386 research outputs found

    Interactive Experience Design: Integrated and Tangible Storytelling with Maritime Museum Artefacts

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    Museums play the role of intermediary between cultural heritage and visitors, and are often described as places and environments for education and enjoyment. The European Union also encourages innovative uses of museums to support education through the cultural heritage resources. However, the importance of visitors’ active role in museums as places for education and entertainment, on the one hand, and the growing and indispensable presence of technology in the cultural heritage domain, on the other hand, provided the initial ideas to develop the research. This thesis, presents the study and design for an interactive storytelling installation for a maritime museum. The installation is designed to integrate different museum artefacts into the storytelling system to enrich the visitors experience through tangible storytelling. The project was conducted in collaboration with another PhD student, Luca Ciotoli. His contribution was mainly focused on the narrative and storytelling features of the research, while my contribution was focused on the interaction- and technology-related features, including the design and implementation of the prototype. The research is deployed using a four-phase iterative approach. The first phase of the research, Study, deals with literature review and different studies to identify the requirements. The second phase, Design, determines the broad outlines of the project i.e., an interactive storytelling installation. The design phase includes interaction and museum experience design. We investigated different design approaches, e.g., interaction and museum experience design, to develop a conceptual design. The third phase, prototype, allows us to determine how to fulfill the tasks and meet the requirements that are established for the research. Prototyping involves content creation, storyboarding, integrating augmented artefacts into the storytelling system. Th final phase, test, refers to the evaluations that are conducted during the aforementioned phases e.g., formative and the final usability testing with users. The outcome of the research confirms previous results in the literature about how digital narratives can be enriched with the tangible dimension, moreover it shows how this dimension can enable to communicate stories and knowledge of the past that are complex, such as the art of navigating in the past, by integrating tangible objects that play different roles in the storytelling process

    Medieval Media

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    The Worcester Art Museum has hopes to attract more families, children, and millennials to the museum using interactive exhibits. Our project goal was to collect data on the effectiveness of various aspects of exhibit design for the WAM to use in future exhibits and to propose improvements for the current Medieval Gallery. We assessed the effectiveness of audience engagement of the Medieval Gallery and non- renovated exhibits. To do this, we created various data gathering tools such as observational rubrics and path tracking methods. After obtaining all of this information, the team designed and piloted a new digital media element to the medieval exhibit. Our work was completed through the Worcester Community Project Center with help from our Sponsor, Jeffrey Forgeng

    Mobile Augmented Reality in Museums : Towards Enhancing Visitor's Learning Experience

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    This article presents the design and implementation of a handheld Augmented Reality (AR) system called Mobile Augmented Reality Touring System (M.A.R.T.S). The results of experiments conducted during museum visits using this system are also described. These experiments aim at studying how such a tool can transform the visitor’s learning experience by comparing it to two widely used museum systems. First, we present the museum’s learning experience and a related model which emerged from the state of the art. This model consists of two types of activity experienced by the observer of a work of art: sensitive and analytical. Then, we detail M.A.R.T.S architecture and implementation. Our empirical study highlights the fact that AR can direct visitors’ attention by emphasizing and superimposing. Its magnifying and sensitive effects are well perceived and appreciated by visitors. The obtained results reveal that M.A.R.T.S contributes to a worthwhile learning experience

    Reinterpreting the Laurel Hill Cemetery Using Geographic Information Systems (GIS)

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    Laurel Hill Cemetery is an ideal candidate for an investigation of an innovative interpretation regime. It is a complex landscape that contains a wide variety of resources. Those resources cover a range of interests, holding an appeal for a broad potential audience. Importantly, the site is also recognized as one of great national and cultural significance. Formal recognition of Laurel Hill Cemetery\u27s cultural significance and contribution to the rural cemetery movement came when it was designated as a National Historic Landmark (NHL) in 1998. It was the first cemetery in the nation to be so designated and remains today an impressive 78-acre sculpture garden and historical resource. Like so many of America\u27s cultural resources, however, the promotion and interpretation of the Laurel Hill Cemetery is not without difficulty

