3,815 research outputs found

    Closed-loop separation control over a sharp edge ramp using Genetic Programming

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    We experimentally perform open and closed-loop control of a separating turbulent boundary layer downstream from a sharp edge ramp. The turbulent boundary layer just above the separation point has a Reynolds number Reθ3500Re_{\theta}\approx 3\,500 based on momentum thickness. The goal of the control is to mitigate separation and early re-attachment. The forcing employs a spanwise array of active vortex generators. The flow state is monitored with skin-friction sensors downstream of the actuators. The feedback control law is obtained using model-free genetic programming control (GPC) (Gautier et al. 2015). The resulting flow is assessed using the momentum coefficient, pressure distribution and skin friction over the ramp and stereo PIV. The PIV yields vector field statistics, e.g. shear layer growth, the backflow area and vortex region. GPC is benchmarked against the best periodic forcing. While open-loop control achieves separation reduction by locking-on the shedding mode, GPC gives rise to similar benefits by accelerating the shear layer growth. Moreover, GPC uses less actuation energy.Comment: 24 pages, 24 figures, submitted to Experiments in Fluid

    Simulations of propelling and energy harvesting articulated bodies via vortex particle-mesh methods

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    The emergence and understanding of new design paradigms that exploit flow induced mechanical instabilities for propulsion or energy harvesting demands robust and accurate flow structure interaction numerical models. In this context, we develop a novel two dimensional algorithm that combines a Vortex Particle-Mesh (VPM) method and a Multi-Body System (MBS) solver for the simulation of passive and actuated structures in fluids. The hydrodynamic forces and torques are recovered through an innovative approach which crucially complements and extends the projection and penalization approach of Coquerelle et al. and Gazzola et al. The resulting method avoids time consuming computation of the stresses at the wall to recover the force distribution on the surface of complex deforming shapes. This feature distinguishes the proposed approach from other VPM formulations. The methodology was verified against a number of benchmark results ranging from the sedimentation of a 2D cylinder to a passive three segmented structure in the wake of a cylinder. We then showcase the capabilities of this method through the study of an energy harvesting structure where the stocking process is modeled by the use of damping elements

    Enhancement of synthetic jets by means of an integrated valve-less pump Part II. Numerical and experimental studies

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    The paper studies the performance of the new fluid jet actuator based on the novel principle of the generation of fluid jet, which has been presented in [Z. Travnicek, A.I. Fedorchenko, A.-B. Wang, Enhancement of synthetic jets by means of an integrated valve-less fluid pump. Part I. Design of the actuator, Sens. Actuators A, 120 (2005) 232-240]. The fluid jet actuator consists of a synthetic jet actuator and a valve-less pump. The resulting periodical fluid jet is intrinsically non-zero-net-mass-flux, in contrast to the traditional synthetic jet. The numerical results have been compared with the laboratory experiments comprising phase-locked smoke visualization and time-mean velocity measurements. The results have confirmed the satisfactory performance of the actuator

    A gas flow indicator for portable life support systems

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    A three-part program was conducted to develop a gas flow indicator (GFI) to monitor ventilation flow in a portable life support system. The first program phase identified concepts which could potentially meet the GFI requirements. In the second phase, a working breadboard GFI, based on the concept of a pressure sensing diaphragm-aneroid assembly connected to a venturi, was constructed and tested. Extensive testing of the breadboard GFI indicated that the design would meet all NASA requirements including eliminating problems experienced with the ventilation flow sensor used in the Apollo program. In the third program phase, an optimized GFI was designed by utilizing test data obtained on the breadboard unit. A prototype unit was constructed using prototype materials and fabrication techniques, and performance tests indicated that the prototype GFI met or exceeded all requirements

    The flow structure behind vortex generators embedded in a decelerating turbulent boundary layer

