11 research outputs found

    Kiállítási kommunikáció a kiterjesztett térben

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    Hooper-Greenhill szerint a társadalom térrel kapcsolatos elképzelései és a múzeumok története összekapcsolódik. A virtuális technológiák robbanásszerű elterjedése új perspektívát kínál a posztmodern múzeum társadalmi szerepéről és kommunikációs feladatairól zajló diskurzusban. Vizsgálatomban iskolai pilot program segítségével kutatom és értékelem a kiterjesztett valóság terének a kiállítási kommunikációban és a múzeumi oktatásban történő felhasználási lehetőségeit. Jelen tanulmányban a 2022-ben a budapesti Godot Galériában 15 fő részvételével lezajlott vizsgálatot és annak eredményeit mutatom be, melyek remélhetőleg hozzájárulnak hasonló kiterjesztettvalóság-projektek kidolgozásához, értékeléséhez

    User experience guidelines of augmented reality application for historical tourism

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    Malaysia Smart Tourism 4.0 is a government initiative that aims to transform the tourism industry to the next level. Tourism 4.0 is the next generation of the tourism industry that uses the latest industrial revolution technologies such as Augmented Reality (AR). AR is a new technology that uses computer graphics to create the illusion of being in the real world. In recent years, the Mobile Augmented Reality (MAR) approach has been used in many sectors such as tourism, education, and healthcare. User experience is crucial for MAR applications since it attempts to meet the user's needs and enhance engagement. However, limited studies on user experience in historical tourism have been explored due to the lack of evidence and empirical research. Thus, this study is to propose user experience guidelines for an Augmented Reality application for historical tourism. More than 60 articles related to AR in tourism were analyzed using thematic analysis in this study. The study resulted in two findings: (1) the user experience guidelines of Augmented Reality for historical tourism applications, and (2) user experience that was influenced by the application features and the requirements of tourists. The findings will be used to propose an UX design for MAR applications in the context of historical tourism. Most significantly, the number of successful deployment use cases for MAR applications is currently limited, especially in the tourism industry. Thus, it is critical to have a comprehensive set of variables has been considered for success

    Realizing consumers’ existential dreams via product marketing and mixed reality: a perspective based on affective neuroscience theories

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    In an era of swift societal changes and escalating consumerism, this paper presents an exploration of an innovative approach that integrates product marketing strategies, mixed reality (MR) technology, and affective neuroscience theories to actualize consumers’ existential dreams. MR, with its unique capacity to blend the virtual and real worlds, can enhance the consumer experience by creating immersive, personalized environments that resonate with consumers’ existential aspirations. Insights from affective neuroscience, specifically the brain’s processing of emotions, guide the development of emotionally engaging marketing strategies, which strengthen the connection between consumers, products, and brands. These integrated strategies not only present a novel blueprint for companies to deepen consumer engagement but also promise more fulfilling and meaningful consumer experiences. Moreover, this approach contributes to societal well-being and prosperity, marking a significant stride in the field of marketing

    A framework study on the use of immersive XR technologies in the cultural heritage domain

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    Most cultural promotion and dissemination are nowadays performed through the digitization of heritage sites and museums, a necessary requirement to meet the new needs of the public. Augmented Reality (AR), Mixed Reality (MR), and Virtual Reality (VR) have the potential to improve the experience quality and educational effect of these sites by stimulating users’ senses in a more natural and vivid way. In this respect, head-mounted display (HMD) devices allow visitors to enhance the experience of cultural sites by digitizing information and integrating additional virtual cues about cultural artifacts, resulting in a more immersive experience that engages the visitor both physically and emotionally. This study contributes to the development and incorporation of AR, MR, and VR applications in the cultural heritage domain by providing an overview of relevant studies utilizing fully immersive systems, such as headsets and CAVE systems, emphasizing the advantages that they bring when compared to handheld devices. We propose a framework study to identify the key features of headset-based Extended Reality (XR) technologies used in the cultural heritage domain that boost immersion, sense of presence, and agency. Furthermore, we highlight core characteristics that favor the adoption of these systems over more traditional solutions (e.g., handheld devices), as well as unsolved issues that must be addressed to improve the guests’ experience and the appreciation of the cultural heritage. An extensive search of Google Scholar, Scopus, IEEE Xplore, ACM Digital Library, and Wiley Online Library databases was conducted, including papers published from January 2018 to September 2022. To improve review reporting, the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines were used. Sixty-five papers met the inclusion criteria and were classified depending on the study’s purpose: education, entertainment, edutainment, touristic guidance systems, accessibility, visitor profiling, and management. Immersive cultural heritage systems allow visitors to feel completely immersed and present in the virtual environment, providing a stimulating and educational cultural experience that can improve the quality and learning purposes of cultural visits. Nonetheless, the analyzed studies revealed some limitations that must be faced to give a further impulse to the adoption of these technologies in the cultural heritage domain

