1,375 research outputs found

    Interaction Methods for Smart Glasses : A Survey

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    Since the launch of Google Glass in 2014, smart glasses have mainly been designed to support micro-interactions. The ultimate goal for them to become an augmented reality interface has not yet been attained due to an encumbrance of controls. Augmented reality involves superimposing interactive computer graphics images onto physical objects in the real world. This survey reviews current research issues in the area of human-computer interaction for smart glasses. The survey first studies the smart glasses available in the market and afterwards investigates the interaction methods proposed in the wide body of literature. The interaction methods can be classified into hand-held, touch, and touchless input. This paper mainly focuses on the touch and touchless input. Touch input can be further divided into on-device and on-body, while touchless input can be classified into hands-free and freehand. Next, we summarize the existing research efforts and trends, in which touch and touchless input are evaluated by a total of eight interaction goals. Finally, we discuss several key design challenges and the possibility of multi-modal input for smart glasses.Peer reviewe

    Head Mounted Display Interaction Evaluation: Manipulating Virtual Objects in Augmented Reality

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    Augmented Reality (AR) is getting close to real use cases,which is driving the creation of innovative applications and the unprecedented growth of Head-Mounted Display (HMD) devices in consumer availability. However, at present there is a lack of guidelines, common form factors and standard interaction paradigms between devices, which has resulted in each HMD manufacturer creating their own specifications. This paper presents the first experimental evaluation of two AR HMDs evaluating their interaction paradigms, namely we used the HoloLens v1 (metaphoric interaction) and Meta2 (isomorphic interaction). We report on precision, interactivity and usability metrics in an object manipulation task-based user study. 20 participants took part in this study and significant differences were found between interaction paradigms of the devices for move tasks, where the isomorphic mapped interaction outperformed the metaphoric mapped interaction in both time to completion and accuracy, while the contrary was found for the resize task. From an interaction perspective, the isomorphic mapped interaction (using the Meta2) was perceived as more natural and usable with a significantly higher usability score and a significantly lower task-load index. However, when task accuracy and time to completion is key mixed interaction paradigms need to be considered

