrer la sécurité du système et d'établir la viabilité du concept en industrie.This thesis presents two novel control architectures for physical human-robot interactions (pHRIs) which are specically designed for the assembly industry. Indeed, two types of pHRI manipulators, each adapted to different industrial constraints and with different physical interaction interfaces, are studied each with their own control architecture. The rst pHRI manipulator designed is fully actuated and allows pHRIs in its free space, i.e., unilateral interactions, as well as pHRIs when its motion is constrained by the environment, i.e., bilateral interactions. The human force input can be applied on any of the manipulator's links because of the torque sensors in the robot joints. However, if a human force amplication is desired on the environment, then it is required to use the additional force sensor appended to the robot. Using this approach, combined with the signal of the force sensor at the end effector, it is then possible to use the ratio between the human and environment forces in order to generate the desired amplication. This control law is based on the concept of variable admittance control which has already demonstrated its great benets for unilateral interactions. Here, this concept is extended to bilateral interactions in order to obtain a single control algorithm for both states. A continuous transition can thus be implemented between both interaction modes which require different parameter values in order to achieve their optimal performance. The workow and results to achieve this rst control architecture are presented in three steps. Firstly, the control law is implemented on a single-degree-of-freedom (dof) prototype in order to test the amplication and transition potential, as well as the stability of the interaction. Secondly, a control optimisation algorithm is developed for bilateral interactions with a multidof robot. This algorithm assesses the system's robust stability using the structured singular value approach (-analysis), to afterwards, optimize the stable controllers in relation to a manipulator's conguration-dependent variable. This approach leads to a variable control law yielding a robustly stable system that can reach optimal performances for any robot conguration. In fact, the admittance regulator parameters follow a gain scheduling paradigm for bilateral interactions. The stability and performance of the system are assessed using impact tests on different environments. Finally, the optimal variable admittance control law is implemented and validated on a multi-dof robot (Kuka LWR 4) using different trajectory v tracking tasks for unilateral and bilateral interactions. The second pHRI manipulator designed is partially active and partially passive. The robot's mechanical architecture is known as a macro-mini. All actuated dofs which are part of the macro manipulator are doubled with passive joints which are part of the mini manipulator. This robot is therefore underactuated. The human operator interacts solely with the mini manipulator and, thereby, solely with the passive joints which leads to an interaction dynamics free of any delay. It is possible with this pHRI manipulator to dene a control law that yields an extremely low interaction impedance, even for heavy payloads. Despite the fact that force amplication is impractical with this kind of mechanism, bilateral interactions are stable for all sorts of contact. Moreover, the robot's cooperative and autonomous modes use similar control parameter values which enables an imperceptible transition from one mode to the other. The new control law is compared on different aspects with the previously-dened variable admittance control law. Results show that this new control law combined with the active-passive macro-mini manipulator, also known as uMan, leads to intuitive and safe interactions that are considerably superior to any interaction using a fully actuated manipulator. Furthermore, for the autonomous mode, an advanced collision detection and a specicallyadapted trajectory planning are developed. Experimental validations are presented in order to assess the ease of ne manipulation, to demonstrate the system's safety, and to establish the viability of the concept for the industry

    Proceedings of the Workshop on Computational Aspects in the Control of Flexible Systems, part 2

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    The Control/Structures Integration Program, a survey of available software for control of flexible structures, computational efficiency and capability, modeling and parameter estimation, and control synthesis and optimization software are discussed

    The Fifth NASA/DOD Controls-Structures Interaction Technology Conference, part 1

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    This publication is a compilation of the papers presented at the Fifth NASA/DoD Controls-Structures Interaction (CSI) Technology Conference held in Lake Tahoe, Nevada, March 3-5, 1992. The conference, which was jointly sponsored by the NASA Office of Aeronautics and Space Technology and the Department of Defense, was organized by the NASA Langley Research Center. The purpose of this conference was to report to industry, academia, and government agencies on the current status of controls-structures interaction technology. The agenda covered ground testing, integrated design, analysis, flight experiments and concepts

    Industrial Robotics

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    This book covers a wide range of topics relating to advanced industrial robotics, sensors and automation technologies. Although being highly technical and complex in nature, the papers presented in this book represent some of the latest cutting edge technologies and advancements in industrial robotics technology. This book covers topics such as networking, properties of manipulators, forward and inverse robot arm kinematics, motion path-planning, machine vision and many other practical topics too numerous to list here. The authors and editor of this book wish to inspire people, especially young ones, to get involved with robotic and mechatronic engineering technology and to develop new and exciting practical applications, perhaps using the ideas and concepts presented herein

    Proceedings of the 3rd Annual Conference on Aerospace Computational Control, volume 1

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    Conference topics included definition of tool requirements, advanced multibody component representation descriptions, model reduction, parallel computation, real time simulation, control design and analysis software, user interface issues, testing and verification, and applications to spacecraft, robotics, and aircraft

    Proceedings of the Workshop on Computational Aspects in the Control of Flexible Systems, part 1

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    Control/Structures Integration program software needs, computer aided control engineering for flexible spacecraft, computer aided design, computational efficiency and capability, modeling and parameter estimation, and control synthesis and optimization software for flexible structures and robots are among the topics discussed

    Bio-inspired robotic control in underactuation: principles for energy efficacy, dynamic compliance interactions and adaptability.

