1,233 research outputs found

    Hybrid of Solar Energy Harvesting using IoT and WSN Technology

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    Many experts consider WSNs to be one of the most important scientific topics. To fully utilize WSNs to increase the lifespan of sensors, however, is challenging due to the significant energy limits. Numerous methods for energy collecting, energy transfer, and energy conservation have been proposed.  The internet of things (IoT) manages a vast infrastructure of web-enabled smart devices. It does this by using data collected from its surroundings. Therefore, such devices are composed of scalable, light, and power-efficient storage nodes that, in order to operate practically, need electricity and batteries. The effectiveness and durability of IoT devices are undoubtedly greatly influenced by energy harvesting. The LEACH protocol is used along with the solar EH approach. The battery's charging and discharging curves as well as the nodes' energy state are depicted graphically. The converter receives switching pulses from the microcontroller, which also displays output current, solar panel voltage, and supercapacitor voltage. The simulation findings show that after using the solar EH approach, the battery and network lifetimes are increased

    Application and Energy-Aware Data Aggregation using Vector Synchronization in Distributed Battery-less IoT Networks

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    The battery-less Internet of Things (IoT) devices are a key element in the sustainable green initiative for the next-generation wireless networks. These battery-free devices use the ambient energy, harvested from the environment. The energy harvesting environment is dynamic and causes intermittent task execution. The harvested energy is stored in small capacitors and it is challenging to assure the application task execution. The main goal is to provide a mechanism to aggregate the sensor data and provide a sustainable application support in the distributed battery-less IoT network. We model the distributed IoT network system consisting of many battery-free IoT sensor hardware modules and heterogeneous IoT applications that are being supported in the device-edge-cloud continuum. The applications require sensor data from a distributed set of battery-less hardware modules and there is provision of joint control over the module actuators. We propose an application-aware task and energy manager (ATEM) for the IoT devices and a vector-synchronization based data aggregator (VSDA). The ATEM is supported by device-level federated energy harvesting and system-level energy-aware heterogeneous application management. In our proposed framework the data aggregator forecasts the available power from the ambient energy harvester using long-short-term-memory (LSTM) model and sets the device profile as well as the application task rates accordingly. Our proposed scheme meets the heterogeneous application requirements with negligible overhead; reduces the data loss and packet delay; increases the hardware component availability; and makes the components available sooner as compared to the state-of-the-art.Comment: 10 pages, 11 figure

    Smart system for control and monitoring of swimming pools

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    Internet of Things emerged as one of the biggest promises of evolutional technologies, being increasingly identified as a dependency of the quotidian life. It is based on the connection of many devices that aims to simplify daily activities providing monitorization activities, remote control or the development of smart environments that aims to reduce the need of human intervention. Taking into consideration that the incorrect use of fresh water in daily activities is nowadays a big concern as well as the need to keep track of water quality in order to inform the user about potential risk situations, this dissertation proposes the appliance of IoT concept with a new scheme for monitoring and control of swimming pools quality through a low-cost system based on wireless sensor and actuator networks, which can reduce the requirements of human in the swimming pool maintenance. The main purpose of this system is to provide resources savings for the final user in financial and natural resources, contributing to a more sustainable environment. An Android mobile application was developed, providing users to monitor and remotely control swimming pool’s parameters in real time, providing an easier data analysis and the definition of thresholds to each parameter in order to notify the user when the imposed limits are exceeded. The remote control of some devices is possible to do in two modes: manually or automatically. The developed solution presents a system designed and implemented with a simple architecture and high efficiency level, with practical demonstrations of the obtained results.A Internet das Coisas surgiu como uma das maiores promessas tecnolĂłgicas, sendo cada vez mais identificada como um fator de dependĂȘncia no quotidiano. Esta baseia-se na conexĂŁo de dispositivos capazes de proporcionar atividades de monitorização, controlo remoto ou desenvolvimento de ambientes inteligentes que visam reduzir a necessidade da intervenção humana. Tendo em conta o uso incorreto de recursos como a ĂĄgua em atividades do dia-a-dia, cada vez mais existe uma grande preocupação e necessidade de acompanhar a qualidade da ĂĄgua para manter os seus utilizadores informados sobre possĂ­veis situaçÔes de risco. Esta dissertação propĂ”e a aplicação do conceito da Internet das Coisas com um novo esquema para monitorização e controlo da qualidade das piscinas, atravĂ©s de um sistema de baixo custo baseado numa rede sem fios de sensores e atuadores, reduzindo a requisição de recursos humanos na manutenção de piscinas. O principal objetivo deste sistema Ă© proporcionar a poupança de recursos econĂłmicos e naturais aos seus utilizadores, contribuindo para um ambiente mais sustentĂĄvel. Foi desenvolvida uma aplicação Android, que possibilita a monitorização e controlo remoto de dados recolhidos das piscinas em tempo real, fornecendo uma anĂĄlise de dados e a definição de limites para cada um dos parĂąmetros, de modo a notificar o utilizador quando os limites definidos forem excedidos. O controlo de alguns dispositivos Ă© possĂ­vel atravĂ©s de dois modos: manualmente e automaticamente. A solução desenvolvida apresenta um sistema desenhado e implementado com uma arquitetura simples um alto nĂ­vel de eficiĂȘncia, com demonstraçÔes prĂĄticas e resultados obtidos

