412 research outputs found

    New Passive Instruments Developed for Ocean Monitoring at the Remote Sensing Lab—Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya

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    Lack of frequent and global observations from space is currently a limiting factor in many Earth Observation (EO) missions. Two potential techniques that have been proposed nowadays are: (1) the use of satellite constellations, and (2) the use of Global Navigation Satellite Signals (GNSS) as signals of opportunity (no transmitter required). Reflectometry using GNSS opportunity signals (GNSS-R) was originally proposed in 1993 by Martin-Neira (ESA-ESTEC) for altimetry applications, but later its use for wind speed determination has been proposed, and more recently to perform the sea state correction required in sea surface salinity retrievals by means of L-band microwave radiometry (TB). At present, two EO space-borne missions are currently planned to be launched in the near future: (1) ESA's SMOS mission, using a Y-shaped synthetic aperture radiometer, launch date November 2nd, 2009, and (2) NASA-CONAE AQUARIUS/SAC-D mission, using a three beam push-broom radiometer. In the SMOS mission, the multi-angle observation capabilities allow to simultaneously retrieve not only the surface salinity, but also the surface temperature and an “effective” wind speed that minimizes the differences between observations and models. In AQUARIUS, an L-band scatterometer measuring the radar backscatter (σ0) will be used to perform the necessary sea state corrections. However, none of these approaches are fully satisfactory, since the effective wind speed captures some sea surface roughness effects, at the expense of introducing another variable to be retrieved, and on the other hand the plots (TB-σ0) present a large scattering. In 2003, the Passive Advance Unit for ocean monitoring (PAU) project was proposed to the European Science Foundation in the frame of the EUropean Young Investigator Awards (EURYI) to test the feasibility of GNSS-R over the sea surface to make sea state measurements and perform the correction of the L-band brightness temperature. This paper: (1) provides an overview of the Physics of the L-band radiometric and GNSS reflectometric observations over the ocean, (2) describes the instrumentation that has been (is being) developed in the frame of the EURYI-funded PAU project, (3) the ground-based measurements carried out so far, and their interpretation in view of placing a GNSS-reflectometer as secondary payload in future SMOS follow-on missions

    New instrument concepts for ocean sensing: analysis of the PAU-radiometer

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    Sea surface salinity can be remotely measured by means of L-band microwave radiometry. However, the brightness temperature also depends on the sea surface temperature and on the sea state, which is probably today one of the driving factors in the salinity retrieval error budgets of the European Space Agency's Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity (SMOS) mission and the NASA-Comision Nacional de Actividades Espaciales Aquarius/SAC-D mission. This paper describes the Passive Advanced Unit (PAU) for ocean monitoring. PAU combines in a single instrument three different sensors: an L-band radiometer with digital beamforming (DBF) (PAU-RAD) to measure the brightness temperature of the sea at different incidence angles simultaneously, a global positioning system (GPS) reflectometer [PAU-reflectometer of Global Navigation Satellite Signals (GNSS-R)] also with DBF to measure the sea state from the delay-Doppler maps, and two infrared radiometers to provide sea surface temperature estimates. The key characteristic of this instrument is that both PAU-RAD and the PAU-GNSS/R share completely the RF/IF front-end, and analog-to-digital converters. Since in order to track the GPS-reflected signal, it is not possible to chop the antenna signal as in a Dicke radiometer, a new radiometer topology has been devised which makes uses of two receiving chains and a correlator, which has the additional advantage that both PAU-RAD and PAU-GNSS/R can be operated continuously and simultaneously to perform the sea-state corrections of the brightness temperature. This paper presents the main characteristics of the different PAU subsystems, and analyzes in detail the PAU-radiometer concept.Peer Reviewe

