14 research outputs found

    Ulcerative Colitis Diagnosis Based on Artificial Intelligence System

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    مرض التهاب القولون التقرحي هو تهيج في القولون الذي يرتبط في كثير من الأحيان مع العدوى ونقص المناعة. يكون جدار القولون للشخص مصاب بالالتهاب دائمًا أكثر سماكة من المعتاد. قد يكون مرض التهاب القولون التقرحي مهدد للحياة ويؤدي إلى الموت إذا لم يتم اكتشافه مبكرًا. الاكتشاف المبكر لهذا المرض مهم للغاية لبدء العلاج المناسب. في هذا البحث، تم تقديم شبكة العصبية الاصطناعية للكشف عن مرض التهاب القولون التقرحي وفقًا لمجموعة البيانات النظرية التي تم إنشاؤها بواسطة المعايير. تم تدريب الشبكة باستخدام خوارزمية Levenberg-Marquardt. أفضل اداء للشبكة كان حيث نسبة الخطأ تساوي 1.9947×10-24   للنظام الذي عدد خلاياه العصبية = 4.Ulcerative colitis (UC) disease is irritation of the colon that is frequently related to infection and immune compromise. The wall of the colon with inflammation is always thicker than normal. UC may be life-threatening and lead to death if not detected early. Early detection of this disease is very important to initiate appropriate treatment. In this paper, the Artificial Neural Network (ANN) applied to detect the UC according to a theoretical dataset generated by the criteria of UC. The Levenberg-Marquardt (LM) algorithm has trained the single hidden layer ANN. The best behaviour is equal to 1.9947×10-24for the system which the number of neurons =4

    What's app? Electronic health technology in inflammatory bowel disease

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    Electronic health (eHealth) data collection is increasingly used in many chronic illnesses, to track pattern of disease. eHealth systems have the potential to revolutionize care. Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is a paradigm for such an approach: this is a chronic disease that usually affects young and technologically literate patient population, who are motivated to be involved in their own care. A range of eHealth technologies are available for IBD. This review considers the strengths and weaknesses of 7 platforms that focus on patient-provider interaction. These have been developed in Denmark, United States, the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom, demonstrating an international interest in this form of technology and interaction. Not only do these technologies aim to improve care but they also have the potential to collect large amounts of information. Information includes demographics and patient reported outcomes (symptoms, quality of life), quality of care (steroid use, among other metrics) and outcomes such as hospitalization. These data could inform quality improvement programmes to improve their focus. eHealth technology is also open to machine learning to analyze large data sets, through which personalized algorithms may be developed

    Comparing the efficacy of a web-assisted calprotectin-based treatment algorithm (IBD-live) with usual practices in teenagers with inflammatory bowel disease:study protocol for a randomized controlled trial

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    Background: To prevent clinical relapse in teenagers with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) there is a need to monitor disease activity continuously. Timely optimisation of medical treatment may nip a preclinical relapse in the bud and change the natural course of IBD. Traditionally, disease monitoring is done during scheduled visits, but this is when most teenagers report full control. IBD care could be more efficient if patients were seen at times of clinical need. This study aims to examine the effectiveness of a web-assisted calprotectin-based treatment algorithm (IBD-live) compared with usual practices in teenagers with IBD. Methods/design: A randomized trial of web-based disease monitoring versus usual care is conducted at 10 Dutch IBD care centers. We plan to recruit 180 patients between 10-and 19-years old with quiescent IBD at baseline. Teenagers assigned to IBD-live will use the flarometer -an automatic cumulation of disease activity and fecal calprotectin measurements-to estimate probability of relapse. In case the flarometer indicates high risk the patient requires treatment intensification in accordance with national guidelines; low risk means that maintenance therapy is unchanged; and intermediate risk requires optimisation of drug adherence. Patients assigned to usual practice get the best accepted medical care with regular health checks. Primary outcome is the frequency of relapse at 52 weeks of follow-up. The diagnosis of relapse is based on a clinical activity index score >10 points necessitating remission induction therapy. Secondary outcomes include quality of life and cost-effectiveness. Discussion: Web-assisted monitoring of disease activity with rapid access for those with acute relapse may allow teenagers to develop skills that are required of adult patients (including communication and self-determination). Similar monitoring systems have been introduced for teenagers with asthma and diabetes, with a positive effect on disease control, but the intervention has not been evaluated in teenagers with IBD. A randomized trial in adult patients with ulcerative colitis showed that a web-assisted treatment algorithm is feasible, safe and cost-effective. Results of the current trial are expected to have important implications for teenagers with IBD that incurs substantial health burdens and economic costs

