6 research outputs found

    Addressing hypertext design and conversion issues

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    Hypertext is a network of information units connected by relational links. A hypertext system is a configuration of hardware and software that presents a hypertext to users and allows them to manage and access the information that it contains. Hypertext is also a user interface concept that closely supports the ways that people use printed information. Hypertext concepts encourage modularity and the elimination of redundancy in data bases because information can be stored only once but viewed in any appropriate context. Hypertext is such a hot idea because it is an enabling technology in that workstations and personal computers finally provide enough local processing power for hypertext user interfaces

    An orthogonal taxonomy for hyperlink anchor generation in video streams using OvalTine

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    The New Logic of Hypertext: Electronic Documents, Literary Theory, and Air Force Publications

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    Hypertext systems offer electronic links that can instantly join related documents with the click of a mouse. Some observers predict that in the next few years hypertext will become the predominate technology of communication. Such a revolutionary transformation of our culture\u27s basic system for sharing information is bound to have a profound and wide-ranging impact. At this early stage in hypertext\u27s evolutionary development, no empirical study can be expected to capture the long-term implications of this new technology. An exploratory survey was distributed to 100 large corporations to gather their initial assessment of the revolutionary implications of hypertext. The results suggest that hypertext will lead to dramatic changes in users\u27 experience of text. At this point, the nature of these changes can only be explored philosophically. This thesis examines the potential consequences of moving from a printed text to a hypertext environment in light of the literary theory known as \u27deconstructionism\u27. This theoretical approach to the interpretation of text emphasizes the breakdown of the boundaries that seem to separate documents from one another. The illusion of isolated, self-contained, authoritative meaning gives way to an all-inclusive intertextual conversation. Hypertext provides the physical connections necessary to implement the interactive dialogue central to the deconstructionists\u27 vision. These issues directly concern the Air Force because it is developing a plan to disseminate its operating directives on-line in a system with hypertext features. This study concludes that the Air Force should implement this plan without delay

    Using Visual Metaphor as a Navigation Aid in Hypertext

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    Ser down: ambiente hipermídia para o esclarecimento da síndrome de down

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro TecnológicoO nascimento de uma criança com Síndrome de Down, é muitas vezes um acontecimento embaraçoso para aqueles que a atendem. As dificuldades vão da habilidade para firmar o diagnóstico até a tranqüilidade para informá-lo à família, preparando-a para aceitar a criança e ajudá-la em seu desenvolvimento. Este trabalho é direcionado ao paciente Down e sua família buscando melhor atendê-los em suas necessidades de saúde. Mas se dirige principalmente ao profissional de saúde pois conhece-se a escassez de informações disponíveis sobre esta Síndrome, embora exista uma grande quantidade de informações médicas sobre esta doença em nosso meio, elas são pouco conhecidas por pais, voluntários e outros profissionais de saúde. Assim o Sistema de Hipermídia para o Esclarecimento da Síndrome de Down, visa contribuir para que o usuário iniciante ou não na área da informática, possa utilizar o computador na aprendizagem sobre esta Síndrome, bem como sua descoberta e principais característica