2,796 research outputs found

    Advances in PID Control

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    Since the foundation and up to the current state-of-the-art in control engineering, the problems of PID control steadily attract great attention of numerous researchers and remain inexhaustible source of new ideas for process of control system design and industrial applications. PID control effectiveness is usually caused by the nature of dynamical processes, conditioned that the majority of the industrial dynamical processes are well described by simple dynamic model of the first or second order. The efficacy of PID controllers vastly falls in case of complicated dynamics, nonlinearities, and varying parameters of the plant. This gives a pulse to further researches in the field of PID control. Consequently, the problems of advanced PID control system design methodologies, rules of adaptive PID control, self-tuning procedures, and particularly robustness and transient performance for nonlinear systems, still remain as the areas of the lively interests for many scientists and researchers at the present time. The recent research results presented in this book provide new ideas for improved performance of PID control applications

    QoE-Based Low-Delay Live Streaming Using Throughput Predictions

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    Recently, HTTP-based adaptive streaming has become the de facto standard for video streaming over the Internet. It allows clients to dynamically adapt media characteristics to network conditions in order to ensure a high quality of experience, that is, minimize playback interruptions, while maximizing video quality at a reasonable level of quality changes. In the case of live streaming, this task becomes particularly challenging due to the latency constraints. The challenge further increases if a client uses a wireless network, where the throughput is subject to considerable fluctuations. Consequently, live streams often exhibit latencies of up to 30 seconds. In the present work, we introduce an adaptation algorithm for HTTP-based live streaming called LOLYPOP (Low-Latency Prediction-Based Adaptation) that is designed to operate with a transport latency of few seconds. To reach this goal, LOLYPOP leverages TCP throughput predictions on multiple time scales, from 1 to 10 seconds, along with an estimate of the prediction error distribution. In addition to satisfying the latency constraint, the algorithm heuristically maximizes the quality of experience by maximizing the average video quality as a function of the number of skipped segments and quality transitions. In order to select an efficient prediction method, we studied the performance of several time series prediction methods in IEEE 802.11 wireless access networks. We evaluated LOLYPOP under a large set of experimental conditions limiting the transport latency to 3 seconds, against a state-of-the-art adaptation algorithm from the literature, called FESTIVE. We observed that the average video quality is by up to a factor of 3 higher than with FESTIVE. We also observed that LOLYPOP is able to reach a broader region in the quality of experience space, and thus it is better adjustable to the user profile or service provider requirements.Comment: Technical Report TKN-16-001, Telecommunication Networks Group, Technische Universitaet Berlin. This TR updated TR TKN-15-00

    Internet congestion control

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    Control-theoretic approaches for efficient transmission on IEEE 802.11e wireless networks

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    With the increasing use of multimedia applications on the wireless network, the functionalities of the IEEE 802.11 WLAN was extended to allow traffic differentiation so that priority traffic gets quicker service time depending on their Quality of Service (QoS) requirements. The extended functionalities contained in the IEEE Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY) Specifications, i.e. the IEEE 802.11e specifications, are recommended values for channel access parameters along traffic lines and the channel access parameters are: the Minimum Contention Window CWmin, Maximum Contention Window CWmax, Arbitration inter-frame space number, (AIFSN) and the Transmission Opportunity (TXOP). These default Enhanced Distributed Channel Access (EDCA) contention values used by each traffic type in accessing the wireless medium are only recommended values which could be adjusted or changed based on the condition of number of associated nodes on the network. In particular, we focus on the Contention Window (CW) parameter and it has been shown that when the number of nodes on the network is small, a smaller value of CWmin should be used for channel access in order to avoid underutilization of channel time and when the number of associated nodes is large, a larger value of CWmin should be used in order to avoid large collisions and retransmissions on the network. Fortunately, allowance was made for these default values to be adjusted or changed but the challenge has been in designing an algorithm that constantly and automatically tunes the CWmin value so that the Access Point (AP) gives out the right CWmin value to be used on the WLAN and this value should be derived based on the level of activity experienced on the network or predefined QoS constraints while considering the dynamic nature of the WLAN. In this thesis, we propose the use of feedback based control and we design a controller for wireless medium access. The controller will give an output which will be the EDCA CWmin value to be used by contending stations/nodes in accessing the medium and this value will be based on current WLAN conditions. We propose the use of feedback control due to its established mathematical concepts particularly for single-input-single-output systems and multi-variable systems which are scenarios that apply to the WLAN

