151 research outputs found

    Microwave Antennas for Energy Harvesting Applications

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    In the last few years, the demand for power has increased; therefore, the need for alternate energy sources has become essential. Sources of fossil fuels are finite, are costly, and causes environmental hazard. Sustainable, environmentally benign energy can be derived from nuclear fission or captured from ambient sources. Large-scale ambient energy is widely available and large-scale technologies are being developed to efficiently capture it. At the other end of the scale, there are small amounts of wasted energy that could be useful if captured. There are various types of external energy sources such as solar, thermal, wind, and RF energy. Energy has been harvested for different purposes in the last few recent years. Energy harvesting from inexhaustible sources with no adverse environmental effect can provide unlimited energy for harvesting in a way of powering an embedded system from the environment. It could be RF energy harvesting by using antennas that can be held on the car glass or building, or in any places. The abundant RF energy is harvested from surrounding sources. This chapter focuses on RF energy harvesting in which the abundant RF energy from surrounding sources, such as nearby mobile phones, wireless LANs (WLANs), Wi-Fi, FM/AM radio signals, and broadcast television signals or DTV, is captured by a receiving antenna and rectified into a usable DC voltage. A practical approach for RF energy harvesting design and management of the harvested and available energy for wireless sensor networks is to improve the energy efficiency and large accepted antenna gain. The emerging self-powered systems challenge and dictate the direction of research in energy harvesting (EH). There are a lot of applications of energy harvesting such as wireless weather stations, car tire pressure monitors, implantable medical devices, traffic alert signs, and mars rover. A lot of researches are done to create several designs of rectenna (antenna and rectifier) that meet various objectives for use in RF energy harvesting, whatever opaque or transparent. However, most of the designed antennas are opaque and prevent the sunlight to pass through, so it is hard to put it on the car glass or window. Thus, there should be a design for transparent antenna that allows the sunlight to pass through. Among various antennas, microstrip patch antennas are widely used because they are low profile, are lightweight, and have planar structure. Microstrip patch-structured rectennas are evaluated and compared with an emphasis on the various methods adopted to obtain a rectenna with harmonic rejection functionality, frequency, and polarization selectivity. Multiple frequency bands are tapped for energy harvesting, and this aspect of the implementation is one of the main focus points. The bands targeted for harvesting in this chapter will be those that are the most readily available to the general population. These include Wi-Fi hotspots, as well as cellular (900/850 MHz band), personal communications services (1800/1900 MHz band), and sources of 2.4 GHz and WiMAX (2.3/3.5 GHz) network transmitters. On the other hand, at high frequency, advances in nanotechnology have led to the development of semiconductor-based solar cells, nanoscale antennas for power harvesting applications, and integration of antennas into solar cells to design low-cost light-weight systems. The role of nanoantenna system is transforming thermal energy provided by the sun to electricity. Nanoantennas target the mid-infrared wavelengths where conventional photo voltaic cells are inefficient. However, the concept of using optical rectenna for harvesting solar energy was first introduced four decades ago. Recently, it has invited a surge of interest, with different laboratories around the world working on various aspects of the technology. The result is a technology that can be efficient and inexpensive, requiring only low-cost materials. Unlike conventional solar cells that harvest energy in visible light frequency range. Since the UV frequency range is much greater than visible light, we consider the quantum mechanical behavior of a driven particle in nanoscale antennas for power harvesting applications

    Fractal and Polar Microstrip Antennas and Arrays for Wireless Communications

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    This chapter presents the research done by authors in recent years on microstrip antennas and their applications in wireless sensors network. The subject is delimited to the study of conventional microstrip antennas, from which antennas with fractal and polar shapes are proposed. A detailed description of the antenna design methodology is presented for some prototypes of microstrip antennas manufactured with different dielectric substrates. Analysis of the proposed antennas has been done through computational simulation of full-wave methods. Experimental characterization of antennas and dielectric materials has been performed with the use of a vector network analyzer. The results obtained for the resonant and radiation parameters of the antennas are presented. Computer-aided design (CAD) of microstrip antennas and arrays using fractal and polar geometrical transformations results in a wide class of antenna elements with desirable and unique characteristics, such as compact, exclusive, and esthetic antenna design for multiband or broadband frequency operation with stable radiation pattern