    Calibration of Correlation Radiometers Using Pseudo-Random Noise Signals

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    The calibration of correlation radiometers, and particularly aperture synthesis interferometric radiometers, is a critical issue to ensure their performance. Current calibration techniques are based on the measurement of the cross-correlation of receivers’ outputs when injecting noise from a common noise source requiring a very stable distribution network. For large interferometric radiometers this centralized noise injection approach is very complex from the point of view of mass, volume and phase/amplitude equalization. Distributed noise injection techniques have been proposed as a feasible alternative, but are unable to correct for the so-called “baseline errors” associated with the particular pair of receivers forming the baseline. In this work it is proposed the use of centralized Pseudo-Random Noise (PRN) signals to calibrate correlation radiometers. PRNs are sequences of symbols with a long repetition period that have a flat spectrum over a bandwidth which is determined by the symbol rate. Since their spectrum resembles that of thermal noise, they can be used to calibrate correlation radiometers. At the same time, since these sequences are deterministic, new calibration schemes can be envisaged, such as the correlation of each receiver’s output with a baseband local replica of the PRN sequence, as well as new distribution schemes of calibration signals. This work analyzes the general requirements and performance of using PRN sequences for the calibration of microwave correlation radiometers, and particularizes the study to a potential implementation in a large aperture synthesis radiometer using an optical distribution network

    Planck LFI flight model feed horns

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    this paper is part of the Prelaunch status LFI papers published on JINST: http://www.iop.org/EJ/journal/-page=extra.proc5/jinst The Low Frequency Instrument is optically interfaced with the ESA Planck telescope through 11 corrugated feed horns each connected to the Radiometer Chain Assembly (RCA). This paper describes the design, the manufacturing and the testing of the flight model feed horns. They have been designed to optimize the LFI optical interfaces taking into account the tight mechanical requirements imposed by the Planck focal plane layout. All the eleven units have been successfully tested and integrated with the Ortho Mode transducers.Comment: This is an author-created, un-copyedited version of an article accepted for publication in JINST. IOP Publishing Ltd is not responsible for any errors or omissions in this version of the manuscript or any version derived from it. The definitive publisher authenticated version is available online at 10.1088/1748-0221/4/12/T1200

    The Expanded Very Large Array

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    In almost 30 years of operation, the Very Large Array (VLA) has proved to be a remarkably flexible and productive radio telescope. However, the basic capabilities of the VLA have changed little since it was designed. A major expansion utilizing modern technology is currently underway to improve the capabilities of the VLA by at least an order of magnitude in both sensitivity and in frequency coverage. The primary elements of the Expanded Very Large Array (EVLA) project include new or upgraded receivers for continuous frequency coverage from 1 to 50 GHz, new local oscillator, intermediate frequency, and wide bandwidth data transmission systems to carry signals with 16 GHz total bandwidth from each antenna, and a new digital correlator with the capability to process this bandwidth with an unprecedented number of frequency channels for an imaging array. Also included are a new monitor and control system and new software that will provide telescope ease of use. Scheduled for completion in 2012, the EVLA will provide the world research community with a flexible, powerful, general-purpose telescope to address current and future astronomical issues.Comment: Added journal reference: published in Proceedings of the IEEE, Special Issue on Advances in Radio Astronomy, August 2009, vol. 97, No. 8, 1448-1462 Six figures, one tabl

