38 research outputs found

    A Tangible Structure To Comprehend Circuits Cipher text-Policy Based Hybrid Encryption With Verifiable Delegation (VD-CPABE)

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    Since strategy for general circuits empowers to accomplish the most grounded type of access control, a development for acknowledging circuit ciphertext-approach attribute based half and half encryption with obvious assignment has been considered in our work. In such a framework, joined with irrefutable calculation and encode then-mac mechanism the information privacy, the fine-grained get to control and the rightness of the assigned figuring results are very much ensured in the meantime. In addition, our plan accomplishes security against picked plaintext attacks under the k-multilinear Decisional Diffie-Hellman presumption. In addition, a broad simulation campaign affirms the practicality and effectiveness of the proposed arrangement

    The security of PSEC-KEM versus ECIES-KEM

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    Contains fulltext : 33145.pdf (preprint version ) (Open Access

    KCRS: A Blockchain-Based Key Compromise Resilient Signature System

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    Digital signatures are widely used to assure authenticity and integrity of messages (including blockchain transactions). This assurance is based on assumption that the private signing key is kept secret, which may be exposed or compromised without being detected in the real world. Many schemes have been proposed to mitigate this problem, but most schemes are not compatible with widely used digital signature standards and do not help detect private key exposures. In this paper, we propose a Key Compromise Resilient Signature (KCRS) system, which leverages blockchain to detect key compromises and mitigate the consequences. Our solution keeps a log of valid certificates and digital signatures that have been issued on the blockchain, which can deter the abuse of compromised private keys. Since the blockchain is an open system, KCRS also provides a privacy protection mechanism to prevent the public from learning the relationship between signatures. We present a theoretical framework for the security of the system and a provably-secure construction. We also implement a prototype of KCRS and conduct experiments to demonstrate its practicability

    Ubic: Bridging the gap between digital cryptography and the physical world

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    Advances in computing technology increasingly blur the boundary between the digital domain and the physical world. Although the research community has developed a large number of cryptographic primitives and has demonstrated their usability in all-digital communication, many of them have not yet made their way into the real world due to usability aspects. We aim to make another step towards a tighter integration of digital cryptography into real world interactions. We describe Ubic, a framework that allows users to bridge the gap between digital cryptography and the physical world. Ubic relies on head-mounted displays, like Google Glass, resource-friendly computer vision techniques as well as mathematically sound cryptographic primitives to provide users with better security and privacy guarantees. The framework covers key cryptographic primitives, such as secure identification, document verification using a novel secure physical document format, as well as content hiding. To make a contribution of practical value, we focused on making Ubic as simple, easily deployable, and user friendly as possible.Comment: In ESORICS 2014, volume 8712 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp. 56-75, Wroclaw, Poland, September 7-11, 2014. Springer, Berlin, German

    Generic Construction of Hybrid Public Key Traitor Tracing with Full-Public-Traceability

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    Abstract. In Eurocrypt 2005, Chabanne, Phan and Pointcheval introduced an interesting property for traitor tracing schemes called public traceability, which makes tracing a black-box public operation. However, their proposed scheme only worked for two users and an open question proposed by authors was to provide this property for multi-user systems. In this paper, we give a comprehensive solution to this problem by giving a generic construction for a hybrid traitor tracing scheme that provides full-public-traceability. We follow the Tag KEM/DEM paradigm of hybrid encryption systems and extend it to multi-receiver scenario. We define Tag-BroadcastKEM/DEM and construct a secure Tag-BroadcastKEM from a CCA secure PKE and target-collision resistant hash function. We will then use this Tag-BroadcastKEM together with a semantically secure DEM to give a generic construction for Hybrid Public Key Broadcast Encryption. The scheme has a black box tracing algorithm that always correctly identifies a traitor. The hybrid structure makes the system very efficient, both in terms of computation and communication cost. Finally we show a method of reducing the communication cost by using codes with identifiable parent property.

    High-level Cryptographic Abstractions

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    The interfaces exposed by commonly used cryptographic libraries are clumsy, complicated, and assume an understanding of cryptographic algorithms. The challenge is to design high-level abstractions that require minimum knowledge and effort to use while also allowing maximum control when needed. This paper proposes such high-level abstractions consisting of simple cryptographic primitives and full declarative configuration. These abstractions can be implemented on top of any cryptographic library in any language. We have implemented these abstractions in Python, and used them to write a wide variety of well-known security protocols, including Signal, Kerberos, and TLS. We show that programs using our abstractions are much smaller and easier to write than using low-level libraries, where size of security protocols implemented is reduced by about a third on average. We show our implementation incurs a small overhead, less than 5 microseconds for shared key operations and less than 341 microseconds (< 1%) for public key operations. We also show our abstractions are safe against main types of cryptographic misuse reported in the literature