4 research outputs found


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    Peningkatan kebutuhan energi listrik harus diimbangi dengan kemampuan pembangkit listrik yang ada. Salah satu caranya yaitu dengan menambah jumlah pembangkit listrik. Penambahan pembangkit listrik dapat dilakukan dengan memanfaatkan energi yang dapat diperbarui (renewable energy), seperti angin dan sinar matahari. Pembangkit listrik tenaga renewable energy menghasilkan tegangan DC yang berfluktuasi, sehingga membutuhkan peralatan elektronika daya seperti boost converter dan inverter. Boost converter berfungsi untuk menaikan sekaligus menstabilkan tegangan DC keluaran generator atau sel surya, dan inverter berfungsi untuk mengubah tegangan DC menjadi tegangan AC. Agar dapat menjalankan fungsinya, boost converter harus dilengkapi dengan sistem kontrol. Pada penelitian ini, telah dirancang dan diuji performansi pengontrolan bang-bang controller pada boost converter. Pengontrolan bang-bang controller memiliki beberapa kelebihan, yaitu mampu mengontrol sistem yang tidak linier, prinsip kerja yang sederhana, mampu bekerja dengan cepat, dan tidak memerlukan pemodelan matematis dari sistem yang akan dikontrol. Pada pengujian ini, telah dibuktikan bahwa bang-bang controller mampu menstabilkan tegangan output dari boost converter yang diberi tegangan input dan beban yang bervariasi. Kata kunci : DC-DC converter, boost converter, bang-bang controller

    Voltage Regulation of Boost Converter using Observer based Sliding Mode Controller

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    This study dealt with output voltage regulation of boost converter using observer based sliding mode controller comprises of adaptive PI sliding surface. Observer was designed to estimate the inductor current value, such that no sensor was required as a feedback. Adaptive PI sliding surface was constructed from the difference between estimated inductor current and its reference value. The stability of proposed method was ensured by using Lyapunov direct method. To test the system performance, numerical simulation was conducted. The result indicated that the integral absolute error value of proposed method was 0.19, which was 7 times less than sliding mode with PI sliding surface. Consequently, the proposed method was able to estimate accurately the inductor value, track the reference voltage perfectly, and show its robustness against parameter variations

    Design and Simulation of Fuzzy Logic Controlled Car Parking Assist System

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    The simulation of the autonomous self-parking car model is introduced in this paper. The system using a fuzzy logic controller in monitoring the car into a parking spot. The car will be manoeuvred to the parking space along a curvilinear path called path planning that designed to prevent crashing with the neighbouring cars or obstacles. In this project, it has used the Simulink in MATLAB to compute the system. The Simulink has an easier way to set up the rules in fuzzy control. The system imitates human thinking in performing the parking whereby it controls the steering angle and speed of the car corresponded to the situation of the car

    Fuzzy Sliding Mode Control of DC-DC Boost Converter

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    A sliding mode fuzzy control method which combines sliding mode and fuzzy logic control for DC-DC boost converter is designed to achieve robustness and better performance. A fuzzy sliding mode controller in which sliding surface whose reference is obtained from the output of the outer voltage loop is used to control the inductor current. A linear PI controller is used for the outer voltage loop. The control system is simulated using Matlab/Simulink. The simulation results are presented for input voltage and load variations. Simulated results are given to show the effectiveness of the control system