    Contribution to advanced sensor development for passive imaging of the Earth

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    This work has been formally undertaken within the frame of the scholarship number BES-2012-053917 of 1 December 2012, by the "Secretario de Estado de Investigación del Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad" related to the program "Formación de Personal Investigador (FPI)". The scholarship is related to the research project at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) number TEC2011-25865. In a more general scope, this thesis is related to the Remote Sensing Laboratory (Signal Theory & Communication Department, UPC) on-going activities, within the SMOS (Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity) mission by the European Space Agency (ESA). These activities have been organized to provide original advances in the following four main topics: 1) SMOS calibration and performance. Since the launch of the instrument in 2009, SMOS imaging has been performing exclusively in co-polar mode. However, SMOS measurements are fully polarimetric. This feature was not operationally exploited due to the large errors yielded by full-pol images. In this context my work was addressed to support better characterization of the antenna. Based on the idea that SMOS polarization mode was recently implemented using Full-pol measurements, the so-called relative phases have been recomputed by using co-polar and cross-polar measurements. SMOS moderate Side Lobe Level (SLL) is caused by the limited coverage of the measured visibility samples in the frequency domain, so another objective of this work has been devoted to assess the impact of calibration errors into SMOS side lobes level (SLL). The main objective on this topic has been to reproduce by simulation SMOS measured side-lobe levels (SLL) by adding errors to a point source response, in order to identify the dominant source of error. During commissioning phase it was detected that SMOS heater system were introducing small and random sporadic PMS offset steps (jumps) in several units. Another work during this thesis has been devoted to mitigate those PMS jumps by trimming calibration date from single LICEF averaged TA jumps over the ocean. 2) SMOS spatial bias assessment. SMOS measurements still have mathematical image reconstruction errors that must be properly assessed. The aim of this work is to focus on the so-called "floor error", defined in an error free end-to-end image reconstruction simulation. In order to reduce this error, different inversion approaches have been implemented and tested, as the so-called Gibbs 2 approach 3) SMOS improved imaging. One of the problems of most concern within the SMOS mission is related to the so-called "land-sea contamination" (LSC), an artificial increase of ocean brightness temperature close to land masses. Therefore, a systematic assessment has been performed in this thesis in order to understand and mitigate this artifact. This subject is related to one of the main original outcomes of the thesis, since it has a relevant impact on the quality of SMOS imaging. The LSC mitigation technique developed during the work of the thesis has been presented and validated by different methods. 4) SMOS follow-on missions advanced configurations. This work is devoted to assess the impact of instrumental errors on the radiometric accuracy (pixel bias) of one of the selected array configurations of the so-called Super-MIRAS instrument. The aim of this work has been focused on the assessment of different array geometries and instrument architectures of future L-band synthetic aperture radiometers to improve spatial resolution while maintaining radiometric sensitivity.Esta tesis se ha llevado a cabo en el marco de la beca FPI BES-2012-053917 del 1 de diciembre de 2012, por el "Secretario de Estado de Investigación del Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad", asociada al proyecto TEC2011-25865 (Universidad Politècnica de Catalunya). En un sentido más amplio, el trabajo se engloba dentro de las actividades del Grupo de Teledetección (RSLab) del Departamento de Teoría de la Señal y Comunicaciones, UPC, en el marco de la misión SMOS (Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity) de la Agencia Espacial Europea del Espacio (ESA). El trabajo se divide en: 1) Calibración y prestaciones del sensor SMOS Desde el lanzamiento del instrumento en 2009, la imagen de SMOS se ha obtenido utilizando medidas en modo co-polar. Sin embargo, las medidas en SMOS se realizan en full-pol. Esto no se había llevado a cabo debido a los grandes errores que se obtenían con imágenes en full-pol. En este contexto mi trabajo se ha enfocado en la realización de una mejor caracterización de la antena. Basado en la idea de que el modo full-pol ha sido recientemente implementado en SMOS, las fases relativas entre antenas han sido recalculadas utilizando medidas co-polares y cross-polares. Los lóbulos secundarios de SMOS (SLL) son causados por la cobertura limitada de las visibilidades medidas en el dominio frecuencial, así que otro de los objetivos de este trabajo ha sido analizar el impacto de errores de calibración en los lóbulos secundarios de SMOS. Básicamente se han reproducido los lóbulos secundarios de SMOS mediantes simulaciones añadiendo errores a una fuente puntual, identificando las principales fuentes de error. Durante la fase de comisionado se detectó que el sistema de calentamiento de SMOS introducía pequeños saltos aleatorios del offset del PMS en diferentes unidades. Para hacer un seguimiento y corregir estos saltos se realizaron calibraciones de offset semanales justo después de la fase de comisionado, así que otro de los trabajos realizados en esta tesis ha sido dirigido a mitigar estos saltos introduciendo calibraciones adicionales antes de los mismos a partir de medir la temperatura de antena media calculada en el océano. 2) Técnicas de reducción de los errores espaciales SMOS tiene un error matemático de reconstrucción en la imagen que ha sido investigado en este trabajo. Así que este trabajo se ha focalizado en el "floor error" definido como el error de reconstrucción en un instrumento ideal libre de errores. Para reducir este error se han utilizado diferentes aproximaciones como Gibbs 2. 3) Mejoras en la inversión de imagen Uno de los mayores problemas durante los primeros cinco años de misión SMOS ha sido la llamada "land-sea contamination" (contaminación tierra-mar). Así pues, se ha realizado un estudio sistemático para comprender y mitigar este artefacto. Este tema está relacionado con uno de los descubrimientos más importantes de esta tesis ya que este tiene un gran impacto en la calidad de la imagen de SMOS. La técnica encontrada para mitigar este error es presentada y validada mediante diferentes métodos. 4) Misiones futuras Este trabajo está enfocado en la investigación del impacto de errores instrumentales en la precisión radiométrica de errores espaciales de una de las posibles nuevas configuraciones de array propuestas para construir un nuevo instrumento llamado Super-MIRAS. El propósito principal de este trabajo está orientado en el desarrollo de diferentes geometrías de arrays y arquitecturas de instrumentos para una futura misión en banda L, en la que se diseñaría un nuevo radiómetro de apertura sintética para mejorar la resolución espacial manteniendo la sensibilidad radiométrica.Postprint (published version