    AR/VR technológiák vizsgálata a kiállítási kommunikációban

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    A doktori kutatásom első fázisa a különböző kiállítási helyszíneken zajló megfigyelésekre és az ott bemutatásra került virtuális technológiák értékelésére épült. Ezen tapasztalatok alapján került sor a második fázisban a vizuális keretezés módszertanára épülő értékelési rendszer kidolgozására, amely alkalmazhatóságát a kutatás harmadik fázisában iskolai vizsgálatok segítéségével bizonyítottam. Lazzeretti (2016) független, de részben egymást átfedő diskurzusokat azonosított a múzeumi kommunikációban: tudományos-művészeti, média és a promóciós diskurzus. Ezen felosztását egy oktatási-kulturális diskurzus egészítheti ki, beleértve az online vagy személyes jelenléten alapuló kommunikációt a múzeumok és a látogatók között. Hooper-Greenhill (2000), Lazzeretti (2016) és Nielsen (2017) múzeumi környezetben zajló vizsgálatai alapján feltárt kommunikációelméleti megközelítések gyakorlatban történő alkalmazhatóságát vizsgáltam a különféle diskurzusokban. A szakirodalmi vizsgálódás és azon gyakorlati tapasztalatok alapján, arra a következtetésre jutottam, hogy a kortárs múzeum kommunikációjának leírására leginkább annak rituális modellje alkalmas. Kezdeti feltételezésem szerint a kortárs multimédia-technológia a kiállítási kommunikáció valamennyi diskurzusában jól használható, és segítheti a kommunikációs folyamatokat illetve az intézményi kommunikációs célok elérését. Ezt a feltételezést 12 különböző ország, 17 kulturális intézményében zajló helyszíni vizsgálat során értékelt 32 kortárs multimédiás kiállítási alkalmazás elemzése is megerősítette, a vizsgálat korpuszának segítségével pedig gyakorlati példákkal is alátámasztható. A helyszíni vizsgálataim során hat területet azonosítottam, amelyben az AR/VR technológiák használata különösen hatékony lehet a kiállítási kommunikáció gyakorlatában: a kiállítási tárlatvezetés (1), komplex tudományos összefüggések bemutatása (2), művészeti oktatás (3), bevonódás fokozása (4), társadalmi kérdések iránti érzékenyítés (5) és pozitív érzelmek keltése a tudományok iránt (6). A feltárt hat alkalmazási terület közül a tárlatvezetés területén folytattam vizsgálatokat, összesen 141 fő bevonásával. A többi terület átfogó vizsgálata sajnálatos módon túlmutatott a doktori kutatás időbeli keretein, de a meglévő eredmények alapján feltételezem, hogy a vizsgálati módszer alkalmas lehet ezeken belül is a technológiát használó kiállítási kommunikációs eszközök, vagy akár az egész kiállítás kommunikáció-szempontú kvalitatív összehasonlítására és elemzésére egyaránt

    Design and development of a spatial mixed reality touring guide to the Egyptian museum

