6 research outputs found

    Aplicación móvil con realidad virtual para el aprendizaje del sistema solar de los alumnos de quinto de primaria de la I.E Las Terrazas

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    La presente tesis tuvo como objetivo principal determinar el impacto de una aplicación móvil con realidad virtual para el apoyo del aprendizaje del sistema solar en alumnos del quinto grado de primaria del colegio Las Terrazas. Las teorías que se plantearon respecto a la tesis son que la realidad virtual mejorará el rendimiento académico y reducirá el tiempo de aprendizaje de los estudiantes del 5to grado de primaria del colegio Las Terrazas. Para llevar a cabo dicho proyecto se utilizó la metodología ágil Scrum. El método utilizado es hipotético deductivo ya que se utiliza la observación, existe la creación de hipótesis donde se realizan deducciones sobre el impacto de la realidad virtual en la educación y se hace la comprobación de dichas hipótesis. El tipo de investigación fue experimental, nivel de investigación aplicativo y de diseño cuasi-experimental. Se utilizó como población a 40 alumnos del 5to grado de primaria establecidos en el colegio Las Terrazas, y el tamaño de la muestra (no probabilística) fue de 20 alumnos para el grupo de control y 20 alumnos para el grupo experimental. El instrumento que se planteó fueron la ficha de observación y el programa SPSS para realizar el análisis de los datos; la validez del instrumento que se utilizó fue la validación del contenido y la recolección de datos se obtuvo a través de la medición del tiempo de aprendizaje y de un examen de conocimiento para medir el rendimiento académico. Los resultados fueron satisfactorios, consiguiendo la mejora del rendimiento académico en el proceso de evaluación con un aumento porcentual significativo del 20% y una disminución porcentual significativa del tiempo de aprendizaje del 37% entre los dos grupos. Se recomienda evaluar el impacto del rendimiento académico en todo el plantel y migrar la aplicación Android “Viajando al espacio” al sistema operativo IOS, con la finalidad de aumentar la cobertura y permitir el acceso a un mayor número de estudiantes

    Syarat Tambahan Guru Besar Hendra Jaya

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    Syarat Tambahan Guru Besa

    Konsep Dan Desain Virtual Reality: Untuk Program Pelatihan Di Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan

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    buku ini dengan judul “ KONSEP DAN DESAIN VIRTUAL REALITY: Untuk Program Pelatihan di Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan”. Buku ini berisi mengenai: 1) Pendahuluan; 2) Paradigma Pembelajaran Virtual; 3) Virtual Reality; 4) Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan; 5) Desain Penelitian Virtual Reality; 6) Analisis, Interpretasi, dan Implikasi Penelitian Virtual Reality. Perkembangan teknologi dalam pendidikan yang semakin maju dan meningkat dalam setiap waktu bahkan boleh dikatakan setiap detiknya muncul lagi produk dan teknologi baru. Perkembangan itu kita tidak bisa beriringan, namun dengan demikian kita mesti lebih mengetahui bagaimana konsep perkembangan Teknologi Informasi itu sehingga kita tidak ketinggalan. Untuk itulah didalam buku ini akan mengupas dan mendesain media Virtual Reality yang dapat dijadikan sebagai pelengkap, pendukung, dan pengganti program pelatihan di Industri

    Design of Evaluation Areas Based on Type of Mobile-Based Virtual Reality Training Content

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    In the field of technology education, virtual reality (VR) training has received significant attention in terms of its efficacy in use. Given its many advantages, there is a specific need to emphasize concrete measures for the implementation of VR training in the field of tech education. VR training based on mobile environments has been touted as a means of not only enhancing presence, flow, and learning authenticity, but also of minimizing spatial and temporal constraints. The present study has developed an evaluation tool for VR training contents, including those based on mobile environments. After categorizing VR training contents in the field of tech education into structure comprehension type, procedure learning type, and equipment experiment type contents, we constructed items for each evaluation area. The considered areas included learning, media, and content quality. By conducting Delphi surveys with a panel of experts, we confirmed that the derived evaluation items differed in number across different types of content. Under the learning area, satisfaction was found to be adequate for all content types. Items such as flow, interactivity, and learning effects were found to be adequate for procedure learning and equipment experiment type contents. The media area indicated marked variability in item adequacy depending on the content type. Usability was found to be adequate only for procedure learning type content. For equipment experiment type content, items such as presence, usability, and manipulability were all found to be adequate. All evaluation items under the content design area were found to be adequate across all content types. Thus, regardless of the type of content, it is necessary to fulfil the basic elements within the content design area in order to establish the efficacy of VR training as educational content in the field of tech education

    Virtual reality training for Hajj pilgrims as an innovative community translation dissemination medium

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    During the Islamic pilgrimage known as Hajj, Muslim pilgrims from all over the world, with many different backgrounds, gather together and coexist in the city of Mecca in Saudi Arabia. Managing a large and diverse congregation for the safe and successful completion of Hajj requires effective communication channels between speakers of the mainstream languages and international pilgrims or non-Arabic-speaking pilgrims. The focus of the study is on the use of innovative media in community translation (CT) dissemination methods and will determine which CT dissemination media are the most effective for English-speaking Hajj pilgrims. The study compares three forms of media: the booklet and video guides from the official Mnask Academy media produced by Hajj authorities; and the prototype of this study, an immersive virtual reality-based Hajj training media “VR-Hajj”. The methodology of the study consisted of three stages, starting with the development of assessment tools. Community translation usability (CTX) and medium usability (MX) for the different community translation dissemination media, which were based on the literature on CT studies and user-centred translation (UCT) studies, as well as usability studies (UX). The next stage was prototyping, which involved the collaboration between the researcher and virtual reality experts (developers and designers). The final stage was testing the three community translation dissemination media mentioned earlier with English-speaking Muslim users. A total of 96 Muslim respondents were surveyed, three groups were formed, and each participant evaluated a community translation dissemination medium. The self-administered questionnaire elicited perceptions and feedback about CTX and MX from the three groups. Quantitative data was processed using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS), while qualitative data was analysed using the Thematic Analysis (TA) method. The results of the present study revealed significant differences between the levels of community translation perception and medium usability achieved by participants from each group. In addition, the results revealed the shortcomings of the conventional Mnask Academy training media currently in use, as well as the promising advantages of using innovative immersive virtual reality technology for Hajj training. The study concludes that immersive virtual reality technology, which allows pilgrims to mentally travel to the Hajj area, is more effective for understanding community translation, Hajj rituals and related cultural aspects than passively-created community translation media