4,918 research outputs found

    Adaptive search techniques in AI planning and heuristic search

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    State-space search is a common approach to solve problems appearing in artificial intelligence and other subfields of computer science. In such problems, an agent must find a sequence of actions leading from an initial state to a goal state. However, the state spaces of practical applications are often too large to explore exhaustively. Hence, heuristic functions that estimate the distance to a goal state (such as straight-line distance for navigation tasks) are used to guide the search more effectively. Heuristic search is typically viewed as a static process. The heuristic function is assumed to be unchanged throughout the search, and its resulting values are directly used for guidance without applying any further reasoning to them. Yet critical aspects of the task may only be discovered during the search, e.g., regions of the state space where the heuristic does not yield reliable values. Our work here aims to make this process more dynamic, allowing the search to adapt to such observations. One form of adaptation that we consider is online refinement of the heuristic function. We design search algorithms that detect weaknesses in the heuristic, and address them with targeted refinement operations. If the heuristic converges to perfect estimates, this results in a secondary method of progress, causing search algorithms that are otherwise incomplete to eventually find a solution. We also consider settings that inherently require adaptation: In online replanning, a plan that is being executed must be amended for changes in the environment. Similarly, in real-time search, an agent must act under strict time constraints with limited information. The search algorithms we introduce in this work share a common pattern of online adaptation, allowing them to effectively react to challenges encountered during the search. We evaluate our contributions on a wide range of standard benchmarks. Our results show that the flexibility of these algorithms makes them more robust than traditional approaches, and they often yield substantial improvements over current state-of-the-art planners.Die Zustandsraumsuche ist ein oft verwendeter Ansatz um verschiedene Probleme zu lösen, die in der KĂŒnstlichen Intelligenz und anderen Bereichen der Informatik auftreten. Dabei muss ein Akteur eine Folge von Aktionen finden, die einen Pfad von einem Startzustand zu einem Zielzustand bilden. Die ZustandsrĂ€ume von praktischen Anwendungen sind hĂ€ufig zu groß um sie vollstĂ€ndig zu durchsuchen. Aus diesem Grund leitet man die Suche mit Heuristiken, die die Distanz zu einem Zielzustand abschĂ€tzen; zum Beispiel lĂ€sst sich die Luftliniendistanz als Heuristik fĂŒr Navigationsprobleme einsetzen. Heuristische Suche wird typischerweise als statischer Prozess angesehen. Man nimmt an, dass die Heuristik wĂ€hrend der Suche eine unverĂ€nderte Funktion ist, und die resultierenden Werte werden direkt zur Leitung der Suche benutzt ohne weitere Logik darauf anzuwenden. Jedoch könnten kritische Aspekte des Problems erst im Laufe der Suche erkannt werden, wie zum Beispiel Bereiche des Zustandsraums in denen die Heuristik keine verlĂ€sslichen AbschĂ€tzungen liefert. In dieser Arbeit wird der Suchprozess dynamischer gestaltet und der Suche ermöglicht sich solchen Beobachtungen anzupassen. Eine Art dieser Anpassung ist die Onlineverbesserung der Heuristik. Es werden Suchalgorithmen entwickelt, die SchwĂ€chen in der Heuristik erkennen und mit gezielten Verbesserungsoperationen beheben. Wenn die Heuristik zu perfekten Werten konvergiert ergibt sich daraus eine zusĂ€tzliche Form von Fortschritt, wodurch auch Suchalgorithmen, die sonst unvollstĂ€ndig sind, garantiert irgendwann eine Lösung finden werden. Es werden auch Szenarien betrachtet, die schon von sich aus Anpassung erfordern: In der Onlineumplanung muss ein Plan, der gerade ausgefĂŒhrt wird, auf Änderungen in der Umgebung angepasst werden. Ähnlich dazu muss sich ein Akteur in der Echtzeitsuche unter strengen Zeitauflagen und mit eingeschrĂ€nkten Informationen bewegen. Die Suchalgorithmen, die in dieser Arbeit eingefĂŒhrt werden, folgen einem gemeinsamen Muster von Onlineanpassung, was ihnen ermöglicht effektiv auf Herausforderungen zu reagieren die im Verlauf der Suche aufkommen. Diese AnsĂ€tze werden auf einer breiten Reihe von Benchmarks ausgewertet. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die FlexibilitĂ€t dieser Algorithmen zu erhöhter ZuverlĂ€ssigkeit im Vergleich zu traditionellen AnsĂ€tzen fĂŒhrt, und es werden oft deutliche Verbesserungen gegenĂŒber modernen Planungssystemen erzielt.DFG grant 389792660 as part of TRR 248 – CPEC (see https://perspicuous-computing.science), and DFG grant HO 2169/5-1, "Critically Constrained Planning via Partial Delete Relaxation

