2 research outputs found

    Расчет оптимальных геометрических параметров акустических антенн в системах технического слуха

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    Для систем технического слуха, устанавливаемых на борт малых мобильных роботов, построена модель акустической антенны с оптимальными геометрическими параметрами для среднего диапазона частот.Для систем технічного слуху, що встановлюються на борт малих мобільних роботів, побудовано модель акустичної антени з оптимальними геометричними параметрами для середнього діапазону частот.Specially for onboard technical hearing systems, which has been installed on small mobile robots, has been build a middle range frequency acoustical antenna with an optimal geometric settings

    PV boost converter conditioning using neural network

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    This master report presents a voltage control system for DC-DC boost converter integrated with Photovoltaic (PV) array using optimized feed-forward neural network controller. A specific output voltage of a boost converter is regulated at a constant value under input voltage variations caused by a sudden changes in irradiation for a purpose of supplying a stabilize dc voltage to Base Transceiver Station (BTS) telecommunication equipment that required a 48V dc input supply to be operated. For a given solar irradiance, the tracking algorithm changes the duty ratio of the converter such that the output voltage produced equals to 48V. This is done by the feed-forward loop, which generates an error signal by comparing converter output voltage and reference voltage. Depending on the error and change of error signals, the neural network controller generates a control signal for the pulse widthmodulation generator which in turn adjusts the duty ratio of the converter. The effectiveness of the proposed method is verified by developing a simulation model in MATLAB-Simulink program. Tracking performance of the proposed controller is also compared with the conventional proportional-integral-differential (PID) controller. The simulation results show that the proposed neural network controller (NNC) produce an improvement of control performance compared to the PID controller