343,578 research outputs found

    Evaluating And Optimizing Sustainable Drainage Design To Maximize Multiple Benefits: Case Studies In China

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    In the past, the focus of drainage design was on sizing pipes and storages in order to provide sufficient network capacity. This traditional approach, together with computer software and technical guidance, had been successful for many years. However, due to rapid population growth and urbanisation, the requirements of a “good” drainage design have also changed significantly. In addition to water management, other aspects such as environmental impacts, amenity values and carbon footprint have to be considered during the design process. Going forward, we need to address the key sustainability issues carefully and practically. The key challenge of moving from simple objectives (e.g. capacity and costs) to complicated objectives (e.g. capacity, flood risk, environment, amenity etc) is the difficulty to strike a balance between various objectives and to justify potential benefits and compromises. In order to assist decision makers, we developed a new decision support system for drainage design. The system consists of two main components – a multi-criteria evaluation framework for drainage systems and a multi-objective optimisation tool. The evaluation framework is used for the quantification of performance, life-cycle costs and benefits of different drainage systems. The optimisation tool can search for feasible combinations of design parameters such as the sizes, order and type of drainage components that maximise multiple benefits. In this paper, we will discuss real-world application of the decision support system. A number of case studies have been developed based on recent drainage projects in China. We will use the case studies to illustrate how the evaluation framework highlights and compares the pros and cons of various design options. We will also discuss how the design parameters can be optimised based on the preferences of decision makers. The work described here is the output of an EngD project funded by EPSRC and XP Solutions

    Site investigation for the effects of vegetation on ground stability

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    The procedure for geotechnical site investigation is well established but little attention is currently given to investigating the potential of vegetation to assist with ground stability. This paper describes how routine investigation procedures may be adapted to consider the effects of the vegetation. It is recommended that the major part of the vegetation investigation is carried out, at relatively low cost, during the preliminary (desk) study phase of the investigation when there is maximum flexibility to take account of findings in the proposed design and construction. The techniques available for investigation of the effects of vegetation are reviewed and references provided for further consideration. As for general geotechnical investigation work, it is important that a balance of effort is maintained in the vegetation investigation between (a) site characterisation (defining and identifying the existing and proposed vegetation to suit the site and ground conditions), (b) testing (in-situ and laboratory testing of the vegetation and root systems to provide design parameters) and (c) modelling (to analyse the vegetation effects)

    Economic and environmental strategies for process design

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    This paper first addresses the definition of various objectives involved in eco-efficient processes, taking simultaneously into account ecological and economic considerations. The environmental aspect at the preliminary design phase of chemical processes is quantified by using a set of metrics or indicators following the guidelines of sustainability concepts proposed by . The resulting multiobjective problem is solved by a genetic algorithm following an improved variant of the so-called NSGA II algorithm. A key point for evaluating environmental burdens is the use of the package ARIANEℱ, a decision support tool dedicated to the management of plants utilities (steam, electricity, hot water, etc.) and pollutants (CO2, SO2, NO, etc.), implemented here both to compute the primary energy requirements of the process and to quantify its pollutant emissions. The well-known benchmark process for hydrodealkylation (HDA) of toluene to produce benzene, revisited here in a multiobjective optimization way, is used to illustrate the approach for finding eco-friendly and cost-effective designs. Preliminary biobjective studies are carried out for eliminating redundant environmental objectives. The trade-off between economic and environmental objectives is illustrated through Pareto curves. In order to aid decision making among the various alternatives that can be generated after this step, a synthetic evaluation method, based on the so-called Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) (), has been first used. Another simple procedure named FUCA has also been implemented and shown its efficiency vs. TOPSIS. Two scenarios are studied; in the former, the goal is to find the best trade-off between economic and ecological aspects while the latter case aims at defining the best compromise between economic and more strict environmental impact

    Academic/industry innovations for sustainable building design and refurbishment

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    Development and efficient dissemination of innovations for sustainable building design and refurbishment are crucial for the competitiveness of companies operating in the construction sector which faces pressure to reduce levels of carbon emissions from existing and new buildings to zero. An overwhelming majority of companies operating in the construction sector in Scotland are small to medium size enterprises (SMEs) who do not have sufficient resources in the current economic downturn to undertake research in building design, products and processes that will make buildings more sustainable. A joint project of seven Scottish universities has been initiated to support collaboration with small to medium sized enterprises in developing and disseminating innovation for sustainable building design and refurbishment. The project concept and methods used for efficient dissemination of the project outputs to SMEs across Scotland are explained. An analysis of the outputs of completed feasibility studies and the provision of academic consultancy through the project indicates the range of problems tackled as well as trends in the development and use of innovations for a more sustainable built environment in Scotland

    Competent genetic-evolutionary optimization of water distribution systems

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    A genetic algorithm has been applied to the optimal design and rehabilitation of a water distribution system. Many of the previous applications have been limited to small water distribution systems, where the computer time used for solving the problem has been relatively small. In order to apply genetic and evolutionary optimization technique to a large-scale water distribution system, this paper employs one of competent genetic-evolutionary algorithms - a messy genetic algorithm to enhance the efficiency of an optimization procedure. A maximum flexibility is ensured by the formulation of a string and solution representation scheme, a fitness definition, and the integration of a well-developed hydraulic network solver that facilitate the application of a genetic algorithm to the optimization of a water distribution system. Two benchmark problems of water pipeline design and a real water distribution system are presented to demonstrate the application of the improved technique. The results obtained show that the number of the design trials required by the messy genetic algorithm is consistently fewer than the other genetic algorithms

    Identifying Advantages and Disadvantages of Variable Rate Irrigation – An Updated Review

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    Variable rate irrigation (VRI) sprinklers on mechanical move irrigation systems (center pivot or lateral move) have been commercially available since 2004. Although the number of VRI, zone or individual sprinkler, systems adopted to date is lower than expected there is a continued interest to harness this technology, especially when climate variability, regulatory nutrient management, water conservation policies, and declining water for agriculture compound the challenges involved for irrigated crop production. This article reviews the potential advantages and potential disadvantages of VRI technology for moving sprinklers, provides updated examples on such aspects, suggests a protocol for designing and implementing VRI technology and reports on the recent advancements. The advantages of VRI technology are demonstrated in the areas of agronomic improvement, greater economic returns, environmental protection and risk management, while the main drawbacks to VRI technology include the complexity to successfully implement the technology and the lack of evidence that it assures better performance in net profit or water savings. Although advances have been made in VRI technologies, its penetration into the market will continue to depend on tangible and perceived benefits by producers
