13,241 research outputs found

    The Emerging Internet of Things Marketplace From an Industrial Perspective: A Survey

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) is a dynamic global information network consisting of internet-connected objects, such as Radio-frequency identification (RFIDs), sensors, actuators, as well as other instruments and smart appliances that are becoming an integral component of the future internet. Over the last decade, we have seen a large number of the IoT solutions developed by start-ups, small and medium enterprises, large corporations, academic research institutes (such as universities), and private and public research organisations making their way into the market. In this paper, we survey over one hundred IoT smart solutions in the marketplace and examine them closely in order to identify the technologies used, functionalities, and applications. More importantly, we identify the trends, opportunities and open challenges in the industry-based the IoT solutions. Based on the application domain, we classify and discuss these solutions under five different categories: smart wearable, smart home, smart, city, smart environment, and smart enterprise. This survey is intended to serve as a guideline and conceptual framework for future research in the IoT and to motivate and inspire further developments. It also provides a systematic exploration of existing research and suggests a number of potentially significant research directions.Comment: IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing 201

    Design for energy-efficient and reliable fog-assisted healthcare IoT systems

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    Cardiovascular disease and diabetes are two of the most dangerous diseases as they are the leading causes of death in all ages. Unfortunately, they cannot be completely cured with the current knowledge and existing technologies. However, they can be effectively managed by applying methods of continuous health monitoring. Nonetheless, it is difficult to achieve a high quality of healthcare with the current health monitoring systems which often have several limitations such as non-mobility support, energy inefficiency, and an insufficiency of advanced services. Therefore, this thesis presents a Fog computing approach focusing on four main tracks, and proposes it as a solution to the existing limitations. In the first track, the main goal is to introduce Fog computing and Fog services into remote health monitoring systems in order to enhance the quality of healthcare. In the second track, a Fog approach providing mobility support in a real-time health monitoring IoT system is proposed. The handover mechanism run by Fog-assisted smart gateways helps to maintain the connection between sensor nodes and the gateways with a minimized latency. Results show that the handover latency of the proposed Fog approach is 10%-50% less than other state-of-the-art mobility support approaches. In the third track, the designs of four energy-efficient health monitoring IoT systems are discussed and developed. Each energy-efficient system and its sensor nodes are designed to serve a specific purpose such as glucose monitoring, ECG monitoring, or fall detection; with the exception of the fourth system which is an advanced and combined system for simultaneously monitoring many diseases such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Results show that these sensor nodes can continuously work, depending on the application, up to 70-155 hours when using a 1000 mAh lithium battery. The fourth track mentioned above, provides a Fog-assisted remote health monitoring IoT system for diabetic patients with cardiovascular disease. Via several proposed algorithms such as QT interval extraction, activity status categorization, and fall detection algorithms, the system can process data and detect abnormalities in real-time. Results show that the proposed system using Fog services is a promising approach for improving the treatment of diabetic patients with cardiovascular disease

    Hierarchical video surveillance architecture: a chassis for video big data analytics and exploration

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    There is increasing reliance on video surveillance systems for systematic derivation, analysis and interpretation of the data needed for predicting, planning, evaluating and implementing public safety. This is evident from the massive number of surveillance cameras deployed across public locations. For example, in July 2013, the British Security Industry Association (BSIA) reported that over 4 million CCTV cameras had been installed in Britain alone. The BSIA also reveal that only 1.5% of these are state owned. In this paper, we propose a framework that allows access to data from privately owned cameras, with the aim of increasing the efficiency and accuracy of public safety planning, security activities, and decision support systems that are based on video integrated surveillance systems. The accuracy of results obtained from government-owned public safety infrastructure would improve greatly if privately owned surveillance systems ‘expose’ relevant video-generated metadata events, such as triggered alerts and also permit query of a metadata repository. Subsequently, a police officer, for example, with an appropriate level of system permission can query unified video systems across a large geographical area such as a city or a country to predict the location of an interesting entity, such as a pedestrian or a vehicle. This becomes possible with our proposed novel hierarchical architecture, the Fused Video Surveillance Architecture (FVSA). At the high level, FVSA comprises of a hardware framework that is supported by a multi-layer abstraction software interface. It presents video surveillance systems as an adapted computational grid of intelligent services, which is integration-enabled to communicate with other compatible systems in the Internet of Things (IoT)

    Remote health monitoring system for the elderly based on mobile computing and IoT