    Computational interaction techniques for 3D selection, manipulation and navigation in immersive VR

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    3D interaction provides a natural interplay for HCI. Many techniques involving diverse sets of hardware and software components have been proposed, which has generated an explosion of Interaction Techniques (ITes), Interactive Tasks (ITas) and input devices, increasing thus the heterogeneity of tools in 3D User Interfaces (3DUIs). Moreover, most of those techniques are based on general formulations that fail in fully exploiting human capabilities for interaction. This is because while 3D interaction enables naturalness, it also produces complexity and limitations when using 3DUIs. In this thesis, we aim to generate approaches that better exploit the high potential human capabilities for interaction by combining human factors, mathematical formalizations and computational methods. Our approach is focussed on the exploration of the close coupling between specific ITes and ITas while addressing common issues of 3D interactions. We specifically focused on the stages of interaction within Basic Interaction Tasks (BITas) i.e., data input, manipulation, navigation and selection. Common limitations of these tasks are: (1) the complexity of mapping generation for input devices, (2) fatigue in mid-air object manipulation, (3) space constraints in VR navigation; and (4) low accuracy in 3D mid-air selection. Along with two chapters of introduction and background, this thesis presents five main works. Chapter 3 focusses on the design of mid-air gesture mappings based on human tacit knowledge. Chapter 4 presents a solution to address user fatigue in mid-air object manipulation. Chapter 5 is focused on addressing space limitations in VR navigation. Chapter 6 describes an analysis and a correction method to address Drift effects involved in scale-adaptive VR navigation; and Chapter 7 presents a hybrid technique 3D/2D that allows for precise selection of virtual objects in highly dense environments (e.g., point clouds). Finally, we conclude discussing how the contributions obtained from this exploration, provide techniques and guidelines to design more natural 3DUIs

    Intelligent Selection Techniques For Virtual Environments

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    Selection in 3D games and simulations is a well-studied problem. Many techniques have been created to address many of the typical scenarios a user could experience. For any single scenario with consistent conditions, there is likely a technique which is well suited. If there isn\u27t, then there is an opportunity for one to be created to best suit the expected conditions of that new scenario. It is critical that the user be given an appropriate technique to interact with their environment. Without it, the entire experience is at risk of becoming burdensome and not enjoyable. With all of the different possible scenarios, it can become problematic when two or more are part of the same program. If they are put closely together, or even intertwined, then the developer is often forced to pick a single technique that works so-so in both, but is likely not optimal for either, or maybe optimal in just one of them. In this case, the user is left to perform selections with a technique that is lacking in one way or another, which can increase errors and frustration. In our research, we have outlined different selection scenarios, all of which were classified by their level of object density (number of objects in scene) and object velocity. We then performed an initial study on how it impacts performance of various selection techniques, including a new selection technique that we developed just for this test, called Expand. Our results showed, among other things, that a standard Raycast technique works well in slow moving and sparse environments, while revealing that our new Expand technique works well in denser environments. With the results from our first study, we sought to develop something that would bridge the gap in performance between those selection techniques tested. Our idea was a framework that could harvest several different selection techniques and determine which was the most optimal at any time. Each selection technique would report how effective it was, given the provided scenario conditions. The framework was responsible for activating the appropriate selection technique when the user made a selection attempt. With this framework in hand, we performed two additional user studies to determine how effective it could be in actual use, and to identify its strengths and weaknesses. Each study compared several selection techniques individually against the framework which utilized them collectively, picking the most suitable. Again, the same scenarios from our first study were reused. From these studies, we gained a deeper understanding of the many challenges associated with automatic selection technique determination. The results from these two studies showed that transitioning between techniques was potentially viable, but rife with design challenges that made its optimization quite difficult. In an effort to sidestep some of the issues surrounding the switching of discrete techniques, we sought to attack the problem from the other direction, and make a single technique act similarly to two techniques, adjusting dynamically to conditions. We performed a user study to analyze the performance of such a technique, with promising results. While the qualitative differences were small, the user feedback did indicate that users preferred this technique over the others, which were static in nature. Finally, we sought to gain a deeper understanding of existing selection techniques that were dynamic in nature, and study how they were designed, and how they could be improved. We scrutinized the attributes of each technique that were already being adjusted dynamically or that could be adjusted and innovated new ways in which the technique could be improved upon. Within this analysis, we also gave thought to how each technique could be best integrated into the Auto-Select framework we proposed earlier. This overall analysis of the latest selection techniques left us with an array of new variants that warrant being created and tested against their existing versions. Our overall research goal was to perform an analysis of selection techniques that intelligently adapt to their environment. We believe that we achieved this by performing several iterative development cycles, including user studies and ultimately leading to innovation in the field of selection. We conclude our research with yet more questions left to be answered. We intend to pursue further research regarding some of these questions, as time permits