    ChirpOTLE: A Framework for Practical LoRaWAN Security Evaluation

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    Low-power wide-area networks (LPWANs) are becoming an integral part of the Internet of Things. As a consequence, businesses, administration, and, subsequently, society itself depend on the reliability and availability of these communication networks. Released in 2015, LoRaWAN gained popularity and attracted the focus of security research, revealing a number of vulnerabilities. This lead to the revised LoRaWAN 1.1 specification in late 2017. Most of previous work focused on simulation and theoretical approaches. Interoperability and the variety of implementations complicate the risk assessment for a specific LoRaWAN network. In this paper, we address these issues by introducing ChirpOTLE, a LoRa and LoRaWAN security evaluation framework suitable for rapid iteration and testing of attacks in testbeds and assessing the security of real-world networks.We demonstrate the potential of our framework by verifying the applicability of a novel denial-of-service attack targeting the adaptive data rate mechanism in a testbed using common off-the-shelf hardware. Furthermore, we show the feasibility of the Class B beacon spoofing attack, which has not been demonstrated in practice before.Comment: 11 pages, 14 figures, accepted at ACM WiSec 2020 (13th ACM Conference on Security and Privacy in Wireless and Mobile Networks

    Improved congestion control for packet switched data networks and the Internet

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    Congestion control is one of the fundamental issues in computer networks. Without proper congestion control mechanisms there is the possibility of inefficient utilization of resources, ultimately leading to network collapse. Hence congestion control is an effort to adapt the performance of a network to changes in the traffic load without adversely affecting users perceived utilities. This thesis is a step in the direction of improved network congestion control. Traditionally the Internet has adopted a best effort policy while relying on an end-to-end mechanism. Complex functions are implemented by end users, keeping the core routers of network simple and scalable. This policy also helps in updating the software at the users' end. Thus, currently most of the functionality of the current Internet lie within the end users' protocols, particularly within Transmission Control Protocol (TCP). This strategy has worked fine to date, but networks have evolved and the traffic volume has increased many fold; hence routers need to be involved in controlling traffic, particularly during periods of congestion. Other benefits of using routers to control the flow of traffic would be facilitating the introduction of differentiated services or offering different qualities of service to different users. Any real congestion episode due to demand of greater than available bandwidth, or congestion created on a particular target host by computer viruses, will hamper the smooth execution of the offered network services. Thus, the role of congestion control mechanisms in modern computer networks is very crucial. In order to find effective solutions to congestion control, in this thesis we use feedback control system models of computer networks. The closed loop formed by TCPIIP between the end hosts, through intermediate routers, relies on implicit feedback of congestion information through returning acknowledgements. This feedback information about the congestion state of the network can be in the form of lost packets, changes in round trip time and rate of arrival of acknowledgements. Thus, end hosts can either execute reactive or proactive congestion control mechanisms. The former approach uses duplicate acknowledgements and timeouts as congestion signals, as done in TCP Reno, whereas the latter approach depends on changes in the round trip time, as in TCP Vegas. The protocols employing the second approach are still in their infancy as they cannot co-exist safely with protocols employing the first approach. Whereas TCP Reno and its mutations, such as TCP Sack, are presently widely used in computer networks, including the current Internet. These protocols require packet losses to happen before they can detect congestion, thus inherently leading to wastage of time and network bandwidth. Active Queue Management (AQM) is an alternative approach which provides congestion feedback from routers to end users. It makes a network to behave as a sensitive closed loop feedback control system, with a response time of one round trip time, congestion information being delivered to the end host to reduce data sending rates before actual packets losses happen. From this congestion information, end hosts can reduce their congestion window size, thus