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    Many public services and entertainment industries utilise Mixed Reality (MR) devices to develop highly immersive and interactive applications. However, recent advancements in MR processing has prompted the tourist and events industry to invest and develop commercial applications. The museum environment provides an accessible platform for MR guidance systems by taking advantage of the ergonomic freedom of spatial holographical Head-mounted Displays (HMD). The application of MR systems in museums can enhance the typical visitor experience by amalgamating historical interactive visualisations simultaneously with related physical artefacts and displays. Current approaches in MR guidance research primarily focus on visitor engagement with specific content. This paper describes the design and development of a novel museum guidance system based on the immersion and presence theory. This approach examines the influence of interactivity, spatial mobility, and perceptual awareness of individuals within MR environments. The developmental framework of a prototype MR tour guide program named MuseumEye incorporates the sociological needs, behavioural patterns, and accessibility of the user. This study aims to create an alternative tour guidance system to enhance customer experience and reduce the number of human tour guides in museums. The data gathering procedure examines the functionality of the MuseumEye application in conjunction with pre-existing pharaonic exhibits in a museum environment. This methodology includes a qualitative questionnaire sampling 102 random visitors to the Egyptian Museum in Cairo. Results of this research study indicate a high rate of positive responses to the MR tour guide system, and the functionality of AR HMD in a museum environment. This outcome reinforces the suitability of the touring system to increase visitor experience in museums, galleries and cultural heritage sites

    Metodología para la creación de aplicaciones de realidad extendida aplicada a espacios expositivos. Caso de estudio: Museo Remigio Crespo Toral, Cuenca, Ecuador

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    Las aplicaciones de realidad extendida deben considerar aspectos críticos como el diseño de la experiencia, el diseño de la interacción y los requerimientos cambiantes del sistema. En especial, cuando se trata de aplicaciones desarrolladas para espacios expositivos, que son espacios en los que los usuarios buscan obtener experiencias únicas y satisfactorias, es necesario considerar aspectos que permitan a estas aplicaciones brindar a los usuarios buenas experiencias de uso. En este contexto, es necesaria la aplicación de una metodología de desarrollo con la cual se obtengan aplicaciones que brinden una buena experiencia de usuario. El objetivo de este trabajo es desarrollar y evaluar una metodología para la creación de este tipo de aplicaciones, fundamentada en el Diseño Centrado en el Usuario y en el enfoque de desarrollo Ágil, en el contexto de los espacios expositivos. Adicionalmente, se plantea un caso de estudio, en el cual se hace uso de la metodología propuesta para desarrollar el prototipo de una aplicación web que permita realizar recorridos 360° sobre la exposición de Elia Liut y la Reserva Arqueológica del Museo Municipal Remigio Crespo Toral de la ciudad de Cuenca, Ecuador. Este trabajo considera una metodología de investigación experimental que contempla dos enfoques. El primer enfoque, consiste en un componente teórico que brinda los fundamentos necesarios para el desarrollo de este trabajo. El segundo enfoque, consiste en: i) la evaluación empírica de la metodología propuesta, frente al rendimiento y a las percepciones de los usuarios. ii) La evaluación empírica de la usabilidad de un prototipo desarrollado haciendo uso de la metodología propuesta. Finalmente, los resultados de este trabajo indican que la metodología de desarrollo propuesta es fácil de usar, útil y existe una intención de uso en el futuro. En cuanto al prototipo, se determinó que este es usable.Extended reality applications must consider critical aspects such as experience design, interaction design, and changing system requirements. In particular, when it comes to applications developed for exhibition spaces, which are spaces in which users seek to obtain unique and satisfactory experiences, it is necessary to consider aspects that allow these applications to provide users with good user experiences. In this context, it is necessary to apply a development methodology with which applications that provide a good user experience are obtained. The objective of this work is to develop and evaluate a methodology for the creation of this type of applications, based on UserCentered Design and the Agile development approach, in the context of exhibition spaces. Additionally, a case study is presented, in which the proposed methodology is used to develop the prototype of a web application that allows 360° tours of the Elia Liut exhibition and the Archaeological Reserve of the “Museo Municipal Remigio Crespo Toral” of the city of Cuenca, Ecuador. This work considers an experimental research methodology that contemplates two approaches. The first approach consists of a theoretical component that provides the necessary foundations for the development of this work. The second approach consists of: i) the empirical evaluation of the proposed methodology, against the performance and perceptions of the users. ii) The empirical evaluation of the usability of a prototype developed using the proposed methodology. Finally, the results of this work indicate that the proposed development methodology is easy to use, useful and there is the intention of using it in the future. As for the prototype, it was determined that it is usable.Ingeniero de SistemasCuenc

