7 research outputs found

    Textual cognetics and the role of iconic linkage in software user guides

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    This study investigates whether Iconic Linkage - the use of the identical wording to present the same information recurring in a text - can improve the usability of user guides. Drawing on research literature in technical communication, cognitive psychology and human-computer interfaces, Iconic Linkage is presented as a writing strategy that potentially allows users to work more quickly and effectively and which promotes better retention of information. The usefulness of Iconic Linkage was tested in a laboratory-based usability study that combined (1) objective task-based evaluation and (2) users’ subjective evaluations of a software program used in recording parliamentary debates. A post-test survey designed to test subjects’ retention of information contained in the user guides was also administered. The study shows that Iconic Linkage significantly improved usability of the user guide: in all tasks, subjects worked more effectively and made fewer mistakes; while in the three timed tasks, subjects completed the tasks much more quickly. Subjects also gave higher ratings for the software and their retention of information was noticeably improved. The study concludes by discussing the implications and potential future applications of this research

    ISAR: Ein Autorensystem fĂŒr Interaktive Tische

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    Developing augmented reality systems involves several challenges, that prevent end users and experts from non-technical domains, such as education, to experiment with this technology. In this research we introduce ISAR, an authoring system for augmented reality tabletops targeting users from non-technical domains. ISAR allows non-technical users to create their own interactive tabletop applications and experiment with the use of this technology in domains such as educations, industrial training, and medical rehabilitation.Die Entwicklung von Augmented-Reality-Systemen ist mit mehreren Herausforderungen verbunden, die Endbenutzer und Experten aus nicht-technischen Bereichen, wie z.B. dem Bildungswesen, daran hindern, mit dieser Technologie zu experimentieren. In dieser Forschung stellen wir ISAR vor, ein Autorensystem fĂŒr Augmented-Reality-Tabletops, das sich an Benutzer aus nicht-technischen Bereichen richtet. ISAR ermöglicht es nicht-technischen Anwendern, ihre eigenen interaktiven Tabletop-Anwendungen zu erstellen und mit dem Einsatz dieser Technologie in Bereichen wie Bildung, industrieller Ausbildung und medizinischer Rehabilitation zu experimentieren

    Kesan perisian realiti berperantara berasaskan pendekatan inkuiri dalam pembelajaran sains

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    This study aims to investigate the effects of Augmented Reality (AR) software integrated with POE Inquiry based approach and Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning design principles toward spatial visualization ability and achievement in science. This study also investigates student interaction with the AR system and their corresponding correlations to spatial visualization ability and achievement in science. A pre-experimental one group pretest-posttest research design was employed with 34 grade 5 elementary school students as respondents, which consists of students with high spatial visualization abilities (KVST) and low spatial visualization abilities (KVSR). The findings revealed that learning through the AR software was effective to enhance students’ spatial visualization ability and achievement in science. The results of the t test analysis of students’ pre- and posttest scores on both tests demonstrate significant improvements in their mental rotation test (t = 19.795, p < 0.05) and achievement in science (t = 24.801, p < 0.05). Moreover, the findings also suggest that there exists a significant difference between the KVST and KVSR groups in terms of spatial visualization ability (t = 6.592, p < 0.05) and achievement in science (t = 2.419, p < 0.05), before and after the treatment session. The results of the content analysis towards student interaction with the AR software demonstrates that turning the AR markers, inspecting the AR elements and commenting on the AR elements are recorded the highest number of interactions compared to others. Results from a Spearman correlation analysis show that there are nine interactions that have significant correlations with spatial visualization ability and achievement in science among the KVST and KVSR students, with the correlation direction of each relationship is positive. Finally, a framework for KVST and KVSR students in learning through the AR software was developed through data mining analysis using a decision tree technique. This framework recommends a series of guidelines that can further enhance students’ spatial visualization ability and achievement in science through the application of AR in learning

    Nascom System Development Plan: System Description, Capabilities and Plans

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    The NASA Communications (Nascom) System Development Plan (NSDP), reissued annually, describes the organization of Nascom, how it obtains communication services, its current systems, its relationship with other NASA centers and International Partner Agencies, some major spaceflight projects which generate significant operational communication support requirements, and major Nascom projects in various stages of development or implementation

    Cross-Supply Chain Collaboration Platform for Pallet Management

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    Standardized pallets are an important factor in today's logistics sector to enable efficient processes in transport, storage and handling. By using an open exchange pool for pallets, additional opportunities arise for horizontal and vertical collaboration of various actors from different supply chains. The dissertation "Cross-Supply Chain Collaboration Platform for Pallet Management" investigates the potential of a digital platform for such cross-actor collaboration in pallet management. The designed platform has special mechanisms for balancing pallet debts that arise in the network and for joint planning of empty pallet flows. Therefore, the impact of the designed platforms on logistic processes, especially transports, is explored using simulation modeling. Furthermore, blockchain technology is investigated, which could be used for the implementation of the platform concept and could generate trust in a network of unknown actors. In this context, an empirical online-experiment is used to analyze in a differentiated way which specific features of the blockchain technology generate trust in technology and how these features interact with each other

    The New Pulsar Generator (nuPG): compositional practice, digital sound synthesis model and their temporalities

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    The thesis examines compositional methods emerging from within design and creative engagement with the New Pulsar Generator (nuPG) program. Following a hybrid methodology joining sound composition and media archaeology, it provides a systematic look into the creative practice with historically inherited computational and artistic materials. To do so, it charts a trajectory of the compositional process, sound theoretical model, programming paradigm, and associated formalisms in the computer program’s operative realm. The thesis has three broad goals: to outline an integrative approach to compositional practice which incorporates engagement with digital materials, their design, genealogy, and creative application; to examine and contextualise a portfolio of new compositions; and to introduce a new computer program for sound synthesis, the New Pulsar Generator (nuPG). The project thus combines and interweaves a compositional practice, media archaeology and computer program design. The relations and overlaps across these areas are emphasised throughout the thesis text, and connections among them are foregrounded. The project’s overarching aim is to mobilise such exchanges and to establish them as an operative concern of contemporary computer music practice

    Design Considerations for Implementing an Interactive DigiLog Book

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