    Intelligent rainwater reuse system for irrigation

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    Os avanços tecnolĂłgicos na ĂĄrea da Internet das Coisas tĂȘm vindo a criar cada vez mais soluçÔes na ĂĄrea da agricultura. Estas soluçÔes sĂŁo bastante importantes para a vida, uma vez que conduzem Ă  poupança do recurso mais precioso, a ĂĄgua, sendo esta necessidade de poupar ĂĄgua uma preocupação mundial. A dissertação propĂ”e a criação de um sistema Internet das Coisas, baseado numa rede de sensores e actuadores interligados que monitorizam automaticamente a qualidade da ĂĄgua da chuva que Ă© armazenada dentro de um tanque, a fim de ser utilizada para irrigação. O principal objectivo Ă© promover a sustentabilidade, reutilizando a ĂĄgua da chuva para sistemas de irrigação, em vez da ĂĄgua que normalmente estĂĄ disponĂ­vel para outras funçÔes, tais como outras produçÔes ou mesmo tarefas domĂ©sticas. Foi desenvolvida uma aplicação mĂłvel, para o Android, para que o utilizador possa controlar e monitorizar o seu sistema, em tempo real. Na aplicação Ă© possĂ­vel visualizar os dados que traduzem a qualidade da ĂĄgua inserida no tanque, bem como realizar algumas acçÔes sobre os actuadores implementados, tais como iniciar/parar o sistema de rega e despejar a ĂĄgua em caso de mĂĄ qualidade da ĂĄgua. O sistema implementado traduz uma solução simples com um elevado nĂ­vel de eficiĂȘncia e testes e resultados obtidos, dentro do ambiente possĂ­vel.The technological advances in the area of Internet of Things have been creating more and more solutions in the area of agriculture. These solutions are quite important for life, as they lead to the saving of the most precious resource, water, being this need to save water a concern worldwide. The dissertation proposes the creation of an Internet of Things system, based on a network of sensors and interconnected actuators that automatically monitors the quality of the rainwater that is stored inside a tank, in order to be used for irrigation. The main objective is to promote sustainability by reusing rainwater for irrigation systems, instead of water that is usually available for other functions, such as other productions or even domestic tasks. A mobile application was developed, for Android, so that the user can control and monitor his system, in real time. In the application it is possible to visualize the data that translate the quality of the water inserted in the tank, as well as perform some actions on the implemented actuators, such as start/stop the irrigation system and pour the water in case of poor water quality. The implemented system translates a simple solution with a high level of efficiency and tests and results obtained, within the possible environmen

    Development of a low power reactive wireless chemical sensing network

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    The Internet of Things Research in Agriculture: A Bibliometric Analysis