    Usability Evaluation in Virtual Environments: Classification and Comparison of Methods

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    Virtual environments (VEs) are a relatively new type of human-computer interface in which users perceive and act in a three-dimensional world. The designers of such systems cannot rely solely on design guidelines for traditional two-dimensional interfaces, so usability evaluation is crucial for VEs. We present an overview of VE usability evaluation. First, we discuss some of the issues that differentiate VE usability evaluation from evaluation of traditional user interfaces such as GUIs. We also present a review of VE evaluation methods currently in use, and discuss a simple classification space for VE usability evaluation methods. This classification space provides a structured means for comparing evaluation methods according to three key characteristics: involvement of representative users, context of evaluation, and types of results produced. To illustrate these concepts, we compare two existing evaluation approaches: testbed evaluation [Bowman, Johnson, & Hodges, 1999], and sequential evaluation [Gabbard, Hix, & Swan, 1999]. We conclude by presenting novel ways to effectively link these two approaches to VE usability evaluation

    BlokCar: Creating Interactive In-Car Entertainment System For Children

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    The research proposes an in-car entertainment system for children to relieve their in-car boredom and further enhance the travel experience. While more and more attention has already been paid on human-car interaction, there is still very limited research considering the interaction between back seat passengers and the car. This project aims to explore the new research area and solve the problems for the children passengers. Based on the research (Price & Matthews, 2013; Wilfinger et al., 2011), many parents reported the quality time they spent with their children in the car was invaluable. Due to the limited space of a car, car travelling is a perfect opportunity to pull a family together and build the memory. However, the travel experience with children is usually not so pleasant for the parents. More than 60% of parents in the survey (Daily Mail, 2011) admitted that travelling without children made them happier. Besides, driving with children also possibly compromise driving safety. According to the previous studies (Koppel, Charlton, Kopinathan, & Taranto, 2011; Wilfinger et al., 2011), children in the car are 12 times more distracting than using cell phone while driving. And the most distracting child-related activities are 1. Looking back at their children, 2. Helping the children and 3. Playing with their children. If searching the keywords about traveling with children, plenty of strategies are suggested to help parents overcome the difficulty. Among them, one of the most mentioned methods is entertainment. Therefore, I further do the user research to understand the real users and their travel experience especially on the entertainment devices. And I found they are having a hard time in preparing the entertainment devices for their children, figuring out what can be played in the car, selecting the adequate toys for the limited space and worrying about the children’s eyes health. With the findings and insights, I generate the designs iteratively. Finally I proposed a system composed of three major components- 1. Mobile Application, 2. Interactive Block- BlokCar and 3. AR Interactive Window. The mobile application helps to better plan and prepare for the trip and also provide a variety of entertainment resources for the users during the car travel. When they arrive, the application records the travel history automatically and generate the memorable data. On the children’s side, they play with the interactive block which is connected with the mobile application so both of the parents or the children can engage in. Instead of allowing children to play games on the digital devices, the interactive block attempts to entertain children without compromising the eyes health and to create the variations of toys. Finally, the AR interactive window broadens the playground and allows the children to interact with the surroundings. The whole system is cross-media interactive and location-based. It aims not only to solve the problems of the current travel experience, but also to create the values of a family trip

    State-of-the-art in aerodynamic shape optimisation methods

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    Aerodynamic optimisation has become an indispensable component for any aerodynamic design over the past 60 years, with applications to aircraft, cars, trains, bridges, wind turbines, internal pipe flows, and cavities, among others, and is thus relevant in many facets of technology. With advancements in computational power, automated design optimisation procedures have become more competent, however, there is an ambiguity and bias throughout the literature with regards to relative performance of optimisation architectures and employed algorithms. This paper provides a well-balanced critical review of the dominant optimisation approaches that have been integrated with aerodynamic theory for the purpose of shape optimisation. A total of 229 papers, published in more than 120 journals and conference proceedings, have been classified into 6 different optimisation algorithm approaches. The material cited includes some of the most well-established authors and publications in the field of aerodynamic optimisation. This paper aims to eliminate bias toward certain algorithms by analysing the limitations, drawbacks, and the benefits of the most utilised optimisation approaches. This review provides comprehensive but straightforward insight for non-specialists and reference detailing the current state for specialist practitioners