pumping fewer packets into a congested network until the congestion period is over and routers stop sending congestion signals. Keeping both approaches in view, we have adopted a two-pronged strategy to address the problem of congestion control. They are to adapt the network at its edges as well as its core routers. We begin by introducing TCPIIP based computer networks and defining the congestion control problem. Next we look at different proactive end-to-end protocols, including TCP Vegas due to its better fairness properties. We address the incompatibility problem between TCP Vegas and TCP Reno by using ECN based on Random Early Detection (RED) algorithm to adjust parameters of TCP Vegas. Further, we develop two alternative algorithms, namely optimal minimum variance and generalized optimal minimum variance, for fair end-to-end protocols. The relationship between (p, 1) proportionally fair algorithm and the generalized algorithm is investigated along with conditions for its stable operation. Noteworthy is a novel treatment of the issue of transient fairness. This represents the work done on congestion control at the edges of network. Next, we focus on router-based congestion control algorithms and start with a survey of previous work done in that direction. We select the RED algorithm for further work due to it being recommended for the implementation of AQM. First we devise a new Hybrid RED algorithm which employs instantaneous queue size along with an exponential weighted moving average queue size for making decisions about packet marking/dropping, and adjusts the average value during periods of low traffic. This algorithm improves the link utilization and packet loss rate as compared to basic RED. We further propose a control theory based Auto-tuning RED algorithm that adapts to changing traffic load. This algorithm can clamp the average queue size to a desired reference value which can be used to estimate queuing delays for Quality of Service purposes. As an alternative approach to router-based congestion control, we investigate Proportional, Proportional-Integral (PI) and Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) principles based control algorithms for AQM. New control-theoretic RED and frequency response based PI and PID control algorithms are developed and their performance is compared with that of existing algorithms. Later we transform the RED and PI principle based algorithms into their adaptive versions using the well known square root of p formula. The performance of these load adaptive algorithms is compared with that of the previously developed fixed parameter algorithms. Apart from some recent research, most of the previous efforts on the design of congestion control algorithms have been heuristic. This thesis provides an effective use of control theory principles in the design of congestion control algorithms. We develop fixed-parameter-type feedback congestion control algorithms as well as their adaptive versions. All of the newly proposed algorithms are evaluated by using ns-based simulations. The thesis concludes with a number of research proposals emanating from the work reported

    Matching SDN and legacy networking hardware for energy efficiency and bounded delay

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    Both economic and environmental costs are driving much research in the area of the energy efficiency of networking equipment. This research has produced a great amount of proposals. However, the majority of them remain unimplemented due to the lack of flexibility of current hardware devices and a certain lack of enthusiasm from commercial vendors. At the same time, Software-Defined Networking (SDN) has allowed customers to control switching decisions with a flexibility and precision previously unheard of. This paper explores the potential convergence between the two aforementioned trends and presents a promising power saving algorithm that can be implemented using standard SDN capabilities of current switches, reducing operation costs on both data centers and wired access networks. In particular, we focus on minimizing the energy consumption in bundles of energy-efficient Ethernet links leveraging SDN. For this, we build on an existing theoretical algorithm and adapt it for implementing with an SDN solution. We study several approaches and compare the resulting algorithms not only according to their energy efficiency, but also taking into account additional QoS metrics. The results show that the resulting algorithm is able to closely match the theoretical results, even when taking into account the requirements of delay-sensitive traffic.Agencia Estatal de Investigación | Ref. TEC2017-85587-

    Machine Learning for Multi-Layer Open and Disaggregated Optical Networks

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