    Experience Prototyping for Automotive Applications

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    In recent years, we started to define our life through experiences we make instead of objectswe buy. To attend a concert of our favorite musician may be more important for us thanowning an expensive stereo system. Similarly, we define interactive systems not only by thequality of the display or its usability, but rather by the experiences we can make when usingthe device. A cell phone is primarily built for making calls and receiving text messages,but on an emotional level it might provide a way to be close to our loved ones, even thoughthey are far away sometimes. When designing interactive technology, we do not only haveto answer the question how people use our systems, but also why they use them. Thus,we need to concentrate on experiences, feelings and emotions arising during interaction.Experience Design is an approach focusing on the story that a product communicates beforeimplementing the system. In an interdisciplinary team of psychologists, industrial designers, product developers andspecialists in human-computer interaction, we applied an Experience Design process to theautomotive domain. A major challenge for car manufacturers is the preservation of theseexperiences throughout the development process. When implementing interactive systemsengineers rely on technical requirements and a set of constraints (e.g., safety) oftentimescontradicting aspects of the designed experience. To resolve this conflict, Experience Prototypingis an important tool translating experience stories to an actual interactive product. With this thesis I investigate the Experience Design process focusing on Experience Prototyping.Within the automotive context, I report on three case studies implementing threekinds of interactive systems, forming and following our approach. I implemented (1) anelectric vehicle information system called Heartbeat, communicating the state of the electricdrive and the batteries to the driver in an unobtrusive and ensuring way. I integrated Heartbeatinto the dashboard of a car mock-up with respect to safety and space requirements butat the same time holding on to the story in order to achieve a consistent experience. With (2)the Periscope I implemented a mobile navigation device enhancing the social and relatednessexperiences of the passengers in the car. I built and evaluated several experience prototypesin different stages of the design process and showed that they transported the designed experiencethroughout the implementation of the system. Focusing on (3) the experience offreehand gestures, GestShare explored this interaction style for in-car and car-to-car socialexperiences. We designed and implemented a gestural prototypes for small but effectivesocial interactions between drivers and evaluated the system in the lab and and in-situ study. The contributions of this thesis are (1) a definition of Experience Prototyping in the automotivedomain resulting from a literature review and my own work, showing the importanceand feasibility of Experience Prototyping for Experience Design. I (2) contribute three casestudies and describe the details of several prototypes as milestones on the way from a anexperience story to an interactive system. I (3) derive best practices for Experience Prototypingconcerning their characteristics such as fidelity, resolution and interactivity as well asthe evaluation in the lab an in situ in different stages of the process.Wir definieren unser Leben zunehmend durch Dinge, die wir erleben und weniger durchProdukte, die wir kaufen. Ein Konzert unseres Lieblingsmusikers zu besuchen kann dabeiwichtiger sein, als eine teure Stereoanlage zu besitzen. Auch interaktive Systeme bewertenwir nicht mehr nur nach der QualitĂ€t des Displays oder der Benutzerfreundlichkeit, sondernauch nach Erlebnissen, die durch die Benutzung möglich werden. Das Smartphone wurdehauptsĂ€chlich zum Telefonieren und Schreiben von Nachrichten entwickelt. Auf einer emotionalenEbene bietet es uns aber auch eine Möglichkeit, wichtigen Personen sehr nah zusein, auch wenn sie manchmal weit weg sind. Bei der Entwicklung interaktiver Systememüssen wir uns daher nicht nur fragen wie, sondern auch warum diese benutzt werden. Erlebnisse,Gefühle und Emotionen, die wĂ€hrend der Interaktion entstehen, spielen dabei einewichtige Rolle. Experience Design ist eine Disziplin, die sich auf Geschichten konzentriert,die ein Produkt erzĂ€hlt, bevor es tatsĂ€chlich implementiert wird. In einem interdisziplinĂ€ren Team aus Psychologen, Industrie-Designern, Produktentwicklernund Spezialisten der Mensch-Maschine-Interaktion wurde ein Prozess zur Erlebnis-Gestaltung im automobilen Kontext angewandt. Die Beibehaltung von Erlebnissen über dengesamten Entwicklungsprozess hinweg ist eine große Herausforderung für Automobilhersteller.Ingenieure hĂ€ngen bei der Implementierung interaktiver Systeme von technischen,sicherheitsrelevanten und ergonomischen Anforderungen ab, die oftmals dem gestaltetenErlebnis widersprechen. Die Bereitstellung von Erlebnis-Prototypen ermöglicht die Übersetzungvon Geschichten in interaktive Produkte und wirkt daher diesem Konflikt entgegen. Im Rahmen dieser Dissertation untersuche ich den Prozess zur Erlebnis-Gestaltung hinsichtlichder Bedeutung von Erlebnis-Prototypen. Ich berichte von drei Fallbeispielen im automobilenBereich, die die Gestaltung und Implementierung verschiedener interaktiver Systemenumfassen. (1) Ein Informationssystem für Elektrofahrzeuge, der Heartbeat, macht den Zustanddes elektrischen Antriebs und den Ladestand der Batterien für den Fahrer visuell undhaptisch erlebbar. Nach der Implementierung mehrerer Prototypen wurde Heartbeat unterBerücksichtigung verschiedener technischer und sicherheitsrelevanter Anforderungen in dieArmaturen eines Fahrzeugmodells integriert, ohne dass dabei das gestaltete Erlebnis verlorengegangen ist. (2) Das Periscope ist ein mobiles NavigationsgerĂ€t, das den Insassensoziale Erlebnisse ermöglicht und das Verbundenheitsgefühl stĂ€rkt. Durch die Implementierungmehrere Erlebnis-Prototypen und deren Evaluation in verschiedenen Phasen des Entwicklungsprozesseskonnten die gestalteten Erlebnisse konsistent erhalten werden. (3) ImProjekt GestShare wurde das Potential der Interaktion durch Freiraumgesten im Fahrzeuguntersucht. Dabei standen ein Verbundenheitserlebnis des Fahrers und soziale Interaktionenmit Fahrern anderer Fahrzeuge im Fokus. Es wurden mehrere Prototypen implementiert undauch in einer Verkehrssituation evaluiert. Die wichtigsten BeitrĂ€ge dieser Dissertation sind (1) eine intensive Betrachtung und Anwendungvon Erlebnis-Prototypen im Auto und deren Relevanz bei der Erlebnis-Gestaltung,beruhend auf einer Literaturauswertung und der eigenen Erfahrung innerhalb des Projekts; (2) drei Fallstudien und eine detaillierte Beschreibung mehrere Prototypen in verschiedenenPhasen des Prozesses und (3) Empfehlungen zu Vorgehensweisen bei der Erstellung vonErlebnis-Prototypen hinsichtlich der Eigenschaften wie NĂ€he zum finalen Produkt, Anzahlder implementierten Details und InteraktivitĂ€t sowie zur Evaluation im Labor und in tatsĂ€chlichenVerkehrssituationen in verschiedenen Phasen des Entwicklungsprozesses