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    An in-depth analysis of Internet of Things (IoT) applications expertise for agriculture. This article's primary purpose is to provide a comprehensive and organized review of IoT research in agriculture themes. Although recent research has offered some pertinent information regarding the analysis of IoT applications in agriculture, further information is needed. Bibliometric analysis is utilized to objectively investigate, and develop information knowledge of IoT applications in agriculture. The papers investigated and examined the themes of IoT-agriculture by analyzing the co-occurrence keywords. The analysis began by picking 550 papers from the Scopus database that were published from 2003 to May 2023. The results show that IoT agriculture papers have grown rapidly since 2015 until now. The three journals that published the most IoT agricultural publications are Sensors (Switzerland), Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, and IEEE Access. Based on the co-occurrence keywords, the focus of IoT paper in agriculture is wireless sensors network (WSN) and radio frequency identification (RFID) for agricultural monitoring, smart agriculture with IoT blockchain and machine learning, IoT greenhouses with cloud computing and artificial intelligence (AI), components of IoT agriculture, precision agriculture with low power low range (LoRa) communication network and IoT cloud platform, smart farming with sensor networks and automation. The study provided an understanding of themes of the IoT agriculture that has been carried out and its future growth. The future of IoT application will elaborate a system efficient, consumes less energy, and emits less carbon dioxide. It has begun by combining IoT-agriculture with the technology edge-fog-cloud layer

    Contemporary analysis and architecture for a generic cloud-based sensor data management platform.

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    An increasing volume of data is being generated by sensors and smart devices deployed in different areas, often far from computing facilities such as data centres. These data can be difficult to gather and process using local computing infrastructure. This is due to cost and limited resources. Cloud computing provides scalable resources that are capable of addressing such problems. However, platform-independent methods of gathering and transmitting sensor data to Clouds are not widely available. This paper presents a state-of-the-art analysis of Cloud-based sensor monitoring and data gathering platforms. It discusses their strengths and weaknesses and reviews the current trends in this area. Informed by the analysis, the paper further proposes a generic conceptual architecture for achieving a platform-neutral Cloud-based sensor monitoring and data gathering platform. We also discuss the objectives, design decisions and the implementation considerations for the conceptual architecture.IC

    P2P, CSC and TE: A Survey on Hardware, Software and Data

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    Peer-to-Peer (P2P), Transactive Energy (TE) and Community Self-Consumption (CSC) are exciting energy generation and use models, offering several opportunities for prosumers, micro-grids and services to the grid; however, they require numerous components to function efficiently. Various hardware devices are required to transmit data and control the generation and consumption equipment, whereas software is needed to use the gathered information to monitor and manage the hardware and energy trading. Data can be gathered from a variety of origins from within the grid and external sources; however, these data must be well-structured and consistent to be useful. This paper sets out to gather information regarding the hardware, software and data from the several archetypes available, focusing on existing projects and trials in these areas to see what the most-common hardware, software and data components are. The result presents a concise overview of the hardware, software and data-related topics and structures within the P2P, TE and CSC energy generation and use models

    Modelling and analysis of piezoelectric energy harvester

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    Trabalho final de mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia EletrotĂ©cnica – EnergiaEnergy harvesting based on piezoelectric harvesters became a subject of interest in recent years, mainly due to its applications in low power devices such as wireless sensors. The harvested energy applied into piezoelectric sensors does not only depends on vibration input level but also depends on piezoelectric material properties. A description of working principle of vibration piezoelectric energy harvester is presented, starting with piezoelectric effect the discovery, type of the piezoelectric sensor and piezoelectric sensor materials. A mathematical model of piezoelectric film is addressed and implemented in simulation software in order to simulate the QP20W piezo film sensor considered in this study. The EFM32 Giant Gecko Starter Kit and Simplicity StudioÂź software, are used to validate the developed model and an analysis of macro-scale of piezoelectric energy harvester system is performed. A laboratorial implementation of a vibration on off switch based on piezoelectric sensor is accomplished in order to demonstrate a simple application of piezoelectric sensors.Neste trabalho sĂŁo apresentadas as fontes de aproveitamento de energia (energy harvesting) e as tecnologias existentes. É apresentado um enquadramento das tecnologias existentes no Ăąmbito do aproveitamento de energia vibracional, nomeadamente dos sensores piezoelĂ©tricos sendo descritas as suas caracterĂ­sticas. É apresentado e analisado um modelo matemĂĄtico e implementado em software de simulação. Para validação do modelo desenvolvido Ă© utilizado um kit comercial com um sensor piezoelĂ©trico do tipo QP20W. É apresentada uma solução baseada em simulação de um aproveitamento de energia em larga escala e apontadas possĂ­veis aplicaçÔes. É apresentada uma implementação prĂĄtica de um sistema de aplicação de um sensor piezoelĂ©trico para aproveitamento da energia gerada por vibração.N/