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    Biological systems achieve energy efficient and adaptive behaviours through extensive autologous and exogenous compliant interactions. Active dynamic compliances are created and enhanced from musculoskeletal system (joint-space) to external environment (task-space) amongst the underactuated motions. Underactuated systems with viscoelastic property are similar to these biological systems, in that their self-organisation and overall tasks must be achieved by coordinating the subsystems and dynamically interacting with the environment. One important question to raise is: How can we design control systems to achieve efficient locomotion, while adapt to dynamic conditions as the living systems do? In this thesis, a trajectory planning algorithm is developed for underactuated microrobotic systems with bio-inspired self-propulsion and viscoelastic property to achieve synchronized motion in an energy efficient, adaptive and analysable manner. The geometry of the state space of the systems is explicitly utilized, such that a synchronization of the generalized coordinates is achieved in terms of geometric relations along the desired motion trajectory. As a result, the internal dynamics complexity is sufficiently reduced, the dynamic couplings are explicitly characterised, and then the underactuated dynamics are projected onto a hyper-manifold. Following such a reduction and characterization, we arrive at mappings of system compliance and integrable second-order dynamics with the passive degrees of freedom. As such, the issue of trajectory planning is converted into convenient nonlinear geometric analysis and optimal trajectory parameterization. Solutions of the reduced dynamics and the geometric relations can be obtained through an optimal motion trajectory generator. Theoretical background of the proposed approach is presented with rigorous analysis and developed in detail for a particular example. Experimental studies are conducted to verify the effectiveness of the proposed method. Towards compliance interactions with the environment, accurate modelling or prediction of nonlinear friction forces is a nontrivial whilst challenging task. Frictional instabilities are typically required to be eliminated or compensated through efficiently designed controllers. In this work, a prediction and analysis framework is designed for the self-propelled vibro-driven system, whose locomotion greatly relies on the dynamic interactions with the nonlinear frictions. This thesis proposes a combined physics-based and analytical-based approach, in a manner that non-reversible characteristic for static friction, presliding as well as pure sliding regimes are revealed, and the frictional limit boundaries are identified. Nonlinear dynamic analysis and simulation results demonstrate good captions of experimentally observed frictional characteristics, quenching of friction-induced vibrations and satisfaction of energy requirements. The thesis also performs elaborative studies on trajectory tracking. Control schemes are designed and extended for a class of underactuated systems with concrete considerations on uncertainties and disturbances. They include a collocated partial feedback control scheme, and an adaptive variable structure control scheme with an elaborately designed auxiliary control variable. Generically, adaptive control schemes using neural networks are designed to ensure trajectory tracking. Theoretical background of these methods is presented with rigorous analysis and developed in detail for particular examples. The schemes promote the utilization of linear filters in the control input to improve the system robustness. Asymptotic stability and convergence of time-varying reference trajectories for the system dynamics are shown by means of Lyapunov synthesis

    Proceedings of the NASA Conference on Space Telerobotics, volume 5

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    Papers presented at the NASA Conference on Space Telerobotics are compiled. The theme of the conference was man-machine collaboration in space. The conference provided a forum for researchers and engineers to exchange ideas on the research and development required for the application of telerobotics technology to the space systems planned for the 1990's and beyond. Volume 5 contains papers related to the following subject areas: robot arm modeling and control, special topics in telerobotics, telerobotic space operations, manipulator control, flight experiment concepts, manipulator coordination, issues in artificial intelligence systems, and research activities at the Johnson Space Center

    Humanoid Robots

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    For many years, the human being has been trying, in all ways, to recreate the complex mechanisms that form the human body. Such task is extremely complicated and the results are not totally satisfactory. However, with increasing technological advances based on theoretical and experimental researches, man gets, in a way, to copy or to imitate some systems of the human body. These researches not only intended to create humanoid robots, great part of them constituting autonomous systems, but also, in some way, to offer a higher knowledge of the systems that form the human body, objectifying possible applications in the technology of rehabilitation of human beings, gathering in a whole studies related not only to Robotics, but also to Biomechanics, Biomimmetics, Cybernetics, among other areas. This book presents a series of researches inspired by this ideal, carried through by various researchers worldwide, looking for to analyze and to discuss diverse subjects related to humanoid robots. The presented contributions explore aspects about robotic hands, learning, language, vision and locomotion

    Proceedings of the NASA Conference on Space Telerobotics, volume 2

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    These proceedings contain papers presented at the NASA Conference on Space Telerobotics held in Pasadena, January 31 to February 2, 1989. The theme of the Conference was man-machine collaboration in space. The Conference provided a forum for researchers and engineers to exchange ideas on the research and development required for application of telerobotics technology to the space systems planned for the 1990s and beyond. The Conference: (1) provided a view of current NASA telerobotic research and development; (2) stimulated technical exchange on man-machine systems, manipulator control, machine sensing, machine intelligence, concurrent computation, and system architectures; and (3) identified important unsolved problems of current interest which can be dealt with by future research