    Contribution to advanced sensor development for passive imaging of the Earth

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    This work has been formally undertaken within the frame of the scholarship number BES-2012-053917 of 1 December 2012, by the "Secretario de Estado de Investigación del Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad" related to the program "Formación de Personal Investigador (FPI)". The scholarship is related to the research project at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) number TEC2011-25865. In a more general scope, this thesis is related to the Remote Sensing Laboratory (Signal Theory & Communication Department, UPC) on-going activities, within the SMOS (Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity) mission by the European Space Agency (ESA). These activities have been organized to provide original advances in the following four main topics: 1) SMOS calibration and performance. Since the launch of the instrument in 2009, SMOS imaging has been performing exclusively in co-polar mode. However, SMOS measurements are fully polarimetric. This feature was not operationally exploited due to the large errors yielded by full-pol images. In this context my work was addressed to support better characterization of the antenna. Based on the idea that SMOS polarization mode was recently implemented using Full-pol measurements, the so-called relative phases have been recomputed by using co-polar and cross-polar measurements. SMOS moderate Side Lobe Level (SLL) is caused by the limited coverage of the measured visibility samples in the frequency domain, so another objective of this work has been devoted to assess the impact of calibration errors into SMOS side lobes level (SLL). The main objective on this topic has been to reproduce by simulation SMOS measured side-lobe levels (SLL) by adding errors to a point source response, in order to identify the dominant source of error. During commissioning phase it was detected that SMOS heater system were introducing small and random sporadic PMS offset steps (jumps) in several units. Another work during this thesis has been devoted to mitigate those PMS jumps by trimming calibration date from single LICEF averaged TA jumps over the ocean. 2) SMOS spatial bias assessment. SMOS measurements still have mathematical image reconstruction errors that must be properly assessed. The aim of this work is to focus on the so-called "floor error", defined in an error free end-to-end image reconstruction simulation. In order to reduce this error, different inversion approaches have been implemented and tested, as the so-called Gibbs 2 approach 3) SMOS improved imaging. One of the problems of most concern within the SMOS mission is related to the so-called "land-sea contamination" (LSC), an artificial increase of ocean brightness temperature close to land masses. Therefore, a systematic assessment has been performed in this thesis in order to understand and mitigate this artifact. This subject is related to one of the main original outcomes of the thesis, since it has a relevant impact on the quality of SMOS imaging. The LSC mitigation technique developed during the work of the thesis has been presented and validated by different methods. 4) SMOS follow-on missions advanced configurations. This work is devoted to assess the impact of instrumental errors on the radiometric accuracy (pixel bias) of one of the selected array configurations of the so-called Super-MIRAS instrument. The aim of this work has been focused on the assessment of different array geometries and instrument architectures of future L-band synthetic aperture radiometers to improve spatial resolution while maintaining radiometric sensitivity.Esta tesis se ha llevado a cabo en el marco de la beca FPI BES-2012-053917 del 1 de diciembre de 2012, por el "Secretario de Estado de Investigación del Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad", asociada al proyecto TEC2011-25865 (Universidad Politècnica de Catalunya). En un sentido más amplio, el trabajo se engloba dentro de las actividades del Grupo de Teledetección (RSLab) del Departamento de Teoría de la Señal y Comunicaciones, UPC, en el marco de la misión SMOS (Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity) de la Agencia Espacial Europea del Espacio (ESA). El trabajo se divide en: 1) Calibración y prestaciones del sensor SMOS Desde el lanzamiento del instrumento en 2009, la imagen de SMOS se ha obtenido utilizando medidas en modo co-polar. Sin embargo, las medidas en SMOS se realizan en full-pol. Esto no se había llevado a cabo debido a los grandes errores que se obtenían con imágenes en full-pol. En este contexto mi trabajo se ha enfocado en la realización de una mejor caracterización de la antena. Basado en la idea de que el modo full-pol ha sido recientemente implementado en SMOS, las fases relativas entre antenas han sido recalculadas utilizando medidas co-polares y cross-polares. Los lóbulos secundarios de SMOS (SLL) son causados por la cobertura limitada de las visibilidades medidas en el dominio frecuencial, así que otro de los objetivos de este trabajo ha sido analizar el impacto de errores de calibración en los lóbulos secundarios de SMOS. Básicamente se han reproducido los lóbulos secundarios de SMOS mediantes simulaciones añadiendo errores a una fuente puntual, identificando las principales fuentes de error. Durante la fase de comisionado se detectó que el sistema de calentamiento de SMOS introducía pequeños saltos aleatorios del offset del PMS en diferentes unidades. Para hacer un seguimiento y corregir estos saltos se realizaron calibraciones de offset semanales justo después de la fase de comisionado, así que otro de los trabajos realizados en esta tesis ha sido dirigido a mitigar estos saltos introduciendo calibraciones adicionales antes de los mismos a partir de medir la temperatura de antena media calculada en el océano. 2) Técnicas de reducción de los errores espaciales SMOS tiene un error matemático de reconstrucción en la imagen que ha sido investigado en este trabajo. Así que este trabajo se ha focalizado en el "floor error" definido como el error de reconstrucción en un instrumento ideal libre de errores. Para reducir este error se han utilizado diferentes aproximaciones como Gibbs 2. 3) Mejoras en la inversión de imagen Uno de los mayores problemas durante los primeros cinco años de misión SMOS ha sido la llamada "land-sea contamination" (contaminación tierra-mar). Así pues, se ha realizado un estudio sistemático para comprender y mitigar este artefacto. Este tema está relacionado con uno de los descubrimientos más importantes de esta tesis ya que este tiene un gran impacto en la calidad de la imagen de SMOS. La técnica encontrada para mitigar este error es presentada y validada mediante diferentes métodos. 4) Misiones futuras Este trabajo está enfocado en la investigación del impacto de errores instrumentales en la precisión radiométrica de errores espaciales de una de las posibles nuevas configuraciones de array propuestas para construir un nuevo instrumento llamado Super-MIRAS. El propósito principal de este trabajo está orientado en el desarrollo de diferentes geometrías de arrays y arquitecturas de instrumentos para una futura misión en banda L, en la que se diseñaría un nuevo radiómetro de apertura sintética para mejorar la resolución espacial manteniendo la sensibilidad radiométrica

    Microwave Radiometry at Frequencies From 500 to 1400 MHz: An Emerging Technology for Earth Observations