    Bridging the Gap Between Education and Experience: A Comparative Analysis of IPB University Museum's Visitor Experience

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    The IPB Museum, located on the Darmaga Campus of IPB University, serves as a platform to showcase its rich history, developments, and future aspirations. University museums are vital institutions, embracing innovation and fostering communities of knowledge. Previous research emphasizes the impact of visitor experience on satisfaction and loyalty, highlighting the advantages of interactive technologies in museums for improved engagement and education. Evaluating technology's impact is crucial, and this study utilizes The Museum Tourism Experience and Experiential Value questionnaire to provide a baseline measurement and benchmark for future interventions, enabling a comprehensive evaluation of technology's impact on visitor experiences and satisfaction. In this study, 103 undergraduate students from the User Experience Design Course were invited to visit the IPB Museum to assess their experience using The Museum Tourism Experience and Experiential Value (MTEEV) questionnaire, which evaluates five aspects of the visitor experience. The students completed the questionnaire both before and after their visit, aiming to measure the impact of the museum visit on their perception and evaluate the effectiveness of the IPB Museum. The museum received lower ratings in visual appeal, entertainment, escapism, willingness to pay more, and imaginary vividness compared to visitors' past experiences, indicating potential areas for improvement to enhance the overall visitor experience. Lastly, we present our participatory strategy using MBKM and the capstone program to improve the museum experience.     &nbsp

    Rethinking the role of ICTs - Digital transformation and Culture enjoyment continuity

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    This document will analyse recent trends and evolution of the use of ICTs in the field of cultural heritage from a different standpoint, the service provision in the age of digital transition and pandemic. The initial focus is on the usual approach in the field of goods, proper design to elicit a positive feeling by potential customers. Recently a new type of good has been identified, service. Services grown up incredibly in the pandemic, goods delivery, food delivery, and more. So, thinking at services like a good we must design them to better the appreciation by customers as since the early XX century the people did with objects and merchandise. Appling the same approach to digital services a design phase is required together with all the different components that will provide a positive feedback from the user, this means to deal with interaction design, user centred approach, usability guidelines and the overall concept of positive user experience. Recent trends and reborn technologies like the path from edutainment to serious games and gamification, the new approach to immersive interactive technologies in a nonintrusive format. Last but relevant the need to take the momentum to ensure the culture enjoyment continuity in case of crisis

