4 research outputs found


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    Esta revisión comienza ubicando a Zigbee dentro del contexto de redes. Para esto, se clasifican las mismas según su cobertura en: redes de área geográfica o WAN (Wide Área Network), redes de área local o LAN (Local Área Network) y redes de área personal o PAN (Personal Area Network). También se clasifican de acuerdo a su rango de cobertura. Se hace una comparación general de estándares inalámbricos en cuanto a consumo de potencia, capacidad de transmisión de datos y alcance. Con esto se ubica al estándar IEEE 802.15.4 destinado a cubrir con ventajas las aplicaciones de muy bajo consumo y baja velocidad de transmisión de datos. Se introduce el estándar Zigbee como una extensión del IEEE 802.15.4. El trabajo continúa describiendo las capas de ZigBee comenzando con la capa física hasta la capa aplicación. Se mencionan algunos aspectos de seguridad informática implementados en este protocolo y luego algunos de los muchos anuncios que publica la página oficial de Alliance ZigBee.This review begins placing within the context of Zigbee networks. For this, they are classified according to their coverage: geographical area network or WAN (Wide Area Network), local area network or LAN (Local Area Network) and Personal Area Network or PAN (Personal Area Network). They are also classified according to their range of coverage. A general comparison of wireless standards in terms of power consumption, data transmission capacity is made and scope. With this being located to the IEEE 802.15.4 standard intended to cover benefits applications with very low power consumption and low speed data transmission. The Zigbee standard is introduced as an extension of IEEE 802.15.4. The work continues describing the layers of ZigBee starting with the physical layer to the application layer. Some aspects of security implemented in this protocol and then some of the many advertisements published by the official website of ZigBee Alliance are mentioned

    Value of Information Analysis in the Smart Agriculture Scenario using Wireless Internet of Things

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    openThe trend of Internet of Things development in the agriculture sector has led a high demand towards advanced technological settings with high efficiency and effectiveness. Often, the constructed sensor network suffers from excessive energy consumption due to the existence of collisions, and/or redundant data transmissions (time and space redundancy). In recent years, researchers have been trying to resolve this phenomenon by introducing a new quantitative metric, named Value of Information, which determines how valuable a generated information is. We want to make sure that the cost we spend for transmitting a packet corresponds to the value of the information that a packet submitted. In this thesis, we analyze such a metric from the agriculture point of view. Practical applications of this rationale include the reduction of update frequency by sensor considering the cost and network models that consider the transmissions of valuable packet only. These problems are evaluated through numerical simulation, in practical implementation contexts of a Lora network in real plantation and from a general perspective of future implementation.The trend of Internet of Things development in the agriculture sector has led a high demand towards advanced technological settings with high efficiency and effectiveness. Often, the constructed sensor network suffers from excessive energy consumption due to the existence of collisions, and/or redundant data transmissions (time and space redundancy). In recent years, researchers have been trying to resolve this phenomenon by introducing a new quantitative metric, named Value of Information, which determines how valuable a generated information is. We want to make sure that the cost we spend for transmitting a packet corresponds to the value of the information that a packet submitted. In this thesis, we analyze such a metric from the agriculture point of view. Practical applications of this rationale include the reduction of update frequency by sensor considering the cost and network models that consider the transmissions of valuable packet only. These problems are evaluated through numerical simulation, in practical implementation contexts of a Lora network in real plantation and from a general perspective of future implementation

    Big data and IoT-based applications in smart environments: A systematic review

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    This paper reviews big data and Internet of Things (IoT)-based applications in smart environments. The aim is to identify key areas of application, current trends, data architectures, and ongoing challenges in these fields. To the best of our knowledge, this is a first systematic review of its kind, that reviews academic documents published in peer-reviewed venues from 2011 to 2019, based on a four-step selection process of identification, screening, eligibility, and inclusion for the selection process. In order to examine these documents, a systematic review was conducted and six main research questions were answered. The results indicate that the integration of big data and IoT technologies creates exciting opportunities for real-world smart environment applications for monitoring, protection, and improvement of natural resources. The fields that have been investigated in this survey include smart environment monitoring, smart farming/agriculture, smart metering, and smart disaster alerts. We conclude by summarizing the methods most commonly used in big data and IoT, which we posit to serve as a starting point for future multi-disciplinary research in smart cities and environments


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    The thesis predominantly discusses a smart sensor and tracking system for under- ground mining, as developed by the author. The tracking system is developed by two steps, the rst of which involves nding an e cient way to measure the distance, and the second of which involves localizing the positions of each miner in real-time. For the rst step, a Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI) is used to measure the distance between two points by indicating the amount of energy lost during the transmission. Due to environmental and human factors, errors exist when using RSSI to measure distance. Three methods are taken to reduce the error: Gaussian distribution, statistical average and preset points. It can be observed that the average error between actual distance and measured distance is only 0.1145 meters using the proposed model. In regards to the localization, the "3-point localization method" is considered rst. With the proposed method, the result of the localization is improved by 0.6 meters, as compared to the "2-point localization method". The transmission method for the project is then discussed. After comparing sev- eral transmission protocols in the market, ZigBee was chosen for the signal trans- mission. With the Zigbee protocol, up to 65000 nodes can be connected, which are suitable for many miners using the system at the same time. The power supply for the ZigBee protocol is only 1mW for each unit, thus potentially saving a great amount of energy during the transmission. To render the tracking system more powerful, two smart sensors are installed: an MQ-2 sensor and a temperature sensor. The MQ-2 sensor is used to detect the harmful gas and smoke. In the event that the sensor's detected value is beyond the threshold, it will provide a warning for the supervisor on the ground