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    icrowave radiometry has provided valuable spaceborne observations of Earth’s geophysical properties for decades. The recent SMOS, Aquarius, and SMAP satellites have demonstrated the value of measurements at 1400 MHz for observ- ing surface soil moisture, sea surface salinity, sea ice thickness, soil freeze/thaw state, and other geophysical variables. However, the information obtained is limited by penetration through the subsur- face at 1400 MHz and by a reduced sensitivity to surface salinity in cold or wind-roughened waters. Recent airborne experiments have shown the potential of brightness temperature measurements from 500–1400 MHz to address these limitations by enabling sensing of soil moisture and sea ice thickness to greater depths, sensing of temperature deep within ice sheets, improved sensing of sea salinity in cold waters, and enhanced sensitivity to soil moisture under veg- etation canopies. However, the absence of significant spectrum re- served for passive microwave measurements in the 500–1400 MHz band requires both an opportunistic sensing strategy and systems for reducing the impact of radio-frequency interference. Here, we summarize the potential advantages and applications of 500–1400 MHz microwave radiometry for Earth observation and review recent experiments and demonstrations of these concepts. We also describe the remaining questions and challenges to be addressed in advancing to future spaceborne operation of this technology along with recommendations for future research activities

    Radio frequency interference detection and mitigation techniques for navigation and Earth observation