    eLuna : A Co-Design Framework for Mixed Reality Narrative Game- Based Learning

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    De siste tiårs utvidede fokus på læring utenfor skolen har bidratt til økt anvendelse av vitensentre som læringsarena for barn i grunnskole og videregående utdanning. En læringsløype er en type integrert læringsmiljø der de lærende, fysiske installasjoner, og digitale hjelpemidler bidrar til å fremme læringsinnhold og mål. På vitensentre brukes læringsløyper som pedagogisk støtte innen et bredt spekter av pensumplaner og programmer, gjennom å kombinere forskjellige sett av installasjoner og ved å vektlegge forskjellige aspekter av installasjonenes innhold. Siden de er sammensatt av både fysiske installasjoner og digitale hjelpemidler, er læringsløyper blandet virkelighet systemer, der de lærende interagerer med elementer i både den fysiske og virtuelle virkeligheten. Forskning har vist at både narrativ og spillmekanikker er blant de mest effektive komponentene som kan ligge til grunn for at læringsløyper skal kunne oppnå økt fokus på læringsinnhold, og for å engasjere de lærende ved å sette dem i en tilstand av flyt (av engelsk flow). Forskningen som presenteres i denne avhandlingen har som hovedmål å forbedre læring på vitensentre, gjennom å bidra med et co-design-rammeverk for blandet virkelighet narrative spillbaserte læringsløyper som underbygger positive effekter på engasjement, motivasjon, og læring. Narrativ har vært brukt til læring og instruksjon siden forhistorisk tid, og spill for læring har vært teoretisert og anvendt i mennesker i århundrer, i enda større grad etter oppfinnelsen av datamaskiner, og mulighetene bragt på banen gjennom digitale spill. Selv om bade narrative og spill har vært vist å kunne ha positive effekter når anvendt for læring, har forskning på effekter fra narrative spillbasert læring vist variable og motstridende resultater. Mangelen av en felles modell for kategorisering av narrative spill medfører manglende kunnskap relatert til hvordan og under hvilke forutsetninger narrative spill har effekt på læring. På tross av at de fleste studier av narrativ spillbasert læring unnlater å nevne narratologiske modeller, og de som gjør det primært refererer til modeller lånt fra andre media som mangler de nødvendige egenskapene til å kategorisere hendelsesflyten som benyttes i mange spill, finnes det en ludo narrativ variabel modell (LNVM), som er en narratologisk modell som kategorisere alle spill som narrativ. Denne forskningen videreutvikler LNVM, og presenterer en felles modell for kategorisering av narrativ spillbasert læring; eLNVM (fra engelsk: The extended LNVM). Narrative spillbaserte læringsløyper består av interaktive installasjoner og digitale hjelpemidler som belyser læringsmål innenfor pensumprogrammer. Det er derfor nødvendig med deltakelse både fra pedagoger og utviklere når slike læringsløyper skal designes og presenteres til lærende. Forskning viser at det er mangel av modeller, metoder, og rammeverk som myndiggjør pedagoger og utvikleres felles design av spillbasert læring, noe som enten resulterer i tapt fokus på læringsinnhold til fordel for engasjerende spillmekanikk, eller i at underholdningspotensialet i spill blir underordnet læringsmålene. Slike rammeverk må videre kunne skille mellom fysiske og virtuelle elementer for å være anvendbare i blandet virkelighet omgivelser. Forskningen presentert i denne avhandlingen benytter et rammeverk for informasjonssystemer som vitenskapelig metode til å utvikle eLuna co-design-rammeverket for blandet virkelighet narrative spillbaserte læringsløyper som underbygger positive effekter på engasjement, motivasjon, og læring. En systematisk litteraturstudie identifiserte 15 studier som rapporterte effekter fra digitale spillbaserte læringssystemer på engasjement, motivasjon, og læring. Disse systemene ble kategorisert med bruk av eLNVM og sortert basert på deres rapportering for å identifisere karakteristikker av narrative digital spillbasert læring som har positive effekter på engasjement, motivasjon, og læring. Denne forskningen benytter en iterativ design-basert forskningsprosess der karakteristikkene assosiert med de positive effektene legges til grunn for et co-design-rammeverk bestående av en metode og et visuelt språk. Co-design-rammeverket blir deretter utvidet med kapasitet til å separere mellom fysiske og virtuelle elementer i blandet virkelighet omgivelser. Rammeverket blir gjennom prosessen testet i deltakende co-design workshops og evaluert med bruk av varierte metoder, inkludert fokus grupper, intervjuer, spørreskjemaer, tematisk analyse, og heuristisk evaluering. Forskningen som blir presentert i denne doktoravhandlingen resulterer i eLuna co-design-rammeverket for narrative spillbasert læring, som kan bli brukt av pedagoger og utviklere til å lage både narrative digitale spillbaserte læringssystemer, og blandet virkelighet