779 research outputs found

    Design and evaluation of safety-critical applications based on inter-vehicle communication

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    Inter-vehicle communication has a potential to improve road traffic safety and efficiency. Technical feasibility of communication between vehicles has been extensively studied, but due to the scarcity of application-level research, communication\u27s impact on the road traffic is still unclear. This thesis addresses this uncertainty by designing and evaluating two fail-safe applications, namely, Rear-End Collision Avoidance and Virtual Traffic Lights

    Personal area technologies for internetworked services

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    Energy Efficiency Optimization for Mutual-Coupling-Aware Wireless Communication System based on RIS-enhanced SWIPT

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    The widespread deployment of the Internet of Things (IoT) is promoting interest in simultaneous wireless information and power transfer (SWIPT), the performance of which can be further improved by employing a reconfigurable intelligent surface (RIS). In this paper, we propose a novel RIS-enhanced SWIPT system built on an electromagnetic-compliant framework. The mutual-coupling effects in the whole system are presented explicitly. Moreover, the reconfigurability of RIS is no longer expressed by the reflection-coefficient matrix but by the impedances of the tunable circuit. For comparison, both the no-coupling and the coupling-awareness cases are discussed. In particular, the energy efficiency (EE) is maximized by cooperatively optimizing the impedance parameters of the RIS elements as well as the active beamforming vectors at the base station (BS). For the coupling-awareness case, the considered problem is split into several sub-problems and solved alternatively due to its nonconvexity. Firstly, it is transformed into a more solvable form by applying the Neuman series approximation, which can be resolved iteratively. Then an alternative optimization (AO) framework and semi-definite relaxation (SDR), successive convex approximation (SCA), and Dinkelbach’s algorithm are applied to solve each sub-problem decomposed from it. Owning to the similarity between the two cases, the no-coupling one can be viewed as a reduced form of the coupling case and thus solved through a similar approach. Numerical results reveal the influence of mutual-coupling effects on the EE, especially in the RIS with closely spaced elements. In addition, physical beam designs are presented to demonstrate how the RIS assists SWIPT through various reflecting states in different conditions

    A New Differential Positioning Method using Modulation Correlation of Signals of Opportunity

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    Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) have become the positioning systems of choice for many applications. However, GNSS signals are susceptible to obstruction, interference and jamming. Therefore, to maximize robustness and integrity, it is necessary to employ a dissimilar positioning technology that can operate independently and back-up GNSS. One such technology exploits 'signals of opportunity' - signals that are designed for purposes other than navigation.This paper presents a system that uses amplitude modulation (AM) radio broadcasts in the medium frequency (MF) band. At these frequencies, the predominant ground-wave propagation mode offers better coverage in remote areas and over sea than is achievable with higher frequency signals.The system is differential and operates by correlating modulation information between the reference and user receivers. A system of this form mitigates the deterioration in and around buildings encountered in prior systems and can provide absolute position using fewer signals than a system using only carrier phase.The system presented in this paper uses generalized cross correlation to obtain time difference of arrival measurements that are subsequently used for position determination. Preliminary results indicate the system provides a robust position solution. Moreover, the system offers the potential to be combined with carrier phase measurements to achieve enhanced performance, while the modulation correlation technique is readily extendable to other types of signal

    Joint bi-static radar and communications designs for intelligent transportation

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    The cooperation of radar and communications becomes important in vehicular environments due to the demand for radar-assisted communications or communications-assisted radar. In this paper, the tradeoff between bi-static radar and communications in a joint radar-communications setting is studied. We propose three schemes by using time division, superposition or their mixture. For each scheme, three optimization problems are formulated to maximize either the probability of detection for radar subject to a minimum communications rate, the communications rate subject to a minimum probability of detection for radar, or a combined measure of tradeoff. Specifically, given a fixed amount of total time or power for both communications and radar, the optimal power allocation and/or time allocation between radar and communications are derived. Numerical results show that the superposition scheme outperforms the time division scheme and the mixture scheme with considerable performance gains. They also show that the surveillance channel in radar and the communications channel are more important than the direct channel in radar

    Intrusion Detection In Wireless Sensor Networks

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    There are several applications that use sensor motes and researchers continue to explore additional applications. For this particular application of detecting the movement of humans through the sensor field, a set of Berkley mica2 motes on TinyOS operating system is used. Different sensors such as pressure, light, and so on can be used to identify the presence of an intruder in the field. In our case, the light sensor is chosen for the detection. When an intruder crosses the monitored environment, the system detects the changes of the light values, and any significant change meaning that a change greater than a pre-defined threshold. This indicates the presence of an intruder. An integrated web cam is used to take snapshot of the intruder and transmit the picture through the network to a remote station. The basic motivation of this thesis is that a sensor web system can be used to monitor and detect any intruder in a specific area from a remote location

    FPGA-based Image Analysis System for Cotton Classing

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    The design and implementation of an FPGA (field-programmable gate array) based image analysis system was undertaken to replace an older system whose components have become obsolete. Video from an analog camera is digitized by a video decoder. The data from the video decoder is stored in memory and then processed using an FPGA. The results are then transmitted over a universal serial bus (USB) to a host personal computer for additional processing. The system also controls the timing of a flash to correctly capture the images; it measures color and reflectance and is used to classify the quality of raw cotton by determining the concentration of impurities (e.g. leaves or trash). The original system is first described and the need for upgrading presented. The goals of the new system are then specified and its implementation presented along with the design space tradeoffs that were considered. Finally, the results obtained from using the new system are presented to demonstrate its effectiveness

    Development of a security network (SECNET) based on integrated services digital network (ISDN)

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    The progress in the computing and communication industries together with the fast evolution of the semiconductor industry has made possible advances in the communications field. These advances have been used by other related applications to improve the services that they bring about. On the other hand, business crimes have increased three digits orders of magnitude in one decade, making from 20% to 30% of small businesses fail. These conditions demand new solutions to make security systems more reliable and efficient. The present work combines ISDN as a network with a security system to create a security network (SECNET). It will create intelligent and distributed security devices that communicate information from different places to a main security office by using the ISDN lines available at the premises. This work also introduces a new idea of individual equipment protection