    Antenna integration for wireless and sensing applications

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    As integrated circuits become smaller in size, antenna design has become the size limiting factor for RF front ends. The size reduction of an antenna is limited due to tradeoffs between its size and its performance. Thus, combining antenna designs with other system components can reutilize parts of the system and significantly reduce its overall size. The biggest challenge is in minimizing the interference between the antenna and other components so that the radiation performance is not compromised. This is especially true for antenna arrays where the radiation pattern is important. Antenna size reduction is also desired for wireless sensors where the devices need to be unnoticeable to the subjects being monitored. In addition to reducing the interference between components, the environmental effect on the antenna needs to be considered based on sensors' deployment. This dissertation focuses on solving the two challenges: 1) designing compact multi-frequency arrays that maintain directive radiation across their operating bands and 2) developing integrated antennas for sensors that are protected against hazardous environmental conditions. The first part of the dissertation addresses various multi-frequency directive antennas arrays that can be used for base stations, aerospace/satellite applications. A cognitive radio base station antenna that maintains a consistent radiation pattern across the operating frequencies is introduced. This is followed by multi-frequency phased array designs that emphasize light-weight and compactness for aerospace applications. The size and weight of the antenna element is reduced by using paper-based electronics and internal cavity structures. The second part of the dissertation addresses antenna designs for sensor systems such as wireless sensor networks and RFID-based sensors. Solar cell integrated antennas for wireless sensor nodes are introduced to overcome the mechanical weakness posed by conventional monopole designs. This can significantly improve the sturdiness of the sensor from environmental hazards. The dissertation also introduces RFID-based strain sensors as a low-cost solution to massive sensor deployments. With an antenna acting as both the sensing device as well as the communication medium, the cost of an RFID sensor is dramatically reduced. Sensors' strain sensitivities are measured and theoretically derived. Their environmental sensitivities are also investigated to calibrate them for real world applications.Ph.D.Committee Chair: Tentzeris, Emmanouil; Committee Member: Akyildiz, Ian; Committee Member: Allen, Mark; Committee Member: Naishadham, Krishna; Committee Member: Peterson, Andrew; Committee Member: Wang, Yan

    Reconfigurable Transmitarray with Near Field Coupling to Gap Waveguide Array Antenna for Efficient 2D Beam Steering

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    A novel array antenna architecture is proposed that can enable 2D (full-space) radiation pattern control and efficient beam steering. This solution is based on a fixed-beam gap wave-guide (GWG) array antenna and a reconfigurable transmitarray (TA) that are coupled in the radiative near field. An equivalent two-port network model of the coupling mechanism is presented and validated numerically. The desired TA reconfiguration capability is realized by an 8 78 array of cavity-backed patch resonator elements, where two AlGaAs PIN-diodes are integrated inside each element providing a 1-bit phase shift. The TA is implemented in an 8-layer PCB, which includes radiating elements, fixed phase-shifting inner-stripline sections, impedance matching and biasing circuitry. The combined antenna design is low-profile (~ 1.7 wavelength) owing to the small separation between two arrays (~ 0.5 wavelength), as opposed to conventional TAs illuminated by a focal source. The design procedure of the proposed architecture is outlined, and the measured and simulated results are shown to be in good agreement. These results demonstrate 23.5 — 25.2 GHz –10-dB impedance bandwidth and 23.3 — 25.3 GHz 3-dB gain bandwidth, a beam-steering range of \ub130\ub0 and \ub140\ub0 in the E- and the H-plane with the gain peak of 17.5 dBi, scan loss ≤ 3.5 dB and TA unit cell insertion loss ≤ 1.8 dB

    Antenna Design for 5G and Beyond

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    With the rapid evolution of the wireless communications, fifth-generation (5G) communication has received much attention from both academia and industry, with many reported efforts and research outputs and significant improvements in different aspects, such as data rate speed and resolution, mobility, latency, etc. In some countries, the commercialization of 5G communication has already started as well as initial research of beyond technologies such as 6G.MIMO technology with multiple antennas is a promising technology to obtain the requirements of 5G/6G communications. It can significantly enhance the system capacity and resist multipath fading, and has become a hot spot in the field of wireless communications. This technology is a key component and probably the most established to truly reach the promised transfer data rates of future communication systems. In MIMO systems, multiple antennas are deployed at both the transmitter and receiver sides. The greater number of antennas can make the system more resistant to intentional jamming and interference. Massive MIMO with an especially high number of antennas can reduce energy consumption by targeting signals to individual users utilizing beamforming.Apart from sub-6 GHz frequency bands, 5G/6G devices are also expected to cover millimeter-wave (mmWave) and terahertz (THz) spectra. However, moving to higher bands will bring new challenges and will certainly require careful consideration of the antenna design for smart devices. Compact antennas arranged as conformal, planar, and linear arrays can be employed at different portions of base stations and user equipment to form phased arrays with high gain and directional radiation beams. The objective of this Special Issue is to cover all aspects of antenna designs used in existing or future wireless communication systems. The aim is to highlight recent advances, current trends, and possible future developments of 5G/6G antennas

    Reconfigurable Antennas

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    In this new book, we present a collection of the advanced developments in reconfigurable antennas and metasurfaces. It begins with a review of reconfigurability technologies, and proceeds to the presentation of a series of reconfigurable antennas, UWB MIMO antennas and reconfigurable arrays. Then, reconfigurable metasurfaces are introduced and the latest advances are presented and discussed

