17 research outputs found

    Ubiquitous computing and knowledge management

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    MOBIlearn is a large European research project to develop a mobile learning system to facilitate formal, non formal and informal learning. The project has two primary objectives: • Develop a methodology for creating mobile learning scenarios and producing learning objects to implement them. • Develop the technology to deliver the learning objects to users via mobile computing devices. This paper will concentrate the MOBIlearn health care domain. One of this applications main objectives is managing and sharing of tacit knowledge. Using the system participants discuss case studies and alternative approaches to specific problems are evaluated and documented. This is then used and extended in future case studies. In a mobile learning environment, individual health workers can use the system to either advanced their skills, or in a ‘live’ incident, use it for reference and indeed call for backup.</p

    Myoelectric forearm prostheses: State of the art from a user-centered perspective

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    User acceptance of myoelectric forearm prostheses is currently low. Awkward control, lack of feedback, and difficult training are cited as primary reasons. Recently, researchers have focused on exploiting the new possibilities offered by advancements in prosthetic technology. Alternatively, researchers could focus on prosthesis acceptance by developing functional requirements based on activities users are likely to perform. In this article, we describe the process of determining such requirements and then the application of these requirements to evaluating the state of the art in myoelectric forearm prosthesis research. As part of a needs assessment, a workshop was organized involving clinicians (representing end users), academics, and engineers. The resulting needs included an increased number of functions, lower reaction and execution times, and intuitiveness of both control and feedback systems. Reviewing the state of the art of research in the main prosthetic subsystems (electromyographic [EMG] sensing, control, and feedback) showed that modern research prototypes only partly fulfill the requirements. We found that focus should be on validating EMG-sensing results with patients, improving simultaneous control of wrist movements and grasps, deriving optimal parameters for force and position feedback, and taking into account the psychophysical aspects of feedback, such as intensity perception and spatial acuity

    Meditation smartphone application effects on prehypertensive adults' blood pressure: Dose-response feasibility trial

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    OBJECTIVE: Essential hypertension (EH) is the most common chronic disease in the United States and a major cause of morbidity and mortality. Lifestyle interventions (e.g., diet, exercise, stress management) to reduce blood pressure (BP) are often complex with varying effectiveness. Breathing awareness meditation (BAM) is a stress management strategy with encouraging effects on BP, though widespread dissemination is hampered by the lack of an easy-to-use methodology to train and monitor BAM practices. A smartphone application (Tension Tamer [TT]) that implements BAM and tracks adherence has shown promise in addressing these gaps. This 6-month dose-response feasibility trial evaluated effects of the app on BP to further optimize BAM user guidelines. METHODS: Sixty-four adults with prehypertension were randomized to complete TT-guided BAM sessions for 5-, 10-, or 15-min intervals twice daily over 6 months. Continuous heart rate readings derived from the phone's video camera via reflective photoplethysmography were used as feedback and as an index of time-stamped adherence. Outcomes (resting BP, HR) were collected at baseline, 1-, 3-, and 6-months. RESULTS: Mixed modeling results showed a significant time effect for systolic BP (SBP) with a dose-response effect at Months 3 and 6. Adherence declined over time and was lowest in the 15-min dose condition, though SBP reductions were maintained. Generally, adherence was negatively associated with dose as the study progressed. CONCLUSIONS: Smartphone-implemented BAM appears to reduce SBP and can be a low-cost method to reach large populations. (PsycINFO Database Recor

    A framework for the co-design of business and IT systems

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    Paper presented at Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-41).This study deals with the intersection of knowledge and action: how knowledge is developed, transformed, interpreted and used to change systems of business process and IT so that stakeholders may make effective decisions and take effective action in their work. The co-design of business and IT systems is a process within which business systems of human activity and IT systems of information processing are mutually constituted. It requires the negotiation of competing technological frames across multiple knowledge domains. Three major challenges hinder effective innovation: (i) a mismatch between goal-driven IS design methods and the need for cross-functional knowledge-sharing, (ii) the distributed and partial knowledge possessed by stakeholders from diverse groups; (iii) the need to maintain interpretive flexibility across cycles of discovery and analysis. This paper develops an analytical framework for integrating knowledge frames across stakeholder groups, to provide a common language for the co-design of business and IT systems

    End-user System for Generating SoundExchange Reports

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    This paper describes the design, implementation, and testing of an information system built to generate streaming radio reports for ibiblio and the open-source Icecast streaming media server. This new system allows end-users to generate reports on demand, in either standard Icecast format or the SoundExchange 2013 reporting format. The system was designed to help aid community radio stations in complying with government reporting and regulations. In addition, a plan to increase system availability for ibiblio radio streaming is discussed.Master of Science in Information Scienc