narrative spillbaserte læringsløyper som optimaliserer potensiale for positive effekter på engasjement, motivasjon, og læring.Increased focus on out of school learning over the last decades has led to extended use of science centres as learning arenas for pupils in primary and secondary education. A learning trail is a form of embedded learning environment in which the learners themselves, physical exhibits, and digital companions are elements that promote learning content and goals. When used in science centres, learning trails can combine different sets of exhibits and emphasize various aspects of their content to support learning goals inside a broad range of curricular plans and programs. Being comprised of physical exhibits and digital companions, science centre learning trails are mixed reality systems in which learner interaction occurs in both the physical and virtual domains. Research has shown that narratives and game mechanics are among the most effective components for science centre learning trails to achieve increased focus on the learning content, and to induce flow and engagement in learners. With an aim to contribute to improving science centre learning, the main objective of this research is to develop a co-design framework for mixed reality narrative game-based learning trails that enforce positive effects on engagement, motivation, and learning. Narratives have been used in learning and instruction since prehistoric times, and games for learning have been theorized and applied in human culture for centuries, increasingly so with the advent of the computer, and opportunities provided by digital games. While both narratives and games are shown to have the ability to positively affect learning, research on the effects from narrative game-based learning has shown mixed and contradictory results. The lack of a common model to categorize narrative games has led to a knowledge gap regarding how and under which conditions narrative games have effects on learning. Whereas most studies of narrative game-based learning neglect mentioning a narratological model at all, the ones that do mainly refer to models adapted from different media that lack the capabilities to properly categorize the event flow of many digital games. An exception is the ludo narrative variable model (LNVM), a narratological model that can properly categorize all games as narratives. Building on the LNVM, this research fills this gap with the development of the extended LNVM (eLNVM), a common model to categorize and isolate narratives in digital game-based learning. Narrative game-based learning trails comprise interactive exhibits and digital companions and promote learning goals inside curricular programs. Therefore, they require participation from educator and developer stakeholders to be properly designed and brought to learners. Research has shown that there is a lack of models, methods, or frameworks that empower educators and developers to co-design game-based learning, something which results in either the learning content being lost in the engaging mechanics of the game, or the fun of the games becoming inferior to the learning goals. Furthermore, to be applicable in science centres, such a co-design framework must also distinguish between physical and digital elements in mixed reality environments. Applying an information system research framework as a design science methodology, the eLuna co-design framework for mixed reality narrative game-based learning trails that enforce positive effects on engagement, motivation, and learning was developed. A systematic literature review identified 15 studies that self-reported effects of digital game-based learning systems on engagement, motivation, and learning. These were categorized on the eLNVM and sorted by their self-reported effects to identify what characterizes narrative digital game-based learning systems that positively affect engagement, motivation, and learning. Using an iterative design-based research process these characteristics associated with positive effects were then applied in a co-design framework comprising a method and a visual language, which was later extended with the capabilities to distinguish between physical and virtual elements in mixed reality learning trails. Throughout the process the framework was tested in co-design workshops with stakeholders and evaluated through mixed methods, including focus groups, semi-structured interviews, questionnaires, thematic analysis, and heuristic usability inspection. The research presented in this PhD dissertation contributes the eLuna co-design framework for narrative game-based learning, which empowers educators and developers in the creation of both narrative digital game-based learning and mixed reality narrative game-based learning trails that optimize the potential to induce positive effects on engagement, motivation, and learning.Doktorgradsavhandlin