    Value-based health care in inflammatory bowel diseases : creating the value quotient

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    The essence of VBHC is to improve patients' outcomes at lower costs. This thesis attempts to construct the value quotient (vQ) for IBD: a metric for value which incorporates patient value, defined as a combination of disease control, quality of life, and productivity in the numerator, and divides it by the associated IBD-related costs in the denominator. In this thesis we showed the feasibility of monitoring clinical disease control remotely using a mobile app, we showed the impact of IBD on work productivity, and we developed a patient-centric composite score that incorporates all three outcomes as well as individual patient preferences. However, metrics for long term outcomes still need to be incorporated in the vQ. Although ideally this would be done by measuring disease outcomes long-term, this is not practical for short-term improvements. Process measures that are associated with long term outcomes and that are well-grounded in the medical literature offer a feasible short term alternative. Future research is needed to assess which process measures would be appropriate in this context, and to develop a quantifiable way to include these in the vQ.Leiden University Medical Center, Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology / University of California, Los Angeles, Center for Inflammatory Bowel DiseasesUBL - phd migration 201


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    Telemedicine is a rapidly evolving field as new technologies are implemented for example for the development of wireless sensors, quality data transmission. Using the Internet applications such as counseling, clinical consultation support and home care monitoring and management are more and more realized, which improves access to high level medical care in underserved areas. The 23 chapters of this book present manifold examples of telemedicine treating both theoretical and practical foundations and application scenarios

    Text4IBD: Development, feasibility, and acceptability of an eHealth intervention to reduce distress among people with inflammatory bowel disease

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    Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is a category of lifelong chronic illnesses that affect the digestive tract, including Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis. IBD has no cure and requires a high degree of self-management to keep symptoms in remission. Because of the chronic, relapsing-remitting nature of IBD, in addition to the stigma that coincides with the disease, people with IBD are at increased risk for distress. This dissertation sought to better understand experiences of and reduce disease-related distress among people with IBD through the use of social media data and an eHealth intervention. Computational analysis of over 80,000 public social media posts about IBD from Reddit and Twitter identified prevalent topics about IBD and distress, such as symptoms and nutrition. These findings informed the development of “Text4IBD”—a text messaging program designed for this dissertation. The program sent daily support messages about disease self-management to participants (N = 114) who were diagnosed with IBD over the course of a 2-week intervention. Participants were recruited to evaluate the program in a single group, pretest-posttest study in late 2020. Primary outcomes were IBD-related distress and intervention feasibility and acceptability. Secondary outcomes were self-efficacy, outcome expectations, perceived IBD support, use of coping strategies, and medication adherence. Analyses compared pretest-posttest changes in study outcomes and also examined participant quantitative and qualitative evaluations of the intervention (posttest only). Pre-post results showed participants reduced their IBD-related distress and improved most secondary outcomes. In addition, nearly all participants were receptive to the intervention and perceived the program as acceptable. Results from this work highlight the feasibility of text messaging as a useful eHealth medium for providing information and support about IBD self-management, particularly for those who may struggle with disease-related distress. This dissertation also adds to literature through its interdisciplinary application of social media analysis and eHealth as complementary methods in the design, recruitment, and implementation of a health communication intervention. Future research should build on this work by integrating and evaluating similar tools in subsequent studies aimed at improving quality of life among those with IBD.Doctor of Philosoph