    Automatic Forecast Evaluation Too

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    As previsões devem ser parte integrante das atividades de tomada de decisão nas organizações modernas. A sua utilização está, no entanto, condicionada pela existência nas empresas de informação fiável e acessível, know-how na área das previsões, software e recursos económicos para a sua implementação e manutenção. Existem soluções opensource geralmente mais baratas do que as soluções comerciais, mas que obrigam a recursos técnicos igualmente dispendiosos e raramente ao alcance das organizações. Este projeto pretende dar resposta a este problema criando uma solução, baseada em software opensource, que não obrigue a avultados investimentos e que permita a utilizadores, sem grandes conhecimentos técnicos, efetuarem previsões quantitativas para séries temporais univariadas. Resulta do projeto uma aplicação Web, desenvolvida em Shiny e suportada por um conjunto de pacotes software R, vocacionados especificamente para os processos de previsão. Para além das atividades normais do processo, o carregamento, a transformação e exploração de dados, o treino, a avaliação de modelos, assim como à geração de previsões acrescenta-se ainda a capacidade de identificação de outliers, a imputação de valores em falta, a utilização da validação cruzada na avaliação dos modelos e a geração de previsões pontuais e intervalares. Automatiza uma parte significativa das tarefas e apresenta os resultados de uma forma simples e intuitiva

    The Impact of User Involvement on Information System Projects

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    Information systems (IS) development has been studied from many perspectives. Information systems are being viewed as a service as the economy shifts from being industrial-based to service-based. This shift is motivating the business user to become more involved with the development of the system. The once clear roles of user-as-specifier and IT professional-as-developer are blurring. This research addresses three objectives. First, we survey the actual business users themselves for their perception of activities and satisfaction with the completed system. Second, we analyze the separation of business requirements into two constructs representing the functional and presentation dimensions of these requirements to advance our understanding of user involvement on information system projects. Third, we explore the combinations of user characteristics and their activities that can improve IS project performance. A new comprehensive model is proposed to represent the business user as an active participant in system development. A survey instrument is developed from a widespread literature review of IS project performance, user involvement and project management. The instrument was tested to ensure its ease of completion and its comprehensibility. The revised instrument was sent to 3,419 U.S. business users in multiple industries from which 205 valid surveys were received. Structural Equation Modeling was used to validate the measurements and analyze the hypotheses and the overall model. The results confirm some previous findings and document new discoveries regarding the users, their activities and the impact on user satisfactio

    The Impact of User Involvement on Information System Projects

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    Information systems (IS) development has been studied from many perspectives. Information systems are being viewed as a service as the economy shifts from being industrial-based to service-based. This shift is motivating the business user to become more involved with the development of the system. The once clear roles of user-as-specifier and IT professional-as-developer are blurring. This research addresses three objectives. First, we survey the actual business users themselves for their perception of activities and satisfaction with the completed system. Second, we analyze the separation of business requirements into two constructs representing the functional and presentation dimensions of these requirements to advance our understanding of user involvement on information system projects. Third, we explore the combinations of user characteristics and their activities that can improve IS project performance. A new comprehensive model is proposed to represent the business user as an active participant in system development. A survey instrument is developed from a widespread literature review of IS project performance, user involvement and project management. The instrument was tested to ensure its ease of completion and its comprehensibility. The revised instrument was sent to 3,419 U.S. business users in multiple industries from which 205 valid surveys were received. Structural Equation Modeling was used to validate the measurements and analyze the hypotheses and the overall model. The results confirm some previous findings and document new discoveries regarding the users, their activities and the impact on user satisfactio

    The Impact of User Involvement on Information System Projects

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    Information systems (IS) development has been studied from many perspectives. Information systems are being viewed as a service as the economy shifts from being industrial-based to service-based. This shift is motivating the business user to become more involved with the development of the system. The once clear roles of user-as-specifier and IT professional-as-developer are blurring. This research addresses three objectives. First, we survey the actual business users themselves for their perception of activities and satisfaction with the completed system. Second, we analyze the separation of business requirements into two constructs representing the functional and presentation dimensions of these requirements to advance our understanding of user involvement on information system projects. Third, we explore the combinations of user characteristics and their activities that can improve IS project performance. A new comprehensive model is proposed to represent the business user as an active participant in system development. A survey instrument is developed from a widespread literature review of IS project performance, user involvement and project management. The instrument was tested to ensure its ease of completion and its comprehensibility. The revised instrument was sent to 3,419 U.S. business users in multiple industries from which 205 valid surveys were received. Structural Equation Modeling was used to validate the measurements and analyze the hypotheses and the overall model. The results confirm some previous findings and document new discoveries regarding the users, their activities and the impact on user satisfactio