    User acceptance of autonomous delivery vehicles – an empirical study in Germany

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    The inevitable need to develop new delivery practices in last-mile delivery arises from the enormously growing business to consumer (B2C) e-commerce and the associated challenges for logistics service providers. Autonomous delivery vehicles (ADVs) will potentially revolutionise last-mile delivery with regard to efficiency, sustainability and customer orientation. However, if not widely accepted by end-consumers, the introduction of ADVs as a delivery option can be a substantial waste of resources. At present, the research on consumers’ receptivity of innovations in last-mile delivery, such as ADVs, is limited. This study is the first that investigates user acceptance of ADVs in Germany by utilising a theoretically extended and modified version of the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT2) in the specific context of last-mile delivery. Quantitative data was collected through an online survey approach (n = 501) and structural equation modelling was undertaken. The results indicate that overall trust in technology is the strongest predictor of behavioural intention (i.e., user acceptance), followed by price sensitivity, performance expectancy, innovativeness, hedonic motivation, social influence and overall perceived risk; whereas no effect could be found for effort expectancy and facilitating conditions. Additionally, street performance and parcel drop-off performance significantly influence overall trust in technology. The same is true for the effect of perceived performance risk during parcel drop-off and perceived safety risk when driving autonomously on overall perceived risk. Moreover, it has been found that overall trust in technology negatively influences overall perceived risk. Collectively, the Autonomous Delivery Vehicle Acceptance Model was able to explain 80 percent of the variance in behavioural intention to use ADVs. These findings have not only important theoretical contributions but also managerial implications in the areas of technology acceptance and last-mile delivery innovations, which will support the long-term success of ADVs as a last-mile delivery option in Germany

    Virtual Guidance using Mixed Reality in Historical Places and Museums

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    Mixed Reality (MR) is one of the most disruptive technologies that shows potential in many application domains, particularly in the tourism and cultural heritage sector. MR using the latest headsets with the highest capabilities introduces a new visual platform that can change people’s visual experience. This thesis introduces a HoloLens-based mixed reality guidance system for museums and historical places. This new guidance form considers the inclusiveness of the necessary and optimised functionalities, visual and audio guiding abilities, essential roles of a guide, and the related social interactions in the real-time. A mixed reality guide, dubbed ‘MuseumEye’ was designed and developed for the Egyptian Museum in Cairo, to overcome challenges currently facing the museum, e.g. lack of guiding methods, limited information signposted on the exhibits, lack of visitor engagement resulting in less time spent in the museum compared to other museums with similar capacity and significance. These problems motivated the researcher to conduct an exploratory study to investigate the museum environment and guiding methods by interviewing 10 participants and observing 20 visitors. ‘MuseumEye’ was built based on a literature review of immersive systems in museums and the findings of an exploratory study that reveals visitor behaviours and the nature of guidance in the museum. This project increased levels of engagement and the length of time visitors spend in museums, the Egyptian Museum in Cairo in particular, using the mixed reality technology that provides visitors with additional visual, audio information and computer-generated images at various levels of details and via different media. This research introduces the guidelines of designing immersive reality guide applications using the techniques of spatial mapping, designing the multimedia and UI, and designing interactions for exploratory purposes. The main contributions of this study include various theoretical contributions: 1) creating a new form of guidance that enhances the museum experience through developing a mixed reality system; 2) a theoretical framework that assesses mixed reality guidance systems in terms of perceived usefulness, ease of use, enjoyment, interactivity, the roles of a guide and the likelihood of future use; 3) the Ambient Information Visualisation Concept for increasing visitor engagement through better presenting information and enhancing communication and interaction between visitors and exhibits; and a practical contribution in creating a mixed reality guidance system that reshapes the museum space, enhances visitors’ experience and significantly increases the length of time they spend in the museum. The evaluation comprised of quantitative surveys (171 participants and 9 experts) and qualitative observation (51 participants) using MuseumEye in their tours. The results showed positive responses for all measured aspects and compares these to similar studies. The observation results showed that visitors who use MuseumEye spent four times the duration visitors spent without guides or with human guides in front of exhibited items. The quantitative results showed significant correlations between the measured constructs (perceived usefulness, ease of use, enjoyment, multimedia and UI, interactivity) and the likelihood of future use when the roles of guide mediate the relations. Moreover, the ‘perceived guidance’ is the most influential construct on the likelihood of future use of MuseumEye. The results also revealed a high likelihood of future use, which ensures the sustainability of adopting mixed reality technology in museums. This thesis shows the potential of mixed reality guides in the museum sector that reshape the museum space and offers endless possibilities for museums and heritage sites