    Digital Education Evaluation: The Future of Time Lens at the Melbourne Museum

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    The Melbourne Museum, the most visited museum in Australia, asked the project team to determine the effectiveness of their scavenger hunt mobile application Time Lens Episode I: Treasures and Gems, as well as design a course of action for a new mobile application. The evaluation of Time Lens was used to determine if future family-based mobile applications were viable and desirable for use in the Melbourne Museum. The team observed the use of the application and discussed its effectiveness with families, staff, and peers. Based on these discussions the project team constructed plans for a future application for use at the Melbourne Museum. Our final recommendations also include plans to promote mobile technology within the museum

    The Exploration Of Interactive Interfaces And Products In edutainment: The Istanbul Aquarium

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    Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2015Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Instıtute of Science and Technology, 2015Bilgi günümüz elektronik çağının en önemli değerlerinden biri olmakla beraber, yaşadığımız çevrenin ayrılmaz bir bütünüdür. Çağın gereksinimlerine ayak uydurmak, teknoloji ve bilgi açısından cevap verebilmek ve akılcı bir biçimde ürünlerin performanslarını arttırmak adına, ürünler dijital teknolojiye uygun bir biçimde şekillendirilmektedirler. Dijital teknoloji birçok ürüne entegre edilmektedir ve bu durum sonuç olarak bahsi geçen ürünlerin fiziksel hesap yapma yani yapay zeka yetisine sahip varlıklar olmasına sebep olmuştur. Ürünlerin değişmekte olan doğası, endüstri ürünleri tasarımı disiplininin rotasını etkileşim tasarımına doğru kırmasına sebep olmuştur. Bu; tasarımda yeni bir dönemin başlangıcı olmuştur. İlaveten bu gelişmeler, tasarım gelişim sürecinin ve takım çalışmasına yönelik koordinasyonun yeniden şekillenmesine neden olmaktadır. Dijital devrim halen gelişmekte iken bu çalışma, pc sonrası dönem için, daha yenilikçi öğrenme odaklı ürün geliştirme sürecine uygun düşecek şekilde önerilerde bulunmayı hedeflemektedir. Topluma açık alanlarda mekanların konseptlerine uygun düşecek şekilde yaratılan içeriklerin daha etkili bir şekilde iletilebilmesi için ve geleneksel bilgi oluşturma şekillerini teknolojinin desteği ile iletmek adına tasarımda bazı adımlar atılmıştır. Eski metodlarla harmanlanan yeni teknolojilerin oluşturduğu modern metodlar kullanıcıların, bu mekanlarda daha çok eğlenirken daha çok öğrenmesini hedeflemektedir. Dolaylı olarak etkin öğrenme süreci, farkında olmadan kullanıcıları etki altına alarak öğrenmenin daha efektif olmasını sağlamaktadır. Bu amaca uzanan yolda, geliştirilen ürünler vasıtasıyla hem mekanlar daha kompleks bir atmosfere bürünmüş olup hem de hedeflenen amaca ulaşmak adına daha emin bir adım atmaktadır. Bu tez, İstanbul Akvaryumu'nda eğitim ve eğlence sağlayan eğitlence odaklı uygulama ürünlerine odaklanmaktadır. Eğitlence uygulamaları, misafirlerin bu mecralardaki yolculuklarının başından sonuna kadar bilgilendirici ve eğitici bir içerik sağlamaktadır. Ürünlerin kendi içindeki uyum sayesinde bilgi, misafirlere farklı porsiyonlarda ve mekanın eğitlence düzenine uygun olarak sunulmaktadır. Böylelikle misafirler günümüzde çok sık rastlandığı üzere fazla bilgi yüklemesine maruz kalmazlar. Bu çalışma, eğitlence ürünlerinin tasarım alanındaki gelişim niteliklerinden bahsetmektedir. Tasarım araçlarını incelemekte ve analiz etmektedir. Projenin iletişimini arttıran özel üretilmiş bir sistem yazılımı üzerinden, iletişim ve eğitimi destekleyen ürünleri incelemeye alan tasarım geliştirme niteliklerini konu edinir. İstanbul Akvaryumu, bugün mevcut olan bütün mümkün tasarım tekniklerini ve interaktif ürünleri içinde barındırmaktadır. Gün geçtikçe her ne kadar yeni teknolojiler xxii geliştirilmekte ve eğitlence tasarımına uygulanmakta olsa da bu akvaryumun, barındırdığı teknolojilerle halen güncel olduğu rahatlıkla söylenebilir. Ürün tasarımı, grafik, interaksiyon ve video tasarımı gibi alanlara ait barındırdığı birçok uygulama üzerinden akvaryum, tümüyle eğitlence projesine özgü niteliklere sahip donanımdadır. Misafirler eğitime ve eğlenceye doğru yaptıkları bu yolculuklarında, dünya denizlerini temsil eden farklı bölgelerin değişik sualtı konseptlerine, özgün ve gözalıcı özelliklerine tanıklık