6 research outputs found

    Classified Medium Access Control Algorithm (CL-MAC) for Enhanced Operation of IEEE 802.11ah

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    We present in this apaper a high level framework of a proposed Medium Access Control Algorithm known as Classified Medium Access Control Algorithm for enhanced operation of IEEE 802.11ah.  IEEE 802.11ah is an amendment for the IEEE 802.11 standard known as Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) or Wi-Fi network standard. This amendment was mainly established to increase the number of Wi-Fi stations managed by the single Access Point. As more and more number of heterogeneous network stations emerge to also utilize this network, some techniques have been employed to ensure better management of the network but this still remains an open issue that needs to be tackled. This paper presents a hybrid TDMA and CSMA/CA scheme for the channel access in lieu of the default Enhanced Distributed Channel Access (EDCA) of the WLAN. When compared with the result of the EDCA, the proposed scheme provided a better throughput performance for the IEEE 802.11ah amendment

    HaLow Wi-Fi performance in multiusers and channels environment with MATLAB Simulink

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    HaLow Wi-Fi (IEEE 802.11ah) wireless networking standard. As opposed to 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz-based conventional Wi-Fi networks, it leverages 900 MHz frequencies license-exempt for enabling networks Wi-Fi with a longer range. Lower energy usage makes it possible to build extensive networks of sensors or stations that work together to communicate signals, which is another advantage. In this paper IEEE 802.11ah Wi-Fi system design and implemented using MATLAB Simulink and tested under multiusers and channels environment in terms of Spectrum analyzer and constellation Diagram where 4 users, 2 MHz and 4 MHz channels bandwidth used to perfume the test also power of coarse synchronization, fine synchronization and initial channel estimation, to make Wi-Fi networks with a greater range possible were illustrated in space time stream

    Système de produits et services basés sur l'internet des objets : conception et implantation pilote dans une station-service

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    RÉSUMÉ : La détection omniprésente activée par les technologies du réseau sans fil traverse de nombreux domaines de la vie moderne. Cela offre la possibilité de mesurer, déduire et comprendre les indicateurs environnementaux et des ressources naturelles aux environnements urbains. Dans le moment émergent de l'Internet des objets (IoT), les différents dispositifs intelligents distribués sur la planète nous donnent la possibilité d’assembler, analyser et communiquer les informations du marché en temps réel et prendre les décisions en conséquence. Les entreprises tentent de se différencier des concurrents par une offre combinée de produits et de services. Dans de nombreux cas, l'offre de service peut être étendue si l'entreprise est en mesure de surveiller et de collecter des données à partir de son comportement. Dans un contexte de convergence entre internet des objets et les systèmes de produits et Services (PSS), le but de ce travail est de présenter un moyen d'intégrer les deux concepts, implémenter et analyser les résultats d’un modèle expérimental de l’internet des objets dans une station de service en considérant le modèle d'affaires et les améliorations du service offert. La méthode proposée se concentre sur le processus de sélection, implémentation et analyse d’un système IoT. On a d’abord sélectionné la technologie Bluetooth pour capter les données émises par les dispositifs portés par les utilisateurs. Les capteurs ont été distribués en quatre sections dans le magasin de la station-service afin de maximiser la captation des données. Ces données ont été comparées aux données du système de gestion de l’entreprise afin de vérifier l’efficacité du système. Les résultats des simulations montrent la bonne performance du système proposé pour la mesure de l’audience et mettent particulièrement en évidence l’importance du design des systèmes dans l’adoption des nouvelles technologies. L’avancement de la technologie et l’agrégation des nouvelles connaissances pourra conséquemment générer des systèmes de gestion IoT de confiance qui permettront aux applications de l’IoT de fonctionner sur tous les types de périphériques, et de gérer de grands volumes, topologies complexes et installations hétérogènes de tels dispositifs mobiles. L'absence de tels outils à l’heure actuelle reflète la fragmentation du marché de l'IoT, ainsi que les limites techniques des appareils.----------ABSTRACT : The ubiquitous detection activated by wireless network technologies crosses many areas of modern life. This provides the opportunity to measure, derive and understand environmental and natural resource indicators from urban environments. In the emerging moment of the Internet of Things (IoT), the various smart devices distributed on the planet, give us the ability to assemble, analyze and communicate market information in real time and make decisions accordingly. Companies try to differentiate themselves from competitors through a combined offer of products and services. In many cases, the service offer can be extended if the company is able to monitor and collect data based on its behaviour. In a context of convergence between the Internet of Things (IoT) and the Product-Service Systems (PSS), the goal of this work is to present a way to integrate the two concepts, implement and analyze the results of an experimental model of the internet of things in a gas station by considering the business model and the improvements of the service offered. The proposed method focuses on the process of selecting, implementing and analyzing an IoT system. We first selected Bluetooth technology to capture data from user’s devices. The sensors were distributed in four sections in the gas station convenience store to maximize data capture. This data was compared with the data from the enterprise management system to verify the effectiveness of the system. The results from the simulations show a good performance of the proposed system for audience measurement and highlight the importance of system design for the adoption of new technologies. The advancement of technology and the aggregation of new knowledge can consequently generate trusted IoT management systems that will allow an IoT application to work on all types of peripherals, and to manage large volumes, complex topologies and heterogeneous installations of such mobile devices. The current lack of such tools reflects the immaturity and fragmentation of the IoT market, as well as the technical limitations of the devices

