2 research outputs found

    What are my students doing? Introducing ELENA, the E-Learning Event Notification Architecture

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    In this article we introduce ELENA, a new architecture for notifying events to a Learning Management System (LMS) by an external tool. At the core of this work is the idea of integrating external tools exposed as Web Services. Although some progress is being done in this field by the research community, current solutions achieve at best a very ``soft'' integration, it is, the LMS can link an external tool but cannot monitor or alter its workflow. The ELENA system tries to alleviate this problem by introducing an architecture that allows an LMS to track the use that teachers and students make of the tool. Therefore, the LMS can have a greater control over the integrated tools. The ELENA system is based on Web Services and specific APIs and protocols, resulting on a simple and scalable architecture

    Design of a Flexible and Adaptable LMS Engine in Conformance with PoEML

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    This paper describes the support of the Structural, Functional, Order and Temporal perspectives in PoEML. PoEML is a modeling language devoted to support a broad range of pedagogical approaches, from content-based, to collaborative and practical oriented. At this point, a main issue is to provide a good level of adaptability and flexibility. The final goal is to support changes in the educational process development, enabling the provision of different learning experiences depending on the learning goals, the learner needs and features, the previous results, etc. The introduced solution is based on the separation of concerns principle adopted in PoEML. Basically, the solution facilitates the use of a set of educational resources in different ways by separating the form in which such resources are organized (Structural perspective) from the decisions of what has to be done (Functional perspective) and when (Order and Temporal perspectives)