    Prototype gesture recognition interface for vehicular head-up display system

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    Freehand-Steering Locomotion Techniques for Immersive Virtual Environments: A Comparative Evaluation

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    Virtual reality has achieved significant popularity in recent years, and allowing users to move freely within an immersive virtual world has become an important factor critical to realize. The user’s interactions are generally designed to increase the perceived realism, but the locomotion techniques and how these affect the user’s task performance still represent an open issue, much discussed in the literature. In this article, we evaluate the efficiency and effectiveness of, and user preferences relating to, freehand locomotion techniques designed for an immersive virtual environment performed through hand gestures tracked by a sensor placed in the egocentric position and experienced through a head-mounted display. Three freehand locomotion techniques have been implemented and compared with each other, and with a baseline technique based on a controller, through qualitative and quantitative measures. An extensive user study conducted with 60 subjects shows that the proposed methods have a performance comparable to the use of the controller, further revealing the users’ preference for decoupling the locomotion in sub-tasks, even if this means renouncing precision and adapting the interaction to the possibilities of the tracker sensor

    Peripheral interaction

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    In our everyday life we carry out a multitude of activities in parallel without focusing our attention explicitly on them. We drink a cup of tea while reading a book, we signal a colleague passing by with a hand gesture, that we are concentrated right now and that he should wait one moment, or we walk a few steps backwards while taking photos. Many of these interactions - like drinking, sending signals via gestures or walking - are rather complex by themselves. By means of learning and training, however, these interactions become part of our routines and habits and therefore only consume little or no attentional resources. In contrast, when interacting with digital devices, we are often asked for our full attention. To carry out - even small and marginal tasks - we are regularly forced to switch windows, do precise interactions (e.g., pointing with the mouse) and thereby these systems trigger context and focus switches, disrupting us in our main focus and task. Peripheral interaction aims at making use of human capabilities and senses like divided attention, spatial memory and proprioception to support interaction with digital devices in the periphery of the attention, consequently quasi-parallel to another primary task. In this thesis we investigate peripheral interaction in the context of a standard desktop computer environment. We explore three interaction styles for peripheral interaction: graspable interaction, touch input and freehand gestures. StaTube investigates graspable interaction in the domain of instant messaging, while the Appointment Projection uses simple wiping gestures to access information about upcoming appointments. These two explorations focus on one interaction style each and offer first insights into the general benefits of peripheral interaction. In the following we carried out two studies comparing all three interaction styles (graspable, touch, freehand) for audio player control and for dealing with notifications. We found that all three interaction styles are generally fit for peripheral interaction but come with different advantages and disadvantages. The last set of explorative studies deals with the ability to recall spatial locations in 2D as well as 3D. The Unadorned Desk makes use of the physical space around the desktop computer and thereby offers an extended interaction space to store and retrieve virtual items such as commands, applications or tools. Finally, evaluation of peripheral interaction is not straightforward as the systems are designed to blend into the environment