    Proposta de estação meteorológica inteligente baseada em ambientes IoT

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Tecnologia, Departamento de Engenharia Elétrica, 2018.Este documento apresenta os resultados do projeto final de graduação do curso de Engenharia de Redes da Universidade de Brasília, projeto este cujo principal objetivo é elaborar um protótipo de estação meteorológica inteligente e autônoma, de forma a utilizar os conceitos de Internet das Coisas para aplicar uma possível solução para os problemas de conectividade e mobilidade na transmissão de dados meteorológicos. O presente documento contém a fundamentação teórica do trabalho, a realização e implementação do projeto, bem como os dados experimentais obtidos com o protótipo construído. São abordados os principais conceitos que envolvem Internet das Coisas (IoT), as dificuldades e problemas encontrados na definição e aplicação desses conceitos, especificamente na implementação e aplicabilidade na prototipação do dispositivo, bem como na captura e comunicação de dados da estação meteorológica proposta. O projeto, cuja metodologia reúne aspectos de análise, de prototipação e de validação, mostra a viabilidade da utilização de IoT em aplicação de meteorologia inteligente e apresenta indicadores de interesse no que se refere à autonomia e informações coletadas, tratadas e disponibilizadas

    Contributo do internet of things para a sofisticação do cálculo do prémio de seguro automóvel em Portugal

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    Dissertation presented as the partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Information Management, specialization in Information Systems and Technologies ManagementO seguro automóvel em Portugal acarreta enormes inquietações no setor segurador e na sociedade, devido ao seu impacto económico e influência no bem-estar social. A metodologia utilizada atualmente no cálculo do seu prémio de seguro em Portugal encontra-se desajustada face às necessidades dos automobilistas e das seguradoras. Esta metodologia recorre somente a variáveis pouco dinâmicas que revelam fraca precisão na avaliação dos riscos suportados, provocando não só uma ineficácia operacional nos seus processos de negócio como também desigualdades sociais. O principal objetivo deste estudo visa contribuir para a otimização desse cálculo, recorrendo às capacidades técnicas oferecidas pelo Internet of Things (IoT). Neste contexto, realizou-se um enquadramento da situação atual do mercado segurador, foram identificados os seus intervenientes e foram analisados e comparados diferentes métodos de cálculo do prémio de seguro automóvel em Portugal, União Europeia e Estados Unidos. Os métodos baseados na tecnologia IoT permitem estimar com maior exatidão o risco associado ao comportamento do condutor e do veículo em tempo real. De acordo com estes objetivos e segundo a legislação em vigor referente à proteção dos dados pessoais, foi desenhada uma arquitetura de um sistema de informação que incentive a gestão eficaz do risco automóvel coberto pelas seguradoras.The auto insurance premiums in Portugal are a concern to insurance sector and society, due to its economic impact and influence in social well-being. Currently, the methodology used to estimate the risk of each vehicle in Portugal and, consequently the respective premium, is misfit and not aligned with the driver’s needs. This methodology uses only variables that lack of precision in evaluating risks, causing not only operational ineffiency in insurance companies’ business processes but also creating social inequalities. The main objective of this study is to contribute to the optimization of this calculation, using the technical capabilities offered by the Internet of Things (IoT). In this context, the current situation of the insurance market was analyzed, the stakeholders were identified and different calculating methods were analyzed and compared. The IoT-based methods allow to accurately estimate the risk associated with the driver and the vehicle behaviors in real time. In accordance with these objectives, and the current legislation regarding the protection of personal data, an IoT architecture of an information system was designed to encourage insurers in adopt a most effective management of automobile risk