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    Radio-Frequency Interference (RFI) signals are undesired signals that degrade or disrupt the performance of a wireless receiver. RFI signals can be troublesome for any receiver, but they are especially threatening for applications that use very low power signals. This is the case of applications that rely on the Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS), or passive microwave remote sensing applications such as Microwave Radiometry (MWR) and GNSS-Reflectometry (GNSS-R). In order to solve the problem of RFI, RFI-countermeasures are under development. This PhD thesis is devoted to the design, implementation and test of innovative RFI-countermeasures in the fields of MWR and GNSS. In the part devoted to RFI-countermeasures for MWR applications, first, this PhD thesis completes the development of the MERITXELL instrument. The MERITXELL is a multi-frequency total-power radiometer conceived to be an outstanding platform to perform detection, characterization, and localization of RFI signals at the most common MWR imaging bands up to 92 GHz. Moreover, a novel RFI mitigation technique is proposed for MWR: the Multiresolution Fourier Transform (MFT). An assessment of the performance of the MFT has been carried out by comparison with other time-frequency mitigation techniques. According to the results, the MFT technique is a good trade-off solution among all other techniques since it can mitigate efficiently all kinds of RFI signals under evaluation. In the part devoted to RFI-countermeasures for GNSS and GNSS-R applications, first, a system for RFI detection and localization at GNSS bands is proposed. This system is able to detect RFI signals at the L1 band with a sensitivity of -108 dBm at full-band, and of -135 dBm for continuous wave and chirp-like signals when using the averaged spectrum technique. Besides, the Generalized Spectral Separation Coefficient (GSSC) is proposed as a figure of merit to evaluate the Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) degradation in the Delay-Doppler Maps (DDMs) due to the external RFI effect. Furthermore, the FENIX system has been conceived as an innovative system for RFI detection and mitigation and anti-jamming for GNSS and GNSS-R applications. FENIX uses the MFT blanking as a pre-correlation excision tool to perform the mitigation. In addition, FENIX has been designed to be cross-GNSS compatible and RFI-independent. The principles of operation of the MFT blanking algorithm are assessed and compared with other techniques for GNSS signals. Its performance as a mitigation tool is proven using GNSS-R data samples from a real airborne campaign. After that, the main building blocks of the patented architecture of FENIX have been described. The FENIX architecture has been implemented in three real-time prototypes. Moreover, a simulator named FENIX-Sim allows for testing its performance under different jamming scenarios. The real-time performance of FENIX prototype has been tested using different setups. First, a customized VNA has been built in order to measure the transfer function of FENIX in the presence of several representative RFI/jamming signals. The results show how the power transfer function adapts itself to mitigate the RFI/jamming signal. Moreover, several real-time tests with GNSS receivers have been performed using GPS L1 C/A, GPS L2C, and Galileo E1OS. The results show that FENIX provides an extra resilience against RFI and jamming signals up to 30 dB. Furthermore, FENIX is tested using a real GNSS timing setup. Under nominal conditions, when no RFI/jamming signal is present, a small additional jitter on the order of 2-4 ns is introduced in the system. Besides, a maximum bias of 45 ns has been measured under strong jamming conditions (-30 dBm), which is acceptable for current timing systems requiring accuracy levels of 100 ns. Finally, the design of a backup system for GNSS in