7 research outputs found

    An adaptive trust based service quality monitoring mechanism for cloud computing

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    Cloud computing is the newest paradigm in distributed computing that delivers computing resources over the Internet as services. Due to the attractiveness of cloud computing, the market is currently flooded with many service providers. This has necessitated the customers to identify the right one meeting their requirements in terms of service quality. The existing monitoring of service quality has been limited only to quantification in cloud computing. On the other hand, the continuous improvement and distribution of service quality scores have been implemented in other distributed computing paradigms but not specifically for cloud computing. This research investigates the methods and proposes mechanisms for quantifying and ranking the service quality of service providers. The solution proposed in this thesis consists of three mechanisms, namely service quality modeling mechanism, adaptive trust computing mechanism and trust distribution mechanism for cloud computing. The Design Research Methodology (DRM) has been modified by adding phases, means and methods, and probable outcomes. This modified DRM is used throughout this study. The mechanisms were developed and tested gradually until the expected outcome has been achieved. A comprehensive set of experiments were carried out in a simulated environment to validate their effectiveness. The evaluation has been carried out by comparing their performance against the combined trust model and QoS trust model for cloud computing along with the adapted fuzzy theory based trust computing mechanism and super-agent based trust distribution mechanism, which were developed for other distributed systems. The results show that the mechanisms are faster and more stable than the existing solutions in terms of reaching the final trust scores on all three parameters tested. The results presented in this thesis are significant in terms of making cloud computing acceptable to users in verifying the performance of the service providers before making the selection

    Trust management in cloud computing: A critical review

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    Cloud computing has been attracting the attention of several researchers both in the academia and the industry as it provides many opportunities for organizations by offering a range of computing services.For cloud computing to become widely adopted by both the enterprises and individuals, several issues have to be solved.A key issue that needs special attention is security of clouds, and trust management is an important component of cloud security.In this paper, the authors look at what trust is and how trust has been applied in distributed computing. Trust models proposed for various distributed system has then been summarized.The trust management systems proposed for cloud computing have been investigated with special emphasis on their capability, applicability in practical heterogonous cloud environment and implementabilty. Finally, the proposed models/systems have been compared with each other based on a selected set of cloud computing parameters in a table

    Trust and reputation management in decentralized systems

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    In large, open and distributed systems, agents are often used to represent users and act on their behalves. Agents can provide good or bad services or act honestly or dishonestly. Trust and reputation mechanisms are used to distinguish good services from bad ones or honest agents from dishonest ones. My research is focused on trust and reputation management in decentralized systems. Compared with centralized systems, decentralized systems are more difficult and inefficient for agents to find and collect information to build trust and reputation. In this thesis, I propose a Bayesian network-based trust model. It provides a flexible way to present differentiated trust and combine different aspects of trust that can meet agents’ different needs. As a complementary element, I propose a super-agent based approach that facilitates reputation management in decentralized networks. The idea of allowing super-agents to form interest-based communities further enables flexible reputation management among groups of agents. A reward mechanism creates incentives for super-agents to contribute their resources and to be honest. As a single package, my work is able to promote effective, efficient and flexible trust and reputation management in decentralized systems

    Modeling Trust in Multiagent Mobile Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks through Enhanced Knowledge Exchange for Effective Travel Decision Making

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    This thesis explores how to effectively model trust in the environment of mobile vehicular ad-hoc networks. We consider each vehicle’s travel path planning to be guided by an intelligent agent that receives traffic reports from other agents in the environment. Determining the trustworthiness of these reports is thus a critical task. We take as a starting point the multi-dimensional trust model of Minhas et al. That work had a two-phased approach: i) model trust and ii) execute an algorithm for using that trust modeling, when deciding what route to take. The framework presented in this thesis aims to clarify i) the messaging that should be supported, ii) the internal representation of the messaging and the trust information and iii) the algorithms for sending and receiving information (thus updating knowledge) in order to perform decision making during route planning. A significant contribution is therefore offered through clarification and extension of the original trust modeling approach. In addition we design a comprehensive, extensive simulation testbed that is used to validate the effectiveness and robustness of the model. This testbed supports a variety of metrics and is able to perform testing in environments with a large number of cars. This constitutes the second significant contribution of the thesis. Overall, we present a valuable model for knowledge management in mobile vehicular ad-hoc networks through a combination of trust modeling, ontological representation of concepts and facts, and a methodology for discovering and updating user models. Included is a representation and implementation of both a push-based and pull-based messaging protocol. We also demonstrate the effectiveness of this model through validation conducted using our simulation testbed, focusing first on a subset of the multi-faceted trust model in order to highlight the value of the underlying representation, decision making algorithm and simulation metrics. One very valuable result is a demonstration of the importance of the combined use of the different dimensions employed in the trust modeling

    Risk and trust management for online distributed system

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    This thesis investigated the problem of strategic manipulation of feedback attacks and proposed an approach that makes trust management systems sufficiently robust against feedback manipulation attacks. The new trust management system enables potential service consumers to determine the risk level of a service before committing to proceed with the transaction

    Peer-Based Intelligent Tutoring Systems: A Corpus-Oriented Approach

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    In this thesis, we present an artificial intelligence approach for tutoring students in environments where there is a large repository of possible learning objects (e.g. texts, videos). In particular, we advocate that students learn on the basis of past experiences of peers. This aligns with McCalla's proposed ecological approach for intelligent tutoring, where a learning object's history-of-use is retained and leveraged to instruct future students. We offer three distinct models that serve to deliver the required intelligent tutoring: (i) a curriculum sequencing algorithm selecting which learning objects to present to students based on benefits to knowledge obtained by similar peers (ii) a framework for peers to provide commentary on the learning objects they've experienced (annotations) together with an algorithm for reasoning about which annotations to present to students that incorporates modeling trust in annotators (i.e. their reputation) and ratings provided by students (votes for and against) for the annotations they have been shown (iii) an opportunity for peers to guide the growth of the corpus by proposing divisions of current objects, together with an algorithm for reasoning about which of these new objects should be offered to students in order to enhance their learning. All three components are validated as beneficial in improving the learning of students. This is first of all achieved through a novel approach of simulated student learning, designed to enable the tracking of the experiences of a very large number of peers with an extensive repository of objects, through the effective modeling of knowledge gains. This is also coupled with a preliminary study with human participants that confirms the value of our framework. In all, we offer a rich and varied role for peers in guiding the learning of students in intelligent tutoring environments, made possible by careful modeling of the students who are being taught and of the potential benefits to learning that would be derived with the selection of appropriate tutorial content

    Design of a Mechanism for Promoting Honesty in E-Marketplaces

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    In this paper, we explore the use of the web as an environment for electronic commerce. In particular, we develop a novel mechanism that creates incentives for honesty in electronic marketplaces where human users are represented by buying and selling agents. In our mechanism, buyers model other buyers and select the most trustworthy ones as their neighbors from which they can ask advice about sellers. In addition, however, sellers model the reputation of buyers. Reputable buyers provide fair ratings of sellers, and are likely to be neighbors of many other buyers. Sellers will provide more attractive products to reputable buyers, in order to build their reputation. We discuss how a marketplace operating with our mechanism leads to better profit both for honest buyers and sellers. With honesty encouraged, our work promotes the acceptance of web-based agent-oriented e-commerce by human users