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    This document presents the work done in the Master’s thesis in Telecommunications and Computer Engineering and describes the development, implementation and subsequent of a Remote Health Monitoring System for the Elderly based on Mobile Computing and IoT. Due to increasing technological innovation over the last decades, the average life expectancy of humans is increasing year-by-year. Although this is an excellent step forward for humanity, it has led older population to being more prone to illness and accidents such as falls. In this work a study is made on the existing literature in nonintrusive remote health monitoring systems, towards the design and implementation of an IoT system capable of identifying falls and monitor cardiac data. A Systematic Literature Review (SLR) method was considered, taking into account the existing literature on remote health monitoring systems, fall detection algorithms and IoT. The Design Science Research (DSR) methodology was used to seek to enhance technology and science knowledge about this dissertation’s topic, through the creation of an innovative artifact. The system includes a smart watch (LILYGO T-WATCH-2020-V2), programmable in C under Arduino IDE to detect falls and a photoplethysmography monitoring unit (PPG) based on a Onyx 9560 Bluetooth oximeter, capable of measuring the user’s blood oxygen percentage (SpO2) and heart rate, in real time. It also provides remote monitoring through a user-friendly website to visualize live data about the health status of the user. The system was tested in volunteers to show the effectiveness of remote health monitoring systems for the elderly population.Este documento apresenta o trabalho realizado na tese de Mestrado em Engenharia de Telecomunicações e Informática e descreve o desenvolvimento, implementação e validação de um Sistema de Monitorização Remota da Saúde para Idosos. Devido à crescente inovação tecnológica ao longo dos anos, a esperança média de vida dos seres humanos está a aumentar anualmente. Embora seja um excelente passo em frente para a humanidade, tem levado à população mais idosa a ser propensa a doenças e acidentes, tais como quedas. Neste trabalho, efectua-se um estudo sobre a literatura existente em sistemas não intrusivos de monitorização remota da saúde, com vista à concepção e implementação de um sistema IoT capaz de identificar quedas e monitorizar dados cardíacos. Foi concebida uma Revisão Sistemática da Literatura (SLR), tendo em conta literatura existente sobre sistemas de monitorização da saúde, algoritmos de detecção de quedas e IoT. A metodologia Design Science Research (DSR) foi utilizada para procurar melhorar os conhecimentos tecnológicos sobre o tema desta dissertação, através da criação de um artefacto inovador. O sistema inclui um relógio inteligente (LILYGO T-WATCH-2020-V2), programável em C sob a IDE Arduino para detectar quedas e um dispositivo de monitorização fotopletismográfico (PPG) baseada num oxímetro Onyx 9560 Bluetooth, capaz de medir a percentagem de oxigénio no sangue (SpO2) e o ritmo cardíaco. Fornece ainda monitorização remota através de um website para visualizar dados em direto sobre a saúde do utilizador. O sistema foi testado em voluntários para mostrar a eficácia dos sistemas de monitorização remota da saúde em idosos

    Intelligent Personal Assistants Solutions in Ubiquitous Environments in the Context of Internet of Things

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    Internet of Things (IoT) will create the opportunity to develop new types of businesses. Every tangible object, biologic or not, will be identified by a unique address, creating a common network composed by billions of devices. Those devices will have different requirements, creating the necessity of finding new mechanisms to satisfy the needs of all the entities within the network. This is one of the main problems that all the scientific community should address in order to make Internet of Things the Future Internet. Currently, IoT is used in a lot of projects involving Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs). Sensors are generally cheap and small devices able to generate useful information from physical indicators. They can be used on smart home scenarios, or even on healthcare environments, turning sensors into useful devices to accomplish the goals of many use case scenarios. Sensors and other devices with some reasoning capabilities, like smart objects, can be used to create smart environments. The interaction between the objects in those scenarios and humans can be eased by the inclusion of Intelligent Personal Assistants (IPAs). Currently, IPAs have good reasoning capabilities, improving the assistance they give to their owners. Artificial intelligence (AI), new learning mechanisms, and the evolution assisted in speech technology also contributed to this improvement. The integration of IPAs in IoT scenarios can become a case of great success. IPAs will comprehend the behavior of their owners not only through direct interactions, but also by the interactions they have with other objects in the environment. This may create ubiquitous communication scenarios where humans act as passive elements, being adequately informed of all the aspects of interest that surrounds them. The communication between IPAs and other objects in their surrounding environment may use gateways for traffic forwarding. On ubiquitous environments devices can be mobile or static. For example, in smart home scenarios, objects are generally static, being always on the same position. In mobile health scenarios, objects can move from one place to another. To turn IPAs useful on all types of environments, static and mobile gateways should be developed. On this dissertation, a novel mobile gateway solution for an IPA platform inserted on an IoT context is proposed. A mobile health scenario was chosen. Then, a Body Sensor Network (BSN) is always monitoring a person, giving the real time feedback of his/her health status to another person responsible by him (designated caretaker). On this scenario, a mobile gateway is needed to forward the traffic between the BSN and the IPA of the caretaker. Therefore, the IPA is able to give warnings about the health status of the person under monitoring, in real time. The proposed system is evaluated, demonstrated, and validated through a prototype, where the more important aspects for IPAs and IoT networks are considered