36 research outputs found

    Analysis of security impact of making mShield an IPv4 to IPv6 converter box

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    The HSS/SNiC : a conceptual framework for collapsing security down to the physical layer

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    This work details the concept of a novel network security model called the Super NIC (SNIC) and a Hybrid Super Switch (HSS). The design will ultimately incorporate deep packet inspection (DPI), intrusion detection and prevention (IDS/IPS) functions, as well as network access control technologies therefore making all end-point network devices inherently secure. The SNIC and HSS functions are modelled using a transparent GNU/Linux Bridge with the Netfilter framework

    A Comprehensive Survey on the Most Important IPv4aaS IPv6 Transition Technologies, their Implementations and Performance Analysis

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    As the central public IPv4 address pool has already been exhausted, the deployment of IPv6 has become inevitable. However, the users still require IPv4 Internet access due to some IPv4-only applications. The IPv4aaS (IPv4-as-a-Service) IPv6 transition technologies facilitate that ISPs provide IPv4 service to their customers while using only IPv6 in their access and core networks. This paper discusses the widely used IPv4aaS IPv6 transition technologies in ISP/enterprise networks; we explain their operations, advantages, properties and consider their performances. There are currently many IPv6 transition technologies, nevertheless, in this paper, the five most prominent IPv4aaS IPv6 transition technologies are discussed, namely 464XLAT, Dual-Stack Lite, Lightweight 4over6, MAP-E, and MAP-T. Moreover, the deployment and implementations of these technologies are being analysed and inspected. This paper also overviews the benchmarking methodology for IPv6 transition technologies and surveys several papers that investigated metrics and tools utilized in analysing the performance of different IPv6 transition technologies

    Flexible Network Monitoring with FLAME

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    Increases in scale, complexity, dependency and security for networks have motivated increased automation of activities such as network monitoring. We have employed technology derived from active networking research to develop a series of network monitoring systems, but unlike most previous work, made application needs the priority over infrastructure properties. This choice has produced the following results: (1) the techniques for general infrastructure are both applicable and portable to specific applications such as network monitoring; (2) tradeoffs can benefit our applications while preserving considerable flexibility; and (3) careful engineering allows applications with open architectures to perform competitively with custom-built static implementations. These results are demonstrated via measurements of the lightweight active measurement environment (LAME), its successor, flexible LAME (FLAME), and their application to monitoring for performance and security

    Konfiguraationhallinnan datan käyttö verkkoinfrastruktuurin hallintaan

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    Configuration management software running on nodes solves problems such as configuration drift on the nodes themselves, but the necessary node configuration data can also be utilized in managing network infrastructure, for example to reduce configuration errors by facilitating node life cycle management. Many configuration management software systems depend on a working network, but we can utilize the data to create large parts of the network infrastructure configuration itself using node data from the configuration management system before the nodes themselves are provisioned, as well as remove obsolete configuration as nodes are decommissioned.Konfiguraationhallintajärjestelmien käyttö ratkaisee tietoliikenneverkon solmuilla (node) esiintyviä ongelmia kuten konfiguraation ajelehtimista, mutta konfiguraationhallintaan vaadittua tietovarastoa voidaan käyttää myös verkkoinfrastruktuurin hallinnassa, esimerkiksi vähentämään konfiguraatiovirheitä helpottamalla solmujen elinkaaren hallintaa. Useat konfiguraationhallintaohjelmistot vaativat toimivan verkon, mutta suuria osia verkkoinfrastruktuurin konfiguraatiosta voidaan luoda käyttäen konfiguraatiohallinnan tietovarastoa ennen kuin solmuja pystytetään, sekä voidaan varmistaa vanhentuneen konfiguraation poistuminen solmuja alas ajattaessa