    Antennas and Propagation Aspects for Emerging Wireless Communication Technologies

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    The increasing demand for high data rate applications and the delivery of zero-latency multimedia content drives technological evolutions towards the design and implementation of next-generation broadband wireless networks. In this context, various novel technologies have been introduced, such as millimeter wave (mmWave) transmission, massive multiple input multiple output (MIMO) systems, and non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) schemes in order to support the vision of fifth generation (5G) wireless cellular networks. The introduction of these technologies, however, is inextricably connected with a holistic redesign of the current transceiver structures, as well as the network architecture reconfiguration. To this end, ultra-dense network deployment along with distributed massive MIMO technologies and intermediate relay nodes have been proposed, among others, in order to ensure an improved quality of services to all mobile users. In the same framework, the design and evaluation of novel antenna configurations able to support wideband applications is of utmost importance for 5G context support. Furthermore, in order to design reliable 5G systems, the channel characterization in these frequencies and in the complex propagation environments cannot be ignored because it plays a significant role. In this Special Issue, fourteen papers are published, covering various aspects of novel antenna designs for broadband applications, propagation models at mmWave bands, the deployment of NOMA techniques, radio network planning for 5G networks, and multi-beam antenna technologies for 5G wireless communications

    Enhancement of Antenna Array Performance Using Reconfigurable Slot-Ring Antennas and Integrated Filter/Antennas

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    As modern communication system technology develops, the demand for devices with smaller size, higher efficiency, and more functionality has increased dramatically. In addition, highly integrated RF-front-end modules with a reduced footprint and less transition loss between cascaded devices are desirable in most advanced wireless communication systems. Antenna arrays are widely used in wireless communication systems due to their high directivity and beam steering capability. Moreover, antenna arrays are preferred in mobile communication systems for diversity reception to reduce signal fading effects. In order to meet the various requirements of rapidly developing wireless communication systems, low cost, compact, multifunctional integrated antenna arrays are in high demand. Reconfigurable antennas that can flexibly adapt to different applications by dynamically changing their frequency and radiation properties have attracted a lot of attention. Frequency, radiation pattern, polarization, or a combination of two or more of these parameters in the reconfiguration of antennas was studied and presented in recent years. A single reconfigurable antenna is able to replace multiple traditional antennas and accomplish different tasks. Thus, the complexity of wireless communication systems can be greatly reduced with a smaller device size. On the other hand, the integration of antennas with other devices in wireless communication systems that can improve the efficiency and shrink the device size is a growing trend in antenna technology. Compact and highly efficient integrated filters and antennas were studied previously; the studies show that by seamlessly co-designing filters with patch antennas, the fractional bandwidth (FBW) of the antennas can be enhanced as compared to stand-alone antennas. However, the advantages of both the reconfigurable antenna and integrated filter/antenna technology have not been fully applied to antenna array applications. Therefore, this dissertation explores how to maximize the antenna array performance using reconfigurable antennas and integrated filter/antennas. A continuously frequency reconfigurable slot-ring antenna/array with switches and varactors is presented first. By changing the state of the loaded switches, the reconfigurable slot-ring antenna/array is able to operate as an L-band slot-ring antenna or a 2x2 S-band slot-ring antenna array. In each frequency band, the operation frequency of the antenna/array can be continuously tuned with the loaded varactors. To further enhance the functionality of the reconfigurable slot-ring antenna array, a dual-polarized fractal-shaped reconfigurable slot-ring antenna/array is developed with a reduced number of switches and an increased FBW. Additionally, ground plane solutions are explored to achieve single-sided radiation. The benefits of filter/antenna integration are also investigated in both linearly polarized patch phased arrays and circularly polarized patch antenna arrays. Finally, a preliminary study of a tunable integrated evanescent mode filter/antenna is conducted to validate the concept of combining reconfigurable antennas and integrated filter/antennas

    A 77 GHz Reconfigurable Micromachined Microstrip Antenna Array

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    A micromachined silicon based MEMS single-pole-Single-Throw (SPST) switches embedded reconfigurable microstrip antenna array for use in a 77 GHz tri-mode automotive collision avoidance radar is presented. The emphasis is put on compact 77 GHz micromachined microstrip antenna array, capable of being integrated with silicon base Rotman lens that provides an intrinsic beamforming capability without any microelectronic signal processing. The first part of this thesis deals with the theory behind microstrip antennas and a deep explanation of antenna arrays. The second part of the thesis is concerned with design procedures and considerations. It provides a detailed study of how to design and fabricate an inset fed rectangular micromachined microstrip patch antenna array using XFDTD 3-D software and study the effect of antenna dimensions. At last, this thesis shows the simulation results that by incorporating a micromachined technology into microstrip antenna array we are able to achieve higher radiation efficiency and bandwidth than conventional antenna array
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