1,274 research outputs found

    Exploring alternative routes to realising the benefits of simulation in healthcare

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    Discrete event simulation should offer numerous benefits in designing healthcare systems but the reality is often problematic. Healthcare modelling faces particular challenges: genuine, fundamental variations in practice and an opposition to any suggestion of standardisation from some professional groups. This paper compares the experiences of developing a new simulation in an Accident and Emergency (A&E) Department, a subsequent adaptation for modelling an outpatient clinic and applications of a generic A&E simulation. These studies provide examples of three distinct approaches to realising the potential benefits of simulation: the bespoke, the reuse and the generic route. Reuse has many advantages: it is relatively efficient in exploiting previous modelling experience, delivering timely results while providing scope for adaptations to local practice. Explicitly demonstrating this willingness to adapt to local conditions and engaging with stakeholders is particularly important in healthcare simulation

    Demand and Capacity Modelling of Acute Services Using Simulation and Optimization Techniques

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    The level of difficulty that hospital management have been experiencing over the past decade in terms of balancing demand and capacity needs has been at an unprecedented level in the UK. Due to shortage of capacity, hospitals are unable to treat patients, and in some cases, patients are transferred to other hospitals, outpatient referrals are delayed, and accident and emergency (A&E) waiting times are prolonged. So, it’s time to do things differently, because the current status quo is not an option. A whole hospital level decision support system (DSS) was developed to assess and respond to the needs of local populations. The model integrates every component of a hospital (including A&E, all outpatient and inpatient specialties) to aid with efficient and effective use of scarce resources. An individual service or a specialty cannot be assumed to be independent, they are all interconnected. It is clear from the literature that this level of generic hospital simulation model has never been developed before (so this is an innovative DSS). Using the Hospital Episode Statistics and local datasets, 768 forecasting models for the 28 outpatient and inpatient specialties are developed (to capture demand). Within this context, a variety of forecasting models (i.e. ARIMA, exponential smoothing, stepwise linear regression and STLF) for each specialty of outpatient and inpatient including the A&E department were developed. The best forecasting methods and periods were selected by comparing 4 forecasting methods and 3 periods (i.e. daily, weekly and monthly) according to forecast accuracy values calculated by the mean absolute scaled error (MASE). Demand forecasts were then used as an input into the simulation model for the entire hospital (all specialties). The generic hospital simulation model was developed by taking into account all specialties and interactions amongst the A&E, outpatient and inpatient specialties. Six hundred observed frequency distributions were established for the simulation model. All distributions used in the model were based on age groups. Using other inputs (i.e. financial inputs, number of follow ups, etc.), the hospital was therefore modelled to measure key output metrics in strategic planning. This decision support system eliminates the deficiencies of the current and past studies around modelling hospitals within a single framework. A new output metric which is called ‘demand coverage ratio’ was developed to measure the percentage of patients who are admitted and discharged with available resources of the associated specialty. In addition, a full factorial experimental design with 4 factors (A&E, elective and non-elective admissions and outpatient attendance) at 2 levels (possible 5% and 10% demand increases) was carried out in order to investigate the effects of demand increases on the key outputs (i.e. demand coverage ratio, bed occupancy rate and total revenue). As a result, each factor is found to affect total revenue, as well as the interaction between elective and non-elective admissions. The demand coverage ratio is affected by the changes in outpatient demands as well as A&E arrivals and non-elective admissions. In addition, the A&E arrivals, non-elective admissions and elective admissions are most important for bed occupancy rates, respectively. After an exhaustive review of the literature we notice that an entire hospital model has never been developed that combines forecasting, simulation and optimization techniques. A linear optimization model was developed to estimate the required bed capacity and staff needs of a mid-size hospital in England (using essential outputs from forecasting and forecasting-simulation) for each inpatient elective and non-elective specialty. In conclusion, these results will bring a different perspective to key decision makers with a decision support tool for short and long term strategic planning to make rational and realistic plans. This hospital decision support system can become a crucial instrument for decision makers for efficient service in hospitals in England and other parts of the world

    Improving surgeon utilization in an orthopedic department using simulation modeling

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    Purpose: Worldwide more than two billion people lack appropriate access to surgical services due to mismatch between existing human resource and patient demands. Improving utilization of existing workforce capacity can reduce the existing gap between surgical demand and available workforce capacity. In this paper, the authors use discrete event simulation to explore the care process at an orthopedic department. Our main focus is improving utilization of surgeons while minimizing patient wait time. Methods: The authors collaborated with orthopedic department personnel to map the current operations of orthopedic care process in order to identify factors that influence poor surgeons utilization and high patient waiting time. The authors used an observational approach to collect data. The developed model was validated by comparing the simulation output with the actual patient data that were collected from the studied orthopedic care process. The authors developed a proposal scenario to show how to improve surgeon utilization. Results: The simulation results showed that if ancillary services could be performed before the start of clinic examination services, the orthopedic care process could be highly improved. That is, improved surgeon utilization and reduced patient waiting time. Simulation results demonstrate that with improved surgeon utilizations, up to 55% increase of future demand can be accommodated without patients reaching current waiting time at this clinic, thus, improving patient access to health care services. Conclusion: This study shows how simulation modeling can be used to improve health care processes. This study was limited to a single care process; however the findings can be applied to improve other orthopedic care process with similar operational characteristics. Keywords: waiting time, patient, health care processpublishedVersio