etmektedirler. Bu araştırma, projenin barındırdığı interaktif ürünlerin, toplanan litearatüre göre öğrenme ve bilgi oluşturma prensiplerine uygunluklarını, eğitlence konusuna bağlı olarak incelemektedir. Aynı zamanda, benzer projelerin evrensel örneklerini sunmakta ve pazarın önde gelen firmalarıyla ilgili bilgi sağlamaktadır. Çalışmaya dahil edilen benzer projeleri ve firmaları belirleme aşamasında en önemli kriter, geliştirilen projelerin eğitlence prensiplerine uygunluğu ve İstanbul Akvaryumu'ndaki tasarım süreçlerine benzer süreçlere uygunluğudur. Çalışma, bilgiyi adım adım sunacak şekilde bölümlere ayrılmıştır. İçeriğin organize edilme sırası, okuyucuyu terimler ve çalışmanın genel hatlarıyla ilişkilendirmek için, terminoloji sunumlarıyla başlamaktadır. Projenin hayata geçirildiği mekan, uluslararası standartlara uygun projelerden biri olmakla beraber mimari, tasarımsal ve sosyal anlamlarda çok önemli bir yer işgal etmektedir. Havaalanına 10 km. uzaklıkta son derece stratejik bir lokasyonda bulunmaktadır. Barındırdığı bir alışveriş merkezi ve restoranlarıyla halkın eğlenme ve boş vakit değerlendirmesine olanak sağlamaktadır. Seyir ve alışveriş amaçlı günübirlik turlarla birçok yerli ve yabancı turistin akın ettiği akvaryum turistik bir değere sahiptir. Hatta bazı misafirler bu turlarını, dünyanın birçok ayrı köşesine yapacakları uçuşlarının aktarmalarını beklerken yapmaktadırlar. Tez, tasarım gelişim sürecini ve eğitlencedeki öğrenme nitelikleriyle alakalı sosyal faktörleri merkezine taşımaktadır. İlgili akademik ve sosyal çalışmalardan bahsedip öğrenmeye dair tasarım metodlarını odağına almaktadır. Literatüre bakıldığında eğitlence tasarımının temel taşlarından olan Piaget ve Papert'in öğrenme ile ilgili kaynakları referans alınmıştır. Çalışma eğitlence, interaksiyon ve öğrenmeyi hedefleyen literatürle ilişkili araştırmanın sunumuyla başlar. Literatür, tezin farklı bölümlerinde olan birbiriyle olan bağlantıları açığa çıkarmak için daha önceki yayınları inceleyip analiz etmeye çalışmaktadır. Bilgi birikimini arttırmak için tasarlanmış, iletişimsel hedefleri olan interaktif ürünleri, literatür vasıtasıyla harmanlanması; çalışmanın asıl amacıdır. Bu çalışmada bahsedilen interaktif ürünlerin tanım ve açıklamalarının, eğitlence literatürüyle örtüşmesine gereksinim duyulmasından dolayı tez, buna göre kurgulanmıştır. Bu araştırma, sosyal alanlarda tasarım literatürünün endüstri dahilinde üretilecek olan uygulamalarına bu yeni yaklaşımı entegre ederek, tasarımcılara yeni bir projeye doğru yol alırlarken perspektiflerini daha geniş tutmaları konusunda ilham vermeyi ummaktadır. Buna ek olarak tasarım eğitimi, eğitlence tasarım süreci ve metodolojisinde yeni düşünce sistemlerine yönelik tasarımcıları motive etmeyi xxiii arzulamaktadır. Akvaryumdaki ürünlerle ilişki üzerinden toparlanan literatüre göre bu araştırma; eğitlence teknolojisi, bilgi gelişimi ve eğlendirici-bilgilendirici sistemlerle alakalı belirgin ve geçerli çözümler sunmaya çalışmaktadır. Çalışmanın ilerleyen kısımları, benzer değer taşıyan evrensel proje örnekleri sunarken aynı zamanda tasarım ve yaratma sürecine dahil olan firmalarla ilgili bilgiler de vermektedir. Gün geçtikçe eğitlence, uluslararası alanda bulunan toplumsal merkezlerde daha da yaygınlaşmasına rağmen bir çok ülkeye göre ülkemizde daha başlangıç noktasındadır. Ülkemizde benzer nitelikler taşıyan konularda çalışmalar yapılmış olsa da toplumsal bir alanda eğitlence ürünlerinin varlığı üzerine çok fazla kaynak bulunmamaktadır. Bu çalışma eğitlence odaklı interaktif yerel ürün literatüre etki etmeyi hedeflemesinin yanı sıra tasarım, interaksiyon, eğlence ve bilgiyle alakalı literatür ve metotlar sayesinde öğrenme ve ilişki kurma konusunda eğitlence sergi tasarımı teorisine katkı sağlamayı amaçlamaktadır.Information is one of the most important values of the digital world of today and technology is an indispensable part of the infrastructure of the living environment. Electronic technology is being smartly integrated in various products to enhance their performance, resulting that these products possess the properties of both physical and computing entities. The changing nature of products has expanded the realm of industrial design to direct its course toward the design of interaction design. Furthermore, it has reshaped the product development process and coordination of teamwork. While the digital revolution is still progressing, this study aims to