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    The objective of the present work is to analyse the behaviour of a turbulent decelerating boundary layer under the effect of both passive and active jets vortex generators (VGs). The stereo PIV database of Godard and Stanislas [1, 2] obtained in an adverse pressure gradient boundary layer is used for this study. After presenting the effect on the mean velocity field and the turbulent kinetic energy, the line of analysis is extended with two points spatial correlations and vortex detection in instantaneous velocity fields. It is shown that the actuators concentrate the boundary layer turbulence in the region of upward motion of the flow, and segregate the near-wall streamwise vortices of the boundary layer based on their vorticity sign

    Flow Control Applications

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    Flow control has a long history with many successes across a plethora of applications. This report addresses the characteristics of the approaches that are actually used, why they are used, the many approaches that are not used, and why. Analysis indicates ways forward to increase applicability/usefulness, and efficiency of flow control research. Overall, greater and more effective progress in flow control requires utilization of far more detailed information early in the research process regarding application details and requirements

    Particle image velocimetry measurements of the interaction of synthetic jets with a zero-pressure gradient laminar boundary layer

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    Copyright @ 2010 American Institute of PhysicsAn experimental investigation of the interaction between a synthetic jet actuator and a zero-pressure gradient laminar boundary layer is reported. The aim of this study is to quantify the impact of synthetic jet vortical structures; namely, hairpin vortices, stretched vortex rings and tilted vortex rings on a boundary layer, and to assess their relative potential for flow separation control. Streamwise particle image velocimetry was employed in a water flume (free stream boundary layer thickness Reynolds number of 500 and boundary layer thickness-to-jet orifice diameter ratio of 4) to obtain phase- and time-averaged boundary layer profile information of the impact of synthetic jets near the wall. The potential for flow control was assessed by analyzing near wall fluid mixing, realized by the measure of increase in wall shear stress produced by a passing vortex. Hairpin vortices (produced at a jet-to-free stream velocity ratio, VR=0.32 and dimensionless stroke length, L=1.6) and stretched vortex rings (VR=0.27; L=2.7) exhibit characteristics akin to a streamwise vortex pair with a common upwash. Conversely, tilted vortex rings (VR=0.54; L=2.7) induce a streamwise vortex pair in the near wall region with a common downwash. Wall shear stress measurements show that synthetic jets composed of stretched vortex rings offer the best combination of near wall fluid mixing, persistency, and low rms fluctuations for potential applications of flow separation control.Financial support from the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC Grant No. AF566NEZ) was used for this work

    Cluster-based reduced-order modelling of a mixing layer

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    We propose a novel cluster-based reduced-order modelling (CROM) strategy of unsteady flows. CROM combines the cluster analysis pioneered in Gunzburger's group (Burkardt et al. 2006) and and transition matrix models introduced in fluid dynamics in Eckhardt's group (Schneider et al. 2007). CROM constitutes a potential alternative to POD models and generalises the Ulam-Galerkin method classically used in dynamical systems to determine a finite-rank approximation of the Perron-Frobenius operator. The proposed strategy processes a time-resolved sequence of flow snapshots in two steps. First, the snapshot data are clustered into a small number of representative states, called centroids, in the state space. These centroids partition the state space in complementary non-overlapping regions (centroidal Voronoi cells). Departing from the standard algorithm, the probabilities of the clusters are determined, and the states are sorted by analysis of the transition matrix. Secondly, the transitions between the states are dynamically modelled using a Markov process. Physical mechanisms are then distilled by a refined analysis of the Markov process, e.g. using finite-time Lyapunov exponent and entropic methods. This CROM framework is applied to the Lorenz attractor (as illustrative example), to velocity fields of the spatially evolving incompressible mixing layer and the three-dimensional turbulent wake of a bluff body. For these examples, CROM is shown to identify non-trivial quasi-attractors and transition processes in an unsupervised manner. CROM has numerous potential applications for the systematic identification of physical mechanisms of complex dynamics, for comparison of flow evolution models, for the identification of precursors to desirable and undesirable events, and for flow control applications exploiting nonlinear actuation dynamics.Comment: 48 pages, 30 figures. Revised version with additional material. Accepted for publication in Journal of Fluid Mechanic