    Towards fully-facilitated DES modelling:a successful project

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    The literature suggests that increasing stakeholder engagement in modelling has a positive impact on healthcare improvement projects using discrete-event simulation (DES). This suggests analysts should strive for the ‘fully-facilitated’ mode of simulation, meaning conducting the whole simulation project together with stakeholders. This paper investigates whether this might be possible in practice. This work arose from a research project with an Italian hospital. The paper describes a simulation project that succeeds in being fully-facilitated through all stages as far as the implementation stage, through combining Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN) and DES. We believe it is the first time that a fully-facilitated DES project in healthcare has been described

    A Simulation-Based Evaluation Of Efficiency Strategies For A Primary Care Clinic With Unscheduled Visits

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    In the health care industry, there are strategies to remove inefficiencies from the health delivery process called efficiency strategies. This dissertation proposed a simulation model to evaluate the impact of the efficiency strategies on a primary care clinic with unscheduled walk-in patient visits. The simulation model captures the complex characteristics of the Orlando Veteran\u27s Affairs Medical Center (VAMC) primary care clinic. This clinic system includes different types of patients, patient paths, and multiple resources that serve them. Added to the problem complexity is the presence of patient no-shows characteristics and unscheduled patient arrivals, a problem which has been until recently, largely neglected. The main objectives of this research were to develop a model that captures the complexities of the Orlando VAMC, evaluate alternative scenarios to work in unscheduled patient visits, and examine the impact of patient flow, appointment scheduling, and capacity management decisions on the performance of the primary care clinic system. The main results show that only a joint policy of appointment scheduling rules and patient flow decisions has a significant impact on the wait time of scheduled patients. It is recommended that in the future the clinic addresses the problem of serving additional walk-in patients from an integrated scheduling and patient flow viewpoint

    Simulation analysis of resource flexibility on healthcare processes

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    Purpose: This paper uses discrete event simulation to explore the best resource flexibility scenario and examine the effect of implementing resource flexibility on different stages of patient treatment process. Specifically we investigate the effect of resource flexibility on patient waiting time and throughput in an orthopedic care process. We further seek to explore on how implementation of resource flexibility on patient treatment processes affects patient access to healthcare services. We focus on two resources, namely, orthopedic surgeon and operating room. Methods: The observational approach was used to collect process data. The developed model was validated by comparing the simulation output with actual patient data collected from the studied orthopedic care process. We developed different scenarios to identify the best resource flexibility scenario and explore the effect of resource flexibility on patient waiting time, throughput, and future changes in demand. The developed scenarios focused on creating flexibility on service capacity of this care process by altering the amount of additional human resource capacity at different stages of patient care process and extending the use of operating room capacity. Results: The study found that resource flexibility can improve responsiveness to patient demand in the treatment process. Testing different scenarios showed that the introduction of resource flexibility reduces patient waiting time and improves throughput. The simulation results show that patient access to health services can be improved by implementing resource flexibility at different stages of the patient treatment process. Conclusion: This study contributes to the current health care literature by explaining how implementing resource flexibility at different stages of patient care processes can improve ability to respond to increasing patients demands. This study was limited to a single patient process; studies focusing on additional processes are recommended. Keywords: agile strategy, waiting time, throughput, patient access, responsivenesspublishedVersio

    Improving healthcare processes: an empirical study based on orthopaedic care processes

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    HCD-SIM: Healthcare Clinic Design Simulator With Application to a Bone Marrow Transplant Clinic

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    The treatment of patients in outpatient healthcare clinics is continually growing as technology improves and recovery benefits are recognized. In this thesis, a simulation framework is developed to model the operational aspects of clinics with the goal of providing a method to understand the impact of clinic design decisions relative to productivity, efficiency, and quality of patient care. The healthcare clinic design simulator (HCD-Sim) is designed to study the dynamic system behavior of clinics and to analyze alternative outpatient healthcare clinic designs. Additionally, the simulation framework is created using a data-driven structure that can represent a large class of outpatient healthcare clinics through the specification of clinic data relative to patient flows, work flows, and resource requirements. To demonstrate capability, the framework is applied to a representative general clinic to analyze capacity and investigate important resources that impact the clinic’s performance. Lastly, the framework is applied to a Bone Marrow Transplant (BMT) clinic application to examine the system and provide design recommendations

    Enabling better management of patients: discrete event simulation combined with the STAR approach

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    This is an Accepted Manuscript of an article published by Taylor & Francis Group in Journal of the Operational Research Society, on 1 May 2017, available online at: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1057/s41274-016-0029-y.Squeezed budgets and funding cuts are expected to become a feature of the healthcare landscape in the future, forcing decision makers such as service managers, clinicians and commissioners to find effective ways of allocating scarce resources. This paper discusses the development of a decision support toolkit (DST) that facilitates the improvement of services by identifying cost savings and efficiencies within the pathway of care. With the help of National Health Service and commercial experts, we developed a discrete event simulation model for Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) patients and adapted the socio technical allocation of resources (STAR) approach to answer crucial questions like: what sort of interventions should we spend our money on? Where will we get the most value for our investment? How will we explain the choices we have made? The DST enables users to model their own services by working with the DST interface allowing users to specify local DVT services. They can input local estimates, or data of service demands and capacities, thus creating a baseline discrete event simulation model. The user can then compare the baseline with potential changes in the patient pathway in the safety of a virtual environment. By making such changes key decision makers can easily understand the impact on activity, cost, staffing levels, skill-mix, utilisation of resources and, more importantly, it allows them to find the interventions that have the highest benefit to patients and provide best value for money.Peer reviewe
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