propose an innovative learning oriented product-development process suitable for the post-pc era. The study focuses on the edutainment implementations in Istanbul Aquarium concentrating on the education and entertainment providing products. Similar projects have been mentioned through a design perspective which creates product interaction in public spaces such as museums and aquariums. The edutainment implementations are a journey for the guests carrying them from the entrance to the exit with sparks of informative and educative content. The study mentions the design development assets of Istanbul Aquarium edutainment products observing and analyzing the tools and the products used in the project augmenting communication as well as education through a tailor made framework. The aquarium consists of all possible design techniques and interactive products of today. One can find samples of product, graphic, interaction and motion design in the aquarium distributed according to the edutainment project. The guests venture towards education and entertainment visiting different areas with spectacular separate concepts representing the seas of the world. The study observes the relevance of the interactive products in the aquarium in relation to the literature compiled in accordance with the principles of learning and knowledge creation. The document also provides global examples of similar projects and leading companies in the market. The thesis is devised in such a way that it presents the information step by step. The sequence in which the content is organized begins with the presentation of the terms in order to associate the reader with the terms and and overview of the structure. The venue in which the project has been carried out is one of the leading projects worldwide with various design implementations from an architectural, design and social point of view. As it is situated in a strategic location 10 km from the airport, it has a touristic attraction value housing a mall, restaurants and other structures for public entertainment and leisure purposes. Many visitor flood to the aquarium on a daily tour basis for sightseeing and shopping, some even while waiting for their flights to different corners of the world. The study explores the potential of using touch-screen interfaces and interactive products to open new opportunities for interactive experiences in the aquarium. xx The study pinpoints the approach in design by mentioning relevant academic and social studies made in the field centralizing of the factors which affect the design development process and the social factors related to the learning assets in edutainment. It continues off with the presentation of the research that has been made on terms such as edutainment, interaction and learning, aiming to create a direct contact with the literature. The literature observes and analysis previous studies as well as publications suggested by the study clarifying the connection among different portions of the thesis. Blending the information about the interactive implementations that enhance the knowledge creation and the communication goal of interactive products with the literature is the real challenge the study proposes. The description and the explanation of the design products mentioned in the study all have a precise essentiality in the context of edutainment as the thesis pinpoints. It is hoped that, through integrating the new approach of learning into public spaces design curricula in order to increase its application within the industries, this research may inspire the designers to keep comprehensive perspectives as they embark on a new project. In addition, this research intends to encourage a new thinking in edutainment design process and methodology, as well as in product development. The latter part of the study provides examples of global projects which hold a similar value in the context of edutainment presenting products in the projects and the companies involved in the creation process. The literature review in relation to the interactive products in the aquarium suggests that edutainment related technologies can provide a prominent and viable solution to the need for knowledge enhancing and entertaining informative systems. Through design, interaction, entertainment and knowledge related literature and methods, this study contributes to theory of exhibit design for visitor engagement and learning.Yüksek LisansM.Sc