    A Method for Determining the Shape Similarity of Complex Three-Dimensional Structures to Aid Decay Restoration and Digitization Error Correction

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    none5noThis paper introduces a new method for determining the shape similarity of complex three-dimensional (3D) mesh structures based on extracting a vector of important vertices, ordered according to a matrix of their most important geometrical and topological features. The correlation of ordered matrix vectors is combined with perceptual definition of salient regions in order to aid detection, distinguishing, measurement and restoration of real degradation and digitization errors. The case study is the digital 3D structure of the Camino Degli Angeli, in the Urbino’s Ducal Palace, acquired by the structure from motion (SfM) technique. In order to obtain an accurate, featured representation of the matching shape, the strong mesh processing computations are performed over the mesh surface while preserving real shape and geometric structure. In addition to perceptually based feature ranking, the new theoretical approach for ranking the evaluation criteria by employing neural networks (NNs) has been proposed to reduce the probability of deleting shape points, subject to optimization. Numerical analysis and simulations in combination with the developed virtual reality (VR) application serve as an assurance to restoration specialists providing visual and feature-based comparison of damaged parts with correct similar examples. The procedure also distinguishes mesh irregularities resulting from the photogrammetry process.openVasic I.; Quattrini R.; Pierdicca R.; Frontoni E.; Vasic B.Vasic, I.; Quattrini, R.; Pierdicca, R.; Frontoni, E.; Vasic, B

    Low-Complexity Multi-User MIMO Algorithms for mmWave WLANs

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    Very high throughput and high-efficiency wireless local area networks (WLANs) have become essential for today's significant global Internet traffic and the expected significant global increase of public WiFi hotspots. Total Internet traffic is predicted to expand 3.7-fold from 2017 to 2022. In 2017, 53% of overall Internet traffic used by WiFi networks, and that number is expected to increase to 56.8% by 2022. Furthermore, 80% of overall Internet traffic is expected to be video traffic by 2022, up from 70% in 2017. WiFi networks are also expected to move towards denser deployment scenarios, such as stadiums, large office buildings, and airports, with very high data rate applications, such as ultra-high definition video wireless streaming. Thus, in order to meet the predicted growth of wireless traffic and the number of WiFi networks in the world, an efficient Internet access solution is required for the current IEEE 802.11 standards. Millimeter wave (mmWave) communication technology is expected to play a crucial role in future wireless networks with large user populations because of the large spectrum band it can provide. To further improve spectrum efficiency over mmWave bands in WLANs with large numbers of users, the IEEE 802.11ay standard was developed from the traditional IEEE 802.11ad standard, aiming to support multi-user MIMO. Propagation challenges associated with mmWave bands necessitate the use of analog beamforming (BF) technologies that employ directional transmissions to determine the optimal sector beam between a transmitter and a receiver. However, the multi-user MIMO is not exploited, since analog BF is limited to a single-user, single-transmission. The computational complexity of achieving traditional multi-user MIMO BF methods, such as full digital BF, in the mmWave systems becomes significant due to the hardware constraints. Our research focuses on how to effectively and efficiently realize multi-user MIMO transmission to improve spectrum efficiency over the IEEE 802.11ay mmWave band system while also resolving the computational complexity challenges for achieving a multi-user MIMO in mmWave systems. This thesis focuses on MAC protocol algorithms and analysis of the IEEE 802.11ay mmWave WLANs to provide multi-user MIMO support in various scenarios to improve the spectrum efficiency and system throughput. Specifically, from a downlink single-hop scenario perspective, a VG algorithm is proposed to schedule simultaneous downlink transmission links while mitigating the multi-user interference with no additional computational complexity. From a downlink multi-hop scenario perspective, a low-complexity MHVG algorithm is conducted to realize simultaneous transmissions and improve the network performance by taking advantage of the spatial reuse in a dense network. The proposed MHVG algorithm permits simultaneous links scheduling and mitigates both the multi-user interference and co-channel interference based only on analog BF information, without the necessity for feedback overhead, such as channel state information (CSI). From an uplink scenario perspective, a low-complexity user selection algorithm, HBF-VG, incorporates user selection with the HBF algorithm to achieve simultaneous uplink transmissions for IEEE 802.11ay mmWave WLANs. With the HBF-VG algorithm, the users can be selected based on an orthogonality criterion instead of collecting CSI from all potential users. We optimize the digital BF to mitigate the residual interference among selected users. Extensive analytical and simulation evaluations are provided to validate the performance of the proposed algorithms with respect to average throughput per time slot, average network throughput, average sum-rate, energy efficiency, signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio (SINR), and spatial multiplexing gain