tracking applications that require high reliability against RFI and jamming attacks is proposed.Les interferències de radiofreqüència (RFI) són senyals no desitjades que degraden o interrompen el funcionament dels receptors sense fils. Les RFI poden suposar un problema per qualsevol receptor, però són especialment amenaçadores per les a aplicacions que fan servir senyals de molt baixa potència. Aquest és el cas de les aplicacions que depenen dels sistemes mundials de navegació per satèl·lit (GNSS) o de les aplicacions de teledetecció passiva de microones, com la radiometria de microones (MWR) i la reflectometria GNSS (GNSS-R). Per combatre aquest problema, sistemes anti-RFI s'estan desenvolupament actualment. Aquesta tesi doctoral està dedicada al disseny, la implementació i el test de sistemes anti-RFI innovadors en els camps de MWR i GNSS. A la part dedicada als sistemes anti-RFI en MWR, aquesta tesi doctoral completa el desenvolupament de l'instrument MERITXELL. El MERITXELL és un radiòmetre multifreqüència concebut com una plataforma excepcional per la detecció, caracterització i localització de RFI a les bandes de MWR més utilitzades per sota dels 92 GHz. A més a més, es proposa una nova tècnica de mitigació de RFI per MWR: la Transformada de Fourier amb Multiresolució (MFT). El funcionament de la MFT s'ha comparat amb el d'altres tècniques de mitigació en els dominis del temps i la freqüència. D'acord amb els resultats obtinguts, la MFT és una bona solució de compromís entre les altres tècniques, ja que pot mitigar de manera eficient tots els tipus de senyals RFI considerats. A la part dedicada als sistemes anti-RFI en GNSS i GNSS-R, primer es proposa un sistema per a la detecció i localització de RFI a les bandes GNSS. Aquest sistema és capaç de detectar senyals RFI a la banda L1 amb una sensibilitat de -108 dBm a tota la banda, i de -135 dBm per a senyals d'ona contínua i chirp fen un mitjana de l'espectre. A més a més, el Coeficient de Separació Espectral Generalitzada (GSSC) es proposa com una mesura per avaluar la degradació de la relació senyal a soroll (SNR) en els Mapes de Delay-Doppler (DDM) a causa del impacte de les RFI. La major contribució d'aquesta tesi doctoral és el sistema FENIX. FENIX és un sistema innovador de detecció i mitigació de RFI i inhibidors de freqüència per aplicacions GNSS i GNSS-R. FENIX utilitza la MFT per eliminar la interferència abans del procés de correlació amb el codi GNSS independentment del tipus de RFI. L'algoritme de mitigació de FENIX s'ha avaluat i comparat amb altres tècniques i els principals components de la seva arquitectura patentada es descriuen. Finalment, un simulador anomenat FENIX-Sim permet avaluar el seu rendiment en diferents escenaris d'interferència. El funcionament en temps real del prototip FENIX ha estat provat utilitzant diferents mètodes. En primer lloc, s'ha creat un analitzador de xarxes per a mesurar la funció de transferència del FENIX en presència de diverses RFI representatives. Els resultats mostren com la funció de transferència s'adapta per mitigar el senyal interferent. A més a més, s'han realitzat diferents proves en temps real amb receptors GNSS compatibles amb els senyals GPS L1 C/A, GPS L2C i Galileo E1OS. Els resultats mostren que FENIX proporciona una resistència addicional contra les RFI i els senyals dels inhibidors de freqüència de fins a 30 dB. A més a més, FENIX s'ha provat amb un sistema comercial de temporització basat en GNSS. En condicions nominals, sense RFI, FENIX introdueix un petit error addicional de tan sols 2-4 ns. Per contra, el biaix màxim mesurat en condicions d'alta interferència (-30 dBm) és de 45 ns, el qual és acceptable per als sistemes de temporització actuals que requereixen nivells de precisió d'uns 100 ns. Finalment, es proposa el disseny d'un sistema robust de seguiment, complementari als GNSS, per a aplicacions que requereixen alta fiabilitat contra RFI.Postprint (published version