and not draw attention on them. We propose an additional evaluation method for the lab to complement the current evaluation practice in the field. The main contributions of this thesis are (1) an exhaustive classification and a more detailed look at manual peripheral interaction for tangible, touch and freehand interaction. Based on these exploration with all three interaction styles, we offer (2) implications in terms of overall benefits of peripheral interaction, learnability and habituation, visual and mental attention, feedback and handedness for future peripheral interaction design. Finally, derived from a diverse set of user studies, we assess (3) evaluation strategies enriching the design process for peripheral interaction.In unserem tĂ€glichen Leben fĂŒhren wir eine große Anzahl an AktivitĂ€ten parallel aus ohne uns explizit darauf zu konzentrieren. Wir trinken Tee wĂ€hrend wir ein Buch lesen, wir signalisieren einem Kollegen durch eine Handgeste, dass wir gerade konzentriert sind und er einen Moment warten soll oder wir gehen ein paar Schritte rĂŒckwĂ€rts wĂ€hrend wir fotografieren. Viele dieser AktivitĂ€ten - wie beispielsweise Trinken, Gestikulieren und Laufen - sind an sich komplex. Durch Training werden diese TĂ€tigkeiten allerdings Teil unserer Routinen und Gewohnheiten, und beanspruchen daher nur noch wenig oder sogar keine Aufmerksamkeit. Im Gegensatz dazu, verlangen digitale GerĂ€te meist unsere volle Aufmerksamkeit wĂ€hrend der Interaktion. Um - oftmals nur kleine - Aufgaben durchzufĂŒhren, mĂŒssen wir Fenster wechseln, prĂ€zise Aktionen durchfĂŒhren (z.B. mit dem Mauszeiger zielen) und werden dabei durch die Systeme zu einem Kontext- und Fokuswechsel gezwungen. Periphere Interaktion hingegen macht sich menschliche FĂ€higkeiten wie geteilte Aufmerksamkeit, das rĂ€umliche GedĂ€chtnis und Propriozeption zu Nutze um Interaktion mit digitalen GerĂ€ten am Rande der Aufmerksamkeit also der Peripherie zu ermöglichen -- quasi-parallel zu einem anderen PrimĂ€rtask. In dieser Arbeit untersuchen wir Periphere Interaktion am Computerarbeitsplatz. Dabei betrachten wir drei verschiedene Interaktionsstile: Begreifbare Interaktion (graspable), Touch Eingabe und Freiraum Gestik (freehand). StaTube untersucht Begreifbare Interaktion am Beispiel von Instant Messaging, wĂ€hrend die Appointment Projection einfache Wischgesten nutzt, um Informationen nahender Termine verfĂŒgbar zu machen. Diese beiden Untersuchungen betrachten jeweils einen Interaktionsstil und beleuchten erste Vorteile, die durch Periphere Interaktion erzielt werden können. Aufbauend darauf fĂŒhren wir zwei vergleichende Studien zwischen allen drei Interaktionsstilen durch. Als Anwendungsszenarien dienen Musiksteuerung und der Umgang mit Benachrichtigungsfenstern. Alle drei Interaktionsstile können erfolgreich fĂŒr Periphere Interaktion eingesetzt werden, haben aber verschiedene Vor- und Nachteile. Die letzte Gruppe von Studien befasst sich mit dem rĂ€umlichen GedĂ€chtnis in 2D und 3D. Das Unadorned Desk nutzt den physikalischen Raum neben dem Desktop Computer um virtuelle Objekte, beispielsweise Funktionen, Anwendungen oder Werkzeuge, zu lagern. DarĂŒber hinaus ist die Evaluation von Peripherer Interaktion anspruchsvoll, da sich die Systeme in die Umwelt integrieren und gerade keine Aufmerksamkeit auf sich ziehen sollen. Wir schlagen eine Evaluationsmethode fĂŒr das Labor vor, um die derzeitig vorherrschenden Evaluationsmethoden in diesem Forschungsfeld zu ergĂ€nzen. Die KernbeitrĂ€ge dieser Arbeit sind eine (1) umfassende Klassifizierung und ein detaillierter Blick auf manuelle Periphere Interaktion, namentlich Begreifbare Interaktion, Touch Eingabe und Freiraum Gestik. Basierend auf unseren Untersuchungen ziehen wir (2) Schlussfolgerungen, die den generellen Nutzen von Peripherer Interaktion darlegen und Bereiche wie die Erlernbarkeit und Gewöhnung, visuelle und mentale Aufmerksamkeit, Feedback so wie HĂ€ndigkeit beleuchten um zukĂŒnftige Projekte im Bereich der Peripheren Interaktion zu unterstĂŒtzen. Aufbauend auf den verschiedenen Nutzerstudien, diskutieren wir Evaluationsstrategien um den Entwicklungsprozess Peripherer Interaktion zu unterstĂŒtzen

