8,953 research outputs found

    Random Generation of Arbitrary Waveforms for Emulating Three-Phase Systems

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    This paper describes an apparatus for generating a signal representative of steady-state and transient disturbances in three-phase waveforms of an ac electrical system as described in IEEE Std 1159-09. It can be configured as a synthesizer of randomly distorted signals for different applications: for testing the effects of disturbed grid on equipment and to generate patterns of electrical disturbances for the training of artificial neural networks, which are used for measuring power quality tasks. For the first purpose, voltage and current amplifiers are added in the output stage, which allows the generation of disturbed signals at grid level.Comisión Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnología DPI2006-15467-C02-01Comisión Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnología DPI2006-15467-C02-0

    Partial discharge behavior under operational and anomalous conditions in HVDC systems

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    Power cables undergo various types of overstressing conditions during their operation that influence the integrity of their insulation systems. This causes accelerated ageing and might lead to their premature failure in severe cases. This paper presents an investigation of the impacts of various dynamic electric fields produced by ripples, polarity reversal and transient switching impulses on partial discharge (PD) activity within solid dielectrics with the aim of considering such phenomena in high voltage direct current (HVDC) cable systems. Appropriate terminal voltages of a generic HVDC converter were reproduced - with different harmonic contaminations - and applied to the test samples. The effects of systematic operational polarity reversal and superimposed switching impulses with the possibility of transient polarity reversal were also studied in this investigation. The experimental results show that the PD is greatly affected by the dynamic changes of electric field represented by polarity reversal, ripples and switching. The findings of this study will assist in understanding the behaviour of PDs under HVDC conditions and would be of interest to asset managers considering the effects of such conditions on the insulation diagnostics

    Contactless 2-dimensional laser sensor for 3-dimensional wire position and tension measurements

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    We have developed a contact-free 2-dimensional laser sensor with which the position of wires can be measured in 3 dimensions with an accuracy of better than 10 micrometer and with which the tension of the wires can be determined with an accuracy of 0.04 N. These measurements can be made from a distance of 15 cm. The sensor consists of commercially available laser pointers, lenses, color filters and photodiodes. In our application we have used this laser sensor together with an automated 3 dimensional coordinate table. For a single position measurement, the laser sensor is moved by the 3-dimensional coordinate table in a plane and determines the coordinates at which the wires intersect with this plane. The position of the plane itself (the third coordinate) is given by the third axis of the measurement table which is perpendicular to this plane. The control and readout of the table and the readout of the laser sensor were realized with LabVIEW. The precision of the position measurement in the plane was determined with wires of 0.2 mm and 0.3 mm diameter. We use the sensor for the quality assurance of the wire electrode modules for the KATRIN neutrino mass experiment. We expect that the precision is at least comparable or better if the wires are thinner. Such a device could be well suited for the measurement of wire chamber geometries even with more than one wire layer.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figure

    Designing experiments using digital fabrication in structural dynamics

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    In engineering, traditional approaches aimed at teaching concepts of dynamics to engineering students include the study of a dense yet sequential theoretical development of proofs and exercises. Structural dynamics are seldom taught experimentally in laboratories since these facilities should be provided with expensive equipment such as wave generators, data-acquisition systems, and heavily wired deployments with sensors. In this paper, the design of an experimental experience in the classroom based upon digital fabrication and modeling tools related to structural dynamics is presented. In particular, all experimental deployments are conceived with low-cost, open-source equipment. The hardware includes Arduino-based open-source electronics whereas the software is based upon object-oriented open-source codes for the development of physical simulations. The set of experiments and the physical simulations are reproducible and scalable in classroom-based environments.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Power Electronics Controller Prototyping Tool For Power System Applications

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    Many types of devices based on power converters have been proposed and studied for utility applications. In recent years most of the control systems for these converters have been digital. Unfortunately, such digital controllers, which are often based on a digital signal processor (DSP), are difficult to model in simulation. Thus, hardware prototypes are usually required. This thesis presents a tool for fast prototyping that helps overcome these difficulties. Namely, a hardware-in-the-loop simulation is provided for the digital controller in order to evaluate control algorithms without the voltage source converter and power system. The controller in the loop design methodology is described and the division between the real-time power system model and the hardware controller with an interface is shown. Also, the modulation type, integration time step selection and synchronization between the controller and the real-time system simulation are discussed. The hardware configuration for the real-time simulator and the software implementation of the simulator is discussed. In this thesis an example application of a shunt active compensator following this formal procedure is presented. The active compensator prototyping was first developed in MATLAB/Simulink. Then, following a formal design procedure, the power system was modeled in a digital simulator and the controller was implemented in a digital controller board. Finally, a hardware-in-the-loop test was carried out to validate the performance of the hardware controller for the active compensator. Although the tools and methods presented here are aimed at shunt connected current controller application, they may be generalized for use in the development of any digitally controlled power electronic converter

    Merenje snage po standardu IEEE 1459-2010 upotrebom rezonatorskih filterskih struktura

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    Liberalizacijom tržišta električne energije merenje električne snage i energije u nesinusoidalnim uslovima dobilo je veliki značaj. Ta tema je još uvek predmet aktivnih rasprava, tako da ne postoji neka generalizovana teorija koja se može uzeti kao osnova za potrebe obračuna, evaluacije kvaliteta energije, detekcije izvora harmonika i kompenzacije u energetskim sistemima. Kao posledica, postojeći standardi se odnose na sinusoidalne slučajeve i ne daju definiciju reaktivne energije (i/ili snage) u nesinusoidalnim uslovima. Slično, oni ne daju specifične zahteve za tačnost i odgovarajuće uslove testiranja u prisustvu harmonijskih izobličenja. Jedini standard koji se odnosi na ovu problematiku je IEEE Std. 1459-2010 koji ne daje definiciju reaktivne snage u nesinusoidalnim uslovima. Koncept ovog IEEE standarda je baziran na razdvajanju snage na fundamentalni i nefundamentalni deo. Ovaj prilaz separacije na fundamentalni i harmonijski deo može se primeniti na najbitnije veličine i može se iskoristiti kao indikator kvaliteta. U radu je prikazana jedna efikasna algoritamska struktura za računanje električnih veličina definisanih standardom IEEE 1459-2010. Struktura se sastoji od dva dekuplovana dela. Za estimaciju spektra napona i struje korišćena je efikasna metoda bazirana na paralelnoj strukturi rezonantnih filtera sa zajedničkom povratnom vezom. U drugom delu strukture se na osnovu poznatog spektra naponskog i strujnog signala računaju komponente snage i indikatori kvaliteta na osnovu definicija datih u standardu IEEE 1459-2010. Predloženi algoritam je pogodan za primene u realnom vremenu. Realizacijom virtualnog instrumenta baziranog na PC računaru i programskom paketu LabVIEW, u cilju procene performansi algoritma, izvršene su računarske simulacije i eksperimentalna merenja i dati njihovi rezultati.This paper proposes an accurate and computationally efficient implementation of the IEEE Std. 1459-2010 for power measurements. An implementation is based on digital resonators embedded in a feedback loop. In the first algorithm stage, the unknown signal harmonic parameters are estimated. By this, the voltage and current signals are processed independently of each other. In the second algorithm stage, the unknown power components are estimated (calculated) based on estimated spectra. To demonstrate the performance of the developed algorithm, computer-simulated data and laboratory testing records are processed. Simple LabView implementation, based on the point-by-point processing feature, demonstrates techniques modest computation requirements and confirms that the proposed algorithm is suitable for real-time applications