    Multi-touch interaction for interface prototyping

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    Tese de mestrado integrado. Engenharia Informåtica e Computação. Faculdade de Engenharia. Universidade do Porto. 201

    Stereoscopic Sketchpad: 3D Digital Ink

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    --Context-- This project looked at the development of a stereoscopic 3D environment in which a user is able to draw freely in all three dimensions. The main focus was on the storage and manipulation of the ‘digital ink’ with which the user draws. For a drawing and sketching package to be effective it must not only have an easy to use user interface, it must be able to handle all input data quickly and efficiently so that the user is able to focus fully on their drawing. --Background-- When it comes to sketching in three dimensions the majority of applications currently available rely on vector based drawing methods. This is primarily because the applications are designed to take a users two dimensional input and transform this into a three dimensional model. Having the sketch represented as vectors makes it simpler for the program to act upon its geometry and thus convert it to a model. There are a number of methods to achieve this aim including Gesture Based Modelling, Reconstruction and Blobby Inflation. Other vector based applications focus on the creation of curves allowing the user to draw within or on existing 3D models. They also allow the user to create wire frame type models. These stroke based applications bring the user closer to traditional sketching rather than the more structured modelling methods detailed. While at present the field is inundated with vector based applications mainly focused upon sketch-based modelling there are significantly less voxel based applications. The majority of these applications focus on the deformation and sculpting of voxmaps, almost the opposite of drawing and sketching, and the creation of three dimensional voxmaps from standard two dimensional pixmaps. How to actually sketch freely within a scene represented by a voxmap has rarely been explored. This comes as a surprise when so many of the standard 2D drawing programs in use today are pixel based. --Method-- As part of this project a simple three dimensional drawing program was designed and implemented using C and C++. This tool is known as Sketch3D and was created using a Model View Controller (MVC) architecture. Due to the modular nature of Sketch3Ds system architecture it is possible to plug a range of different data structures into the program to represent the ink in a variety of ways. A series of data structures have been implemented and were tested for efficiency. These structures were a simple list, a 3D array, and an octree. They have been tested for: the time it takes to insert or remove points from the structure; how easy it is to manipulate points once they are stored; and also how the number of points stored effects the draw and rendering times. One of the key issues brought up by this project was devising a means by which a user is able to draw in three dimensions while using only two dimensional input devices. The method settled upon and implemented involves using the mouse or a digital pen to sketch as one would in a standard 2D drawing package but also linking the up and down keyboard keys to the current depth. This allows the user to move in and out of the scene as they draw. A couple of user interface tools were also developed to assist the user. A 3D cursor was implemented and also a toggle, which when on, highlights all of the points intersecting the depth plane on which the cursor currently resides. These tools allow the user to see exactly where they are drawing in relation to previously drawn lines. --Results-- The tests conducted on the data structures clearly revealed that the octree was the most effective data structure. While not the most efficient in every area, it manages to avoid the major pitfalls of the other structures. The list was extremely quick to render and draw to the screen but suffered severely when it comes to finding and manipulating points already stored. In contrast the three dimensional array was able to erase or manipulate points effectively while the draw time rendered the structure effectively useless, taking huge amounts of time to draw each frame. The focus of this research was on how a 3D sketching package would go about storing and accessing the digital ink. This is just a basis for further research in this area and many issues touched upon in this paper will require a more in depth analysis. The primary area of this future research would be the creation of an effective user interface and the introduction of regular sketching package features such as the saving and loading of images
